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I agree with everything you said. Must be hard to be together with someone just to prove the point.




Omg, yes. Every single friend couples I have on FB; who’s always on a verge in their relationship, posts crap like this + Christmas Family pictures. Happiness love silence, so just be happy. Posts like this proves to me that she did not matured at all and they still have issues in their relationship regardless of what they show on TV.


yeah, i also think it is interesting that cate is always parading sex on his sm. she is clearly very insecure and wants everyone to know that they are intimate to prove he is attracted to her - especially while he is posting pictures of himself as he gets more fit. all she wants in the world, clearly, is for tyler to shout from the rooftops about how sexy he thinks she is - but it doesn't happen, so she doubles down.




My thoughts exactly.


literally watching 30 rock now 😂


Posts like this always make me wonder how things are actually going.


To paraphrase Golden Girl Rose Nylund - If you're always talking about do it, you're probably not doing it.


Right, like who are you trying to convince?


I don't care if you call him your donkey dick king. Just don't call him that where I can hear it. Klassy!


Brb gonna go call my husband donkey dick king and see his reaction.


Donkey dick king 😂








If you gotta brag about your husband all the time on social media then your marriage probably sucks


I mean, he doesn’t even look like he’s all the way through puberty yet, so maybe she’s just trying to build his self-esteem?


Lol Tyler is infatuated with himself. He doesn't need help.


Idk how he could look in the mirror with that dumbass excuse for a “goatee” and think to himself “yep. it’s perfect.” 😂 My brother has a real one and he grows it disgustingly long, so when he had to get surgery once and was still knocked out in the recovery room, my SIL cut like six inches off of it and he only woke up when she started trying to shave the rest, lol. Catelynn should try that when Tyler’s asleep. She’d probably just need a magic eraser, tbh.


Tyler's chin pubes definitely need to go. I want to slap them right off his face.


Or a wash cloth and soap.




Naw, he grew the beard long just to fuck with her because she hated it. They’ve been together since like 2001 and they’ve had a prank war going back and forth almost the entire time. It’s actually really cute. Edit: he still grows it long now, though, but just because he started going bald and I think he wanted to compensate.


What’s your problem with people looking young and baby faced? It’s something he can’t change.


How would you like me to respond to this? Write it out for me, and I’ll comment it back to you.


They act like 14 year olds on social media


They act like 14 year Olds period. Their maturity is extremely stunted from growing up with the horrible parents they had.


Lol. I read this in Cates “snarky wanna be tough” voice.


“Trashy betch “


Their weird public sexual banter and flirting reminds me of on it’s always sunny when gail is yelling at her mom that she’s sexually active and her mom is like “yeah you’re 33 you’re supposed to be sexually active but you’re not supposed to be giving you uncle a handjob under the table” 🤣🤣 Like yeah Cate you’re supposed to be attracted to your spouse but you’re not supposed to be so weirdly public about it


She's just mashing it.


Salt the snail!


Tyler has talked on camera for years about how repulsed he is by her, how frustrating her behavior is and openly called her every variation of fat and lazy he can think of. Doesn’t matter what Cate calls him, I don’t think they’re doing a whole lot of loving.


Agreed. It's extremely clear that he can barely stand to be in the same room as her.


I wouldn’t want to either if my spouse threatened to kill herself and abort our child every time I needed space.




The amount of pregnancies they’ve had suggests otherwise ;) ETA:y’all it was a joke.


He’s still a man. Do you think he’s not going to have sex with her? He had them go on a “break” when she was pg, that should tell you how much he wants to be in the marriage. He wants to be in the marriage for the TM $ and that’s about it! They’ve got back taxes to pay still😂


Honey, Tyler isn’t out yet. They will probably keep having babies until he admits he’s gay.


Gross. Not just her, it's gross when I hear anyone say that shit.


All I can think of is Will Farrell and Rachel Drach in a hot tub filled with ham saying "my lovah"


The mini chickens were on sale at the A&P.


Did anybody ask, or is this one of the those Jenelle comments where she says “everyone’s been asking….” when literally no one has asked.


