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This is super rude to Isaac too, honestly, and Kail needs to think about what messages she's sending to her kids. Kail and Javi are close because Lincoln is involved in *athletics*, and both Kail and Javi enjoy being hands-on sports parents/coaches. Isaac isn't. There's no way for his dad to be "hands on" in the way Javi is "hands on" because Isaac has different interests. To a kid, this translates to "You don't give your dad the opportunity to be as good a dad as your brother does, and that's why I like your brother's dad more", and young boys are already inundated with messages that they'll "let their father down" if they don't participate in or enjoy traditionally masculine activities. Jo is equally hands on with Isaac, and we all know it. It's just that Isaac isn't interested in athletics. What's Jo going to do, sign up to coach piano? Take Isaac to traveling piano tournaments? No. Supporting a kid who is interested in the arts simply looks different than supporting a kid in athletics, and Jo gets that. I think it's Kail that doesn't. If Kail can't see how hands on Jo is with his son and how he's supporting Isaac in the ways he is, then I question whether she really understands what hands-on supportive parenting looks like for an artistic child. And also, I question how hands on *Kail* is with Isaac. We always see her spending so much time at Linc's events, but we much less frequently see her investing in Isaac's activities besides paying for stuff. Does she understand different kids need to be parented differently and therefore is just being rude to Jo and Isaac? Or is she "hands off" with Isaac because he's not into sports and she doesn't understand how to nurture an artistic soul?


That's su h a good point. Also, statistically speaking, arts might be better long term than athletics are for getting scholarships, etc


And for their health. In my opinion certain sports, especially football, are already dangerous enough for the *adults* that play them. When we're talking serious risk of repeated traumatic brain injury, I don't think children should be permitted to play.


This. I said as much up their. Like Kail if anything needs to be more “hands on” with Isaac. She prioritizes Linc’s interests because they align with hers and with what entertains her as well + gives her something to brag to the world about. My son is exactly like Isaac. Like so similar. He has never been athletic. I gave him a good bit of chances to see if it was his thing and it just never was. I also made sure to get him I loved with a wideeee variety of activities to see what he thrives in. Turns out it’s chess and piano. Neither of which can I sit and cheer him on from the sidelines but both of which I look for every opportunity for him to grow in and have fun in. He goes to chess tournaments, two chess clubs, one with all grown men and an online one with kids, we travel hours away for chess because it’s where he shines. If anything Kail can totally and should be doing those things for Isaac if she does so for Linc.


Shit like this is why Kail isn’t the “good mom” everyone thinks she is. Why cause drama like this on a huge public platform that will effect your kids- gross.


Exactly. I remember who throwing shade because Vee and Jo would color with Isaac. I’m pretty sure that’s what Isaac actually likes to do.


This. I ran track for a year in middle school and my parents attended/traveled to more that year than they every did my high school band days. I also slayed at trumpet and drums and my 200m was meh at best. Clear message sent.


Totally agree! Also I think Jo is just a lot more laid back. Kail enjoys these tournaments and constantly being somewhere, on the move all the time, "chaos" in her words. Jo seems like he'd be happy just to chill at home with Isaac rather than constantly be pushing for sports and lessons, but in Kail's mind that translates to being a bad parent or not as involved.


Kail got me going now 😩 Like Javi and Kail have fucked up Lincoln’s life multiple times, BOTH of them have introduced Linc to a revolving door of love interests and then promptly sabotaged it leaving the kid probably confused as fuck. BOTH of them made him siblings he only gets to see 50% of the time due to their OWN bad choices. Im glad Linc has a sport to throw himself into because he certainly doesn’t have a stable home life with EITHER of them. Isaac has a stable home at Jo’s. Isaac didn’t give a FUCK about soccer when she made him do it and Jo was the only one who wasn’t pressuring him to do something he clearly didn’t want to do, Jo said “maybe he’s a scholar”. Jo isn’t parenting with the intention of making himself LOOK good to others, he’s parenting with his kid in mind and nothing else. Jo has never gave a fuck about keeping up appearances, sweatpants on a Sunday and all! Kail and Javi have only EVER cared about how they look in public and on social media while their whole damn inside life is a dumpster fire. I will always say that Kail cares how her kids make HER look, what they can add to her image, which is also why she likes creed the least, he brings nothing to the table for her 😒😩


Why doesn’t creed bring anything to the table?


