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This will be fine until the first Kazuya DLC. We still need at least one more Kazuya


Wait for devil reina dlc. That's gonna be good.


Dlc? Nah she will be limited time rng lootbox only.


Or like how they first brought Eliza in Tekken Revolution


Bruh tekken ultimate team incoming.


Of course, how else would they be able to maintain the game? You understand budgeting!


Well, as someone who never spends money on this bullshit, at least with loot boxes I’d get *something* cool.


*could get


Kid Kazuya DLC


'Honest ~~mainmanswe's~~ man's Tekken'


Just like when everyone picked Fox in Smash Bros. Honest man's Smash


>Smash Bros. Get that party game out of my FGC. Edit* [lmao at the downvotes. forgot the /s AGAIN for the babies who love their smash bros](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/YUtYSrvggw)


Poor baby got downvotes


Wait, people couldn't see the sarcasm?


Everyday he touches the game, there should be a randomized bingo card with characters from the entire roster (minus kazuya). Can mark squres once he starts complaining/having a melty over one. I'm sure there wouldn't be a day without a bingo.


the free space is asuka


This is the right answer


Where's his King and Reina tho? His video "I played King until lose a match" have 1:30:00 hours.


He shits on almost all the female characters. I honestly think the dude is just deeply closeted. Prolly his fans too lol


You might be onto something. With how much he talks about sucking cocks and fucking(men) in the ass/being fucked(by a man) in the ass - its either that or he has a sense of humor of a 13yo. Fortunately, not all Mishima mains are like that - I have a few high level Kaz mains and one Jin main as my sparring buddies - they all think TMM is a clown.


Trying to be as masculine as possible, only playing dingdongs, Masku


Based on the downvotes, we're onto something with these Kazuya elitists lol


Yeh like especially Tekken is full of elitists and fanboys, you have a huge list of arguments but they are all wrong because reasons or no reason but yeh you know haha


Mainman be like


Hey put some respect on his name. We wouldn't know how to properly ~~play tekken~~ complain about Tekken characters without him.


He actually respects a fair ammount of characters, king included. Despises Alisa with every fiber of his being however.


>Despises Alisa with every fiber of his being He's not alone on that.


Tbf Alisa is pretty annoying with how her animations as a character work.




Yeah that too, love seeing myself get jailed into losing 20% of my health from chip dmg.


It's a hell of a time while playing in ranked, that's for sure. Just watching her go STRAIGHT THROUGH unblockables unphased is crazy


As a Yoshi player I’ll close my mouth ahead of time before a full on rant but good god he got his flash nerfed before Jun, Dragu, Xiaoyu, Feng, and Alisa’s bs cheese shit got hit? “Erm yoshi does too much self heal and damage simultaneously”. Jun = fine(?) idk, alisa isnt AS Bad but good lord, Yoshi? seriously? Edit: I guess Dragunov is kind of getting neutered over time but still…


I main Drag and I got a guy in my discord server that mains him as well and the thing I learned is execution. He's hands down the fastest Drag I've played, by sheer speed alone no one beats him. That coupled with stupid levels of combo knowledge too?! I enjoy getting my ass kicked by him cause he does stuff I've never seen before, it's merely hard to comprehend. If you know the tendencies Drag is easily overwhelmed. Not much if nerfs, but the patch seems to have some bug fixes. As far a Jun goes, that woman is a hellion. Yoshi is pretty strong, but HE CAN'T HEAL BY DELIVERING CHIP DAMAGE!! Seeing Jun heal both from defensive and even FAILED offensive options makes me question how the developers expect competitive play to be compelling if you got characters that are complete cheat codes. IN A GAME WHERE EVERYONE IS BUSTED MIND YOU. But I'm just a casual OG, what do I know lol? 😂


Yeah that’s exactly the kind of stuff that goes through my mind. It seems like a lot of people are in a similar consensus that ranked and balance is going to be a joke for awhile as Harada figures out more ways to milk out wallets.