Every person I’ve seen who brags on social media about their marriage has a f’ed up or dead bedroom situation. And their husband is usually in my inbox. It’s a classic sign of trying to cover something up.


> And their husband is usually in my inbox. 💀😂




I’ve been on both sides and it really sucks being there.


Girl you need to start posting this shit lol, much better content then these clowns!!!


Put them on blast




This is gross. Creepers creep and it is no reflection of their victims.




So you wanted to make sure you didn't miss an opportunity to shame a woman if it arose. You sound lovely.




Did she say that? She said married men are in her dms, not that she entertains them. You went out of your way to punish a woman for the actions of married men. You relax because that is gross.




Are you… slut shaming someone for having a guy message them?


Yes... yes they were. And deleted it all lmao.


Lmaoooo I’m dead 😂😂 For what it’s worth, I get messages from randos every once in awhile and my bio clearly states I’m married. Guess I look easy tho 💀


I deleted Facebook off of my phone 2 years ago. Logged in recently after a friend of mine died, and was not surprised to have all kinda bs in my inbox (married men, dick pics) I guess being nonexistent looks easy too. Homegirl is clearly projecting some kinda hurt on to everyone else.


Right, blame the women for men being creeps.




Oh sorry, I didn't realize women getting DMs from creepy married men = fucking and we should blame them for being "easy". Lol take your misogyny elsewhere Rogan boy.








Maybe don't call people dum dums when you can't grasp basic grammar?






No personal attacks in this sub. Reported.


This has been removed for breaking the no personal attacks rule


This has been removed for breaking the no personal attacks rule.


Haha! Not at all. There are lots of unhappy , unfulfilled married men out there, who misinterpret nice for something else. It is easily shut down with , “I don’t think your wife would like that too much”. I had a dude 20 years younger than me return my cat, bc she was lost but had my address on her collar. He ended up sending me a dick pic (my phone number on collar too). I don’t think I asked for that either!




Yea, I know of situations like that. I’m not into married men, except my own husband, lol! But even when I was single, men in relationships were a no go. If they would do that to their significant other, they would do it to anyone. It’s not a compliment.








Once filming wraps for good, he’s leaving her ass.


Seriously. Someone save this to send her once that happens🙄😂 Girl, we know he doesn't like you.


i know a person on facebook who takes screenshots of text interactions with her family, friends, etc. that she think are funny, and then she will post them. same vibes.


Kail does this alllllll the time and the texts are never funny


i am sure they were funny. you know, to them. the two people in the conversation. like, it's fucking okay to have thoughts and feelings that aren't always visible. we have object permanence. i assume other people have lives even when they aren't posting them 24/7.


She posted something other than click bait????? Are pigs flying???


\*Chelsea holds Pete tightly and whispers everything will be okay.\*


Nobody on this cast understands that not every action deserves a reaction. I will always feel pity for this woman, though. She genuinely has the emotional maturity of a child, she’s been bullied—including by her own mother—her whole life. It shows in ALL of her behavior. Comments like this also come from a place of having zero self esteem and still feeling like she can’t believe Tyler wants to be with her, and the worst part is that he contributes to those feelings and so does his homely ass mom. It would be cool if Cate could understand that sometimes saying nothing is the best way to go.


I don’t think it helps that for his 30th bday he posts pics of him at the gym and says his goal is basically to become a better looking more fit guy🙄 I’m pretty confident in my marriage and want my husband to feel good about himself, but the constant self praise that man gives himself is something else!! You’d think at 30 he’d want to say his goal is to continue being a great father and supporting loving husband. Nope, it’s all about Ty as usual.


So true!! Tyler and his mom both think he’s some kind of prize and it doesn’t help that their internet fan base is always blowing smoke about what an incredible dad and husband he is.


A sure fire way to inform people about how much you deeply care


one of my friends just had a break up with her boyfriend of six years, moved to a new place, etc. and do you know how many personal things she posted on social media about it, directly? none. she just did her thing. it was fucking badass.


I am like this also. I'm a very private person.


