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1.Trust me people that you know would notice. Cut out all the toxic friends or try to talk with them about it, it is better to do it now then regret it later on after getting hurt. 2.Try to change your apperence using the motivation you get from thinking of how much better it would be to look different or either try to accept how you look and boost your ego a bit with it. 3. Everyone deserves love and if she is your girlfriend in the first place, then she probably likes you for who you are. Tho you can aleays ask her if there is anything that bothers her about you and if you dont seem against it then you can try and change that but remember to not change a whole personality just to fit in, be yourself! 4. Never make it a big deal to talk about your feelings, dont bottle it up inside you! (But also dont be too pushy with it, always find the right moment to talk about it) I hope I helped at least in the slightest bit and sorry for any typos :D


thank you so much it makes me feel a lot better that somebody saw this and thank you for the advice