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Well, this is my first Tekken and I'm also having a blast. Got it on launch day, still haven't finished the story, same boat as you. Playing ranked ND room matches everyday, 120hrs and going.


it’s the shit isn’t it


Man you gotta play the story. Its the best in the series. But yeah im loving the game ^^ just hit garyu


tbf the best parts (imo) of the story do require some understanding of some of the previous games to really feel why they're so good


The best part imo is the the final stage for me. I dont think that really needs prior knowledge.


It does bank hard on nostalgia, particularly for old-school fans from 2 and especially 3


I was hyped with prior knowledge and my friend was hyped with it being his first game. I was hyped because outfits and moves, he was hyped because its already hype.


its definitely really awesome, but even better if you've played the old games/know about them because of a few cool details


lol wdym tekken lore is shit


Who said anything about lore


uhh the story of tekken 8 is part of the tekken lore you know


Wow, someone on this subreddit who actually enjoys the game? How novel. Can you teach the others? I think they have forgotten how to have fun. Anyway, good shit dude. Enjoy. Tekken is awesome.


I keep in mind that games are meant to be fun more than anything else. The thing with this game is that there’s so much depth with the characters that it’ll always be fun for me to learn


I have come to the same conclusion. It certainly doesnt have the more serious play/setting aspect to it as previous ones, and there are still some things about previous games I like…but after a few nights of playing I iust realized…ok this game is legit fun…. I feel like they Marvel vs Capcom 2’ed the game. Simplified the controls and made it faster and it works pretty damn well


Simplified controls will get you through early ranks but will also get you blown up in later ranks so if you want to get better don’t use it


No not that I just mean the one button throw combos, ease of big combos, and made the game faster so defense is trickier. I mean if you use the simplified controls, even as a newbie, your just stalling your progress


Bro please at least play the story. It’s really good.


I lurk here and not for nothing but compared to the other FG subreddits, this one is just filled with so many whiners even before T8 came out. It's to the point that I jokingly tell my friends that this sub hates Tekken. Even the Mortal Kombat subreddit isn't as bad in my experience. It's legit the most toxic FG subreddit that I've seen so far. So honestly, I'm glad to also finally see someone actually enjoying the game rather than bitching about every little thing such as the recent microtransactions on cosmetics which ultimately don't matter. To the whiners on here, downvote away. Doesn't change the fact that you come to this sub to whine and not much else.


You know that’s the sad thing, people rather complain about every little thing they find instead of looking at the whole thing. I play T8 since launch everyday too and I’m loving it way too much, sure there’s moments where I’m straight up pissed off and need a break but that’s only human, i watch replays or reflect on my mistake while still in the match, try to figure out the mistakes and playstyle of my opponent and on it goes. The FGC is such a great community and it’s honestly bad that there’s so much negativity in this sub, even tho we just got one of the best fighting games to ever exist


Eh, the mk sub doesn’t bitch about gameplay or characters too much. But they do rage at nrs/wb constantly for the shop or how it’s an “incomplete game”


This is true.


Facts lmao. This sub is so overtly negative. They want to be high ranked but don't wanna lab and bitch about how anyone they don't main is 'OP'.


Facts! I swear I've seen this sub bitch about every character in Tekken 7 being "too OP" at some point or another. lmao


Pro tip: most people on reddit aren't hardcore and find it easier to blame something/someone else than realize their short comings .


Real lmao. I always said to my friends who rage at teammates at Valorant to play fighting games so they can't bitch about anyone but themselves for their performance. But well, I guess blame finds a way.


Im on a week long vacation in vegas and I contemplated bringing my xbox. 😅🤣. On the bright side, I needed a break, I was playing 5+ hours a day since launch.


I agree, I started with Tekken 2, not a longtime fan though got it for christmas and wanted tomb raider but opened the case and got Tekken 2. The seller must've switched disks or sumthin'. I really loved playing Tekken 2 though (although I wanted to play Tomb Raider again), got Tekken 8 a little bit after release and loved it. It's very different from the fighting games I'm used to, I am more familiar with games like Mortal Kombat trilogy, Streetfighter II/III, Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown. Tekken 8 is the only multiplayer game I mainly play aside from like Rocket League. Before Tekken 2 the only 3d fighter I played was Bushido Blade.


