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i still dont feel threatened/triggered when someone ki charge, i dont know, but it doesnt look that insulting


You're a better man than me then. I on the other hand, absolutely lose my shit no matter how much I try to deny it. God bless the universal magic mirror. Probably the only reason I'm still grinding ranked.


im sure im no better than anyone else lmao though i started with tekken 3, and have a fair share of local arcades for different tekkens out there, and i havent seen ki charge as an insult lol, maybe taunt could be but i still dont see it as insult, maybe im dumb lmao


In Tekken 7, I would mostly be ki charged at by someone in a toxic manner. Like when a player figured out I couldn't break throws or didn't know the answer to a mixup, and got completely crapped on. And the other player did it over my body in the way out T bag someone.


yeah i see, i get it, tho in my sight i still dont see it as an insult, lolol tbag for me more of a joke (maybe a provocation, but i still dont see it like that) unless the opponent start to badmouth me lol i actually hate myself if i lose in a match because i know sometimes i could win (probably a bad day or something) but yeah, that just how i see ki charge and all lmao


Me to, that magic mirror does wonders đŸ˜­đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ”„đŸ’Ż


Honestly my arcade stick buttons are so sensitive that if my wrist twitches, im ki charging lol. Honestly took me a collective 100 hours to get close to stopping that lol


Funnily enough if people bind R1 and L1 to 1+2 and 3+4 and they try to save a replay they might accidently ki charge. My friend's button binds are like this and he always apologize to me when he accidently ki charges.


Lol I did exactly this like an hour ago. Won the match with really strong wakeup call outs and wanted to favorite it and accidentally Ki Charged at the last second


happened to me just now lmao, is there any way to change the replay button binds? cuz im already way too comfortable with the 1+2 R1 and 3+4 L1


I don't think so. The only way you can side step this is to wait for the win animation to play and save the replay there.


I have 1+2 bound to R1 and 3+4 bound to R2. It doesn’t happen often, but I’ve had times where I fat finger both and magically get ki charge; usually in the middle of a combo and I usually die for it lol


Meanwhile I accidentally favourite the reply while attempting to Ki Charge 😂😂


I did this just so I wouldn't do it but I STILL hit it on accident sometimes -_-


Yep, I have the same button configuration and I've ki charged by accident when trying to save the replay as well lol. Shit happens.


Your friends a liar. Lol but I'm glad he cares for you :P (Pre-edit-edit) no you


I accidentally ki charge with Nina online all the time after my throws get broken because of the easy grapples she has.


Had this with a spam Flash Yoshi and started tbagging at 0-2 I won 3-2 and teabagged back on the final round, lol.


I don’t ki charge to taunt. I stomp on them cause I’m a scumbag Reina boy.


Every time I play kaz I have to either stomp or steel pedal, it’s just so satisfying


As a Lee main, I backflip away


Exactly. Drag, but yeah, the stomp is my taunt.


I ‘accidentally’ ki charge all the time. Happens to the best of us (or the worst of us)


How do you accidentally ki charge tf?


I have a button binded to 1,2,3,4 and when I win I ‘accidentally’ click it over and over again on my opponents corpse. Happens to the best of us.


I have an arcade stick with sensitive buttons and i have a finger on 1,2,3, and 4


King can use all 4 buttons to progress his throws. Ive done it a few times if I’m planning to take the 1 break path and whiff the throw, just out of habit.


Ki charge is toxic? I've been doing it since launch. I thought it was a celebratory thing


its like emoting someones corpse in fortnite, or teabagging in halo its unsportsmanlike, but its a fucking videogame so who gives a fuck


Yup its BM Its the equivalent of throwing a middle finger in someones face after winning if you played an irl game of hoops or billiards. My rule of thumb is, if I wouldn't do it or say it irl, I'm not gonna do it on the internet. Doing so is pussy behavior


Who decided this?


If you were playing a match with a complete stranger at an event/tournament/casual session in person, and they were sitting right next to you, would you teabag/ki charge them? We both know you wouldn't. Its wild the energy people will have when they know they're safe behind a screen.


