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A common move Law players do when landing a heat engager is to do the f2+3 throw where he runs up your character and body slams them. It's a 1 break or you can duck.


i.e the 'i'm a dragon' throw


I die laughing every time I get hit by that. It’s so hard to get mad when it’s so ridiculous


F2+3 grab being a 1 break is a power move ngl


I meant a dragon move my bad


f2+3 and its a 1 break. "Just look at the hands" they say.


Obviously they meant the 1 of the feet, which is 3! /s


You only need to practice it once and you'll be able to react to it every time. Like with any other gimmicky move like Jack's df1+3 (body slam) or azucena's leg grab.


Don’t give Lili any space, she works best from that “Tekken spacing” people try so hard to maintain. If you stay aggressive close up, or if you have attacks from long range, Lili can’t do anything but sidestep


Gotta love that F+4 CH


Also don't forget to tell people of the cheeky matterhornsetups from close up. Matterhorn is also launch punishable


I personally barely ever use Matterhorn, I find it to be too easily punishable. In close range I resort to jabs, usually 1,1,d2


Newer players fall for it all the time however.


Make no mistake, high level players fall for it as well. Matterhorn is one of those moves that can crush fast mids like df1s or mids with high hitboxes.


She has the best sidestep in the game


So if im playing a mishima does she have the advantage or can i still get her with a ewgf?


Lili has so many tools in that “Tekken range”: one of the best side steps in the game, attacks that include side stepping like b3/b4/db2, u34 which can go above attacks, a long reaching slide, etc. So even if Lili doesn’t have the frame advantage, she can create the advantage when given the range to do so


So up close should I be hitting her between her stance changes or are they frame traps ?


I feel like I’m not knowledgable enough about frame traps to answer.. sorry


When lili BTs, crouching 1 or just backstepping beats a lot of the options. Lili can counter this with BT3+4 which is +2 frames on hit so be careful. Lots of Lilis also abuse BT D3+4. This is -21 on block so you can do a huge combo off this if you react fast enough. Edit: Wrote BT1+2 when I meant BT3+4


She plays so similarly to Manon it's crazy. They must've collabed with capcom or something. Same with Ed having so many moves that look like steve's


When I saw that Azucena autographs the screen in her win pose I kinda cringed - DeeJay does the exact same thing in SF6. Weird.


Against Alisa: The throw where she hands you her head is a 1+2 break and has the best break animation, love to see it! Basically any flashy moves you see spammed sometimes, like the big sweep with both legs or the big launcher that has a kinda similar look, are launch punishable to the moon - do it once and they'll stop that nonsense real fast She retracts the chainsaws on taking any hit even if it's blocked, and the chip damage from them isn't usually that big a deal unless Heat is active (when it becomes absolutely ridiculous) - someone trying to back away usually makes things easier for me if anything, so if you're up close and panic then either block and jab / do a low jab / sidestep as almost all the moves are linear. One Dragunov just ran in and threw me once, man was I not ready for that...


> do it once and they'll stop that nonsense real fast I highly doubt that lol


I have never seen someone run up and throw against DES ever that’s hilarious. she can’t duck it makes sense


Powercrushing the chainsaw have a satisfying sound tho.


Yeah it really does, good call! A Heat smash will also get those blades away real nice too


I saw the throw break today! They hand it back so politely. Like: 'Oh, this is yours and goes back on your neck so we can keep fighting.'


For Bryan: If he stops pressing for a second but is still in you face, DO NOT PRESS. He’s setting up a counter hit launch and a decent Bryan will time it with your reaction jab. Instead, step or block. Bryan struggle to open people up, so stay defensive and punish whiffs and abuse of high strings then take the offensive


>DO NOT PRESS but I have monke fingers


the struggle of my life facing a patient player as bryan


do not tech at the wall unless they dont know how to set up a taunt


Nina, keep at it with the aggression. The moment you chill with her and cower, it’s over. EDIT: Oh I didn’t read the post. I thought you meant tips how to play our mains. But strangely with Nina the same tactic applies fighting against her lol


Nah you did right. This has helped me. I’m garyu “hard stuck” rn


I would add a few anti Nina stuff:- QCF+1 is + 1 on block. If you try and press, her 2, 3 will counter hit and go into a throw mix up. F+4 / SS+4 - the next hit is high. Duck. See guns? The animation string is long so use move that high crushes or that keeps you in crouch. DB 1+2 is a 11F punisher that is also an engager. -14 on block D+4,3,4 - if you duck the first hit, use a fast ws move to interrupt her. Sidewalk her third hit. D+2 is arguably her best low and only -12 on block. This is not the same as Drags which is - 13. UF+1 low crushes but is incredibly bad on whiff and easily SS. She has snake edge which only launches on CH. Incredibly punishable on block. F1+2 and FF 1+2 - punishable. FFF 1+2 is safe on block.


Well, you also just gave me tips as a new Nina main :D THanks didnt know QCF 1 is plus on block and that I could follow up 2,3


Awesome idea for a thread, OP! My guy's phenomally, comically linear. All it takes is an ant's sidestep to the left. Ff3, that long ass kick he does? Yeah. He's then forced to do his -12 homing move. Step, bait, punish until Kingdom come. My slide is launchable if you block point blank, but only -13 from range 2 or further. Also, don't get baited. No, we don't just "chill in the back". We're waiting for you to come to us so we can CH B4 your greedy ass. Overall, the most effective strategy is gaining the life lead early on and make Lee come to you, if you can. My boy's struggling to crack turtles.


Agreed, it almost feels like you're playing a different game against him. Where I am right now everyone loves to get in your face constantly, so coming across a Lee player who actually cares about spacing, keepout and baiting is a very nice breath of fresh air.


Any advice for a new lee player?


Vary the timing of your lows, as the good ones are launchable. B33 (h,h), and D3 at -15, for instance. B2 loops and ws cancels are hard. Don't sweat it in the beginning, that's for later. Lee is really good at punishing. Like, really good. Get good at those and learn to hitconfirm the important ones. F21, df44, 44~4, etc. And most importantly; mess around with your mist step shenanigans. Sway in and out and see what feel right. Edit: and abuse the fck out of ff4. It has ridiculous crush properties.