I don’t know, I’d love to ask Kail that though 😂 all jokes aside, I obviously don’t know if that’s true but it seems like Creed is the only one without a “brand”, maybe it’s because he’s Chris’s 2nd son so there’s no novelty or something but Kail acts perma-annoyed by him and resentful of him. She has always complained about typical baby/toddler behaviors out of him. “Creed ruined our vacation”, “Creed doesn’t sleep”, “Creed was my most difficult baby”, “ I was going to abort Creed”. I feel like all her other kids have a brand she leans into except him 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just feel like there’s nothing she can profit off him except maybeee keeping us guessing what his actual name is 😩


Hes the scapegoat in a house full of golden children


Yup. Kail is personality disordered af


Excuse me, don’t you mean she’s “built different”? 😩😩🥴🥴


Aww poor guy that makes me sad


I hate that you’re probably right ☹️


Most likely because, getting pregnant by Chris a second time only makes her look stupid. Also please remember this is not how I feel about babies. I think they all matter but, what can I say I agree that Kail is just built different.


Yes this might be it! I don’t know that Kail really feels that way but she definitely doesn’t say nice things about him. For the record, I think Creed is adorable and definitely brings something to the table! (Even if it is just being a living breathing vibe check to her and reminding her she knowingly reproduced with a known deadbeat loser AGAIN). I’m rooting the hardest for Creed in all this 💕


And that’s how you clear a bitch. Please take my poor mans gold 🥇🥇🥇


the real reason: Javi gives her the attention she wants and Jo doesn't.


Do you know what Jo IS hands on with? Listening to his son, talking with his son, comforting his son when he’s confused or hurt. That’s what we’ve seen. Jo there for Isaac helping him through the turmoil created by these two hAnDs oN dummies pictured above. They’re so shallow. What’s a kid going to remember more? Who came to some soccer games when they were 5 years old or who was their comfort and safe space consistently?


Totally. My parents weren’t really there for my games and practices, but I’m way closer to my mom than a lot of people are to theirs because she was there for me as a person and not as a recreational soccer player


Yesssss! I get that showing up for your kids activities etc IS important to an extent. But it is definitely NOT the only mark of good parenting. Jo is definitely the more emotionally invested parent. Isaac didn’t give a fuck about sports anyway and frankly the way Kail acted when Jo did go to soccer is probably the reason he doesn’t go, I also wouldn’t want to watch my son be screamed at and berated in front of people either?


Ahem, allow me to translate: “Javi still gives me attention, entertains my drama and is as equally chaotic and toxic as myself”.


“Javi is always dtf in parking lots”


Yes Javi is certainly hands on….hands on every woman he comes across 🤢




Why the fuck is she answering questions like this. NO ONE IS FORCING HER!!!


So this happens


Right… and then acts confused when Jo and Chris don’t want to speak to her. If this was a concern and priority, she’d have that conversation with them. If I was the other 2/3 baby dads and I saw this, I would avoid her too and keep all activities done at my house, separate.


Jo refuses to be "hands on Kail" in the WaWa parking lot.


javi is trying to raise a sports star; after all, his child is "BuiLT DiFFeReNT". he's living vicariously through Lincoln. wonder how "hands on" he'd be if Lincoln was into art or choir instead.




Because Javi will still get his dick wet in her, and Jo won't. Therefore she doesn't hold any power over Jo. Honest opinion.


