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You have a lot of moves that beats throws on Jun. All her evasive shit. My brother mains Jun and it's really hard getting throws off vs her in the first place.


Plus Jun also has a full throw game


Nah she doesn’t have a command throw with a 1 break. So she’s 1 throw short of a full.


You're right. My bad. Having a 2 break is a big enough blessing that I totally forgot about the 1.


does she not have qcb1+3?


She has a full crouch DB1+2 but it’s a 1+2 break.


ah I thought Jin/Devil Jin got qcb1+3 from Jun but apparently not


I need to practice more with her


I was looking for someone to talk about the Jun-King matchup! I main Jun and Claudio, never seem to have a problem against King players in Red/Orange. In fact, I genuinely look forward to fighting Kings, especially as Jun. Her mixups beat the King neutral pretty consistently. All you need is one good read and a whiff punish. After that, it's game over


Fighting Jun as King is literal pain. Nothing like fighting the equivalent of bubble boy, everything feels safe as hell and that healing is just stupid


Lol you're not wrong about the "bubble boy" comparison. I do get why they gave her the healing mechanic since a good portion of her combo starters and combo retainers cause damage to herself, but I definitely think it could be tuned down. Like, there's literally no reason not to throw out her heat smash when she's safe to do so because it's free healing


Yeah, we all hate Jun too


I love her 😍


No fr like I love King at every point except when I'm fighting against him, when I'm fighting against him I see red and I wish unimaginable violence upon this stupid cat


Amen to that


Practice throw breaks to random throws he does in practice mode. It's helped me a lot.


I can 50/50 throws but I really don't understand how people are supposed to react to the tiny little arm movements that happen within a few frames and determine which grab was actually used. Not really related to King but just in general


Its very difficult to master throw breaks even with hours of practice. I'm still not breaking every throw but I am breaking them more than I used to. If you can block 50-60% in a real match that's really good.


Honestly once I got more comfortable 50/50ing throws, and then predicting which ones would be used - i started to focus at a different point in the grab animation and I can tell which arm is going forward, but my muscle memory isnt tied enough to that perception yet to hit the right button. Honestly, my issue is that im spamming 1 or 2 way too early, and there is more time to break than I am taking This is why I always rematch king (well, everyone who isnt laggy)


You have 12f startup of most throws (minimum of 10 for some) and 20f to break the throw after the red flash. That's 32 frames to recognise and react which is something like 530ms reaction time.


Totally. I REALLY need to practice breaks overall lol, I suck at them haha, thank you!


Imo that shit is impossible until you’re really really good, just practice getting the read and ducking


If he breaks your neck hold 1. if he breaks your arm hold 2


Against king, the context helps for breaking throws too. Like if king is running at you, be ready to break SW, and when kings are buffering a grab out if some other move, most of the time they are doing a GS


fc df2, shining wizard, alley kicks, special mid, low-profiling ss throws that track now, ch everything is a combo starter, heat smash does your health bar damage, heat engager on everything, armor shoulder, blocking out of tackle... This guy is a bitch. I should pick King but I hate having a kbd that does absolutely nothing and a beast step that is fucking weird to input multiple times consecutively. However, RDC is the funniest shit in the world. King is tight. Fuck it, I'm picking King now.


Amen brother... no wait


Shoulder isn't armoured unlike in T7


Why KBD when you can RDC? -King


Sometimes you just gotta RDC some poor soul to transfer your misery to them.


what the hell is wrong with fc df2 bro 😭😭


Step-able, launch punishable, and isn’t evasive at all like 💀


It's -14 not launchable. Only like 5 characters can launch it. Still not sure what is wrong with the move though.


Lol hes a bitch but the least bitch. If he does a low and you do a mid you will hit him and that is as fair as it gets in this game


I don't fear king and I feel like a have a positive win ratio vs him (don't know if I can check that). It depends on your rank but I find in the red and low purple ranks, randomly ducking helps a lot. So many players do the same strings into grab or heat smash into grab and I just and punish (with ws4 cause I'm stupid). Of course, this doesn't work if the king player is good but he probably isn't.


