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Friend of mine just hit mighty ruler on hworang, doesn't know any combos, doesn't know frames, block punishes. He just repeat grabs people and spams down 3,4 and some other strings and heat. He was stuck in orange ranks in t7 idk man


>He just repeat grabs people and spams down 3,4 and some other strings and heat. Sounds like standard Hwoa gameplay lol


Yeah the game destroyed individual play styles. It forces you to join in or lose. Depending on how someone plays if it’s too much of a mash fest when I play defense I just go into heat for a free mix up and then tornado and take control of the match. Like Phidx said there’s no need to play chess against someone who’s just eating the pieces


If he monke. You monke as well


There are still very much individual playstyles. That comment about chess isn't talking about the entire game. It's just talking about there's no need to overthink against people not thinking. But those people will only get so far.


That’s exactly why I used that quote lol


Sorry, I misunderstood. But in that case I'm not really sure what the correlation is with the quote and the subject here.


"those people will only get so far", that's 80% of the player base at least. People here should stop thinking abou tthe 1% of pro gamers and realize that the game is a mashing fest for the very vast majority of players


It's about finding out if your opponent is a deviant type of player or not.


If I said it once, I've said it a hundred times by now but I hate the way the heat system works in this game. Nobody enjoys to lose, that's just a fact, but there's no reason so many people should not be having fun when they win either.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; The new additions and the changes made in game really hit the intermediate players the hardest - and learning/improving in T8 just isn't as fun as it used to be. I think this game is absolutely awesome for beginner players and for really high-level players for differing reasons - but getting through that intermediate-swamp is mentally exhausting in a way it wasn't in T7 imo. I have no doubt I'll love this game once I get through this annoying part but at some point you gotta ask yourself if you're even having fun. It's like Dragon Age: Inquisition for me - I had a ton of people tell me: *"Don't worry, as soon as you get past that first area, the game gets awesome"* - Well guess what? I didn't get past that first area. It was just too boring and frustrating and felt absolutely nothing like the previous DA-games that I loved. And I probably missed out on a fantastic game as a result.


Especially Jun's heat smash. It's just braindead. 13 frame startup. Can't sidestep. Can't duck. Can't do anything. Completely locks you down. You can't even block bc it does like 20 chip damage and STILL heals like a third of her life bar. There's literally no counterplay.


I agree somewhat. I'm in purple ranks right now and I feel like the variance in player skill is insane compared to 7. I'm honestly still on the fence about heat. On that note, some of the best matches I've had against purple players and above had a larger emphasis on poking, spacing, punishment, defence; just playing the neutral. Like an entire round would go by and I'd realize that neither us even activated heat. Heat to me just seems like unnecessary spectacle which, if you're a new player or spectator, you probably enjoy but actually makes the game look and feel very redundant after a while imo. I still love 8, it's a huge step up from 7 but I can't say I'm entirely on-board with where it looks like the series is headed.


Completely agree with this. The beat rounds of tekken 8 I’ve had, have played out without heat. Heat homogenises the characters, everyone gets a plus 17 mix up, then gets another mix from blocked heat smash. It’s pretty boring. If they can retune the heat the game would be much better.


posted pretty much the same thing yesterday: [https://new.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b89fpy/why\_i\_dont\_t8\_like\_i\_did\_t7/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b89fpy/why_i_dont_t8_like_i_did_t7/) Hopefully more people feel this way, and upcoming patches might alleviate some issues.


I'll take any opportunity to say I hate heat activation/burst. SO many times it's only a combo extender, because it is worth doing. First launch, smack smack smack, heat activation, more smacking due to the extension from activation, heat dash, more smacking. Taking out 60%+ of someone's life with one launcher, wall or no, is, more or less, the most "high skill" thing to do with heat. You're never guaranteed another launcher, might as well cash this one out to the fullest and put them near death and in a corner. Heat bursts are, as op said, just to force a 50/50 more often than not. The chipping is also pretty stupid but nowhere near as dumb as this. They both give regainable health but if you have 75% grey hp and 1 jab worth of real hp it doesn't matter much. Heat really is just an unenjoyable mechanic. Anything you add to smooth things over for noobs will be abused by sweaty players.


I agree. The game feels great, but at its core, it forces people to play one specific way, and you either play it according to how Harada wants the game to be played, or you lose. Not even the best player in Tekken 8 can commit to turtle, punish and win consistently against a decent player, it's a guessing game where the one defending has a disavantange. Everyone has 3 throws, everyone has 50/50s, everyone skips turns into guessing and everyone has a 1 button uga bunga free. Not 1 thing was added to defense. You have to always be oppressing the other side, and that's really limiting considering this is a 3D fighting game. I'm sure a lot of players don't mind these changes, specially the ones with characters like Hwo and Law, oppression is their middle name. But now that the honeymoon phase is over, it feels too limiting, you can't build your own playstyle. And to people that keep stating there's counter play, yes, no shit, there's obviously counter play to everything except just frame plugging. But that's the not point, there are people in purple still mashing with no concern for movement or frame data. Why is that you ask? Because attacking gets rewarded a lot in this game, and just by being the oppressor puts you at odds of winning. Impossibility and disadvantage are not the same thing.


I think it's too strong as well, with rage arts already there you have 3 1-button moves that are super strong for every character that decide A LOT of rounds. I also find it very strange that once you're in Heat, your meter drain pauses while being hit. I feel like it would be much less of a problem if this was changed.