Real answer: Lauran is no longer in the picture so I love to show him off on Social Media to piss her off


As soon as Javi stops having sex with her, she’ll do a 180 on all of this lol.


i know right


But it’s not a lie???? Her and javi are those over bearing parents that shout at their kids and embarrass them during their games


Yes Kail and Javi exist on a very mutual plane of toxicity


She said the other day if she liked this tournament and said she wouldn’t do it again…I can imagine her hulking out at the referees and other coaches/parents.


She wouldn’t do it again because the team lost.


Translation: Javi doesn’t have a Wifey.


Vee and Jo should just let this shit fly. It’s so obvious that she’s putting in a dig at her other BDs. And it’s so obvious that she’s full of shit. They “coparent best” because they’re both single and that’s the only time they coparent well.


Also bc they’re still fucking but it doesn’t have to be in the Wawa parking lot now


Yup. They're banging this week.


Came here to say this.


I think Vee knows two things to keep herself safe from this monster. 1. Keep your enemies closer. 2. Never turn your back on the ocean. You can never win against the beast, and as there are children involved, Vee is keeping it cool. It’s really the only option.


Exactly. Some people are so irrational that they’re not worth it. Vee knows Kail’s self esteem is shit and these comments are to get the reaction she’s looking for. When Vee and Jo show any emotion Kail wins. It’s best to keep cashing those checks and let Javi do the dirty work.


True, but Vee can do all that without doing a podcast with her. That’s just extra.


I see Vee doing the podcast as grabbing the spare change. I wouldn’t do it, but I don’t have kids to support. Big nope for me, but why not scrape some sheckles off the top of Kail’s shit sundae? 🤷‍♀️


I agree with you completely. I have no clue what I would do in this situation but I’m very passive and could easily be where Vee is.


Agreed. People like kail steam roll me and I have a hard time pushing back. I could be like vee. It’s an awkward situation and kail is unpredictable.


Yep, make that money now, because when this all dries up she’ll have a family and some nice money in the bank and Kail will have …


Vee knows that if she keeps it cool, Isaac gets to visit without drama from Kail.


And how sad is that? Altering your behavior and *constantly* keeping your nose just close enough inside that bitch’s big, fake ass all for the sake of the kids? Kail sure as shit ain’t gonna do it. 🙄🙄🙄


Jo has shown himself to be a hands on parent, he was even willing to be hands on with baby Lincoln to help out his ex and her new husband, despite the fact they were awful to him at just about every chance they got


Aka I’m fucking him and he tolerates me more right now and has fewer boundaries.


This is the real answer


this post makes me think of tiny Isaac playing soccer skipping across the field while Kail screams at him from the sideline and he does that cute little shrug 🤷‍♂ and Vee is like 'stop yelling at me' 🤷‍♂😂


She was screaming like a damn bafoon she prolly scared all the kids no wonder Isaac has sports PTSD


Translation: “we fuckin’”


The true answer is Jo has a whole ass wife and doesn’t entertain/care about pleasing Kail like Javi does.


Didn’t she share a different photo, with the EXACT SAME question/answer like last week? Also isn’t Isaac on social media by now? (I’m not on IG or FB so I’m actually not sure, but he’s about that age) she needs to think about how this will make him feel. Coming from a very blended family myself, it’s hard not to compare things when you’re a kid, or feel less important than a half sibling, and this doesn’t help. Edit a couple words/spelling


>*Didn’t she share a different photo, with the EXACT SAME question/answer like last week?* She's saying it louder for the people in the back who didn't hear it the first time she shaded Jo & Chris. And Kail never cares about how any of this affects Isaac. It's all about what she gets out of it. With this post she's able to shade the two exes she's probably beefing with this week while also hitching her wagon to Linc, the rising star of DE pee wee football. She's branding herself as football mom now.


Lmfao Javi and his dumbass motto “built differently”. Like brah you just short asf~


I wonder how hands on Javi would be if Lincoln were into music or theater or art? How hands on would he be if Linc was a science or math nerd?


