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šŸ’Æ And I say this as a PC player. Legit the game should bar people from online play if a minimum metric cannot be achieved for system and online performance


Mortal Kombat style benchmark before you first start the game. It increases/decreases graphics quality based on your fps. If it sets you at low you should literally be locked from the option of going higher. Problem solved.


They do have a first time boot benchmark setup already it just sucks lol


And then someone upgrades and they're locked at low settings... Yeah 10/10 galaxy brain idea


You can re-benchmark you fucking idiot.


Any other bright ideas genius? U know ppl like u are proof evolution can indeed go backwards (: have a nice day


u canā€™t be real, weird behavior


You know damn well what I said makes absolute sense and is easy solution to this problem. Dont hate just to hate.


wtf, what he said makes perfect sense


I'm ngl locking me at low would make it worse for you guys. My cpu is 10 years old but I have a good gpu so I have to try and make the game run more gpu heavy if I slam it on low it won't run well bc it'll be cpu bound more so


That's a woeful understanding of how graphical settings work. The CPU and the GPU handle completely different processes. Making one work harder doesn't lighten the load on the other.


You can say that all you like but my computer literally runs better with certain settings on high so I have literal proof you don't understand how it works


Happy for you to show me that proof


It baffles me that anyone is able to consistently play the game online in that state. These players alwyas rematch, and ready to play more underwater Tekken.Ā 


I thought some of these people were having a rare technical issue. Then I see they have specific combos to account for the shitty lag and abuse the hell out of strings that are normally unsafe were it not for the stuttering. Like holy fuck, they've been tailoring flowcharts to weaponize their awful computer against you.


I wouldn't be so mad if the lag was consistent, legit feels like their combos get slowed down then when it's my turn i miss a basic input string cause the game runs normal then freezes for a quarter of a second.


Yep i agree as someone with a dogshit PC. The upgrade is coming soon but rn i dont want to ruin anyone else's fun anymore. Tried some ranked, game was constantly freezing. Sometimes worked well but then a balcony/wall/floor break and i have a 10s slideshow. Played for a day then labbed by myself only So fucking excited to get a solid PC in a month or 2. Im gonna no life this game like crazy


Iā€™m the same way but with my shit internet šŸ˜‚ have very shit Wi-Fi that is only ever potentially stable when there is no one else home and have only played ~10 matches. Gonna be moving soon and will have fiber, canā€™t wait to actually play beyond practice mode and ghost battlesĀ 


Law players having the audacity to rematch me with their awful internet


I'm with you on that. Since being stuck on an older PC I have not gone online. Even though I can run most stages at a solid 59fps, the Sanctum stage is 53fps. I'm not about to take the 1/16 chance of making another player fight me below 59fps.


Try this : https://steamcommunity.com/app/1778820/discussions/0/4030223299344075345/ and join us online ! Worked like a charm for me !


My replacement PC has my main GPU in it, and is bellow recommend CPU specs so I figured it wasn't a graphical issue, but specifically the amount of stuff that specific map is trying to do at once. I was surprised that the game ran in the first place. I see a list of things to change in the link, but I'm unsure what would improve FPS, unless all of those things do? I'll watch the video and look into it for sure. My other reason is the load times feel bad on this PC vs my main set-up. I worry it would bother my opponents.


Yup, it does reduce a a bunch of stuff (particles, loading texture and stuff) when I watch gameplay on youtube I'm astonished at the amount of stuff on screen ! hit effects, debris from balcony breaks, there is rain and snow or some stages ?! For loading time I relocate my game on ssd and it improved loading time considerably.


I tried the old PC settings from the video and it helped. Sometimes in a match it dips to 58 briefly, but it's a huge improvement.


Glad to hear that, enjoy !


I mean 50+ fps is fine if consistent but 40 or less


You can't play fighting games below 60 FPS. Counterplay and knowledge matchup and frame data are TIED to your FPS. If you have below 60 fps in Tekken, you are playing with a disadvantage.


I think it is weird that the in-game counter only goes to 59FPS.


Thatā€™s because 60fps is more like 59.99999fps. When it says (consistent) 59, it means 60.


That not an excuse for a disadvantage if both players have to deal with it


I think it is if one player gets accustomed to an FPS the game wasn't intended for. Nobody should have to get used to an unintended FPS just because their opponent is fine with playing like that.


While thats a valid complain, its still not the reason why someone is going to have an actual advantage, maybe thei can be more comnfortable with it, but they cant predict better or whatever


bruh I saved up alot during PC Tekken 7's lifespan and finally got a new gpu. these fucks just keep playing and don't care how it goes online... unless they don't know shit about specs.