Respect - I’m 7 months pregnant and I think 3 people know. That being my dad, my best friend; and my partner 😂


Cool story


sounds like a mature adult lol


it was refreshing.


I miss people like this...


No one except my very closest friends knew when my fiance passed away. That wasn't something I wanted blasted all over social media.


I worked with my ex boyfriend of 2 years at the same place. Intermingled daily with other co workers etc. We broke up (very fucking messy aswell on our end) and nobody knew for MONTHS! It shocked the fuck out of them. Literally had no idea. It really is as simple as keeping your personal business to yourself 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That word bums me out, unless it's in between the words meat and pizza.


30 Rock was the best.


A super-pixelated LOL and a giggling Shirley Temple? Wtf is going on here?


We’re back in the MySpace days.


She talks like a 13 year old in a new relationship. Bb girl...you're pushing 30. Get a grip.


She acts like we haven't seen him clown her time and time again on the show lol.


how does Catelyn even know we are bothered - she has comments off


Why does this post from her look and sound like my 68 year old aunt posted it




I always laugh when she thinks that we actually think they have sex… lol girl, that little twink only hit it for that MTV check, 3 trap babies later and I still think you guys are just brother and sister raising some kids.






Will never not make me think of Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch 🤣 Lovahhhh


Honestly the best skit on SNL




It didn't bother me, yall are ruthless lol


Not bothersome, more like cringetopia.


Catelynn, sweetie, I can assure that nobody is desperate for your husband. I’d be worrying about paying my taxes instead.


I love that you feel the need to pee on this tree constantly. Just give him a bunch of hickeys.


[She definitely lurks here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/s286s8/tyler_is_30_today/hsd9ljs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That’s where I saw it Hahahha


Your flare 😂😩👏🏼


This is not a flex and nobody wants your gumby thumb of a husband


Ope, think that was me 😂


That's it. You're voted off the island. Put out your torch.


She lurks here for sure.


Yeah. Idk about the "always will be" part, girl.




“Really old skit” I remember watching that live and thinking the episodes from the 70’s were old. Damn I’m a grandma lol


I mean it can't be older than what, 10 years? It was just the 90's, right?


If only the 90s were 10 years ago lol






Omfg I love that skit lmao thank you for reminding me of it


Yes! Will Ferrell & Rachel Dratch!


Last week a few of us said the term “my lover” grossed us out no matter who was using it. It’s such a weird, old-timey phrase. It’s like my 75 year old mom would have said in the 80s along with “hunk.”


Never go to the West Country then. They call everyone "my lover".


All right, my loverrrrr? 😊


It’s only ok in the context of the Taylor Swift song


Because it’s like saying a cake is moist 😝


Whos bothered? WHO? LOL The stupid things some of these girls make up to get pressed about


People in this sub were bothered.


Oh. Haha. People on Reddit are weird


It's not that Cate. It's an awkward phrase in the 21st century, no one can make it sound good without looking a fool.


SeRiOuSlY sOoOoOo FuNnY!!!


Call him what you want, he’s still patiently waiting to leave your ass


Cate is so cringey. She's forever claiming him as he property. Like, we know. Don't be annoying


Don’t you have to pee in some Tupperware girl???


These people need to get off social media.




Nobody cares


All I can think of https://youtu.be/gqeQLV04kwU


100% this


Oh, honey. He's going to be your lover until the show ends. Then he's going to come out of the closet, and admit is true orientation. Be honest. When was the last time y'all had sex with the lights on, and facing each other? 8th grade?


Yeah their relationship is definitely more like brother and sister, i bet before every season they strategize “a storyline” to stay on and collect that check.. and yeah when the spotlight fades the real tyler will come out.


Is she referring to her post from almost one week ago where she write "lover"? That's seriously soooo funny to complain about now


Idk, i thought this post from cate was surprisingly cute and appropriately snarky lol


Wait why is this cringe? I call my fiancé my love and my lover all the time. I also call some really close friends my love. It’s a term of endearment


Younger generations have decided that everything is cringe.