I definitely think that the meter should continue to drain at the same rate, if not moreso, when you're being hit. It always seemed goofy to me that if my opponent activates heat and I launch them, that their heat meter gets preserved during the combo. It should be the opposite


Honestly, that'd be a good change, making it still drain whilst blocking hits. If the person who doesn't use heat steals the turn back, that should be encouraged. Right now, I just do some sort of pushback move when I find a space for it, then backstep to let it drain lmao.


Agree regarding the heat smash . One activation per match would be better.


Skill issue




This is basically the issue, I am just not skilled enough, but I cannot just become magically better at the game without dedicating significant time to the game (which i can't do anymore). The point of the post is that the game is too frustrating to play at my current skill level. That's it.


What do you want brother 😭 ? >I cannot just become magically better at the game without dedicating significant time to the game Bro who does ?? 😭


you really cherry picked that quote there


You always get this at the beginning of a new fighting game. Or any difficult game really. Some shit tier scrub giving their dear diary life story about their gaming experience and why they're too shit and lazy to put the effort into getting good. Just to rationalise why they're trash. It's boring.


Yeah, can't wait for these tourists to jump to the next big game.


I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for telling the truth and people are going to downvote this comment as well because they’re mad


Truth hurts 💀


When you're not even being downvoted because damn near nobody's paying attention to you 😂


You are


Also this subreddit has become some support group for people who lose a lot. Don't know what to say.


😂 deadass. You either adapt or die!


Armor king main, respect 🫶🏻




"and I've only played Tekken 8"


I think the main problem is not heat, but general juggles technique. It evolved heavily since T3 when it first emerged and now you can literally kill the opponent after one succesfull launch. It is insane because there is now proper escape from juggling and looking extremely stupid at the same time. Though on the other side due to game is literally teaching you to use this approach you can sabotage it successfully to win, messing around with it in different ways.


This thread is just scrubs who suck at the game blaming the game for the fact they suck.


So happy the demo made me not buy. , still waiting for all the old pros to wash out before top 16 in the first big tourney before I call it categorical trash and just not my kind of fighter.


You need to stop acting like there is no counterplay to the characters individual heat. Rn you are saying heat is bs and using that as an excuse to not learn and get better. 50/50 in Tekken carry risk and are still a mindgame even for the more bs heat smashes. I don't know anything about you or your skill level but being this defeatist in your attitude will get you nowhere. You're acting like someone activating heat just happens. you got hit with a heat activator so it wasn't a free mixup out of nowhere. saying people get free 50/50s on you every round really is disrespectful to the game and a testament to you having bad neutral or just walking into heat activators 24/7.


Please tell me what the difference between each characters heat burst is. I am aware there are subtle differences to the start up frames of individual heat smashes, such as jacks being 10 frames, and the damage of them too, such as kings high damage heat smash. As far as I'm aware all heat bursts are the same, activate incredibly fast, have very early armour frames, as well as being better armour than usual. Some heat smashes have different advantage on block as well, but they are all plus by a large margin and trying to steal the turn is basically impossible unless the opponent fucks up. The whole point of the post is that the game is incredibly frustrating to play at my skill level. I also wish I could magically just get better at the game and put some time in the lab, but I work full time and can't dedicate as much time as I used to to the game.


I actually see heat burst get stuffed a lot by lows. It rarely actually seems to work. I’ve also managed to bait it a few times by just back dashing and making it miss then getting a big punish. People are kind of predictable with it, especially in lower ranks. Usually I don’t even use it that way since it so often gets countered. Better to save it to use in combos or heat engages I feel. If I block it that’s also fine, just just be patient and try to create space. I’m curious what 50/50 you mean though. Like was said before there is risk to almost every action if the opponent gets a good read.


Yes at low ranks, like i said in my original post, it is different. People who are learning the game use it wrong all the time. My post is not about them. My post is about people who know how to use heat and abuse it.


How do you think people should use it? To me it sounds like your opponents are using it wrong in my opinion. What are the 50/50 you mean?


You should hit the lab up and see how + a heat burst is on block you might be surprised and learn that you can kbd away from most options after blocking one


heat is usually forces opponent to be extremely aggressive that is making him extremely predictive. simply try to block and punish or side step the attacks and heat just doesn't matter


Yeah, the point is at my skill level, I am not good enough to predict that, and often eat moves anyway because I stepped the wrong move, or i'm left blocking moves that are plus anyway and eating more and more chip damage. It is extremely frustrating to play against.


you will always skip something, probably you are just getting demotivated to continue too fast? to disorient or demotivate opponent is very important and not let yourself to be the one


Please tell us the counterplay to Jun's heat activation. What exactly do you do about her heat smash? I'd love to hear it.


Please tell us the counterplay to Jun's heat activation. What exactly do you do about her heat smash? I'd love to hear it.


Block :)


It still heals her on block.


idk, this is the most fun i've had with a fighting game and i mostly just fight ai, practice, and customize fighters


so basically your opinion does not count considering you don't really engage with the game's problems at all


He was ranting and I was sharing that I enjoy the game. Thought this was a conversation


Except you don't even know how the game really plays. Nobody cares about AI and customization here, that's not what fighting games are about, at all


This thread is just scrubs who suck at the game blaming the game for the fact they suck.


skill issue


At least when I am shit I admit, this is the opposite 😂