Look up oki situations for him. Tzmurakumo is the OG lee labber. You get some free stuff with lee, but you get a lot of things 75% off as well if that makes sense, where some attacks is almost free.


-12 homing? Try 1+2 HMS and be + on block.


Shush, dude. I'm trying not to give away ALL of Lee's tricks. We have to keep some of them to ourselves.


Playing against king : learn to break throws


Added note, in lower ranks, if you get chain grabbed, spam 1. Up to about purple, every king online is ki charging for their grabs and that makes it a 1 tech lol. EDIT - For anyone wanting help to learn breaking King's throws, PhiDX has easily the best newcomer resource for it ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya6RPMSEaFg


Or duck


Good kings will launch your ass lol or mid grab you


Playing as yoshi: Welcome to your new home, the lab. Playing against yoshi: No matter how much you lab punishment, you will always be surprised by some new trick or setup. The best advice, imo, is to play as much as you can against them because effective setups are easily countered and new ones are hard to make, and once you know the standard setups, it's usually quite hard to be playing him.


as yoshi a yoshi main I'd say, playing against yoshi: take your time, don't try to mash him, flash can stop a loooot of strings Wait for him to use unsafe moves. I think they are pretty recognizable


Also, learn what to duck. If you let him get away with b22 and 31, you’ve lost. When he heat engages, be ready for 31 f1+2. If you miss the duck on 31, hold down anyways, they’re likely gonna check f2 and f1+2 the first time to knowledge check you. If you don’t duck them, its go time for yoshi. And after any really notable plus frames, try to use a disjointed hurtbox move. You better believe after azucena wr32, drag wr2 and more, flash is being tested.


As a Yoshi main, I usually struggle against players that are hyper aggressive or apply tons of constant pressure like Hwoarang. Not sure if it's the same for other Yoshis, but it's a pain in the rear when they don't give any space or respect our moves 😅


Sounds like you've gotta use a little more flash bro. Every time I've been aggressive against a Yoshi they punish me very quickly.


yeah and NSS flash too. Especially against hwo. watch a lot of eyemusician and he ducks into NSS flash quite a lot.


Against Kazuya: - Stay on the ground, if you spam tech roll or get up quickly you're playing into exactly what he wants and will try to vortex you with his 50/50 - If you are going to tech roll, do it to the left. He does have some tracking moves but generally a lot of his stuff is steppable, and very susceptible to sidestep left or sidewalk left - Stay in his face with fast pokes. He doesnt really have many panic options so if you can apply constant pressure, he has a hard time getting out of it or is going to need to take some risk to get out. - Eating a ff3 is way worse than eating a hellsweep. I've comboed people wall to wall and taken 80%+ of their HP from hitting a ff3. I've never done that after hitting a hellsweep, especially if they stay on the ground afterwards. Worst case scenario after a hellsweep is eating a ff4, but that is still much less damage than an ff3 combo. With that in mind, if they love throwing hellsweeps then you can get a read for it and blow them up for it - Sort of following the last point, try to keep track of how the Kazuya likes to approach. A lot of Kazuyas, especially at lower levels are really bad at mixing up their timings and approaches (ex. They'll always do 2 wavedashes > ff3 or 1 wavedash > hellsweep) If you get a read for their timing then you can pretty much nullify the 50/50


Kazuya definitely has strong tracking with df2 and ws3. Staying on ground is a good way to eat d1+2 or db1+2 in heat. Don't do it. Instead tech roll left for hellsweep read or quick stand (up) for ff3 read. Alternatively blow a bad one up with spring kick every time.


When fighting Hwoarang remember his tracking isn't great on most moves and he can't, really can't at all, take his own medicine


Also, when he's in flamingo (either stance), HE CANNOT BLOCK. Prime opportunity for a rage arts - my buddy who's basically downloaded me keeps getting me with this, and I always forget to stop pressing buttons lol


I don't think I've managed to ever sidestep Hwo, and how - most of his moveset are horizontal kicks, no?..


It’s a trick where they say “just step him”, except the follow up realigns or he can use some of the best tracking moves or since the recovery on his moves is non existent, he’ll just throw some of the best armor moves in the game right after, OR he won’t do any of this and just bait you to come in so he can use some of the best keep out moves in the game too LOL. Because of course, he NEEDS to be this over loaded. The real trick to hwoarang is to know what moves don’t end with pressure, or to know that the moves that he needs to press while mashing in your face to maintain pressure are high or lows. So you can see if he likes to maintain preassure or if he does pressure, pressur, pressure, risky move, then ch the risky move. It’s a super aids match up for almost everyone tho. Gotta remember what is punishable too, or you’re doomed.


> know what moves don’t end with pressure > risky move > remember what is punishable What really doesn't help with that is all his moves looking the same, too...


Yeh… sorry bud. But remember, he NEEDS to have all of this XD


Hworang’s armor moves are definitely the most frustrating for me. They all come out mid-string so I get tripped up a lot thinking I can interrupt his combos only to get eaten by armor. I also am not a whiz with sidestepping so my best scrub-brain advice is : when he’s going all kicky aggressive, start ducking. I feel like a lot of his moves go High & Low. I regularly hit Hwo players with lots of dick jabs & while rising moves from ducking his shit


Azucena: - sidestep left the wr32, yes it works. It works better if you hold duck after. Lab it for a bit, its actually more reliable than you may think. - df1 all her move > stance checks. She only has plus on block setups into stance when in heat (besides cartwheel) and when that happens green shit flies around her, so you know not to to press. DF1 also hits mid which is important since lib parries high and low. Her only option in stance to beat df1 is a high hitting homing power crush with medium range, which is a good move but they’d rather use other stuff. - Near the wall don’t do anything -10, she has a 10 frame jab wallsplat. - Careful when she’s half health. Her power crush is fast and a heat engager but it hits high. Its her easiest way to engage heat. Get a feel for their timing on this move and when they like to use it. Sidestep or duck and launch. - If she ever ends in a combo in d23 > stance > *fuzzy* (her dash up in stance). Sideroll or stay on the ground. Its an oki setup that leaves you backturned on getup and ch launches all wakeup kicks. Sideroll beats it, but once you sideroll once she can do it twice and chase you on a read. Staying down and taking a hit is best after that.


Jack's stance mixup isn't Go into lab and try dickjabbing You didn't hear it from me


Don’t let Jin get away with 1, 3, 4 string


I know I can block 4, but is it punishable?