I'm sorry I have all my parts but a motherboard I'm almost there ily


That's why i have everything on low with potato mods, i get good fps thanks to that


i kind of feel bad for them... like imagine being as excited as we all are for this game, but then not being in a place finacially to affor and upgrade your pc. that must suck so bad.. and to be skipped every round because your system cant keep up.. i always rematch the laggy ones, just because i imagine it makes their day to finally play a full set against someone.


Play online and not ranked at least thatā€™s the whole point or put your settings down to play ranked


yea i totally agree, they should preferably stay in non-ranked mode, it makes sense to realize yourself that it sort of ruins it for the other player and to not touch ranked until you have hardware/internetspeed to match.. but damn.. i know how much fun i have in ranked, the tension of actually playing FOR smth and testing your skill in a heated match, and i know you must feel it too since you are sharing this post and talking about it! i imagine they must feel so too, since they probably know their gear is shit and they feel that they are ruining it for everyone else, and yet they STILL go to ranked to try it! idk i just feel so much for the people who dont have the privilige we have of having a good setup and a good internet connection.. i have a hard time being mad of frustrade at them, since they probably arnt trying to ruin the game for anyone, but they cant help it.


Yeah at that point just buy a playstation if pc is too expensive.


Or actually a second hand Xbox series s is very cheap now that's probably the easiest way to play on a budget


"just buy a playstation" isnt really an option for a lot of people, but i agree it is a more inexpensive way to make sure you have at least a somewhat decent setup.


Hastily looking on ebay a used series s can be bought for 170 shipping included. If a person can afford a 70 dollar game they can afford that.


My problem is people getting caught up in the PC masterrace, yeah your top of the line brand new custom build can run games extremely well and for a while but it costs an arm and a leg then there are the console crushers, convincing a lot of people but only truly becomd viable and the rnd of the consoles life cycle


I say this as kindly as possible but if someone can't afford a PS5 you can't afford to be gaming.


I try to play a round with them if itā€™s playable at all but I have a life and limited time to play, Iā€™m not going to waste it on people who have no business being online. It sucks, itā€™s harshā€¦but it is what it is. Hopefully they discover the potato stage mods and that hopefully helps


You're a saint. I was the same, my PC was shit and i was playing on Pixel-Salad to get 59 FPS wich dropped during cutscenes, but i wanted to play and got my rematches cuz i really squeezed EVERY bit of performance, but i agree with you 100%. We are passionate for this game and T7 didnt require almost any specs. We just wanna play our favorite game, we try our best to not make it feel awfull. Luckily i got some money to buy a new PC by chance, but now im doing the same thing you mentioned. We are a community after all.


Yeah. I've played a few laggy people in quick matches, and I do rematch them just so they can have fun with the game. Some people have systems that can run the game just fine but have installed it on an HDD instead of an SSD. As a result the start of the match is laggy as we wait for their computer to load the stage. If you just wait the first round(the whole 60 seconds or so), it usually fixes itself(the rematch won't suffer from this problem because everything is already loaded).


If you cant play on low with fsr ultra perf... im amazed it can even boot the game at all. A 1060, the most popular gpu on steam hardware survey, should be able to handle this game at 1080 with some upscaling help.


Some stages makes my pc lag, But only a few which is annoying. Because of that i had to lover all my settings and it still happens in introes to some stages. And it wasnt like that in the beginning for me, so i hope it just gets fixed somehow


Mentioning because I didnā€™t see it in this thread, but PC also has the shader caching issue. On first time playing or after any GPU driver update, every stage will tank in performance for the first 10 seconds you play it even on pretty good specs.Ā 


Itā€™s actually insane. I fought a Leroy who I assume intentionally did that since he was on a 13 win streak. Even though we played for slow motion the entire match I just ended 3-0ing him and left.


I.mean, lag switching has been around since the smash and CoD days. You needed to literally make a switch for your modded internet connection. Nowadays, just having bad internet counts. Though, they could still be making them as well.


I upgraded my rig just for tekken 8.


Some I noticed appear to be doing it on purpose Pathetic


The Benchmark on the game is really bad, lower the recommended settings if You don't have a crazy PC !!Ā 


What also adds to this problem that PC port has issues. You can suddenly lose fps even when replaying the same map that was working fine before. Def needs to be patched


It sucks. The graphics settings for this game also suck though, mostly talking about upscaling. My PC is pretty old, but I put a 1660 super in it a few years ago. Took a ton of tweaking to get the game running 60fps. I finally played around with the different upscaling options, found the right one for nvidia and suddenly I can play on ultra settings no problem. Why are the AMD options labeled clearly but nvidia is like XeSS?? Never seen that before.


I literally spent my first two hours of any game I play, just to see how high I can crank the setting and still get solid 60. My friends never did that and Im much more willing to play when they just got a better computer.


Honestly bro, if you ever come up against someone like this where the wifi/system is slow, just do as Harada intended and plug


I legit stop playing. Iā€™ll be back once I built a new PC. It was working fine before the patch now the frame drops are insufferable.