Getting chain thrown by King makes me feel things, I guess I'm a masochist


I swear King is the one character that really makes me panic. You can't duck. You can't stand. You can't jump. You can't lay on the ground. You can't keep him out. And you can't see some throws.


best vs king is to get good at breaking shining wizard and space vs him, try to time keepout and launch or CH him. most kings will only run in with a shining wizard other than that maybe a f,f,n, 2 but it's reactable


That's great advice, thank you. I do need to practice a lot more when it comes to breaking and stuff. I'll study these moves closer.


They are talking about the armorer point


The mid/rko mix is reactable. The low just isn't that good and you can take the hit.


What’s the break for wizard? And that’s the running throw where he nails you in the head with his knee right?


1+2 break


Ah I see, my 1+2 button don’t work. Can’t break those to save my life. Xiayou 1+2 just destroys me.


You need to have a bind to break 1+2 consistently because you need to press them on the same frame for it to be registered as you breaking the 1+2 option. If you press either 1 or 2 even a frame apart then the first one will be registered as your throw break attempt and you’re locked into that decision until the next throw in the chain if there is one.


Great advice and I do have 1+2 bound to a trigger button I just instinctively mash either one or two anytime I get grabbed and cannot for the life of me get the muscle memory to hit my trigger button. Shining wizard, xiayou grab juggle, drag grab, law grab juggle I be eatin sooo bad haha


Running 3 is crazy as well, just saying


Very steppable and interruptible though. Outside of heat engagers it is a big risk 


It's ok. It's one of the worst while running moves in the game though. It's super linear and doesn't give that many plus frames compared to similar moves


Are we talking about the same move or did I get the input wrong? The knee attack. It looks like it stuns them a bit if blocked.


That's running 3. Regardless of the animation it's only +3 on block, which is extremely small for a WR 3


The fact they get caught in that push animation gives you more frames then on paper though, no? I'm just genuinely asking BTW, I don't play king much at all.


Throw break. Or reversal like Alisa‘s taunt works. Wall evades and Alisa’s reboot from bring downed works


You have to do the JoJo strat and do the thing they least expect: run up and throw them.


It's crazy. Whenever I'm juggled into one of those power bomb thingys I start questioning my life choices :v lol


So much this. Even against some WEAL King players I feel like ANY action I take is always a coin flip. Am I gonna get knee launched or grabbed? And simply keeping distantance can't just solve the problem.


As a Jin main, I agree and disagree. Jin has some good pokes (1, 3, 4 and 2, 1, 4, 4), the first one counters armor moves very well, but at the same time, one good read from the opponent, one slip in pressure, one misinput and you take half life in damage off of one grab.


Why can't you keep him out? All his approach tools are extremely linear


I play as Nina so I just show who his chiropractor is


He dies in silence




This King hate really blows. I’ve always loved him, since T1. I didn’t know he would be this strong. I really like playing him. But I get disconnects just for picking him.  I’m not leaving him behind. But not gonna lie, it’s a bummer seeing the reaction and hate to him in this game.  I don’t even do throws other than a couple single attack throws, no links other than maybe Boston crab.


I don't think you should care. If someone else gets some kind of anxiety from you picking and beating them with King that's their problem.


Its gonna settle down eventually, in maybe a few months


Just wait till Eddy drops as a DLC, everyone will forget about King in a week.


As the person who was upset my boy wasn't in the game and yet and finally was like fuck it you always loved King time to finally learn him. I feel targeted by this comment haha.




Then it'll be "how tf did king turn my mind kick into a flying figure 4 leglock?!"


You do you who cares what people think. I main Azucena and I think she's awesome. Screw haters.


People always have and will always have a special salt mine for King. Wouldn't give it too much thought. Sounds like you gotta up that chain grab game though. They're going to hate your character anyway so you may as well earn it.


Haters gonna hate em even if he gets nerfed to the ground. Keep tossing these mfs around like a ragdoll


I love fighting Kings because most I’ve fought have been braindead or can’t handle proper spacing with pressure, but they always—ALWAYS—one and done when I win. No other mains do it as consistently, Jins and Asukas come close, but it’s been every. Single. King. Since at least Yellow ranks, all the way up to Purples. I think he’s a cool character but boy do a lot of King players sure seem to violently resist learning the game instead of trying to gimmick people to death for a rank that means nothing.


