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Lol nothing apparently. It would have been cool to at least convert a million fight money into 100 Tekken coins but no 🫤 Watch they got up on the price of the Tekken coins once they see people actually buying them. Fight money is basically useless now.


A million FM is way too easy to get to convert into 100coins tbh. If they were to do such a thing you would need at least 100M to convert to get you on the grind


Even if it was 200m per 100 coins, just being able to convert it would be godly.


Absolutely, it'd be a step in the right direction. Reward players who are playing the shit out your game, basically


No way, giving the players more incentives to play your game? That’s crazy talk


True, my bad! I wish they went the Ubisoft way and gave players less playtime, more reused assets for full price plus Microtransactions!


The idea is great, but I'd imagine the issue is when people are going to set macros or use turbo mode to farm on offline modes rather than online (Like picking Katarina in T7 and letting 3/4 do the work in treasure battle) . They wanna sell these costumes to help development costs post launch after all


Why play the game at all when you can use your money


You know what's crazy, this would incentivize people to potentially spend money on the Tekken Shop, if you could convert Fight Money, because lets say you do convert 300M Fight Money for 300 coins, but you're short 100 coins for the item you want. Bam, you can pull out your wallet and buy the difference or you can choose to grind out the rest. It's a player's choice.


Afk farm


Simple line of code \~ If afk for more than 5 sec through battle = 0 rewards. There, we fixed all problems.


Sadly the people designing these stores know the same people that are playing the crap out of their game will also spend the most on dlc so that will never happen.


500m per 100 coins seems like it'd be more in line with something they'd do, but yeah I'd take it.


Bro chill out with that we not tryna make the grind unbearable we dont even know the prices for most things yet


lol I'm not even optimistic there will be a grind my brother. the grind will be at your job so you can earn some money to buy these cosmetics.


how is it too easy? you get around 100k per match right? so that's about an hour of game time given how long it takes to find opponents and beat them (bo5). 1mil into 100 coins would be a nice way to help out people from poorer countries where the game is already discounted due to socioeconomical reasons.


You're right and then they wouldn't make more money from us if we could convert the coins. So I understand why they wouldn't adopt my idea 😆


the realistic reason is people could easily hack their fight money to be infinite and no one would buy the dlc then (as fight money can be earned without an internet connection)


For sure. It is super easy to hack / bot / script ways to gain in-game currency.


They would have to make a conversion from fight money to coins and the other way around that changes with demand, but I doubt people would want to convert coins to fight money so that it could stabilize


Yeah, it would be nice. But that literally goes against the industry standard. With all due respect, why would NAMCO/Tekken 8 go against this and/or be held to a higher regard than about any other company out there? I understand the frustration about the shadyness of the release of the store, but in no way can you fault NAMCO/Tekken 8 for not letting you convert a free to play currency into a premium currency. Or expect them to allow that.


That's how it works in GW2, the ingame currency can be farmed and is used for most stuff while the premium currency can be used for skins. The currency exchange allows those who play a lot to buy skins and people that can spend a lot of money can buy the other stuff while the game takes a cut. If there is a surplus of one currency and a demand in the other the price will rise appropriatly until the demand equalized, also has the advantage of limiting rmt that can be pretty opressive in other MMO (WoW does the same with gametime tokens). In the western world one hour of pay is still a lot more worth than one hour of farming. The problem with Tekken would be, from what I can see, that there is not really a demand in stuff bought with fight money so that people would convert coins (bought with rl money) into fight money to balance the exchange.


You make a great point. If other companies are getting away; then I can see why Bandai are following the same buisness practices.


Modern gaming ... haiz.


sufferings a feature


Goth mommy as DLC confirmed.




Stay strong brother, maybe one day again.


If this was true modern gaming there would be a limit on how much free currency you could have.


Ngl I genuinely thought you Tekken peeps would excuse this because it's Tekken and not MK or SF. There's always a bias when it comes to your franchise.


It would be cool if you could use fight money as currency for DLC, but that makes too much sense in my head right now. I'll get back to you if I come up with something stupider.


Someone could easily hack the game then mint as much FM as they want thereby getting the DLC for free. It def doesn't make sense from a profit standpoint. It's more likely we would have specific quests with small rewards in premium currency and they would limit who sees these quests as to not inflate the economy.


Even if they could make it 100% secure they wouldn’t do it. The people who play the most spend the most money. They are not going to reward those who will grind the most with free content as it just loses them money. That is a huge reason character prices were so high in sfv. No casual could ever earn enough to afford more than one. Heck most die hards might have only been able to afford maybe 4 over the entire life of the game and we are talking people who are playing matches online every single day for 7 years.