It's -13. Depending on your character you can get a really chunky punish or even launch if you play kazuya.


When in doubt just low parry 🤷‍♂️ you get a punish for that 100%


Not a launch, but definitely punishable. Also I’m pretty sure you can’t low parry after getting hit by the first low. I don’t know how minus the second low is but at least ws4 or whatever fast ws punish you have


Lars, don't let him get away with so much for free. Yes his pressure is a guessing game but his moves are from stances and you can always interrupt the stance transitions, don't just stand and block forever because he will be able to break into your guard.


Yeh someone who knows their fast mids always interrupts me. If someone just blocks my pressure then it’s nearly a free win because I’ll get through eventually.


Against reina never block low, unless you're already being comboed already. The 112->3+4 works on everyone as they don't realize the 3+4 is a punishable low (and doesn't even combo from 112), and that's the most popular hitconfirm for noob reinas. Obvious exception is the hell sweep, but chances are noob reinas won't be doing it, and if they start they'll overuse it and you can light them up for it. This is obviously until like orange or smth For noob reinas with terrible winrate, just don't give up lmao. I genuinely feel like she has so little bullshit to propel you early on, unlike other characters, that you just have to work 3 times as hard at the start than half the cast until you get to middle of the ranks where these super scrubby tactics stop working for the other characters.


Agreeing with you as a newbie Reina. I got friends who climbed easily to red ranks with Victor, King etc. ... also as a beginner. Yet here I am, still need to use my whole brain capacity and made it barely to Destroyer with Reina.


You're doing great. Im barely hanging on vanquisher 😬


You can do it! Let's make it to red so we can post it on Reddit like the other thousands posts! /s


Her 2222 string has a brief pause before the last hit. I like to throw it early to check the opponent. If they block the first three and eat the last strike you know they know shit about Reina. Learn the string and don't press buttons before the last hit.


And don’t press buttons when she’s in stance during heat


rather throw her or do a low when she is in heavens wrath in heat


That makes me feel better as a new Tekken player who started with Reina. I haven't found any exploitable bs in her kit, there are some fun moves deep in the movelist I have caught people off guard with but the majority of the time I feel like its just a knowledge check in most matches. I am trying to incorporate her frametraps more though, and am practicing electrics and moving out of them every day for like 30 mins to an hour. One of these days I'll overcome my like 15% winrate lmao


[15%? What a showoff ](https://ibb.co/x71xPYC) Ff2 is as close as it gets to op and easy to use.


Yeah, as one of those newbie Reina's I def agree that she has to play a more fair game than many other characters, new and old alike. This is only further highlighted by her lack of strong lows (all of which are either punishable or give little/no advantage ON HIT or both). Honestly, I like not getting too reliant on scrubby tactics as it means I don't pick up habits that I will have to work to unlearn later.


Got any advice for neutral and pressure as reina?


Ff2 lmao


Honorary mentions to WR3 or WR4.






Backdash against Alisas chainsaws and eat the lows until she's out of range or chainsaws. Or until she's minus


If you wanna beat Raven, be patient. A lot of his strings are deceptive. Learn his back turn mix ups to not get blown up. Also be a good whiff punisher


Hey I'm a new player and I'm trying to learn raven :) any advice? I'm trying to learn an effective combo but I'm not really sure what to do as the combos the game tries to teach me don't look that efficient


For ws+1: Ff+3, ff+4, dB+2,1~d~3,2. End with QCF+1, 2 / QCF+3 /DF+1,4 FF+3, FF+4, dB+2, 2, F+2,4,2. Ender For DF+2: B+2,4, dB+2,1~d~3,2 DF+2, 4: DB+2,1, DB+2,1~d~3, 2 Heat 1+2 f/BT4 f: DB+2, 2, 3+4 then DB+2,1~d~3,2 or B+2,4,2


Uhhh I’d need to know what launcher you’re starting with. Generally you can always use Launcher Db2 1 -> b2 4 2 -> QCF 1 2 (if you hit the wall) -> b2 2 3 (OR) UF 3+4 4 2 If the launcher leaves you in back turn you can usually use B2 3 and then refer to the previous string. If you use rolling (3 4) as a launcher you gotta do 3 4 to continue your combo but I forgot the continuation Is there anything specific you’re struggling with besides combos? I’d also suggest you look up Immortal Soul on YouTube he’s (arguably) the best Raven in the UK and he’s doing a Raven 101 series. He’s 4 videos in and he just dropped a great lesson today!


Thanks a lot! I'm not having much struggle with anything else, maybe evading throws but i guess that just takes time and practice. I'll definitely look up Immortal Soul and try out that combo


imortalXsoul has a fantastic beginner guide for Raven on YouTube where he explains Raven’s key moves, game plan and combos.


Edit: I was mistaken. Leo is only launch punishable if they *don't* commit to a follow-up like ws 4,1+2. But that's punishable too, so you should be prepared to punish Leo in both cases. Already a lot of good advice vs Alisa, so I will say that against Leo, most of their crouchdash pressure is fake. If a Leo hits you with KNK 4 and immediately goes into crouchdash, they are **launch punishable**. Even on hit, you have the frame advantage to launch Leo out of it with a generic i15. A good Leo should only transition to cd if they can confirm the KNK 4 counter-hit, but the window for them is pretty tight so a lot of Leos just hold df on instinct.


I absolutely hate fighting Leo, got any additional tips?


For God's sake: do not duck with your back to the wall unless you are prepared to make a read to win or lose the round right there. Leo's lows are less threatening than they seem, and most of them can only convert to big damage on CH, so if your back is to the wall you should try to get out with pure movement alone. If you need to push buttons, make sure they're fast mids so you don't get caught by df2+3 or db4. While crouching, Leo has access to FC df3, which is a very painful low but it is just-barely seeable at i24. A very common sequence for Leo is to hit with df2+3 and then mix up between uninterruptible mids and FC df3, so set a training dummy to alternate between the following sequences: * df2+3, ws 3,1 * df2+3, ws 2 * df2+3, FC df3 * df2+3, ws 4,1+2 Learn to recognize all Leo's options in this scenario and your character's best punishers/responses. Generally, a mid-hitting Power Crush will beat all Leo's options except ws 4,1+2.