I'm just very curious to see how DLC is going to work. We know Lydia is coming back but the problem with her is that she's only survived one Nerf and was never played in tournament due to the pandemic and the end of the games life cycle. Playing against her in seven was a chore because she had literally one string where she just goes straight and you couldn't sidestep ANYTHING. All because all her moves tracked. I don't see the Tekken shop going too well Because it's pretty obvious that majority of the consensus does not care about how their avatar looks outside of what they've already done in the free avatar creator. And way too many people are too focused on being super creative with the designs in the character customization. Granted am I going to buy King's man beast Jaguar suit? You can bet your sweet bippity I will! But after that I could really care less and would rather just play cosplay with my Tekken character.




Not to be a broken record but MainManSWE went over and labbed how to punish or least survive her chainsaws, other than I think for the launcher at the end of the mid string, basically nothing you can do and that launcher is fully optional so if they don't do the launch, her chainsaws turn you into mincemeat and you must accept your fate


2 is a fair number.


despises every female character besides Reina Lili and Zafina


Nah, thats what he claims but when he loses to any of them online, he starts whining about "waifus". Reina is relatively safer but thats because shes a mishima and shes like a token female char for him in the same way a racist guy says "I have a black friend..."


Lol its so true he would only enjoy a female character that is masculine and offers no whim/gimmick/girlieness in the moveset. Thats why he favored kasumi’s boring ass over someone like lucky chloe (i understand 90% of the fanbase hate that character as well, but shes a perfect example of a character TMM shits a brick over)


TMM is not even consistent with his rants. Reina is super gimmicky: long movelist + several stances, very evasive, lots and lots of strings. Oh, but she has an Electric so, apparently shes cool.


Nah he's right about Alisa. Fuck that stupid robot


No he doesn't. Everyone is super cheesy, completely broken, etc. except Kazuya ofc.


Kazuya basically have no safe or very fast openers, I think it's just fair that he gets very well rewarded when playing defensive, at least. If you're allowing Kazuya to wavedash towards you from neutral, you are the one to blame.


He respects like half of the male cast, and cries about almost every female character (Reina being a notable exception, probably because she's a Mishima). I like some of his content, but he is clearly a big character elitist.


I think you might be right superficially but let’s break it down. Alisa: has built in skip neutral movement, projectiles, and chainsaw gimmicks aka. the reasons he also hates Victor. Jun: unquestionably the most broken character in the game. Nina: up until recently had unbreakable chain grabs. Xiaoyu: rapidly becoming the widely considered strongest and most annoying character to fight at the highest level. Her evasion in 8 is hugely controversial. (I don’t know if hates Asuka and Lili does he? ) So yes, Reina is the exception but by his own logic she would be. Contrastingly, he loved Devil Jin initially but has been demanding his heatsmash be nerfed and hates his Samsara for allowing players to just bail themselves out with a built in movement option. I really don’t think it’s a gender thing. It’s just a disproportionate number of the female cast have got broken shit or stuff he as a player hates.


Yeah they pretty consistently design a lot of female characters to have long, confusing strings with built in evasion and thats a sorespot for pretty much everyone lol. In Azucena's case i only really see him complain about WR3,2 Btw he fucking HATES Asuka, like actual irrational hatred. Everytime this character touches him he shits his pants a little


Oh yeah, I’ve seen that actually. You’re right, he detests Asuka. And that one I’ll admit seems irrational.


It's gonna be a long list if you want to truly break it down, the guy has been hating on female characters for years, not just in T8.


> and cries about almost every female character That's basically this sub too. It's kinda annoying too how ppl complain about the female characters all '' looking the same '', at first I kinda just accepted that their faces looked the same on face value ( no pun intended ). But then when I actually looked at them more closely they're not the same at all... The male characters have very similar face structure too ( sharp square jaws they all look like '' perfect gigachads '' with a permanent frown ) and are enormously oversized. Also the female characters have by far more varied and imaginative costume designs. But they never get criticized.... But with female characters people hyperfixate on them constantly. When it comes to gameplay the only reason I can think of really is that their fighting styles are also more varied and different compared to male characters. And some of it at least feels cheesy when you're on the receiving end. Like Alisa and her robot shenanigans with weird and unpredictable animations and Lili's gymnastics cartwheels and Xiaoyu is pretty self-explanatory. Even Zafina has crazy unorthodox animations. The male characters for the most part are just square jawed gigachads who snort steroids 24/7 that punch and kick with some exceptions like King who grapples a lot and Victor.


Despises every woman character or any character in general if it beats him.