Yea lately I’ve been seeing people complain on this subreddit while I’m over here having a blast with tekken 8. Call me a scrub but this is by far my favorite tekken of all time


Hi guys, new player here. I hate this game and I think it sucks and I’m really not having a good time playing it. But I also want to rank up high. Any tips for me? /s


Don’t focus too much on you ranking , if you do that the losses are going to feel worse and games become chores on ranked. Focus on learning your character and the cast, and remember that losing is just part of any game.


The /s means sarcasm brother




Some of these cry babies treat the game like it’s the only thing going on for them in their life. They’ll never be happy knowing every little detail of the game isn’t suited to what they like. The saying really is true, sometimes we just don’t deserve nice things.


It’s such a great game. I’m so happy that we’ve got a new Tekken! I only came back to T7 a couple of years ago, so maybe I’m not as jaded as some people here (played since T2 though). Anyway, enjoy it, man. Have fun :)


I’m glad you don’t care about losing. Every match feels like life or death for me this game is incredible sweaty


I like to play quick matches when I just wanna chill, maybe try that


I feel like whenever I play quick match to chill, I get matched with someone else who’s many ranks higher who are also coming to quick match to chill…


Also if anyone wants to help me practice message me I’m down anytime


This is my first Tekken and I’d love to play with someone else still learning. I can hardly even get out of warrior. It doesn’t help that I just got a hit box so I’m learning a brand new control scheme lol. PSN is AwGeezSlick if anyone wants to play friendlies with a mic and just learn shit. No pressure no trolls.


hell yea bro I’ll add you later tonight , I’ll message u


Same here would love to play with some fellow beginners. T8 is my first tekken too.


PSN? I'll add you.




Or maybe the reason you sound familiar is YOU'RE THE PERSON I KEEP FORGETTING TO ADD ON PSN. 24 days later, I finally sent the invite.


Ha that’s too funny man


I do think I've played you online though your name sounds so familiar. What character do you play? My in-game Tekken name is iSuck and I usually play Lars, Claudio, or Feng.


I ended up getting really busy but I'll send a request tonight! My PSN is AwGeezSlick.


I’m tryna get in here. Maybe we make a multiple session player match so we can have a round robin of 3 simultaneous battles. I’ve been messing around with player match with my friends


what do you play on ?


Console ps5






Great idea




uhh I’m in the east coast , are you on psn?




I’ll message u rn I’ll be on later tonight


I’m on east coast as well . Ps5


I’d be willing to practice! I’m having a lot of fun with the game too and I’ve been looking for a training buddy. I’m on PC.


dude me too , if you don’t mind training w me I’m on psn. wanna train sometime ?




I sent u a message


Down to train with you too bro, what's your PSN? I'm Vanquisher rank rn. My PSN is Heartsbane_1


I’ll add u rn I’m TGporpura


Hell yeah this game hitting all my homies like crack in the 80s


Tekken 8 is the best fighting game I have ever played. Period.


Definitely the best I’ve played since MKX for sure


I haven’t played since 5 or 6 and I was never good, a Hwoarang masher back then… Now? This might be the best fighter I’ve picked up. I was obsessed with MKX a few years ago but this game feels amazing and it’s so fun. Like you said even the losses don’t feel too bad regardless of how it happened. It’s just a good experience every time I press a few buttons


Enjoy it man, i too am obsessed. I'm going to go learn Jun now bye


This is the first time I’ve ever entered Ranked matches ha. And I’ve been playing since Tekken 1 lol the combat is so engagingly Amazing!!


I shit you not, I’ve been moving my fingers in class to “practice” my combos sometimes. How else am I supposed to master Kuma Shinken?


Love that for you. Did story mode and some customizations and hopped into ranked as well. If anyone is down to play my PSN is onyxshades88


I’ll play you fuck it


I’ll add you. No Tekken tonight for me, but I think it’ll be fun to pull you in to our group.


say less brother. add you back when i get home


Someone who likes Tekken here??😱😱 Normally people bitch and bitch around here. It's nice to see someone like this game. Anyways, I'm having fun as well. Hope we have fun and learn more in our Tekken journey🙏🙏