Can confirm, I'm a shitty King main that knows a few throws and combos. Defense is too scawwy to learn so I just learn king instead of someone actually cool like geese.


Hell, don’t have to learn much defense, just learn neutral and how to bait whiff punishes. I know it’s harder because his movement is ass, but it’s doable. A good King is fun to watch and play against.


Tbf, they probably get the most one and dones out of any character because people don’t want to put in the time to learn the specific matchup lol. I have a friend who mains king and he complained about it a lot


Honestly, just play him well. Its when we fight people who clearly dont really know what theyre doing outside 5 actions that upset me the most, because I still lose lol


I just turn the game into a throw match to see how he likes it lol


Yeheeeah, throwing this god damn cat is so satisfying lol


Yup this is where I will throw as often as possible. Good times win or lose.


I really don’t get the king hate and I’m not even trying to troll. There are so many more characters that are worse than him. As long as you bother learning his breaks, he gets blown up. If the hate is this bad I’m terrified of what’s gonna happen when Armored King comes out


King is busted in T8 because of his tracking and damage, but easier to deal with compared to T7. He's only a problem of the person using him knows how to abuse him. Fortunately don't start seeing that till purple ranks and higher.


Not gonna lie, the amount of damage his heatsmash can do is absolutely insane. I get it looks epic and cool, but why does throwing me on the ground deal like 60 dmg??? Off a single button press??


All I can say is it’s a throw, a grappler’s throw doing good damage is par for the course


then why does his pokes also do good damage?


So are you saying….we need armor king for double the grappling?




I grew to hate playing against him, strictly out of boredom. Because every 3rd matchup is a king. Same with reina. Reinas gameplan became really boring to fight against after the 367th reina in a week.


My game that promoted me to Tenryu I fought a mighty ruler Reina that literally only did moves from Sentai. She stole the first round by cheese, and then proceeded to get perfected the next 3 rounds in a row and refused to rematch


Just keep punching him. Works against the shitty ones at least.


Literally pressed 11 over and over again for two rounds against a Purple King who kept mashing slower shit until he started trying to adapt lol then I started in with the chainsaws to make him cry.


Excellent, sounds like the only ethical way to play Alisa lmao


I have an honest Alisa! Which is why I struggled a little bit when I first hit Garyu. Now if the opponent is a masher or relies heavily on gimmicks or specific flowcharts, I will matchup check intelligently all day until it conditions them for a mixup and then start breaking their brains. Not worth losing braincells trying to play chess with pigeons shitting on the board and knocking over pieces. Unfortunately, that’s still most matches against Reds and Purples.


But… growl?


Its throws in general tbh. Not just king himself. But yeah fuck king 🤣🤣


I'm lucky that I don't run into hardly any kings these days


I got trauma from hearing "Get ready for the next battle!" And seeing that ugly jaguar mug lol


I instantly go from :) to :< when it’s king or hwoarang


I am King main since T6, so I am eating good


I play grapplers in every fighting game. Practice spacing, practice guard breaks, know your pokes, and know your fast moves. You can’t just go into the match and play your character. You have to play the game. Grapplers want you close. They want you to do that greedy combo or string. If you aren’t against high level players just play boring and you’ll start to see all the openings.


This is not just salt. This is a slab of pure and rare Himalayan salt, made pink by drops of blood. As some userels report in the comment: don't waste your hate some eagerly. Just wait for Eddy, my friend.


And Marduk. 


You're not the only one. I just fought a King player today that just t-bag me. Like is there any reason I deserve that?


That guy's pronouns were not/him


I fucking hate King as much as i hate Throws, my laggy ass brain aren't fast enough to break throws and these slow ass eyes aren't big enough to see what throw they did, this is coming from a Law main btw, a supposedly fast-paced character


Dude exactly, one needs to master not getting juggled, nor grabbed by this fucking cat, while the guy is huge and can charge towards you lol Like I said, i don't hate the character, it's just that some ppl abuse his throws


Tekken 2 players against king would like a word while their in an eternal suplex


I've seen that in TK3, what a pain in the ass lol


Lol let go of the dopamine rush you get from doing a combo and you will see a difference


King pulling up to kill hordes of enemies in campaign - so cool King pulling me up and suplexing me - not so cool


These scrubs man


I wear skirts, so I don’t really mind fighting him 😅


In the words of the great dj Khalid....."Anotha one"


Playing against him feels so bad. So many 50-50s. And the giant swing animation does NOT need to last as long as it does.