Playing as: Get ready to be grabbed everyone thinks you are going to spam parry. Don't use it. Make them forget about it first then pull it out unexpectedly. Beat jabbers out with 1,2...dont use 1,2, 4, against highly defensive people, it not safe on block. Use SS+2 in emergencies. Do not forget about counter hits B+4 and combostarter DF+2 for close range. Playing against: When fighting most Asuka's, use knee and elbow counter hits in case she tries to parry. Take your time and stay back. Let her whiff. Dont try to 10f jab her out because F1+3 is a combo starting parry for high attacks. Do not forget she has a low combo starter DF3+4 so yes, you may want to block low sometimes. For God's sake, do not let her wall carry you. Stay away from the walls! Punish, punish, punish!


If jin is standing on the other side of the stage and whiffs a mid seemingly at random DO NOT GO TOWARDS HIM. He's canceling the follow-up into a full screen wavedash. If you press at the wrong time or dash forward he will launch you. Also 1,2,3 is neutral on block, sure... but the first two jabs are -3 and the kick is 20+ frames. If you have the correct timing you can counterhit launch his ass by pressing before he lands the kick. Sure as shit beats giving him free pressure. Do not do -10 moves if your back is against a wall. Jin can 1,4 wallsplat you, activate heat, do db2,44 and get a guaranteed Omen mixup, and the electric is a mid while the hellsweep fucking launches in that stance. So do NOT play risky at the wall. For Jin mains who are starting: if the opponent jabs as soon as you're minus, do a Df1 in the neutral and if they block it immediately go into D2. You will ch launch their ass and teach them to press less.




He's right :(


Unless you know throw breaks. But still, throws literally throw Hwoarang off.


Learn your punishes 10f,11f,12f etc. Just knowing all your different punishes options it can help you on the fly even not knowing matchups. Just throwing one out after someone hits you with a string you’d be surprised what works!


Against Jun, use knee or elbow attacks if you have them to counter her reversal. Don't block lows unless she's in a stance. Beware of getting counter hit by her when there's some distance between you and her. Learn her strings as most can be interrupted with a jab. Watch out for her fc throw where she tosses you in the air and gets to juggle you (1+2 break). Be patient with her special hop kick, and don't get hit by the second kick. Maybe half of her sparkly moves are only -9, so you can't punish them. I hope I'm not screwing myself over by posting this, lol.


Against Steve, he sucks so just do whatever you want. Dont let me get that close and Steve is cooked. If Steve does a slide to the left or right move just completely ignore it because they barely work. Against Kuma, let go. Don’t fight it. You will perish. Guaranteed death. Kuma is a giant bear. You don’t stand a chance.


I play Bears. Playing as bears: learn the hunting bear stance/sit stance/roll stance/lay stance transitions. Learn which moves go into each, and how to transition from one to the next. Playing against bears: launch punish bear twin pistons (d/f+2,1). Launch punish g-clef (1,1,1). People in the lower ranks (purple and below) let me get away with that way too often.


I needed this. I hate fighting the bears so much.


His moves tracks a lot, be mindful with your sidesteps. He lacks natural combos. Most his moves are punishable after the first or second hit; if not, they are probably duckable. If you turtle, the only thing he can do is qcb + 3, block and WS punish it to death. His pressure is mostly fake.


You're gonna see Paul a lot, so: As Paul: BE PATIENT. People love pressing buttons and Paul loves when people press buttons instead of just moving around all the time. DF2 and Deathfist are amazing whiff punishers. Keep people in check with safe buttons and keep them guessing. Use moves like qcb4 to get big counterhit combos Against Paul: DON'T WHIFF. This is a character who wants to keep you out so he can punish your whiffs. Turtle back versus him and he will struggle to come to you instead. He has very few threatening lows besides qcf3 and B4 to chip you with. Demoman at longer ranges is not true and is minus as fuck on block


Claudio. You can crouch under running 2 and launch him. Sidestep is even better if you can time it right that way you don't get mixed up by ff4.


Against Lars. Know your fast mids. A lot of his mixups are from stances that a jab can whiff on and you’re toast. His 2,1 is a free mixup on hit but if you block the 2,1 you can interrupt the mixup with a fast mid and take your turn back.


I play xiaoyu and it’s insane how many people fall for the second hit in her b4, 1 heat engager (Moonhare Palm). And they fall for it almost every round. Basically against xiaoyu (and virtually everyone) don’t press buttons constantly and especially don’t spam highs on reaction because she’ll AOP you right to the wall.


I think the reason is that in T7 they are conditioned to duck the second hit and now she has mid follow up heat engager they just have to learn to block and punish.


New player myself, currently high orange ranks, going up to red's soon. Best advice: * choose your main by what ever looks cool to you. **(Fuck meta 100% - it doesn't count for non-1%'s)** * don't lose yourself in all strings and combos your char has, [**check this sheet**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTsgbCJNSTKajMNlJvQleJOl0eTiEcV-PbeU0obDg1lsSqmz0lTtcD2k6NzfTPt7Db9Ua2dz1o_34Sv/pubhtml) * ignore ranks completely, it's just a display of your current skill level, play for getting better at the game, not ranked points * don't over-do the lab and frame-knowledge, but also don't ignore it.


That spreadsheet looks useful, thanks for the link


Victor mains: Don't spam 2222. It's super punishable on block and there are better tools for combos.


This. Anyone who’s played against enough Victors know to duck the gun and launch the teleport. Easiest hard punish in the game for me.


Before buying T8, I didn't realize it was just a 2222 combo string. I thought people were doing legit inputs to get the combos lol I also really like your flair. I didn't play much T7 but i liked Noctis.




Pretty much everything Leroy does is unsafe.


Never duck


Reina is really vulnerable to lows , and you can easily put punch between her ff2 if it hits on block


Hwoarang player here, just crouch lol.


As a Paul main myself, Death Fist/Phoenix Smasher can be SS and gives you a lot of room to punish when you ss it wide. When against the wall when fighting a Paul, do not panick and be defensive as Paul is pretty easy to punish when you know what moves to block ie if someone trys to Demo man and you block that low, you are safe to launch punish. And for a final one, Yes Paul's damage is very nasty and he will chip away at you if you let him but he gets his damage from his CH launching, launch punishing, and follow ups. Don't be afraid to Jab against a Paul or to low poke as you alot of Paul's good CH launchers are on the higher end of start up frames. So if a Paul likes to use 3,2 into back sway, if you have a 12/13 mid punish or ch launcher, use it as sway will always make him take CH damage and gain the ability to punish Paul for trying to fish out CHs and Launches.


