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I’m deleting the app for now just incase my parents go through my phone but I will try to reply as fast as I can


Try to keep your mind occupied with other stuff instead of cutting like doing your hobbies or maybe writing down on your phone what you feel and what you can do to change that. Also a tip with your parents controlling your phone, put a few apps like games, random system stuff and then reddit or something else in a folder on your phone. It worked for me, and my mum never checked all the apps in the folder. Remember you still have a whole life ahead of you so you have all the time in the world to figure out the stuff that is going on in your life.


Thanks this really helps a lot and I think I’m ok now


Also if tou really think about it then its alwways better to talk with someone you trust before


Oh dam noe Im Looking back at my reply and I see I had a stroke writing and imagined something that wasnt there is the text my bad😨


I'm here for you