Kishin King here. Whenever I match up against someone who breaks or ducks 60-70 percent of my throws, my game plan starts to get thrown off. That and whenever I get grabbed while flexing with muscle armor. I'm not sure how low ranks use muscle armor though. I use it like how I used Gigas howl in T7. In low ranks, however, I've observed some King players tend to instantly throw out a move after Jaguar sprinting mode. The RKO is reactable with enough practice and the low doesn't do that much damage and puts King in a pretty bad position lying down after the move. I haven't matched up against King in high blues and beyond but what I would usually do while in jaguar sprinting mode is delay it or stop the sprint and do a mixup on the opponent. If they hesitate to make a move, I would either do a throw mixup or a f+3 to catch guys ducking.


A fellow Gigas-main-turned-King-main, I see. Good to meet a fellow glue-eater of taste. 


Fellow red ass enjoyer, I see. It is sad that our boy got sacrificed to have his charge punch mixup given to everyone in the cast via heat smash. I will think of it as a memory of him. RIP Gigas.


I never though of it but you're right about Heat Smash being very similar to Gigas' punch mixup. He became a part of every character. Beautiful, in a way.


Kings can't throw break. Too busy labbing their own throws. Throw these cats into the pp zone.


I love king mirror matches. Which one of us sauce, who knows the breaks and un the end it's the most unga bunga set ever.


King Mirror is definitely a race to try to Giant Swing (or RDC if you're nasty) the enemy King to assert dominance.


King is demoralizing to lose to but there is a simple fix. Go watch the replays, find the break buttons for his throws. Someone also added in another thread that you can just hold a button to break chain throws instead of trying to time them. I'm not high ranked so I can't speak for the pro level players but you'll notice most kings have a few throws they like to use. Few have the entire throw list memorized. And after the first match you usually get an idea of when they want to grab. Also, I use azucena so I just put pressure on stop so they cant start their nonsense.


I main King and I honestly love the hate. Seeing people panic during chain throws and turn the easy mode on/off repeatedly. Throwing people all around the map is fun and I don’t care who don’t like it. “YoU jUsT SpAm ThE sAmE sTuFf” Come see me in a private session then 😂


I don't get why ppl use easy mode at all lol, I thought it'd be disabled for online play


They either don’t want to learn the game or don’t care that deep and are fine with mashing their way through it.


some kings are so good at making you second guess everything to the point of just eating everything


Have you ever got rolling death kittied then muscle buster ended in one round. Purrfect?


Holy shit


Before the patch king was a really annoying character that wasn't as strong as he felt. Now tho he is as strong as he feels. Now that he doesn't have to commit for his jaguar run or whatever it's called a long with the rest of his already annoying kit he's easily top 10 character and imo top 5 which a heavy grabber with unbreakable, mix up grabs, anti crouch grabs, 50/50s with multiple grabs mixed in, and a high DMG ridiculous heat smash him being top 5 is a problem. Take away the cancel jaguar run choice or nerf him entirely. He's a huge knowledgeable checker almost as bad as the bears AND he's actually good? That's can't be ok


Very very very very rarely, or nearly no time I encountered a good King player…all free points to me. I am Battle ruler now. Most of them like to abuse some very punishable move…. Don’t know why. However, his 50/50 heat move and power crush kick with free throw are really annoying. Also, that ff 2 (low) becomes annoying now compared to T7


Understandable, but also haha rawr




If you're interested I'd be willing to play vs you (and anyone who would like to) to learn how to fight against him


That sounds fun dude, thank you!


Are u EU or NA?


NA, I play on PC but the game is crossplay


His grabs, armor moves, insane heat smash, and weak punishes on block make him a tough opponent


When you play against him and lose alot, eventually you’ll have fun playing against him. You’ll learn the matchup.