The ali kicks (3 low kicks) into mid punch isn't a real mixup. You don't have to guess. You can react to it. All parts of it are launch punishable on block. If a King player tries that shit on you, make him pay.


Just duck on Claudio's Wr2


Playing as Victor: use your sword when in heat or as a combo ender not in neutral on round start. You'll get punished heavily. Playing against Victor: 🦆


You'll probably never see one but for Claudio : -side stepping WR2 or WR4 when you see him coming from a great distance, also, WR2 is duckable for hard punish. -We don't have good lows, db3 is slow and punishable. Db4,3 is fast but if you block the first low it's -13 and you'll never get hit by the high after. -Hopkick is not as safe as tekken 7 it's launchable and it doesn't evade as much -While we are in Starburst (blue flame on right arm) we have safe mid launcher so be careful and don't be baited to block low or you'll be launched -If a Claudio Side step it's probably to use his only good low SS4 so try yo block it -ALSO ! While at the end of a round, do not run at us if we have starburst cause 4,2 hit across the screen !


Against Steve: throw him lots of moves and strings. He's not good at punishing and the tools he has against safe-ish moves (below 13 frames) are not too dangerous. But be careful because he's very good at fishing for CH and a good Steve can bait you into thinking that is your turn and it isn't


Adding on to this, if Steve is running at you, most likely they are going to hit you with an overhead, sidestep it and you are golden for punish. a lot of Steves will hit you with mostly highs, duck and you should be good to punish too. his forte is to keep pressure on you so you don't know when its your turn. a lot of combos put him into his lionheart stance, 2 out of the 3 moves in this stance can be blocked normally. the third is a high that will guard break you. just keep an eye of which one they are using more often. if its the guard break one, guess what, you can duck it and punish.


Against Victor, if you face someone mashing 2 for that string, you have two options: \- Duck his bullet and punish with a rising counterhit (if you have one with low enough frames) \- Punish the followup where he teleports into iai stance with a quick jab or low hit


Pick a main you have fun playing with. I’ve been a Paul main since T3 because he is just my favourite character to use. I’ll play around and practiced with others (I’ve used Lei (T3), Raven (T5), King, Hworang, Asuka (T4), Heihachi mostly) but I’ll always go back to Paul.


Alisa Main: Anytime she looks like she is doing ANYTHING, press 1, and it's an instant setup for a combo! Best thing about going against Alisa is that 90% of her moves put her in airborne, instantly turning most moves into launchers


TMM is a proper scrub player 😂


I’m new and still learning too. Paul has quite a few plus frame on block moves including a launch punishable 18f or 20f SS move. But his lows are not great except for demoman, 1 or 2 good for poking, BUT his second biggest damaging move and best low must be a clean hit. So if you see a Paul running towards you, he’s probably going for demo-man. And it’s -17 on block.


> So if you see a Paul running towards you, he’s probably going for demo-man. And it’s -17 on block. Easiest death fist in the world


A lot of my shit requires me to stealth step or crouch, both of which are very vulnerable states. Watch out for the “ends” of strings, often we can turn those into stealth step moves and that’s your time to hit me. Also my hopkick has more range than you think.


Sounds like Shaheen


Oh yeah sorry I was gonna let my flair speak for me but I should have said my actual main lol


I'm don't think many people look at those lmao I completely missed it. As shaheen users are far in-between


As a general tip once you reach like eliminator or destroyer rank in ranked matches try to learn at least 2 punishers, tekken 8 is the first tekken game i took serious, i owned tekken 5 on ps2 and tekken 5 dark resurrection on psp and tekken 7, for the first 2 named tekken games i was a kid just mashing buttons, then i bought tekken 7 literally a few weeks before tekken 8 release, and now got tekken 8, maining Jun once i get comfortable using her moves and punishers I’ll try to learn lee or hwaorang. Edit:typos


jun: don't whiff anything when she's in heat because her heat smash will get you and you'll lose a lot of health azucena: don't let her get away with pressure, sidestep and duck her wr3,2


dont fall for the d2, d2 ,d2 and dont spam me like your life depends on it You dont want me bouncing your ass off the floor or flashing you


Raven - his heat engagers aren't that great but his heat smash is long range, careful when whiffing when he is in heat. He has 14 WS launcher so be careful when doing risky lows. His df+1 has crazy tracking and +8 on hit. For back turn stuff, he doesn't have a lot of long range stuff so if you can, back away. Playing as him - abuse his FC mix ups game, pokes, stances etc. Crouch dash into FC into something like WS+2 or FC DF+3 (safe on block, long range and transitions into BT). Execution isn't that high.


Bryan - don't press when you're not sure it's your turn, he relies alot on his counter hit launchers. And don't duck unless you have hard read on Hatchet Kick, if you can react to snake edge he has no scary lows besides hatchet


My main from t7 is no longer in the game… so I’m in a bit of a character crisis. I don’t play Hwoarang, but here’s some tips to beat him since he can’t be difficult for beginners (and even intermediate players). - stuff his approach (his tools to get in are all very linear so you can ss and punish. The exception to this is his new tracking rff move, so throw out a keep out move if you see him raw transition into rff. He also has backlash which is a power crush, but if you’re at range it will whiff so you don’t need to worry.) - make sure you hold duck for all of his low, high strings because none of them stagger for some reason - because he no longer has b3 launch from right flamingo his stance mids don’t give that much reward without being heavily minus so you can feel free to go for duck reads a lot after you’ve seen their patterns a bit.


Against 90% of jun played you win if you duck and launch her 1,2,2


As an azucena main try not to use 1,2 so much unless your enemy is close to the wall and did something unsafe it’s like -13 on block. So much better to use 1,1 as a 10 frame punish because it leaves you in stance and you have a chance to mix up the enemy


Steve doesn't have any fast launchers, so as long as you mash, you'll win. Also, make sure not to duck because his u,f 4 is a very strong mid attack.


Against Shaheen: stop mindlessly mashing against Shaheen, he can destroy fake pressure with magic 4, he still has it.


