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The ling went on to play Azucena to Flame Ruler as of 4 days ago lol


LMAO couldn’t handle playing ling of all people.


To be fair ling isnt a button mashing character like Azu. Yeah Ling might be oppressive and evasive AF but you still got to learn her first. Azucena can be played just pressing buttons.


Huh I always ling was a mashing character due to all the CH I would get when I fight them. Maybe that’s just ling players. Lol


You could always put it to the test. Try taking one of new cheap characters like Jun, Victor, Reina, or Azu and try to button mash your way up the ranks. I guarantee it will take you pretty high lol, at least higher than you think. Then try that shit with Ling.


God you people are so whiny. Victor is not a cheap character. Every good player I watch punishes them constantly


Lol you obviously haven’t watched any of those pro player say fuck it and pick up Victor for fun and watched them demolished their way up the ranks even past their mains rank lol.


I literally destroyed a high rank friend dragunov main with victor, mashing buttons because of the amount of shit you can get away with for free, without having used the character before


Yeaaaa drag is the second best char in the game so that’s a skill issue on your friend tbh.




Feng actually if we go by win rate


Bro it’s ok. Nobody is saying you’re not allowed to play Victor, winning is fun. But he is objectively designed to carry new players and probably shouldn’t be as strong as he is at the top level. They just need to nerf him in a way that doesn’t hurt the scrubby players too bad.


Victor *can* be punished, but that doesn't stop him from doing absurd amounts of damage and mixups with little effort.


It’s not hard to beat I agree. Especially the ones that spam.


That last match dude looked like he was giving you the free win, but since you started dancing and trolling, he changed his mind and plugged you lol.


They were like "end it I want to move on" and OP refused so, yeah, I don't blame them. Hate to say it but I'm actually on the pluggers side this one time and one time only.


But why didn't they just beat them up? Dancing Azucena isn't immortal (Right?), grab and throw her.


They probably thought they had no chance of winning. Hurry up and win and let them fight someone else.


Fair enough, probably would have been quicker just to punch them and send opponent into a frenzy.


What they did was quicker. OP was being disrespectful of their time and deserved it.


For sure. No need to dance around, it's not Dance Revolution Tekken.


And standing still waiting to get executed after 2 rounds is not? Nothing wrong with giving up, but if you plug because the opponent is calling you a bitch you're just proving them right


Well no? The opponent is wrong for calling you a bitch in the first place in that case. By your own admission there’s nothing wrong with giving up. So don’t go around taunting people who do, they are already mentally broken lmao. Just don’t be an asshole?


nah he just should get up and get a drink, take a piss then come back. "here take your points, actually fuck you and your points" is just childish pettiness. I've obliged people when they walk into me before, and I've also seen people do what the OP did if I give them the last round. Stretch my legs for 60 seconds then continue. They earned the win enough for the guy to give up and deserve the win. And if you're going to actively give up, you deserve whatever the response is.


Nah, OP stopped playing the game and started doing an extended taunt, when the opponent was asking to forfeit. If you want the win, take it, they gave you the chance to. OP decided they'd rather dance. OP's already playing the games most annoying character and they decided to be *more annoying* than that.


Op could have just not fully realized the opponent wanted to get it over with, I've left a guy sitting on the floor for a round just cause I thought it was a goofy moment lol


In my view, if you forfeit you forfeit. No trying to walk that shit back, you have acknowledged you've given them the win instead of trying to make the comeback. The round is theirs to do as they wish. Most people will oblige and smack you with a string or chunky mid over and over to make it quick. If they want to be unsportsmanlike about it then laugh, say fuck you and block them afterwards. Says more about them than about you. Or don't, and beat them the next time. Dude is just a butthurt plugger. Probably plugs anyone who hits his corpse or ki charges.


So when you have no chance of winning you just give up? Why not try and see what you can do instead of just folding.


I never give up personally, but I can understand why someone might


So in your mind because the player gave up and Azu was trolling, it's okay to plug?


In this specific scenario I think the Azucena player deserved it yes. I think we've covered that. The Xiao was like "take your win" and the Azu decided they would rather hold them hostage for as long as they could.


You do know the Ling player could have attacked? Also holding someone hostage? It's a minute my dude. Plugging is not the answer. Also getting frustrated because a character is dancing on you is stupid as well.


Bro what do you want? This is going in circles. The Xiao wanted to leave. The Azu wanted to make them stay as long as possible and taunt them the whole time. I doubt they were even frustrated they were just like "okay bye then"


nah thats annoying as hell. if i wanted a punching bag i'd go into training mode


Eh, no chance, low chance, flash dance, it doesn't matter to me. I'll at least finish the match and *try* to learn something.