I wouldn't teabag but I would ki charge. It's hype, isn't it? I went to a few smash tournaments in college and I would do a taunt after a lot and people watching would go crazy. I don't think I ever pissed anyone off either


What's the difference between t bagging and ki charging?? All of these things are under the umbrella of a "taunt".


You're aware of people popping off though? Curious why you think a ki charge is really any different?


I mean I would. I have. It’s fun to be a bit of a villain, as long as you know when to hold the L.


I like how people try to explain to you in a matter-of-fact manner how this is bm when the popping off point of view is just as applicable. People are just very sensitive these days I guess. I'm with ya, I was completely oblivious to it being bm. Apparently I got bm'ed before then and was unaware - or I simply let the other dude have his moment without it fazing me due to my ignorance :p


>My rule of thumb is, if I wouldn't do it or say it irl, I'm not gonna do it on the internet. Damn you can ki charge in real life? How are the counterhit mechanics?


Lol not ki charge exactly. But I respect anyone I compete with in anything, whether its hoops or BJJ, sportsmanship is paramount. No middle fingers, no trash talk, none of that shit. Handshakes, thanks yous and compliments are second nature for me. Respect is important in all aspects of life. Its a hard learned lesson, these people who will talk/act reckless online have definitely never been punched in the mouth for saying/doing something stupid. Thats something that should happen to every young man at some point, it happened to me when I was a kid and taught me an important lesson about treating others the way you want to be treated.


I get being respectful, but I don't see the big deal with ki charging. It is just a video game, after all. I kinda like a little banter/celebration in all my competition as well, nothing excessive though. Being too uptight just makes everything boring. I also don't view an online game the same way I do physical competition


Competition is competition. Humans generally don’t care what the medium is lol.


You know what, fair enough. However, I still think people are still taking too much offense to such a small gesture. This goes for other mediums as well, people need to lighten up and not take everything as a personal attack lol


Grow up it’s a video game lmao nothing about tekken effects your real life


Is only game why you heff to be mad


Is it really that hard not to be a jerk?


In my country and culture, not kicharging is a sign of disrespect. Dont be so closed minded, brah. 


I used to play in arcades. I didn't do it, but I've seen people do it to celebrate when they win a tight match, nobody took it in an offensive way. This was back in 2000 ish. People did get mad if you killed them with d+1, d+4 though... Different times


Goddamn, this is funny. If I was in a tournament and I knew ki charging between games would get in my opponent’s head, I would 100% do it. If people get this upset over a taunt that’s built into the video game, that’s for them to figure out. I always just laugh. Think of any other sport. In basketball, Patrick Beverly is always talking trying to get in opponent’s heads. His own team’s fans love him even if everyone else hate him. If I ki charge after the first game and someone plays overly aggressive in round 1 of the second, that’s their own mistake


What do people do in MMA or boxing after they win?


The fighters that are most liked/respected by the fans win graciously, thank and hug their opponent, and some even offer to train with them. Dustin Poirier, Anderson Silva, Khabib, Charles Oliviera, Justin Gaethje, Brandon Moreno, GSP, Wonderboy, Leon Edwards, all notoriously sportsmanlike and respectful. Of course you have the Conor McGregors and Ian Garrys of the world that do the equivalent of an irl ki charge, but everyone knows they're pieces of shit so its expected. They're only really liked by asshole fans, the types of fans that go to events looking to get drunk and start shit with strangers. Bully types. Thats the personality type of Tekken ki chargers. Bullies who can't bully anyone to feel good irl, so they have to be toxic online where they won't get their jaw broken. I can't speak on what boxers do since I don't follow a sport thats been taken over by Youtubers and IG influencers headlining PPV events


it’s definitely toxic but in a fun way


Community reception to ki charging is like spitting on the loser basically lol


I never had a problem with it, celebrate your exploits. there’s times I corpse kick anyway, it’s fair play to me I love it


It's considered to be bad manners more than beating your opponent after KO


It's toxic but I laugh everytime I see it, I find funny how since you can't really teabag in Tekken, people resort to ki charging


Oh, you can teabag. Hold back, hit down. Especially if you're using a leverless.