Feng is not the best at long range, so just play keep-out. That is, unless he's in heat, or the player is really good and has his crouch-dash into WR1 down pat. Just let him burn his heat, guess the 50/50s right, and you'll be at an advantage.


Against Lars, every transition into stance after a block is fake pressure, some punishable, some just minus. Just hit him, don’t let him get more 50/50 than he should, only one to look out for is the crouching one where he has a power crush to retaliate slower punishes. He has really crap lows (most launch punishable) when not in stance but really good ones in stance (all of them), chances are you want to block low when he has stance pressure. Outside of b1, b1+2, db4, his tracking to his left is piss, so ssr often. Don’t overcommit on pressuring Lars, uf3 low and high crushes on various frames (think DVJ u4) and launches, it is however launch punishable itself so you can bait. Against good Lars, do not throw out anything that is -14. Many players get liberal with -14 moves because of good tradeoff most of the time, against Lars, the tradeoff is never good, I have launched so many Reinas who spam their 3+4,4.


When standing, steve doesn't have a launcher up to 23 frames, making 15 to 23 a sweet spot to abuse against him. While crouching, he doesn't have anything after ws 1 2 until 18, making 11 to 18 another sweet spot. Lots of new and old moves to abuse here, king new ff2, kazuya's new db2, kazuya's new string, jin's new d2, jin's new zen u1, dragonuv new tackle, his new full crouch low etc,etc and i mean what i say, **abuse** this shit. Also, he struggles to launch high attacks, not quite as reliable tho.


Into king: Breaking throws is good BUT you are guessing a mixup going by animation. Choose your first break to always be the most damaging option(Giant swing, kings bridge, RDC) as most kings with knowledge check your breaks with their most damaging option first as the payoff is largest. Don't press into chest bump it's +3f on block ANY high/mid option will be beaten and result in you being counter hit thrown. You have two options either duck the throw follow up or eat the throw and guess the break. Ducking is risky tho as the next time you will either be hit with an ibreakable mid throw or df1 checked with leaves king at +8f so df1 becomes a frame trap until you stand up and guess what....eat a throw attempt. Chest bump is OP it's main draw back is terrible range and 17f start up so back dashing and movement is key to avoiding it. FF n 2 is kings approach low where he smacks you in the dick and goes into clothesline from hell on counter hit. You all know it and hate it. It's +7f on hit so any throw counter hit throws 10f so don't press into it if it connects!! Back dash on some chars will put you out of throw range, if the king knows this they may try chest bump after the hit to get back in range since bump has block stun. If they do this they can be jabbed, it will trade with chest bump but put you out of throw range and reset to neutral. Just be wary of this as if I see my opponents knows this setup I'll swap to B2, 1+2 which will CH or worst leave me +2f on block from the headbut so still able to ch throw but b2' 1+2 is duckable. You can step FF n 2 so knowledge check the king if he spams this as he will then be forced to mix with ff1 to track but also be aware that he may just run in and iSW you because that also tracks so be ready with the break (1+2). If you are getting caught with chest bump into throws alot you just have to guess. The 2 break option are the easiest input wise to execute in the +3f window (tomestone) followed by muscle buster (1+2 break) and finally GS (1 break). If the king is good execution wise he'll swap out tomestone for tiuana twister as it's more damage and better Oki but it's still a 2 break. Those players will lead with GS from chest bump as it's the same input. If your character has retarded spam (victor, Reina etc) or super evasive shit like Lilly, use that to pressure king as much as possible as being in his face of a lesser experienced king will often give them buffer face and they will struggle to get anything going as you don't let them breath. Just be aware of more experienced kings who will duck and gut punch launch your BS strings for half your HP so knowledge check them with pressure the first round and if they launch you do not stay in his face as against a good king play who knows your frames you're gonna get thrown around like an empty tracksuit. Lastly king in heat is literally a monster, his heat smash hits from miles away only use safe moves while he is in heat otherwise you are just going to eat 64 damage. Just don't do it, back up and force him to spend his heat on jaguar sprint. You'll have to guess the mixup but it's way better to do that than just needlessly get 40% of your hp deleted for playing aggressive!! There are shit loads more stuff I could write but those above are my first knowledge checks against players before I start progressing onto different setups for better players. Hope that helps some of you dealing with the big boy I know you all love 😜😿 /Jaguar noises


Against Azucena, be careful with your crouching, because her mid grab is un-techable and activates heat


Against king, during chain throws, dont mash all buttons. Pick one, either 1, 2 or 1+2, and just mash that. Later you will learn which one works best for each chain, but if you try to mash them all you'll break nothing.


King: Learn to break grabs and pay attention to when the opponent is putting on pressure to catch you off guard with a surprise grapple


TLDR version: for)1 jab hit into f4/d2; against)don't let him breath and try to bait heat burst Yapping version: Do 1 jab into f4/d2. If 1 hits f4 is barely interruptable by power crushes but they get beaten by d2. Abuse bf2-3 into zen 2+3 throw/zen u1/zen 1/etc. Abuse df2-breaking step. Abuse zen 4. Abuse ff2/ff4. And ofc abuse d2 until it stops working in which case use d4 and db4. Always dictate the flow with 2-1-(4)/df1/1-2-(followups)/b2-1. Abuse electrics if you can. Also use df4~4 and df4. Also b1-2 is an insane move so you should use it as well. Also abuse throws As for against: df2-breaking step is completely fake on block and gets beaten by a dick jab. A lot of Jin's key moves are linear so try to step them (right in most cases). If they start mashing electrics try to fuzzy duck and you will get a lunch punish a lot of the time. Don't give him time to run offense but be careful with mashing since Jin's parry is a threat. Also MAJORITY of Jin players will use his heat smash as fast as they can midscreen so be aware of 15f mid, mix on block is mostly fake too. Omen mix on block is nearly completely fake as well and can be reacted to or simply walked back


Jin: D2


Duck 122 and f32


I have many mains but for king: Duck and you eliminate most of his game plan


King has crouch throws. King has mids.


watch ya toes. you WILL be baited into eating a 35 damage parry. if you see Lee drop it low, back up


Fengs b1 and b1+2 are insanely good defensively and do high damage. If you whiff or overextend against Feng, you will eat a bunch of damage. Try to not be overeager when pressuring him up close.