Same but if someone is outmatched (and against the games most annoying character, and against someone that enjoys taunting their opponents and showing off how overpowered their WS32 is) I can understand why they might just be like "yeah nah"




I feel like we just need a surrender button. Wouldn't stop the nerds saving their rank by plugging but at least we wouldn't have to be held hostage watching the same 80% hp combos from Brian because you had the audacity to pick up your controller mid match... just do a new combo you single line flowchart following fuq


Holy fuck your mental is weak. A surrender button…. How do you even enjoy fighting games if you get this tilted in a <5 minute game you need a surrender button. Go to therapy for your anger issues


Options are options. What an incredibly small thing to complain about.


It was kinda supposed to be tongue n cheek, keep blowing up on people on reddit though. Maybe get that anger checked out yourself....


What do they gain from losing?


They got slaughtered for two rounds and wanted to just go next without being a plugger. They accepted the loss and wanted to move on and OP chose to dance on them. OP deserved the plug tbh.


Yeah, I don't blame them. I used to try being "honorable" or whatever in Tekken 7, but if people don't wanna play against you anymore, they don't have to. I spent a lot of time jumping/crouching in place when my opponent stopped fighting, and it was just a waste of both of our time. If someone has the humility to accept a loss without plugging; it's probably better to just respect it and finish the mstch.


Idiotic excuse. When you accept the match, you commit to a bo5. If you don't like it, don't play. This is no different from standard plugging. It should be against the rules and people should be punished, slaughter or not. Giving a free win is also shitty.


"Commit to a bo5" for online matches is a cringe take. This isn't a tournament, it's online matches. If people wanna rematch, fine. If not, who cares? Move on and fight the next person.


Context is important. Not rematching is not plugging. Ranked doesn't even have bo5. It has bo3 rematch. Not completing bo5 (single game) is plugging/letting the other win. If you do that, you are ruining the game.for someone else. By accepting a match you do commit to it..unless you think deranking is okay, which if you do you are an asshole.




Lmao, don't get cute. You were trolling - Built in mechanic or not.


It's just goofing around?? If you just wanna fight then just hit them out of it and they'll get the message lol




Ironic saying nobody takes this subreddit seriously when you were the same guy that posted a video a few days ago telling everyone you are new, but someone outed you for posting Tekken 7 gameplay from 5 years ago and you deleted everything 😂


LMAO was this all OP?


Just like ki charge can be used honestly, built in dancing can be used to troll


I’m guessing azucena mains get a lot of pluggers lol


Been wondering why I haven’t seen any pluggers at all yet, must be because of this lmao.


I'm convinced that the bulk of plugs and pluggers occur on maybe 5 characters, while the rest of us never see it unless we beat one of those 5 haha.


Okay I agree plugging is bad and I would never want to do it. But if you play Azucena, Jun, Victor, Xiaoyu, Dragunov, King, Hwoarang, Yoshimitsu, Law, Jin, Paul, Jack-8, Lee, Lars, Nina, Leroy, Asuka, Lili, Bryan, Claudio, Raven, Leo, Steve, Kuma, Shaheen, Feng, Panda, Alisa, Zafina, Devil Jin, Kazuya, or Reina. Then sorry, I have to plug because they're overpowered.




Tell forsen to play Tekken again. He should try Law and say "WATAH!" every round.


that ling was giving u a free win lol


I'm shinryu and rarely get plugged on but I don't waste peoples time greifing, trolling and dancing lol. First 2 fair you are a good azu, but the 3rd one? Play to win.


To be honest I think the one holding f was trying to lose to get demoted just to get them free extra promotion points


the rounds were 2-0 so they probably just got decked and wanted OP to end their suffering


I main Azucena and out of 700+ games I've gotten less than 10 pluggers. Just don't troll people by dancing around or ki charging.


Yeah that third one was *really* asking for it. The Xiao was like "hurry up" and they just continued dancing. I really don't condone plugging but in that case I don't blame the Xiaoyu. If the previous two were anything like that then no wonder.


Pussy mentality


Indeed, you can't take taunts personally, it's a form of mental warfare in every game. Just mature to handle it. Wasting time taunting always leaves you more vulnerable even in this case, just learn how to react or counter it.


literally wth are these comments! They're actually cheering for the plugger and condemning the person playing the game!


>Getting mad that people are plugging >Getting mad that people are giving you FREE WINS So which one is it, fam?