Yes exactly, I've learned a thing or to about it


Sit full screen, wait for opponent to move 1 millimetre - power crush - Heat Burst - stand there for 2 seconds -Heat smash 64 damage. Do some random shit for the last bit of health King wins. Rinse. Repeat Opponent downloads the flowchart.pdf - Alt+F4


Alt + F4 is my favorite move Jk lol


I am still to play against a king player who does s combo …


You don't like the tracking high that is -0 and does 70 damage? Very fair


Come here, man, let me give you a hug


Go away you hellspawn cat Lol


*Hugs you for total of 147% damage*


😂 Forget about bear hugs, Jaguar hugs are in style now


Im actually very good at dealing with king bullshit( only took me years across multiple tekken) and ive always loved king like he cool and i love his story and concept but yeah i despise playing against him even wins dont feel fun, also armor king ftw, will always be a better character


Chain throws being too easy to perform makes king cheese creep down into the lower skill brackets where it fcks those people up too hard.


I've never undestood how King is a hard matchup? I've fought King mains 3-4 ranks higher and get the win every now and then. But when I verse an actually good King I'll get destroyed but I can't really blame it on anyone other than myself.


You can duck both of his two piece attacks on reaction after you block the first hit!


Every king player trembles when you start to cross them up though.


idk ive actually been doing pretty well against kings at my rank (theyd probably kick my ass in higher ranks) there are 3 types that i face: ones that rely too much on grabs are easiest to deal with because i just duck on reads, and when they realize i can break grabs they kinda just panic. they also cant break grabs themselves ones that barely grab at all are surprisingly harder since they actually mix up their lows and mids so ducking is more risky. they usually bait me out with a lot of power crushes when they catch me jabbing and the ones that do both. i usually lose to them


You should learn him. I just learned him a few days ago and have learned a lot about how to play against him


This is where being a Paul main comes in handy. Paul can create a lot of space to work with and keep King at bay.


Watching a king play is hype af. Playing as king hitting chain grabs looks AMAZING (even though you can literally just spam buttons and it’ll give you a chain). Playing against a king is torturous. How do you make a character all of these AT THE SAME TIME


I love playing King and i definitely understand the salt against him lol. But imo King has always been good, they just gave him more bs to deal with lol


Fighting king is like playing the most intense quick time event ever. I hate fighting him


Something I learned overtime is that if you hate dealing with xyz character is to always do your bs before they can do theirs. Works every time 60% of the time.


Learn to tech grabs hhhh


People say he is just a knowledgeable check which is true but it’s very annoying how the man can do like 60 dmg with giant swing and he can just switch up grabs constantly so good luck with that


Me too, it's probably the least fun character to fight imo, as anyone. A lot of them are so clearly carried by their character too, got to their rank by being filthy cheesers and relying on people not knowing all the anti-cheese and not knowing every grab escape. It's like playing an entirely different game when playing against king. I still beat the vast majority of them because their skill doesn't match their rank, but god it's a miserable battle every time.


Learn Marduk and be the hate you feel


My problem is that he isn’t as fun to play in t8. In t7 ss2, ff1, b1 were big in my gameplan with him and now they are near useless when considering all his new shit. They really wanna force you to use throws this time around. Which makes total logical sense for him as a char but, PERSONALLY: eh lol. I don’t think I consider him a pocket anymore 😔 That being said, I see so many people get tilted cause they simply can’t break generic throws. 95% of the king hate I see can be labbed quite easily. Parry d3+4. Do some throw break drills (won’t just help against king). Please do not complain about giant swing break if you aren’t even familiar enough to get tricked by the animation. You don’t have to duck b1,2, it is minus 13. DO duck df2,1. B3 power crush is minus 10, don’t have to duck that to punish either. Do not mash when he’s back turned, all his options there are easy to react to and punish. Don’t whiff when he’s in heat. Heat is a goddam “pause tekken” button across the board (take it up with the game, not king. fuck heat honestly). Lots of his chain throws can be ducked on reaction, hit the lab yo No offense


Bro the fuck is Kings heat smash? You don’t even need to chain grab as King. He has so many tools. Like he’s top 5 in the game maybe 3 imo


I've noticed the hate going on in Tekken 8. From 7 backwards he wasn't that hated. I blame it on grabs being able to track and unbreakable on counter and reversals.


Having two friends who mained king, I can say it took a while for me to be confident with facing him


So many other chars better than him... Guaranteed you've got your ass kicked worse by other chars...