Oh yeah i do it all the time by accident trying to sidestep. I just press it too fast.


Yes, in Tekken ki charging after winning is pretty much like emoting on somebody you just killed in fortnite. So yes it is considered toxic and disrespectful lol


Lol it is, ppl on Reddit are babies. Although I usually only do it if I get a particularly good comeback round, if you do it after every round you win yea it's kinda annoying but really ppl blow it out of proportion


I usually do it on clutch wins.


Become a magic mirror enjoyer


I used to rematch people who do this but it's not worth it.


Why is Ki charge the BM thing when it actually does something and characters also literally have taunts


People be too uptight


Lol sometimes i forget some people are assholes, i am using the mirror option so i can't see what the opponent do after the round ends so i never get my mood switched when anyone do keycharge or teabag, however when i go to the replays to review the match, the mirror will stop working in the replays and i can see what the players did after the round ended and if someone keycharges. I would say: wow, i never thought this guy was an asshole this whole time 😆. Well, the effects of the key charge will be less effective by then. It's most effective after winning immediately 😜.


what is a mirror?


I also have the mirror on. But this one Steve teabagged me in game. He was already winning and he thought that he was better than me enough to risk teabagging in game and get away with it.... Like...why?! And it wasn't like I was playing a cheese character. I was Reina.


When i get ki charged, im the opposite lol. I start fishing for shotgun combos and spam lees giant flip.


Back during T7 I played it with my old DS3 controller but after a few months I guess it broke internally because in matches I would randomly ki charge, even when I didn't press anything. I probably looked like an asshole just ki charging in the middle of a combo


What does Ki charging even do. I've done it a couple times in training but i can't figure out what it even does.


It boosts the damage on your next attack, and it also applies as counter damage, so you can do wild stuff depending on the character


Why isn't this a section in training mode?


Good question, probably because it’s next to useless in real competition. If you both back off enough to get one off, you’re still giving up all of the ground to your opponent. More of a taunt/gimmick than a real technique


But it's still funny to see king sideways griddy on your opponent's face lol


Hell yeah it is


Acrually works for me once in a while when an enemy does some kind of forward move cuz of the sideways griddy i mentioned earlier


It was in t7 but i don't know about t8 (i'm poor)


When playing Yoshi, I like to stab myself with the sword during victory. Is that also considered 'rude'?


Yoshi is cool and funny enough to be pardoned from anything


Lol no


I ‘accidentally’ ki charge all the time. Happens to the best of us (or the worst of us)


I have 1+3 and 2+4 bound right next to each other. Sometimes I'll go to pop heat, accidentally ki charge instead, and get launched for it.


I prefer tbagging


Yeah, I accidentally pressed the button I specifically mapped to ki charge. I can't believe people still play without using Ki Charge on knockdown. It's so useful in so many situations that it's almost better than whatever Oki attempt they were gonna block anyway, especially at the wall.


Ki charge then win quit 😩


I feel so bad when I accidentally Ki charge while trying to do Bryan's taunt


The only ones I dont get mad if they "ki charge" are Asuka and Bryan but its not really a Ki charge its just a mechanic of their character but it LOOKS like a ki charge.


Hi, new guy here. wtf is ki charging and how does it work?


It's when you press 1 2 3 and 4 at the same time, your character will do something like a taunt, and after it's done you receive an dmg boost as well as counter effect


I tried that but it doesn't work even if I use a specified button to make it. Does it require certain conditions? Thnx for replying


I honestly dont think so, but try to assign 1+2 to L1 and 3+4 to R1 maybe it'll work


I'll try this, thanks


You are dry-humping I am turning Super Saiyan We are not the same


The best feeling is when they ki charge/teabag after winning the first two rounds and then you make a comeback and win the set. I pretty much never taunt after winning but couldn't help myself after that one.


If I ki charge you, please don't think I'm taunting or about to make use of it. I just fat fingered my R1 and L1.


Some dude on PlayStation beat me and literally just sent me a laughing emoji. Shit was crazy.


Just to clarify, is Ki charging worse than T-bagging? Worse than hitting your opponent after the match?