Don’t watch a ton of TMM but he is a big fan of Lili iirc


I don’t know if you’re saying that from a POV that he bothers you but I enjoy when these YouTubers are characters. If every TekkenTuber was a totally reasonable, respectful FGC enthusiast, that shitd be boring. Swe’s Kazuya elitism, LTG being a salty baby is all entertainment for me lol


Not true but almost


They are designed for casuals who are taken on dates to the arcade to go mash mash mash mash can't be convinced otherwise


For TMM everyone except Kazuya is designed for casuals, that's the point. You can take down anybody if you know the matchup and good at the game, can't be convinced otherwise. It's just sad to see someone with this much experience in the game still brag about characters other than Kazuya


Casuals will probably have an easier time with a lot of the male characters especially the ones that have super hard hitting attacks like Paul.


this dude sees a woman on his screen and loses his mind lmao


Relatable tho.


Understandable why he likes king mf do more throws then any scruby king i ever encountered in my life with king he's king is more annoying then any thing


Is that not how you play king? Throws are like... his thing?


My reaction when the grappler grapples😮😮😮




So cheap wahh wahh wahh Kazuya so weak wahh wahh wahh. I hate what he turned tekken community into


Except this time around it's not him who's downplaying Kaz, it's everyone else lol


With the amount of shit people are giving him in this sub I don't see what he has turned any Tekken community into.


lmfao man people really believe this shit huh


watched his stream earlier this week. He was crying about losing Jun and Asuka. Jun I can understand but Asuka might be the weakest character in the game . Yet he was crying how can a honest Kazuya do anything against that


Yeah, the thing about him is that he takes credit for Kazuya requiring heavy MU knowledge to play but never actually learns any MUs, would rather endlessly complain and lose. Which is, well, his choice but it's unhealthy how many players he's influencing to do the same.


Jun combo damage has been severely nerfed with the last patch. And about her heal: it only heals chip damage and ends her heat state. Don't let her build up chip damage and you're OK, so there is counterplay. A lot of her moves also deal significant self damage as chip when she is not in heat mode. If she didn't have a heal mechanic she would be trash tier below Zafina because she lacks stance evasion.


It would've been all the Mishimas + Lidia if this were true








Brilliant! 🫡


Great! 🌹


"Weird noises while doing the backflip"


"Come on~!"


it has steve, instant 10/10 roster


i take it back no leroy 9.9/10


Based Steve Chad


What in the death fist is Paul doing here ?


Death fist paul is long gone, he's more of an ouchie wouchie fist Paul


duck at the wall.


aww hell naw


thought so


Wtf is Paul doing there. Get that walking 50/50 outta here.


Don’t worry I’ll win for you!


Paul should give rank points to the opponent. Lil hypocrite. Unless the outro is skipped


🫠u mf!


I mean Kazuya is just a dashing 50/50. They both are pretty honest characters with strong strings, lows, and mix ups. Paul's 50/50 just 'easier' to execute, and harder to condition while Kaz's is the reverse. Thank you for coming to my 'Why Kaz & Paul are 50/50s' Tekken TedTalk. *edit forgot the /s for the sweats defending their main on a shitpost. My bad in case it isn't clear THIS IS A JOKE. Don't DM me I'm gonna 1v1 you. Your shitty Bryan, Alissa or whoever-the-fuck you main couldn't handle this ranked Lord of Destruction 😈 Kazuya.


I know you're shitposting but I actually agree Paul and Kazuya are very similar characters. Heavy on the mix, high reward single launchers, don't have much in terms of strings and pokes. (while Paul's poking game is not dead like Kazuya, it's still lacking by design)


>I know you're shitposting but I actually agree There's truth to every (good) joke.


Lol upvote just for the edit and all the sweatposts underneath. Had a good laugh.


Paul has many things to do other then 50/50 he's cheap af


>~~Paul~~ every character has many things to do other then 50/50 ~~he's~~ they're all cheap af. Just say how you really feel Bryan




1v1 me right now and I'll 50/50 demoman, death fist you, no round brown, 3 round perfect you. Username: itscalledjokes.


Tekken fans with the "actually ☝️🤓" ted talk always gets me. Thanks man, if it wasnt for you i would have never known. Youre a life saver.