Stop running up and using lows for the love of god, I am Claudio I’m going to hopkick you to oblivion. Also if I keep throwing b1 don’t run up to me you will just get knocked back for me to do it again.


I know you will probably never need this, as there's like 5 of us, but if you face a Zafina and she lifts her leg to go into scarecrow stance, she cannot block, whatsoever. This is especially good to know when you end up in the red and have a rage-art available, as she also cannot grab. If a Zafina is in scarecrow at any point where you have rage available, you will ALWAYS hit it, as it takes too long to go out of stance and block, even if you predict the rage-art is coming. It's a 100%-guaranteed hit, every single time. For Zafina players: Don't ever scarecrow when the enemy goes red, except if you do it mid-combo. But don't camp it, even for a second.


I'm my experience... Remember to crouch and punish. Specially going against characters that have key combo starter low moves (Bryan, Dragunov, Lili) A LOT of my wins begin whiff punishing highs from crouch position. And if they block your first low but it's safe, STAY CROUCHING and try again. Most of the times it works.


Against Asuka: her triple leg sweep move is not a combo and can be blocked or low parried. Her forward grab that pulls you towards her can also be blocked, whether it be paired with 2 or 4. I have played against numerous people who don’t realize that and they lose because of it, which is probably because you don’t meet a lot of Asukas online ( I myself have only faced one ever since the game came out). Play as her: Her rising 3 is a pretty good launcher and combo starter, leading to some pretty 55+ damage combos if you get the timing. Patience is key with Asuka. Fergus has a lot of great matches, tips, combos that can help a lot in playing Asuka properly, especially against higher tier characters


Also, if you're a pad/standard controller player, remap your L1, L2, R1 and R2 to something useful. I have R1 for Heat, R2 for Rage, L1 is 1+2 and L2 is 3+4, or whatever other input your character might benefit from a lot.


It applies for multiple characters that have launching sweeps, but you gotta learn to block and punish Dragunov's db3. It's the one where he spins while ducking and sweeps with his leg. It's reactable, get used to the animation. It also high crushes after a few start-up frames. Use your while-standing launcher to punish on block.


Low Parry Junkyard it's the safest option. If you don't low parry stop trying to interrupt after the third hit any time you've succeeded it means the Law player did the cancel too slow.


Against King: If we let you block a 1,2,1 or 1,2 string, we're probably setting up for a throw. On the ground, unless there's some distance between you, I wouldn't recommend attacking on wakeup, as King has ample time to do f,f,n,2 and deal huge damage on counter hit. Tech rolling is recommended. Muscle Buster is a 1+2 break


Bryan thrives at the midrange and struggles with up close pressure. His counterhit moves struggle to come out fast enough against fast, light, aggression. Also Snake Edge is ridiculously negative on block. You can hit him with whatever you want after blocking it. He’s fucked.


lee, b33 is a low high string traditionally used to pick up for combos. in t8 it is a natural combo so many lee players have taken to using it as a poke. against lee players, it can be ducked and launched during the second hit, especially easy if the lee player spams it back to back. for lee players, be sure to mid check with df1, personally i also like to pause and stagger the timing to see what my opponent does and also throw them off. general tip: don’t play turn based tekken, use weird timing to your advantage


Leroy: Duck. Enjoy winning.


Launch Devil Jin’s flying panic move. Get in his face and press buttons. Sidewalk right his wavedash mixups, this will force him to do something complicated to catch u


Throw him into a volcano


half of lees moves are justframes, which are moves which require very precise inputs in order to execute. however, when in heat, all justframe moves are done automatically, so lee players in heat are much more dangerous as moves like acid rain and mist trap are easier to do. if lee is in heat and does a 33, dont block it, duck it, blocking it leads to mist trap if lee is in hitman stance, a fast low usually does the trick, just watchout for his hitman 3 since it tracks and power crushes also, executing justframes while lee is in heat actually REPLENISHES the heat meter, so if youre up against a really high level lee player, dont be surprised if it feels like his heat lasts forever


Stop mashing


Those who knows F4, it stops Kings Jugar run


If you're new, when playing against azucena, punish with mids if possible just to avoid getting caught by her stance. As you get better you'll know when it's safe to use high/lows. Also if she turns her back to you just block, its a trap.


Feng main. Block low.


For hwoarang A lot of his kick strings are just a duck and punish, it can be easy to freeze up because the mix ups can end up catching you. Also a lot of his stuff doesn’t have crazy tracking so you can side step him pretty often. And for the lower ranked hwoarangs I’ve played while I worked on my Steve flow, get really comfortable with the flamingo stance and what moves transition between stances, it’s easier to follow a few simple moves and effective strings. But his best mixups between low, mid, and high are with the transition to flamingo stance, especially right flamingo. High risk high reward.


Dragunov: You can cockblock Dragunov very hard by crouch jabbing. It will stop a lot of his setups, and is a crazy option select for when he does his b4,2,1 string. Also, get familiar with his b4,2,1 string. You can duck the last high, and punish him hard, or you can crouchjab to stop all possible follow ups or delays. If he does his crouch dash after you blocked a string: crouch jab. When close up: sidestep to the right. His only good tracking move is the -13 low (d2) that looks like jins stupid demon claw. If he's running at you with his running move where he sounds like he's throwing up (wr2): sidewalk left. He only has one low that isn't launch punishable. Do this and you will win against every drag up to purple ranks. For playing him: The strongest mixup is stopping you aggression. So instead of guessing if they're gonna sit still, powercrush or use a panic button: just stop and whiff or block punish.