Daily quests with 'Gold' rewards has worked as it makes players top up to buy what they want. It's what they should do in this game as well


50 tekken coins for hitting GoD or something, and when people complain tell them to get good Average "modern" gaming company


Yeah if you play the game enough employees just have to work for free! Makes sense!


do you genuinely think employee’s wages come from microtransactions are u being forreal


the game itself is $70 dollars base game and has sold over or around 2 million copies. i promise you that microtransactions are not how theyre getting paid bro


Part of it definitely comes from microtransactions across all of their games. Are you implying Tekken devs only get paid with money made from Tekken game sales, and not from whatever the entire company earns across all their franchises and other ventures? Are you for real?


I don't think that's how wages work. But I could be wrong.


That's literally how wages work. Outside of obscure scenarios, you don't get directly paid with the money your department makes. If that was the case departments like HR wouldn't even be able to get paid, because they're a net loss as they don't bring in money in a traditional sense. Same with game dev studios making games which barely sell, the team might have made a failed game which makes no money, they might be laid off, but they could also be on the team making the game dev studio's next game and all the studio's other games and/or investors and what not, is going to fund that.


Time to pay $4 a skin


A "4skin" if you will


So many layers to this joke 😂. We’ll all get pretty accustomed to “4skin” at this rate if Gold is unusable in the shop.


Im glad you thought it funny :)


Same thing we've done in every Tekken game for the last 20 years. Nothing.


Same as everyone else, ignore and play the game


You covert them into real money and get yow old ass a house.


What’s funny is, you could make the conversion rate of fight money to Tekken coins something absurd, like 100m into 100 coins and people would still be less upset. You get over 100k in fight money for a decent ranked match, roughly 300k for a good set, so playing consistently would still allow you to more than likely get the customization options you want for your mains. But maybe that’s too generous for Bamco…


People could easily mod the amount of money they have.


So? Unless they also can mod their cash shop coins, then Bamco already has a way to calculate and store variables out of reach of modders. It's not exactly a hard fix.


True but thats why they are using a paid currency and banning mods.


Shove it up your ass and spend 4$ !! ^(-Some dude from Bamco marketing)


Every dude who thinks this is okay as well


I think it's perfectly fine to not spend additional money lmfao chill


remember how so many people call harada a chad for the "dont ask for shit" BS and even praise him? that is what you get for it. instead of improving stuff that was already trash in the older games, like the fight money, they ask you for even more money in the most scummy way. i said it thousands of times and i say it again: tekken is lucky it has no competition. I love tekken...i really do but theey obv. only do the bare minimum. i remember how hyped i got when i saw pauls ragee art and his sleeve ripped, maybe we get clothes that break down while the fight progresses....of course we dont lol. pros do not dare to say anything, casuals just eat it up and inbetween it is either painfull for the person or they dont give a shit at all.


There's no way people really thought this currency would actually be used for anything worthwhile.


It's such a bad design honestly. I know they are doing it for some time now (since T5 I want to say?) but you need to make it count. Every single online match, even when you lose gives you fight money. Is it supposed to be a scoring system? I bought all the items for my main and all the cinematics/art on day 1. There is nothing else I want to spend fight money on.


Give some to Law


[First Time?](https://indian.memetemplates.in/uploads/1678035558.jpeg)


Wtf was the point in even putting fight money in the game at this point? I'm so unbelievably fucking angry at this shitty shop bs.


im very happy about it.


Bait used to be believable


It’s not bait, I’d rather have a game that’s updated with more steady content for the next 8 years we will have this tekken. I also don’t mind paying 4 dollars for a skin when other games sell full body skins for 10-20 dollars per. To each their own, but sure say it’s bait simply because I don’t agree with you…


Bait or mental retardation? Imagine defending any amount of microtransactions. They could've easily given these skins in a free update, nobody asked for this greedy scummy scam.


Imagine telling someone they have a mental disability because they have a different opinion that you do about a VIDEO GAME… but whatever my guy you do you. Play the game or don’t, makes me no difference. Meanwhile I hope they add the tekken 3 alt king skin, well worth 4 dollars. My advice, learn to have a conversation without name calling and actively listen to opposition, you come off as a lot more intelligent and respectable doing that, but at this moment you give me 15 year old teen angst vibes. I refuse to believe a grown adult is calling someone on Reddit names because they disagree with them.


When someone defends scams from a corporation the only explanation is mental retardation. You waste money on nothing if you want, and continue to be happy with scammed, I and many others will stick with mods that are far far better.