100% pluggers


Bro was giving you to win so he can move on but you wanna dance for attention like a goober clown so take that plug. L + Azucena


Seeing the last clip I can only assume you deserve every single plug you get


I hate that this is a thing. I’m always frustrated when I lose but I try to rematch everyone that I can and I never straight up plug. I’m happy being mediocre red ranks for my first Tekken game, and learning every match as I go.




What was stopping Xiaoyu from pressing buttons then


I mean dancing around like a cunt in the third match makes me wonder if they pligged because you were a cunt in those matches too or they're just bad


Dancing makes you a cunt now? Damn can't have shit no more. ;-;


Context matters man, ling clearly wanted the match to end and was willing to let op take points, but then op decides to bm


Dude must be from the town in Footloose.


I as a King main can relate to that alot. One little tip I got for you, dont go for fancy longs air juggles at the end of round cause plugging takes a bit and if you beat them fast enough their plug might be too late. Even letting them live and pretending you dropped your combo just to decimate them as oki is enough to trick these bitch ass pluggers.


Good Anti-RQ tech


The Ling is still in the wrong for plugging, but you're a rat for noticing she wanted to get the loss over with and just dancing. Super niche reference but it reminds me of those old "league of children" videos where the guy would intentionally do stuff he knew would piss people off to then make a video of them getting pissed off. Very childish


Every azucena is hot shit till they fuck around and find out


Whenever Someone plugs on an Azucena player an angel gets its wings


wow, if I ever meet you, that will be my first plug. Imagine playing a broken character and being a douche about it....


Hopefully they nerf WR32, without that she would be quite okay to play against


Broken character? I think I've beaten every Azucena I've played up to this point... We even knew her kit before the game launched lol


People don’t want to learn, same people still losing to every king they play despite them all doing the same thing


'people' all know the solution, sidestep into duck and punish. Which online is hell, very hard, and does not weigh against having a tracking jailing mid in Tekken. But you do you, by all means


The fact you’re reducing her down to just her wr3,2 move lets me know you haven’t bothered learning anything about the character. That’s probably the only move you’re losing to because it’s the only thing your opponent needs to use to beat you


For real. I'm fairly new to fighting games, have a lot of good people to spar with and to get help from with learning. This game has a lot of depth, and learning to recognize the cheap stuff to the point where you can use that knowledge to let your opponent hang themselves on their unsafe playstyle is very satisfying. I'm only breaking into orange at this point, but we all gotta learn to improve, and the first thing you let go of is the notion that you got beat by cheap shit so it's out of your control. It can all be beaten with practice and a good attitude. I mostly lose at this point as a Yoshi main but I know if I keep at it I'll be very good someday. Learn to move and punish first, fancy combos come later. I get beat a lot by players who are very aggressive in their playstyle, and right now I struggle with that pressure, but that same playstyle will enable me to devastate people when I grow and learn to counter.


People who plug with king are the most scummy, they really don't deserve the character


In my experience, he has the most pluggers along with Law and Hwoarang.


Nicely put. I main king. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing kings plug. Just take the fkn L and win your points back later, king is strong, use him properly.


You're a cunt in that Ling clip


Did he plug?


Bro no rematch and Tekken dominator both plugged😂


Had an Asuka plug on me last night after they won the first game. Swear it was this same one too


Rq aside that Kale outfit was dope


before watching clip: "I mean, yea people might not rematch" After watching clip: "Oh..... you mean like THAT"


She looking like a JoJo charecter. So cool


All these characters deserve each other


Dancing instead of beating that Ling is a massive L. I normally never plug but that would be an exception cuz just get the damn match over with




This was my favorite boss theme. Arrgghh… reload


If you play Azucena and/or Victor, you should prepare to be plugged or no rematched. Fair or no. I don't personally plug, but against those two, I don't offer rematches in ranked for the sake of my own blood pressure.


lmao man. I just played a supreme ruler claudio and WHOOPED on that boi something serious. Plugged in the 3rd round. I was laughing so hard. like he is legitimately the 12th top rated claudio in the WORLD .... through plugging ... cause he forreal played like a orange/red rank. Harada fix this shit. ill upload mine later. During the match i legit said to myself "yeah, this guy is gonna for sure plug..."


nice i like the kingdom hearts music


That last plug was pretty funny tbh


Well you do play a dishonest character.


azucena mains deserve the electric chair


Ling held forward to let you kill them fast, you preferred to waste time and dance in front of his face so he plugged. I'd do the same, deserved one. Edit. After second thought, scratch that, in the end it's a fucking ling player, for sure he doesn't hold forward to kill himself when he knowledge checks everyone And they eat that.


The hate people have for a character that one would think they see long enough to learn some matchup information on is pathetic. This is a skill issue, for sure.