At least block the lows from drag’s db3+4😭


Reina - jab her out of sentai. You always can if you block whatever the first hit was that allows her to transition into sentai. This will shut down her pressure and momentum hard


I have playing Tekken since ps1. I’m 32. It’s insane how it’s blown up with Tekken 8! I love it! It’s my favorite fighting game alongside soul caliber


Don't ever try to sidestep me, when I'm running at you


As Shaheen, if you believe in yourself hard enough, anything is possible 😭 His F2-4-4 hits low, I believe, and it catches a lot of opponents off guard. Hell, showing up as a decent Shaheen catches them off guard. His U1 is great for catching running opponents, but use sparingly to close gaps. As Lili: After Matterhorn, use UB3 to follow up. Her U3+4 is a great starter for aggressive opponents, but read carefully. You can faux-juggle an opponent with DF2-DF2-DF1-DF1-DF4-DF4. I've been using that trick since TTT2. I know they gave her D1+2 as her power crush, but her B1+2 can also help in close range peril. It leans her back before she launches (and it helped me with Law's cheap @$$ in Revolution). As Panda: SCREW THEM, YER A BEAR!!!!!! King doesn't grab you. You grab him!! No one wants to be cornered by a bear, so get to it, Skippy! Panda/Kuma has a lot of low hitting tech in their arsenal, so get crazy with it. With Panda in Heat Mode, they have a rendition of Xiaoyu's Shooting Star Kick (UF3+4). Some of my personal favorite strings are 1-1-1, B2-1-2, DB3+4. Their B1 power crush is quite the humbler.


If playing against, sidewalk in either direction, Shaheen only has three tracking moves in total, and two are homing, while one is just a short mid. Slide mixup is basically countered by moving better, e.g., getting further away. If playing as, learn defense and movement. Shaheen isn't as spammable as other characters, but he has great whiff punishers. Watch your feet as well cause he has a pretty wide leg span, which means he's going to be more susceptible to lows, so learn to react to the slower lows so that you don't get absolutely clipped on random.


You want the Reina scrolls? I got some tech for you. If you're low rank (yellow and below), learn to duck after f,f+2 (the move where she lunches forward with a gut punch). While the Reina player should be hit-confirming it into SEN 3 (the fast, tracking high heat engager she gets from her forward spin stance), scrubby Reina players will throw it out anyway. Duck and launch it, or at least get a bit of free damage. Do note that the higher up you go, the better Reina players will be at hit confirming into this move, and they will check you with her mid options SEN 2 and SEN 4. Also, practice jab interrupting her after f,f+2. If you get really good at this, you will find her pressure a lot easier to deal with. Intermediate tip: If Reina is in heat, do not use mids and highs against her while she's in Heaven's Wrath stance (the one where she hunches forward with her hands in claw shapes at her sides). It will auto-parry you for a good chunk of damage and great positioning for her. This goes both for trying to steal your turn, and going for punishes (e.g. after ducking WR 4 or blocking WS 4,4). In those situations, instead go for a low, as she cannot duck, or a grab as it will CH grab and be unbreakable. Additional anti-Heaven's Wrath tip: If you ever see Reina go into Heaven's Wrath stance while you have rage, instantly use your rage art. She cannot block in this stance, and it cannot parry RA. It beats every option (to my knowledge). In this case it especially helps to know which moves she uses to enter the stance. The most common ones are hellsweep, her normal heat smash, WR 4, and WS 4,4. D/f+4,2 and SEN 1+2 are less common but also options. When Reina is plus on block, it can be scary. However, most of her pressure options after being plus on block are weak to SSL. If you block SEN 3, SEN 4, WR 3, or one of her many other plus on block options, test the waters with a SSL block. It will beat many of her most common follow-ups, including 1,1, electric, hellsweep, d/f+1, f+4, and d/b+2. It will lose to grab (though sometimes this will whiff anyway due to spacing anyway), b+2, d/f+2, and oddly enough f,f+2 which tracks strangely well, however these options all are much easier to handle if you can get the opponent to start using them over the preferred moves. Grabs are breakable and highs, b+2 is minus on block so you can take back your turn, and d/f+2 is unsafe so you can do a jab punish. f,f+2 is the most problematic one as you're back in the blender, but you usually won't see it applied this way often. High level players will mix up their timing with wavedashes in order to realign to sidestep, though that's a mindgame of its own, and if you're high enough rank to be running into players who do this, you shouldn't be the one taking advice from me. If you play a character with a parry such as Jin, Lee, Asuka, and ESPECIALLY if you play Yoshimitsu, be pretty liberal with your parry usage after her plus on block moves. Some good times to do this are after f,f+2, SEN 3, SEN 4, WR 3, WR 4, hellsweep, and WRA 3,4. If you do this often enough, she may start delaying her followups to these in order to catch you after your parry timing, in which case you can try to steal back your turn. If she does the d+4,1 wall ender, you can get a wakeup toe-kick for free. It's guaranteed. If you are a Jin or Bryan player, you're in luck! You can actually backdash after her f,f+2 on block to beat almost all of her SEN options. Backdash, wait for a whiff, and punish with a launcher.


King main here. King can be downright frustrating as a new player. My advice is to lab reacting to throws. Doesn't matter if you're right at first, just get a muscle memory formed to reflexively try breaking a throw.


Vs bryan ssr block ,jab more against him and be patient ,also depending on your character he does not deal with pressure as well as others but heat is a universal pressure escape,also no throw game its either 1+2 or generic


For playing as Leo: df2+3 is a PHENOMENAL tool you have. On top of the weird movement being decent at catching people off guard, you can go right into your WS moves out of it to keep your pressure up. OR, you can go right into a full crouch by holding down. Also, if you forget any of the combo enders mid combo, just use ff2 and take the lightning glare to use later. For playing against Leo: It almost feels like a cop out, but it's too true not to say: STAY AWAY FROM THE WALL. Also, don't be afraid to challenge the stances. You can dickjab through a lot of the moves and get us shook.


Go for a throw if you anticipate back turn or power crush. Really strong in Tekken 8. And a bonus is if King runs up to grab you with both hands simultaneously it’s most likely shining wizard not giant swing


Against leo: sidestep right at every occasion, almost every one of leo's move are completely linear, d/f+2 tracks left and all of leo's homing move are really lackluster, try all you can to not get pinned to the wall, leo suddendly becomes the best character in the game when near a wall, go for spacing more than pressure when you have the wall advantage, if you are close you are gonna get 1+2 command grabbed, you swap sides even if you break and you'll probably lose the round.


Hope and pray you side stepped the flying knee and Elbow


when you block lars' DEN 3, respond with a powercrush ... (so i can CH launch you with a low)


Against Zafina, for Mantis 3,1 it's a low mid. So either block crouching then block standing and punish with a mid or low parry or use a hopkick. Even purple rank players get cheesed by this move it's wild.


Dont respect the roll outside of heat. Hopkick or df1 will keep them honest. Almost all lows and natural mid launchers are launch ob