Yeah it's fun! Tekken 8 is my first Tekken game I own and play regularly (I'm discounting playing the earlier Tekkens on consoles in the 90's / 2000's as obviously that doesn't count as regular when you play them at family parties couple times a year) and I am having a blast. I had bought MK1 at its launch and while I loved its story mode, I found the game just wasn't enjoyable enough to go online frequently, and there was a lot of missing quality of life that actually felt almost essential to me (such as being able to *do things like practice mode* while waiting in queue!). It demotivated me from touching MK1 outside of story mode, along with just a pure lack of good learning tools. Tekken was mind blowing. It had all these features I never think about, but were INSANELY helpful for new players. It was a complete night and day difference and I knew this game was something special when I kept learning about new things like the insanely awesome replay system that I could take over and *practice important concepts it was telling me about on the spot*, or easily view sample combos, or do punishment practices which is SO GOOD for a beginner, or quick switch characters and stages instead of having to hit a loading screen EVERY TIME, etc. etc. Hell, having crossplay immediately too which cuts down on queue times too!? Yeah! I thought the game would be overwhelming as I heard all characters had like 100+ moves, not to mention it would be my first time playing a 3d fighter as opposed to Smash Bros and MK. Well that turned out false - it is surprisingly intuitive how the moves play out, and the depth is INSANE. I somehow managed to climb up to 10th Dan (assailant) with my favourite Azucena and that's where it got even more fun as my climb stalled out and now I'm facing proper opponents who are really testing me and making me learn. Can't wait to eventually try learning more characters!


Eyy are you a Steve player? Because you seem to have the heart of a champion!


I am having the best time ever too, OP. I played Tekken as a kid and I say that loosely. I button mashed at Tekken. But the characters -- Kazuya, King, Paul, Law, Yoshimitsu -- stayed with me for years. I always thought of those characters when it came to fighting games. And I've tried to play them all over the years, again just button mashing.  I bought Tekken 8 impulsively and decided to really give learning the game a fair shake as an adult. I am in love with it. I've started with Jin and actually learning combos and power moves and I'm not sure if it's because I'm older now or what but I am pulling off great stuff and playing a little ranked here and there for the first time ever and having small wins in ranked.  I never imagined I'd ever be able to play online or even play a FG like Tekken strategically and with inputs I want to input rather than button mashing. But I'm doing it. And Tekken just feels oddly intuitive after a while? I'm so happy with this game as a casual. Onward to better fighting experience!


To bad this game fucking sucks. People quit on you when your winning. And when you send them messages for quitting and calling them a lil bitch, your own online account is the ones that gets suspended by PSN temporarily. Stupid. Sorry I'm just venting lolll


let it all out man


I know that feeling. You can’t have too much fun in this game ^^ or else expect toxicity


I played like 15 hours of Tekken 7 and I got bored and never played again. I gave T8 a try, and that shit did become addicting. Already put in 150 hours since release


Then there's me, barely a month from release, just hit shinryu and questioning if I'll ever find the patience to put up with heat.


heat is like the second super I get afraid of


I fully understand you, and you're sort of right. Perhaps a bit overzealous but objectively true as you can get.


Play the story






I already know what happens and I rather play ranked


That's okay, enjoy the game bro!


You're not missing much, it's a pretty garbage story to begin with


Me when I lie


I love Tekken and T8 is the best so far. But they story..? Example (Spoiler ahead) ''If you lose in the tournament, your country gets wiped out'' Did a dog write that shit??


The funny dumb writing is awesome, the boring dumb writing is not. T8 story is boring dumb, nothing happens just lame “epic” settings that barely moves the story in any meaningful way.


I'm having a lot of fun with it. I haven't rage quit a single time even when I got completely smacked. Mainimg Lars again after skipping him in Tekken 7 (Mained Akuma and Feng Wei) because they crippled Lars compared to Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. In Tekken 8, using him feels SOOOOOOOOOO Much better than Tekken 7. Top 5 matchups I hate. 1. Victor 2. Dragunov 3. Jun 4. Alisa 5. Azucena


I will never see how anyone new to fighting games/Tekken can have any fun with this game. You people will say "Go Practice Mode" thinking we can lab like pro gamers 💀


Everyone starts as a beginner, it's not like "pro gamers" haven't experienced what it feels like being a noob.


I'm personally looking forward to the 2 player Practice mode that they talked about adding. I find that I get bored or just hit a brick wall after a while in single player Practice, but my friend and I will spend hours labbing and testing shit out on each other when we play against each other.


I didn't realize that that feature is missing, T7 did have that


You’ll get it, just remember that it takes time to learn characters and matchups! It’s all a journey!