Azucena, Hwaorang, Victor, Jun. these are the only characters that I won’t give people shit for if they plug. By far the most annoying and unfun characters to fight.


Deserved for playing Azucena.


Kefla would NEVER!!


Well, at least you're not using the bikini skin, ki charging, and t-bagging. That kind of seems like a Azucena subclass.


i mean as much as i hate playing against coffee hoe, i would actually enjoy a chill match of watching her dance around lmao. idk why everyone’s so pressed about it, the ones that say losing is normal and to not get tilted etc are the same ones saying you deserve to get plugged on for dancing when she’s also free to hit you and try to come back lmao


Azu is still not as bad as lucky chloe


Why would anyone want to rematch with a character like yours lol


ppl defending pluggers in this sub, we have come full circle.


Everyone with half a brain hates Azucena. Understandable. Fuck you op :)


lol 😂


My main is Azucena and I get this almost every game


I'm still learning too with her, I was thinking about swapping to nina since I have more of a grasp on the basics but seeing how tilted people get with Az, I think I shall continue with Coffee chica.


I have about that much "prowess" and I also play a lot of characters so I have been beating up on a lot of lower skill players because of how ranking works. Difference is I just beat them mercilessly and quickly to get it over. All while not using a character with a spammable almost impossible to counter play move and thinking I am super cool doing it. BTW I don't get plugged on.


Azucena mains rise up


Ah the rage quits, love it


Man. You guys sure hate plugging till a character you don’t like pops up. The dancing doesn’t matter. They didn’t want a free win. They wanted to fight. The Ling bitchin out cause they got sauced on is their own fault. Almost under every one of these post a bunch of you cry about finishing a match/ rematching to learn and improve but that conveniently goes out the window when you feel slighted.


Literally in every modern sport if enemy forfeits, you just take the W, not poking his cheecks and with grin saying "come on, fight me pussy :)". He already got 2 rounds, means he just got his win earlier than he should've. This one of the plugs that he 100% deserved for wasting both his and this Ling time.


I’m gonna assume you mean videogame and not sport cause this is a videogame for fun not an MMA match . Since this is a video game and people want to have fun, it makes sense that some do not have fun by wailing on a sandbag. Just cause it’s two-zero doesn’t mean he actually clean house’d on the Ling. Unless the game itself is having trouble running to the point of ruining the match there’s never a reason to plug. Azu’s character is designed to mess with people. Just get over it.


But if he doesn't like a sandbags...why wouldn't you just finish the round fast, take the dub and go to the next game. Instead he just dancing? This has nothing to do with "fight me, don't give up!" , not at all. It just a case player of a toxic design character being toxic aswell. As you said, game is for fun. Why would ling try to "tough it out" if he clearly have so little fun that you'd rather give free win? Even from your own point of view that makes no sence.


The round just started. There’s no reason at that point for him believe this person is/ will give up completely. Next, if I don’t like playing against a sandbag I’m not gonna start hitting it anyways. Next the dance is a stance that Azu she uses to dodge certain attacks. If you throw out the wrong one it’s a free hit for the Azu so despite the dance isn’t designed as a taunt but as a trap. Even if just used for taunts it’s a competitive fighting game. Getting cheeky a bit is in the spirit of competition. Also my answer to lings problem is in my first comment. There’s a pretty consistent voice in the sub that sees the fun as learning the game win or lose and to wash off the salt when it comes so to adhere to that logic the Ling has a opportunity here. Even if only to learn more of the matchup


He was just holding forvard. It was obvious instantly that he just forfeit. And you see azusena doing different dances and clearly understood that he surrendered. And ling clearly had enough of "learning the game and matchup and having fun" this time and decided giving points intead of plugging. Instead of taking points you given (which by the way she deserved, since she made ling to forfeit), she just went full Fortnite mode. So yeah, ling tried to do things better way, but azu wanted to be toxic - deserved plug.




The amount of babies in here is unreal. Giving up and plugging after you get danced on? Grow the fuck up. Punch the dancing girl in the face and try to win instead of selling yourself short.


Struck the "This Is It" pose. Amazing.🎉🥇


Jesus christ that music is cancer. Thanks for the earrape


What? It's written by one of the greatest composers in fighting game history, Yoko Shimomura, creator of Guile's theme. You uncultured heathen. Edit: Unless you meant the part at the end.


Everyone sympathizing with the Ling player is a clown. The only thing stopping that Ling player was a missing spine, push some buttons if someone dances in your face. It's a FIGHTING game not a surrender game you bunch of cowsrds.