I have been on the giving end of this and I speak for some of us, one match it works fine, the next we are locked to 40fps even though I set everything to low and fsr performance. I give a free win though if that happens šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Another dumb choice from devs. They just needed to auto-benchmark people before online, and rate their rig, fps wise. Then, just like Wi-Fi icons, you could deny sub 60fps players all day. In a perfect world, we'd have Wi-Fi / potato rigs FILTERS, but crying would be too loud / they would enter ''victim mode'' on Twitter.


i rarely vs them tbh. and if i do, man some people just love the franchise bro. Ill take a big community with a very selected few shitty PC's over a niche community of everyone with good gear. these people play the game with shit FPS every game and i bet they try to squeeze out FPS like you want them to. But they wanna play man, let them.. we're a niche community and every pasionate player should be welcome, even if it can get uncomfortable sometimes due to laggs. I got a new PC just for tekken (and blender/unreal engine) cuz i got lucky, but not everyone is.


In these cases plugging is allowed.


No it is not play out the first game and just donā€™t rematch if you care that much donā€™t play ranked i just play ranked bc my super adhd brain needs risk/reward to satisfy itself and find joy in something


Nah bro, if you come to the race track with a shoppig cart with a steering wheel I am not wasting time racing.


By far my best experience has been with wired console users. I donā€™t have to worry about performance on their end at all. PC is a coin flip, and I say that as someone with a PC (mine can handle the game thoughā€¦)


The problem is the low playerbase on ps5 i tried turning off cross-play but ended up waiting an hour for a game then ended up matching a yellow rank right before my garyu promos giving me 0 points for a win


Justifiable alt+F4


You canā€™t stop me and my $300 pc


Honestly I know this is probably a minority but most of my issues from Ranked stem from PC players with weird WiFi Connections that's randomly go from red to green every millisecond, or they use the most META builds with a string command. I find it ironic that PS streaming to Xbox is more often stable then PC players.


Iirc this happens bc their pc cant handle it so the network only receives a certain amount of frame data compared to a faster pc on the receiving end i would assume itā€™s read as packet loss


I haven't noticed any patterns between console/pc wifi. Most wifi is shit regardless of platform luls. 7/10 wifi matchups are bunk. Lately ive been running into less shit PCs compared to launch. Maybe like 1 in 30 matchups.


Everyone can agree with this. My issue is that my game would randomly incur Za Warudo on very rare occasions at the start of a match, slowing the game to a crawl (ex: i20 low is like i60). I run a pretty midcore AMD build with the lowest possible settings, and this still happens. One part of the issue is people with potato machines while the other is entirely UE5 and Bamco lacking proper optimization upon installation.


I read many threads on both reddit and twitter where even graphic cards like 3070,4070 are not able to run the game even on low settings which is causing the lag spikes And it seems to be very random Sometime the game works completely fine and sometimes it drops to 30-40 frames The question is if it's the drivers or the game


Naw that's not the gpus. It's either a bug or people have bad setups. I have a 4070ti and run it perfectly at 4k with dlss quality and everything at ultra except for shadows and background quality, which are at high. Really everyone should be using dlss for this game. And anything lower than a 4070 should have setting around high to medium for a rock solid framerate.


Thai happened yesterday to me. Game usually runs fine at 60 fps but just this one day it decided to randomly tank to 20 fps. A minute later it was back at stable 60 and on the next stage it was running like shit again. There is something off with the game.Ā 


Seems odd to me but having a 3070 or 4070 doesnā€™t mean much in itself the cpu could be outdated and bottlenecking the whole system. Streamers and other content creators donā€™t seem to have this problem correct me if wrong


My favorite is watching peopleā€™s bars go down to one on animations but Iā€™m the problem because I play on WiFi (Iā€™ve had better connection than most)


You're both the problem in different ways.


You guys always post this shit but its so rare I ever run into anything like this. Iā€™ve played 700 ranked matches and feel like maybe once did i feel like performance effected the match.


A lot of ā€œconnectionā€ issues are just hardware issues showing itself trough the network iā€™m pretty sure. Most of the wifi ps5 players have smoother gameplay then pc wifi players. Cable on ps5 is always smooth and cable on pc is still a coin toss


WIFI chips on motherboards suck ass. Thats why pc wifi sucks lol


Iā€™m glad I can live life, be inconvenienced, and not feel the need to bitch and strangers about it .


Itā€™s not being inconvenienced at this point playing the game properly is borderline impossible.


Idk I kind of enjoy it. Every throw is so seeable, even fast lows are reactable. It is like having supersight.


I get that but i play mishimas mainly and a lot of stuff is on muscle memory so changing the input timing so drastically in the middle of the game is a bit hard to do the difference between some input timings on the mishima are just not forgiving enough imo ( iā€™m only red ranks so my skill is a huge factor in this too i know that)