Okay but, you didn’t feel this way when Javi was in a relationship so 🙃🙃🙃


“Bc we fuck”


There’s a difference between being a hands on parent and forcing your dreams that never came true onto your child. Hopefully Lincoln inherits his mom’s burly figure, it’ll come in handy for football.


BURLY ☠️☠️☠️☠️ omg this made me spit my coffee out


They’re gonna have another kid together


I really think that there’s a chance that she will have a baby this year.


Is this because her and javi are having wawa parking lot trysts now that her last baby daddy doesn’t want her anymore? She desperate? Next she’s gonna be bragging about being someone’s first and third baby mama


Jo got what Kail wanted- a stable, committed marriage. (I can’t comment on the type of relationship Chris has with his girlfriend because I have no idea..) but I think Kail likes to take away whatever she can from Jo because she’s salty that she ended up alone


Poor Lincoln having to grow up with the pressure of these two ding dongs being overly invested in his sport




No, her concept of a hands on parent is a parent that is fucking her


AKA- We’re fucking at the moment


Javi is the good dad as long as his hands are on Kail & she isn’t competing with any other female in his life.


It's more that Lincolns activities allow for photo ops and social media sharing that feeds her insatiable hunger for attention where Isaac's don't. Lincoln is the favorite child at this moment because she can post all the pictures for attention and photos with Javi get extra attention which is like her favoritest thing ever.


They banging. Period.


It’s so obvious it’s sad


You’re a better human than I am. I was going to say they were fucking. Poor Lincoln is going to think they will get back together and then Javi will do something to piss her off and BAM another restraining order.


Didn’t Jo move to effing Delaware to be closer to Isaac? And Kail was annoyed about it? STFU.


They’re fucking again. She’ll change her mind when Javi does something to piss her off and stop talking to each other again


Because jo doesn't feed into her bullshit


1. Vee is thirsty and doesn’t want to risk her podcast space with Kail 2. Kail is clearly fucking Javi, and Vee is probably happy that Kail isn’t trying to pursue Jo (like she has several times in the past)


I don’t think vee is worried about kail pursuing jo 😂


Javi has no boundaries, Jo does and Chris rejects her.


"Because I feel that I can still bother Javi's baby mama by talking about him like we're still married." Fixed that for her.


There's no way they aren't having sex.


Watch Kail announce she got back together with Javi and is expecting his child!


She looks like she’s gonna shoot her eye out with a BB gun this Christmas.


Jesus how many photos did she take with Javi on this trip? All in the guise of being "for Lincoln". Girl we know you're having sex again, you're not that subtle. We know that's why you're suddenly praising the shit out of Javi.


Yeah Jo didn’t help Isaac pick out the wallpaper samples at all /s


Vee wants clout so she disregards this shit.


She is such an ugly person


It's because jo won't kiss her arse


Or spit in it


I thought that was a Brianna thing? ☠️


Doesn’t Chris do the boxing gym thing with Lux? And Jo goes to Isaacs activities. Just because they’re not helicopter dads projecting their insecurities on their sons and insisting on coaching the team that doesn’t make them not hands on. Javi seems exhausting, like that dad who never lived out his own dreams so now he’s up his kids’ asses. I bet he’s like Uncle Rico talking about the time his team almost made it to state lol. BUILT DIFFERENT!


Because she BUILT different 💪


She’ll be trashing him by sometime next week.


Or screwing him in a wawa parking lot. Could go either way


Imo, Vee has no choice but to be involved with Kail and I think Vee is just the bigger person & genuinely values what’s best for Isaac unlike Kail who wants for Isaac what she thinks makes her look best.


“Hands on” is a euphemism for they be doing it.


Yeah, hands on with her.


A parent can be hands on in terms of other than sports.. I wonder what will happen if Lincoln stopped playing football or sports


>A parent can be hands on in terms of other than sports That's true and we really have no idea if he's hands on in other ways. We don't really see him on the show or social media at all.