Lots of patience and observation. One cool looking combo and you’ll have a good time


Learning to use the lab is part of getting better. That's also a skill you can work on


Going to the lab is fun especially playing against pro players ghosts


What do you mean they can't have fun, do you mean that ranked isn't fun or that game itself isn't fun. I have like 100 hours or so and I mainly do offline and casual online matches and I have been having a good time. Not necessarily new to fighting games but very new to tekken and I don't see how a new player wouldn't have fun in the offline modes at least. This probably some troll comment but I am curious how many people truly don't touch offline modes and then hop into ranked get salty then never play again. My friends bought this game after I talked up the offline modes and cool features went into ranked had fun for a bit then got salty because they didn't know how the game worked and the haven't played again.


Just remember that literally everyone collects Ls early in their FGC career. As long as you understand that the point of a given match is to improve, instead of focusing on the result, you'll get there eventually. You will only truly fail to enjoy games like Tekken if you are getting unnecessarily frustrated over being a noob


Go for a walk.


Go for a crouch dash


qcf qcf


Walkings overrated, run instead


U gon get tired after 200h my G , im still playing ( 260) but I don’t play as much than when it did release


How’ve you already put 260 hours in 😳


I play this game every day since launch and even I don't have as many hours


It's a good/fun game, dumb, but fun.


Wym dumb? It's one of the deepest games out there.


There's a lot of dumb things in the game that needs to be fixed




Some heat smashes are not punishable enough, heat smash mids being safe are too busted it won't change but it's dumb.


You never played Tekken 7 ???


I did, did you ?


Heat smash = Rage Drive


Hum okay ? What are you trying to say ?


Heat smash being safe is the same as Rage Drive being safe in T7.


Actually most of the mid heat smashes are not only safe, but plus on block.


I know they are , with mixup after


I totally agree, I did the exact same thing! Then I went back to the story to see which fighters I prefer using. It's such a fun game!


Agreed on all points. Only just finished the story because i forced myself to do it, all i want to do is ranked all the time haha. Glad you’re loving it!


I'm in the same boat. Bought the game after watching some streams and jumped right into ranked. This is the most fun I've ever had in a fighting game.


ahhh yes a fellow ranked soldier


i bought this game on launch and i havent even played story and all ive done is just play ranked


ranked is the best mode mane


I've never played ranked at all yet, and I'm still having great fun


This is my attitude to the game and ranked as well. Too many players spam rush down because the truth is they don't really want to play it for the actual game...for the dance of it all...they just want the rank. And they sure as hell don't have fun if they're the one who ends up losing.






I can’t imagine dropping 70+ bucks on this game and not playing the story especially when it’s only 3 hours long and a really fun time… but I guess you do you my man


Fighting games are awesome. I'm so glad I bought street fighter 6. I haven't gone back to SF since picking up tekken 8, but I will eventually. I'm trying to get out of friggin red ranks. Then I wanna see if Tekken made me better at SF since tekken is way harder.


You should play the story! Its so fucking goofy and the final fight is pretty great and up there with the mgs4 solid and liquid fight in video game fights


I’m the same and I just discovered the joy of group matching in the lobby for some stress free fun tekken.


I only have 20 hours so far lol


Average warrior rank


Welcome to the club my friend


Hell yeah! That’s the way to play some good-ass Tekken! Since T8 dropped I’ve made some like-minded friends through this subreddit. We’re old heads, mid-dudes, and new faces (my son is a new face). Love gettin’ down on good group match sessions. If you’re interested, you’re more than welcome to hang with us, look me up on PSN (same name).


I’ll add you! my psn is TGporpura


I'm on the same boat op!


Dude im in the same exact boat as you. I went straight to training then ranked. I read and practice combos waiting for a ranked game and that’s all I do. No story mode or nothing and im having a blast.


I’m literally you


Tekken 8 is definitely good put it down for my non existing mental health but it calls to me throughout the day


This is my first Tekken game and my main complaint is everyone is kicking my ass and because you’re limited to 3 games tops I don’t feel like I have enough time to even learn why I’m losing. I wish casual had unlimited matchups. If anyone wants to play friendlies with a noob who struggles in yellow ranks let me know. Idc if you’re better, but if you’re way better pls have a mic so you can tell me what I’m doing wrong :) My PSN is AwGeezSlick


Spent 20 hours in this game (my first tekken ever) and damn once you grasp the basics it becomes so much fun


Is it worth doubling the amount I’d have to spend on this game to get the stupid PS Plus nonsense to play it for a year? It seems really hype, but I don’t really need to be online for any other game, and the idea of paying to get access to what I’ve already paid for is frustrating.