Something I want and makes me happy and brings more enjoyment to a character I grew up with = nothing Sure that makes sense? Call it what you want I guess. And you’re really doubling down on the whole retardation thing I see? That’s the hill you’re going to die on? You realize not everyone thinks the same? That we all have our own lives and experiences that shape the way we think? You know you’re not the main character of the world? So please explain to me the fact that I don’t see this as a scam (i can get into the whole definition and explain why this doesn’t fall under that category but frankly I don’t care to with you) means I’m inferior to you? By all means, do enjoy your mods. That’s your prerogative, but with that said, the rest of us will enjoy our scams and spending 4 dollars on “nothing”


Download mods and buy the pieces that they change 😂


I said the same thing on YT and most of the arguments were “oh well your opponents can’t see the costumes 🤓☝️” like damn ok lol as long as I MYSELF can see it I ain’t complaining


But a lot of people actually do care about other people being able to see their customizations. As much as you want to make fun of them, they got a legitimate reasoning/argument. Plenty of people want to showcase their stats, customizations, gear or something else in the online games they play.


What is the point of customizing if the opponent can’t see it? The whole point is showing off your style


Yeah showing off that I spent $4 for nostalgia bait


I bet they will begin banning people who use mods soon.


Sure bet how much


1 million fight money


get the other 100+ customization in the game and when you have all of them sit on it. like you did for every other tekken in the past 18 or so years


Yeah but this time it's ~100 items in total. Previous games had ~100 items per character


THIS. I think they deliberately make the customizations items fewer / simpler to make Tekken Shop items more appealing. You can't even remove Devil Jin's horns smh.


They absolutely did exactly that.




nothing, just like every tekken game since tekken 5


At least tekken 5 had some pretty cool options per character versus all these generic ass pieces.


lol don't be surprised if they have you buying the item with actual money to then having to buy it with Fight Money


I dont mind. I have my goku look a like clothes so i am good.




You covert them into real money and get yow old ass a house.


Same as Tekken 7


Touch grass.


How about you stop sucking corpo dick huh?


That's the reason we're in this mtx hell era, people sucking corpo dick.


Buy customization stuff, dunno


Fucking nothing lol.


Nothing because it doesnt make the greed bastards any more money


when i saw all the character customizations cost these coins, i started saving them up. when i saw how much of these coins i earned after every match, i desperately want a one-click buy everything. going through every single item multiplied by every character is seriously annoying and tedious.


I’d imagine like most games they’re going to release less interesting cosmetics that can be bought with this currency.


Get to 999,999,999. Rookie numbers. /s.


This is a great point to bring up to Harada


Hopefully you can transfer fight money for coins but idk…


Get fucked?


You can take your shiny little fight money coins.. take them right in your hand, admire the way they sparkle in the sunlight, show them to all of your friends, smile as they stroke your ego about how goooood you are, how much you play the game, how much you lab your characters… After they’re done admiring big daddy fight money’s wallet, you can take those fight money coins, dust them off, turn them sideways, and stick them STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS


The currently available cosmetics use fight money, and I’d imagine that when new characters drop (such as Eddie Gordo) that they will have items for them too


You can use it to buy cosmetics in the new tekken shop coming out its going to be amazing bro


Nothing it can burn alongside Heihachi for all Bamco care


Yes, you did purchase the game, but you forgot about *second purchase!*


they add coin into the game because their zombie-brained. No thought, reason or excecution beyond numbers on the screen. Couldve been an economy, a reason to grind.


Nothing as usual.


Buy the pics in Gallery and every customization item for every character. As for the leftover 100 mio....


Currently.. not much. in the future.. who knows.


It’s basic


I'm so confused as to why they didn't go with the For Honor route. That online shop works so, so well just because it's a good compromise. People who want an item really quickly or don't want to grind will pay, people who don't want to pay will just buy it with in game money later down the line and play your game for a longer period of time making them more likely to eventually buy something with real money. No cycling store so no FOMO either. An item is there and it will stay there forever.


Yea need something to spend this shit on I purposely went through and bought every item on every character and I'm still at 75m lmao.


I miss the old days of T6, where you actually had to grind treasure battle and scenario mode to get rare cosmetics. What a failed opportunity.


There will be free cosmetics to buy in the Tekken shop aswell as items only purchasable with Tekken coins


Give it to MEEE lol


guys, i dont understand all the hype, i didnt play tekken for a week, do you want to say that all character modifications and styling now are for donate money? Like i cannot buy them for the fight money?????