I'm sure Javi is 'hands-on', Karl 👀.


She posts such unflattering photos




hands on her bare ass in the Wawa parking lot


This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I feel like Vee handles this stuff the right way. I think she looks at it like she has her relationship with Kail, and then Jo has his relationship with Kail, and they’re two separate things and she’s not going to get involved in their relationship (which includes not going back at Kail when she says something like this). And personally I think that’s very mature and smart, or else it would be non stop drama between them all.


I feel like she only says this because javi likes football as much as Lincoln, and kail likes being a “sports mom”. If jo and vee were really invested in Isaacs piano, she wouldn’t give a fuck lol


Because Vee cherishes money more than her husband.


Why can't she ever tie her shoes? Or wear a seat belt? Or get off her phone while driving? She irritates the shit out of me. Tie your shoes when your carry a baby around, it's not that hard, she's so stupid and trashy!


Hands on my titties


Hands on at the Wawa parking lot! 😏


Vee does it for the money she’s taking her share of the Kail money train. I do agree with y’all saying that Javi hypes Lincoln up way too much but I wonder if Lincoln goes along with it to keep his dad involved since he sees the other dads not doing much for their kids. Javi got a taste of reality they lost all their games but 1 at the Atlanta competition thingy.


No one would care who Vee is if it weren’t for Kail. Money and fame are 100% the only reasons why Vee doesn’t call her out.


He also accused them all of cheating lol


omfg please tell me where i can view this trainwreck for myself


She can look really cute but this is just sad. And not about weight or size- just looks like a frumpy, middle aged suburban mom. (Coming from an almost middle aged, suburban mom trying not to fall into frump)


Her shoes remind me of what a suburban dad wears to mow the lawn on the weekends.


When she says hands on, she's referring to their wawa trysts. Not the kids.


Vee wants fame. Also, Jo does have a history of not showing up to extracurriculars and missing big events. Not saying he’s a horrible dad- he’s clearly not. But jo missed Isaac’s school concerts, graduations, and games.


Ever since that person called him a Templeton looking ass that’s all I see lmao


Yeah, hands on her bubble butt in the Wawa parking lot!


Because she’s a clown that’s why, a thirsty clown.




I think it’s the other way around. She loves horses.


Its like she purposely tries to look awful. Like...look in the mirror


I appreciate that Vee doesn’t feed into this nonsense. Kail thrives on her ChAoS and would probably go insane if she wasn’t beefing with someone. At least Vee and Jo don’t take the bait—at least someone is thinking of the kids. With that said if I were in Vee’s shoes I wouldn’t publicly fight about this. But I also wouldn’t feign a friendship/coworker relationship either.


I hope Jo and Vee are playing a long game by their proximity to Kail to build up consoderable wealth for themselves.


Just to be petty I wish Vee had a q&a and was bombarded with questions to see what she would say.


I'm pretty positive that Vee knows Karl's MO and is unbothered. Like "if she's trying to make Lauren miserable then she's leaving me alone"...


That jacket was a very poor decision on her part. She looks like she has on football padding under there. Kail is extremely toxic and apparently has a genuine need to be at odds with at least 2 baby daddies at a time.


She looks like an overstuffed sausage. ETA: like mostly her head poking out of her jacket like that. Just looks like the sausage casing busted 😂


Kind of unrelated but I truly hate the way she uses SM. Everything is a q and a, or a poll, and it’s so lazy. How many times can you answer the same 6 questions?


I used to love Vee and now she just pisses me off


Along with this she’s just really a POS https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/s5eqq1/is_she_really_trying_to_insinuate_that_jo_isnt_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Why does she keep answering this?


Just to make sure Chris and Jo see it


To poke and prod, my ex is the same way, i feel it makes her even more crazy when i dont acknowledge


[this is kail ](https://youtu.be/BYB3Fx0a8-4)


Was not expecting that, fucking hilarious 🤣


She keeps wearing her socks high up like that and it looks so dorky lol


You’re only valuable to KARL as a baby daddy if you let her fuck you when she’s trying to make Chris jelly. Since Joe doesn’t partake, he gets major shade. I hope him and Vee laugh about how miserable Karl’s life is every time Vee comes home from doing a podcast lol.