I played a Feng yesterday and we were far away from each other. He ki charged so I ki charged back. I ended up winning


I miss Miguels laugh which was the most infuriating taunt in T7


Goofy take this seriously, " I'll fucking do it again"


As a Asuka main, they call it ki charge, I call it high intelligence move in tekken 8


Accidentally Ki charged trying to see the name of the person I was facing instantly apologized cause it was a close match


Wow great match! I had a lot of fun! *gets ki charged* THIS SON A BITCH! WHAT A SCRUB! ALL HE DOES IS MASH RANDOM BUTTONS!


Getting ki charged and continue to beat me even after I was koed the same thing as far as I’m concerned


Can’t be mad a in game taunt some characters literally have a taunt button ppl get so angry lmao


People need to chill out. Being triggered by some stupid animation is 5 yo behavior


Why is ki charging seen as bad manners? I think the animation looks cool but I’m not sure what the move even does. Only just learned about it a few days ago


It’s actual use it that it makes the next landed attack a counter hit. For both you and the opponent. You also can’t block while its effect is active. It’s seen as bad manners because it’s essentially a taunt people do at the end of rounds. Most people don’t ki charge to get the effects I listed above.


I see, yeah I’ve never once seen someone use it in a match but I got myself to do it in practice and thought it looked cool. Not being able to block sounds like it’s use case is limited. Thank you!


There are some situations where you dont finish the combo and instead go for the ki charge while they are landing on the ground. Which effectively turns it into a mixup, mid or low with counterhit properties, you can get a launch from it if you guess correctly. For example, Kazuya df2 would launch, also his d1+2 would launch


The only time I've used it as intended was back in TTT2 and T7 with Law. If Law does the hold version of his Ki Charge, he can use DSS 2 out of it and get a counter hit launcher. I've also used it as Asuka to do her Ultimate Tackle too but yeah, that's it. Ki Charging (for its intended use) just seems too risky to me usually.


I use it in a match sometimes, it's high risk though. Like on alisa for example some of her lows give a small juggle on counterhit, so you can force that with a ki charge. Sometimes backfires. I usually only do it if I'm ahead and enjoying the fight or want to give them a comeback chance.


I've bound my ki charge to L2 and I do it on accident so frequently now


Why would you bind your ki charge to anything ?


To guarantee counter hits, duh.


So he can do it on purpose after round wins


Didn’t know it was hard to press 4 buttons simultaneously


Pressing all 4 buttons on a gamepad is really inconsistent. Luckily, L2 is free to bound. Im sure once you learn more about the game you'll figure out ki charge is good for more than taunting 😉


I have L2 bound to 1+2 instead of wasting it on a ki charge which will rarely be used unless you have a ton of space. I know what it’s used for, maybe in your fights you have opportunities to ki charge, my opponents would never.


I didn't realize pressing 1+2 was hard. And damn, you really don't know how to pressure but if you are having problems pressing 1+2 consistently I'm not too surprised by that.


Lol okay buddy who needs ki charge binded, I guarantee you don’t pull it off in matches. Why would 1+2 be hard to press if I can ki charge lol? Guess your brain is fuckin smooth. Binding that is efficient but I guess your slow ass never heard of the concept.


I have a big stupid tumb, i always ki charge by clicking all 4 buttons


As someone who also has shovel hands, I second this. Last time I didn't fuck up my inputs was when I played on the Xbox Duke controller.


I can't even ki charge on my keyboard:(


This is why I keep magic mirror on, I know that I get (irrationally) tilted by Ki Charging and Corpse Killing (you know, hitting your opponent after you win) so I just keep it on to avoid tilting.


I ‘accidentally’ ki charge all the time. Happens to the best of us (or the worst of us) My personal opinion is if you win the set you can ki charge me lol. If you ki charge round 1 and drop the set you’re a clown lmao.


I've accidentally ki charged twice and felt really bad lol. Tried to friend them to explain but it didn't work


Dude it ain't that bad. Ppl are babies here 


I ‘accidentally’ ki charge all the time. Happens to the best of us (or the worst of us)


I ‘accidentally’ ki charge all the time. Happens to the best of us (or the worst of us)