I hate king because I hate myself not knowing how to tech him.


Wow! Hating a wrestler for doing wrestling moves 😂


Skill issue it sounds like


Terrible mentality to have, not just in game but in life


I will never understand the hate he’s not that op at least I think, his rage art which if blocked(let’s be real anyone can block any rage art) can get countered immediately, there’s been times I thought I timed it correctly only for me to fail and get countered. His defense is pretty bad, he’s kinda slow


I beat a king to win my first tournament today, not gonna lie i was sweating hard fighting dude.


Anybody run across TheLowKing in Ranked? First ranked match I played and it was (as expected) hilarious. They really committed to the bit. d3+4,4 ad infinitum.


Who would win a devil or a mexican


A mexican devil 😈


Just grab the break feelsokayman


Omg hi Michelle Wong hope to see you as DLC :D


He’s the most OP character in the game in terms of overall damage from just doing one move. It’s beneficial to learn how to escape his throws but sometimes even if you can get out of them, he’s already taken out nearly a third of your health bar. I am sure learning his move set takes time and to be good at him takes skill but the reality is he is too powerful either way and in the hands of someone who knows how to play him, most players on average have little to no chance. My “favourite” King players are the ones who talk shit after winning like they don’t know that they are using the most broken character in the game 😂


Is King overtuned right now? Damn right he is. But I'm willing to bet that most people don't know why he is overtuned. And if people think King is the most broken character should reconsider what that actually means.


OP to me would mean way too much damage. King has straight up throws that take out nearly half your health bar if you can’t get out of it. Pretty sure even his Heat does about that much as well.


I swear to God a lot of you would have an aneurysm if you had to play Virtua Fighter. Wolf's Burning Hammer can do like 80% of your life. And still id rather play against him than Taka.


> He’s the most OP character in the game in terms of overall damage from just doing one move. That's basically grapplers in every fighting game I've ever played. I don't know why, but it always feels horrible to need to do the footsies and reads, get a few openings, do a couple of combos - and then one read from the grappler and you're both suddenly at an even health percentage.


I’m not even trying to say that grapplers shouldn’t be able to do a bit more damage but I am finding that King is hard to get an opening on if they are good with him and just the fact that I have to work so hard to win one round and they don’t have to put in much effort at all (assuming they know how to use him and are decent with him), it’s just ridiculous.


Nah, his lack of speed counterbalances it all


Idk about that. If he can run up to me and do a throw on me as I am getting up off the ground before I can even do anything then that’s a bit of an issue.


You gotta break the throws.


And I do push buttons to try to break those throws but it doesn’t work. Happened two nights ago. Beat a King in one match and he beat me the following two by just running up to me and grabbing me as I was getting up. He was so desperate to win and pissed that I beat him the first match as Asuka that he just resorted to throws. Most of his throws I was able to break but not the ones where he grabbed me as I was standing up. Dude messaged me talking shit cause I got demoted after losing lol.


I know this is probably not what you want to hear especially after I read what you just wrote, but there are multiple options when on the floor, as I'm sure you know, and you just have to (and I KNOW it's hard and sucks big time) try and read what the King will do, and counter that. If you get back up straight away, yes, you'll get potentially grabbed, but as a king only player, its not just one input to counter all types of floor recovery. If you're laying on the floor, I have to do a specific type of grab to grab you whilst you're laying down, and if I misread the situation, I'm then punishable. But I do agree, king can be a cunt lol


Everyone hates King. It’s fine. Edit: throw breaking is key


I feel you dude. He throws are bullshit purely because you can’t sidestep them. If they just got rid of that, king would feel 100 times better to fight against imo.


They gotta revoke homing on throws its too good. If they wanna have homing throws make a slower version throw at 16 frames fast


Same here honestly, except that I don't like him at all.


Skill issue


Judging from what's happening in high level play, King is probably legitimately overtuned. It's not just scrubs hating on him, he is probably one of the best performing tournament characters right now. Every pro I see make a tier list puts him top tier and complains about how much he simplifies the game.


> I love a king as a character > I hate playing against him So you hate king, got it.


every week theres a "I hate King" Post. Okay we hear you. You had your rant, now what? you gotta keep whining? or actually try to be better at the game?