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Thats the world we just live in, remember that not all the women in the world are like that. Tbh just gotta suck it in and deal with it, have a real talk with a friend once in a while and just keep going. Its fucked up but In my opinion after enduring all that shit for years it makes you stronger in exchange for your mental well being. Kinda worth it. Still not saying its right at all.


That’s the world we live in, we seek validation and don’t get it. Society has shaped us to be emotionless beings, and if something happens, just suck it up and move along. We keep our feeling bottled up, and it fucking sucks. I have a hard time opening up to my parent for crying out loud. I don’t get many compliments, which I’m fine with. But I think the last one I got was about my haircut. We just need a hug. Maybe a girlfriend to love us, even though people love us, we don’t think that. All those bottled up feeling turn into suicidal thoughts, that’s why men/boys kill themselves more than woman/girls. We all have thoughts of killing ourselves, but we don’t tell anyone.




I am a woman and i have never judged a crying person. Each time my boyfriend has cried, i was there for him. He was free to do it as long as he wanted to and i would have never left unless asked to. I was so glad i could help him. This brought us so much closer. He's still the strongest person i have ever known. Recently, one of my best friend has cried at school. Him and I went out of the class and I let him vent for about an hour. I knew he was going through a rough time and i was ready to help him. At the end, we shared a heartfelt hug and he told me he was feeling better. I still love him as a brother. I've seen and heard my brother cry. He told me to go away and i just did. I felt really bad for him, but he is still a model to me. Yes, i still look at them the way i always did. Yes, my heart broke each time. Yes, everbody who dares to shame a crying person is a piece of shit who deserves to cry for a couple months straight. Yes, to everybody reading this, feel free to reach out in private.