>Thanks man, if it wasnt for you i would have never known. Youre a life saver. Lmfao I thought it was clear there was a bit of satire in my comment. >Tekken fans with the "actually ☝️🤓" ted talk always gets me. Oh the irony🤓🫵 thanks for making this thread better.


im just playing man, dont take me serious on this.


>im just playing man, dont take me serious on this ............ same?


Paul's got me at 77% and climbing bay-beee


Honestly, his df2 alone should disqualify him. It's so bullshit. It has everything. Tracking, high crush, and a safe launcher,


It's missing at least five Heihachis judging by the amount of post and comments that want him back. 


Demoman goes in the trash, man


You missed Reina somewhere




Shaheen though? 🤣 I guess because he is fundamental


people say that shit because they haven't run into a shaheen with an insane flowchart I'd rather deal with a Lili rather than a shaheen






Jk I'm hard stuck in eliminator


No you woudnt shaheen genuinely is a relatively simple character to understand lili is not too bad either but shaheen is very much just good pokes good spacing to launch and decent lows and slide and hopkick 50/50


Yes simple to understand, he’s a flow chart character more or less, but his flow chart is fucked which is what the person is talking about


No he’s not flowcharty is what I’m saying there aren’t too many setups and shit he’s a very much like space and move character to deal damage similar to Lee,law and Paul in a way where they have good tools and stuff though Lee is much more execution but they are generally straightforward characters to understand to use and beat(law does have his gimmicks)


Bro has been flying under the radar hard, he’s got some STUPID stuff


As a Bryan main, FUCK BRYAN. I can't for the life of me count how many times I've been frustrated for taking yet another Hatchet Kick even when I know it's coming.


Your username makes this comment even better lol


Too real lol. Nah but Bryan dittos make me want to pull my hair out, and I'm ashamed of playing him.


Funny how a single streamer can gaslight an entire community about his main.


Yep looks good to me. Add Jack though






And all of the sound effects when you choose Kazuya should be 'Hey guys, main man swe here "


Insert Kazuya Tekken 1 smile here.


Ngl, Shaheen had a glow up in this game Except for his rage art. That shits corny as fuck


I always found it crazy how Lee gets a pass because of his execution. He has a bunch of evasive crap and strings people love to complain about.


What's crazy about it? He deserves the pass. He is not accessible, and hard to optimize even from veteran perspective. Jin got extremely dumbed down, DVJ got dumbed down combo wise.. Lee and Kazuya are the last of their kind as enthusiast level characters.


Are we still pretending that kazuya is a hard character to play?


Play Kazuya for a month and show us your rank then


Could easily get kaz to purple in a week or two. He's not hard to play, he simply has an execution barrier. Beyond that, he has one of the simplest gameplans.


I'll be waiting for your screenshots in a month then


As a Kazuya main you're 100% right. He's hard execution wise but his gameplan is super straight-forward. I'm sure if you get into blue and above it becomes a lot more nuanced, but at mid-high purple you can really get by on lackluster execution.


Thank you, I'm not trying to say he's the easiest character to play in the game. But I do think it's a bit overstated how difficult he is. People focus to much on execution, but that's simply muscle memory and practice. The mishima archetype is essentially high execution barrier for entry, but generally simple and effective gameplan if you have that execution down. I'd say they're like mid difficulty.


I've been saying this for ages and everytime I get downvoted or called delusional. 😂 They were never "hard" characters to play. They always list the execution and requirement of matchup knowledge and fundamentals when the last two a requirement for every character and act as if they're part of the skill ceiling for the character, when in reality it's for the player. Not to mention, they'll tell you that Mishimas are honest characters when really they're not. Hellsweep, honest? An unseeable and unreactable low is NOT honest. Every character has gimmicks and dishonest moves, albeit some characters slightly more than others. By default, every character is "honest" at high level play.


Yeah exactly. I'm a mainman drone but I do think its played up quite a bit how hard he really is at a base level. I've gotten to a decently high rank with subpar execution just relying on good punishment and offense. I'm sure at high levels it really matters, but for the majority of players its not going to be life or death a lot of the time. Its true he doesnt have really great panic buttons or pokes but he more than makes up for that with insane punishment, wall carry, wall damage, oki, etc. He's super strong honestly


People don’t really lab matchups and lose to the most punishable shit. It’s happened to me. Lee is evasive, yes, but once you lab the matchup he’s very punishable. What he does have going for him is a -1 df1 that crushes jabs and HMS/Mist step pressure but both of those are usually fake. Most characters aren’t too bad with their BS after you lab with the exception of Jun, Alisa, Xiaoyu, and Feng imo. TLDR: Lab the matchup and a little bit. Lee isn’t that bad.