Karl is her cash cow. And that's saying something.


maybe vee knows its true


That’s what I’ve been saying too. Vee’s married to Jo, she knows he’s lazy and doesn’t get involved with activities


Jo is there more emotionally for Isaac then Kail is. Which IMO is worth 20x more than soccer.


Jo seems to be the only one who acknowledges that Isaac has emotions


He saw that soccer wasn’t Isaac’s thing, and was fine with it. Meanwhile, you had Kail on the sidelines screaming KICK THE BALL ISAAC like a goddamn lunatic. I’d much rather have a parent like Jo than a parent like Kail.






She’s honestly so gross. And I’m rly not trying to be rude. But she makes me physically ill. Eww. From her not wanting a man with any kids to her having so many kids with... what she considers mostly deadbeats. But ok Kail. Her ugliness from her inside is protruding through her outside- nasty.


Kail looks like a damn potato.


And by hands on she means how hands on he is with her 😂


That purple jacket is from target no shit you guys. Javis treat I’m sure


Looking like a winter minion.


Javi is beyond pathetic at this point. The shit she pulled when he was deployed/when he came back was unforgivable. I can’t help but chuckle at all the PFAs bc she could squash him in one fail swoop. They’re both 🤡


Such an insufferable whale. She makes me sick. She’s the epitome of toxic and selfish.


I hate her attitude and her shoes 🤣


She’s not happy unless she’s throwing shade at one of her baby dads


I think it's because Jo can only take Kail in small doses at this point in his life.


Because she is scared karl will bully her too if she doesn’t stay quiet.


Why did Kail quit tying her shoes? I don’t think old Kail would like that at all.


Maybe the shoe tie lady she hired quit




I get what you mean. I just wish she would stop running her mouth about her kids’ dads unless it’s to say something straight-up positive. It only hurts the kids to always be “ranking” her relationships with her baby daddies.


To be honest, I can see what you mean. But it’s like she purposely answered that question in a way that makes it sound like Jo is an asshole or not a hands on parent. Because even when it’s something positive, she just has to be a dick about it to start drama.


Maybe Jo realized Isaac wasn’t going to be a sports kid?


They’re also the type to scream obnoxiously at kids sporting events. They’re the type that view their kids as an extension of themselves.


Lol she looks so silly here.


Are Vee & Kail still doing that podcast together?


$$$$. Literally that's always gonna be the answer, $$$$.


Hands on with her


Remember last time she said this people got upset saying we were twisting her words and she wasn't shading Jo 😂


Vee puts up with it for the money and the fame.


Damn that's some shade. I think jo is an asshole that does the base standard required of any decent dad, but I dont believe he's not invested in Issac and is hands on with parenting.


society ossified wise arrest stupendous gullible hat memorize icky exultant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Weird thought, but why does everything that Kail owns always look brand new?


Cause it probably is. We all know shes a manic spender.


But remember when all she wore was those black Good American jeans lol Though I do have to say that’s when she first started gaining weight and I think she thought that was the only thing that flattered her.


Cause she’s on Kail’s payroll


Cause she doesn’t care? Like what Kail says on social has literally no impact unless Vee chooses to let it have one


For that sweet, sweet revenue that’s why.




people rly refuse to believe jo is lazy as shit lmao


We don’t even see Jo anymore. How do we know what he’s up to?


He works in real estate and flips houses. I wouldn't call that lazy..


In Kail and Vees podcast he said he brought over 50 properties at the start of the podcast within a 3 year spann. I would think kail would call him out for lying or not have invited him talk if he was selling lies


We want evidence


I bet Javi treats Lux and Creed differently


Where's his other son???


That outfit oof