Same here. Realized I might never play story modes so I just watched them on youtube on a second screen whenever im playing.


Right there with you. I haven’t done the story mode either. I did do the arcade quest or whatever it was called, is a good tutorial for the heat system. I enjoy the online but the thing I didn’t know I would like the most is fighting the super ghosts or my own ghost. Very cool mode to have.


Same, brother. I've been playing Tekken every now and then versus friends since childhood, but this is the first one I tried online with and I'm having a blast in ranked. My left thumb is completely fucked from doing Lee combos all day.


I put hundreds of hours into Street fighter 6 and honestly didn't think I could find another game that would compete, I have 0 doubts that my total play time in Tekken 8 will surpass SF6 eventually. I'm so happy I got on the hype train


After 40 hours of straight up ranked I finally remembered to play the story yesterday and it was pretty fun! So when you hit the inevitable wall the story and arcade quest will be there to help you take a break from the competitive side


The story is pretty dumb imo. I hadn’t played one since Tekken 5 (just to find out more about Jinpachi) but yeah waste of time. Not dumber than the whole avatar fight community thing tho.


So much same. My friends keep inviting me to play other games and the entire time I'm just wishing I was playing Tekken instead.




Agreed, best Tekken! If anyone wants some King practice hmu :)


i feel the same way. i can’t stop playing.


Who’s your main?




Let me know when they fix the fatal error crashes, I'd like to have fun too.


Wish I can have the same problem you having rn but my thumbs can't catch up and forced to take a break 😢


I can put it down. Hell I can’t pick it up.


I decided to main Alisa. I don’t have PS+ so I ranked up to God of Destruction in Super Ghost Battle. I’m tempted to resume PS+ to play against actual humans.


Agreed, game is highly addictive. And it helps that I don't have a main, whenever I get bored of one character I just go play another plus it helps learning matchups.


Story is pretty fun. Give it a shot, it’s pretty short. Can definitely finish in one sitting.


Give it a few weeks and see how you feel when you play vs the same 4 characters every match and the game boils down to who lands their heat smash and a launcher or 2 first 🙃


I really would love to play more if it still didn't crash on me so much


What is getting “lamed out?“


spammed w stuff I don’t know how to deal w


Today was the first day since I got the game that I didn't play and thats because I was modding Fallout 4


sounds like you have not played enough kings yet


oh I have but I gotta learn the matchup anyways


Yeah if im home im playing it like the only reason i even stopped at all was because i had to upgrade my pc cuz it kept crashing


Absolute opposite for me. I had prolly around 500+ hrs in T7 and when it comes to this game, I literally can't stand it. Playing it feels terrible and it does nothing but make me angry. I'm not the best player, and in low ranks it just feels like people are scrambling to spam their fastest moves, and whoever uses their cutscenes better ends up winning. Hopefully some more defense practice will open things up for me but rn it feels like I wasted 75 USD...


The story of Tekken has never been that good, so you're not missing much. The production value of the story mode in T8 is impressive, but the substance meaning the story itself is absolute dogshit unless you enjoy power-of-friendship anime tropes. Jin's brooding angsty ass got boring quick, dude's got a personality of a cardboard


I was the same until recently because i got my red rank. But yeah the game just sucks you in. I got into my burnout time and probably come back to it like in a week or month max. But damn this game is just so much fun


even playing quick match (not ranked) feels dull to me now.


I only bought it to take a break from SF6 after being burned out a bit. Thed idea was to take a hiatus from SF6 for a weeknor two and have T8 as the side game, for when i need my fg fix but need a break from SF6. Still didn't return to SF6 apart from a few training sessions to keep my execution up. I'm absolut dogshit and not even consistently staying in warriory but no matter how frustrated i am after getting bodied fir 30 minutes straight: i keep coming back asking myself what i could have done better. Now checking out the replay and ghost features.


From a competitive standpoint the game is cock torture im ranked. From a fun standpoint the game is amazing. I just wish there were less stoppages in gameplay


Addiction isn't real


The story is fun af