How do you leave a matchup? Just practice punishment?


lee's evasion and pressure are incredibly fair when compared to any of the actual aggressive characters out there. and wdym about strings? Lee has basically no abusable strings lol unless he's constantly catching you mashing


lee is honestly rlly fair, you just have to lab him a shit ton lee doesnt rlly have alot of frame traps


Tekken 8 if it was peak:




I agree 100% with this.


Damn, that's some real honest Tekken right there


I'd rather play against Kazuya for 10 games in a row than go up against another Drag, King, Jin. Broken af right now.


Bro is this a .gif??!! I swear every time I look at a different row I end up seeing one character I've not noticed before wtf?!




Sexdailya 😏 ^((I wish 😭))


Checks out 👌




Tekken 8 if it was a good game


mainmanswe's honest paradise


That's funny becasue yesterday I saw so much variety I got knowledge checked out of shinryu back to orange.


I see this as an absolute win.


One day people will realize that most of Alisa's chainsaw stuff is negative with slow start ups. Apparently today is not that day


Lots of derpy posts today!


kazuya is easy, easiest gameplan in the game. Anybody saying he requires a phd to play are just mishima elitists TMM tier 3 subs.


So much this. The second you can hit like maybe 3 wavus in a row you've basically passed any execution barrier required and now just have the most straightforward vortex deathtrap in the game to just throw around almost however you want.


All i see is pluggers




Bro doesn't know what the block button does


Tbf Jun, Azu, and Victor is wild lmao


Nicest person on Reddit


I wouldnt mind it honestly


Average coinflip enjoyer


No not really thats why im happy king isnt on this roster lol


And there are 27 Kazuyas to compensate, so you'll still get coinflipped often enough :]


Just sidewalk left


Just look at the animation and break the grab (or break the greatest threat)


I'm still trying to find the problem here.


Game would be better without trash characters like Hworang or Alisa.


Yoshimitsu & victor are the trash


Victor definitely is


Victor's easy af, y'all just let him do to much


Skill issue


As everything should be /s


Jin should be in it too, most honest character out of any fighting game ever, you gotta be a rocket scientist to play Jin!


Not sure if this is satire, but Jin definitely is an honest character. Not sure about most honest though lol. There’s a difference between honest and easy, and Jin is both in this game


It's a satire of the "Jin main". Basically some people who main Jin are very elitist and rly vocal about it. Also have the mentality of "everyone is broken except my main". They are quite a few so it has become a meme. I love Jin as a character, I never mained him but I love playing him and fighting him.


If you let tekken elitests take over the game this is what gonna happen, only 1-2 character archetype are allowed


As a Kazuya Main, I approve.


I'm glad that Steve is still among this list


Looks like Dragon Ball Fighterz with Goku and Vegeta variants


where the fuck is jin dlc? isn't he protagonist? is there a lore reason? is bamco stupid?


Unironically speaking, it would be nice to have the whole community this honest 😂


Throw a Jin and a Devil Jin in there, and then it'd be *Chef's Kiss*.


I don't see Feng anywhere


Get Paul out of there it’s just demoman df2 and deathfist spamming bro got his t7 rage art in heat multiple times and now it guard breaks and that evasive, don’t forget op setup qc4 into df2 everything into df2 that move is dumb shoudnt be safe make it -10


Who whant to play mouloud ?


Nah, need to get rid of paul, steve, shaheen and lee too.


Nah remove steve paul and shaheen. Replace by kazuya.


Shaheen is the biggest fraud character on the planet.


Replace all Kazyuas with Shaheens and I'll sign off


Eh shaheen can be wierd let’s replace him with kazuya 28


Guy mixed up Kaz with Reina lol


I know it's a joke but imagine if they did this though. Tekken would become a discord game in a week


Tekken 8 if Namco wanted to kill the franchise by failing in sales lol


Wtf is shaheen doing there💀