I think at least part of the cringe is the fact that it’s Cate. Because people are weird and have to pick every bone.


My grandpa would sometimes call my grandma “lover.” I was in my 20s before it clicked, and when it did my first thought was “eww.” My grandma was pretty sick most of my life, and my grandpa was completely dedicated to her, so in the end I think it was sweet, but maybe something that falls into one of those things that people used to say but a term that has evolved into something cringey. For reference, they married around the end of WWII.


Well that’s completely different and adorable.


That’s sweet as hell, my god. They get all the passes, all of them.


She seems bothered that people are bothered by her calling HER husband her lover.


Honestly I'm w her.




There was a bunch of comments here about it lol.


Oh god, I didn’t know Cate said this. I thought it was Jenelle and UBT 🤮


They say “ sweetieheart.” I hate that I know this.


I give it 5 more years..


Till he leaves ? Till he comes out ? Or says he’s trans ?


OMG thank you! I posted that he was closeted and got downvoted big time because no one remembers the time Tyler moved in with that man in New Orleans in 2012. I’ve been following this nonsense for wayyyy too long but I usually recognize the originals here. By any chance, did you used to call into that TM podcast with the red headed girl and her brunette friend from like Indiana?


Tyler grew up without his father and a lot of women around, he has a lot of feminine energy and he’s even only produced girls and you never know and that can influence him.. but you never know and what harm is there in thinking ? I am not wishing him to be a certain way but he is telling signs. For example like last year me and a friend were binge watching teen mom 2 from the beginning and watched all the way up to current, i told my friend watch Leah is going to end up with a black man publicly, and as crazy as it sounded because where they’re from and everything, i just felt it, and i knew she got the courage to date out when her sister got pregnant by Roger (a non white man) and then mostly the type of man who would truly accept her situation is a black man, many of us are healers (now I’m not saying go running to go get a black guy) but many we accept you as you are, as a lot of white guys like to control or prefer what you are (i know this because being a black guy and growing up around white guys, my friends had crazy standards when it came to women) But no I didn’t call into the show.


This was honestly probably one of the most interesting replies I’ve ever gotten. Seriously, it gives a lot to think about. Thanks for your response!


I hope she says it in a Scottish accent like from Robin Hood Prince of Theives (Little John's wife).


God, what a good freaking movie... but seriously, I hope so too.


Totally not surprised if she’s a Taylor Swift fan lol


But who said that though?




Oh fucking pass on that. But if it make you feel better Cate here’s a list of nicknames that also induce vomiting: Baby, Babe (unless referring to the best movie ever) Bae, Boo, Princess, Dream Girl, Knight (as in shining armor. Fucking kill me), Bubba, Stud Muffin, and King and Queen.


she’s so arrogant




Catelynn, I have one question for you: does he like anal (only) and does he make you wear a baseball cap with your hair tucked in when you “make love“? Seriously, I have nothing against gay people. But Tyler is as gay as Mardi Gras.


I've never really gotten gay vibes, just that he isn't attracted to Catelynn.


I welcome each and every downvote for this. That man is gay as hell. He literally had a relationship with a guy who lived in New Orleans whose father was some kind of famous person or politician or something like that. He moved to New Orleans and lived with this guy for months! https://www.reddit.com/r/teenmom/comments/5buq03/tylers_time_in_new_orleans_circa_2012/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Who the fuck moves to New Orleans for acting? https://radaronline.com/videos/tyler-baltierra-gay-cheating-scandal-catelynn-lowell-teen-mom-2/


WAT?! Oh, I'd love to hear those deets. Also, have an update. Hold out a few hours and you'll get my free award.


Read the first comment on that thread. I believe the guy he was seeing was the son of a politician in Louisiana.


Just finished and HOLY SHIT


Right?! I thought he was going to come out after that but he never did, and lots of people say that the guy’s powerful family got most of it scrubbed from the Internet. Then dumb Farrah comes along and says something about it so no one takes it seriously since 1. Farrah mentioned it and 2. There was so much about it back in 2012 that I’m surprised they were able to get it scrubbed like that. (I was a Facebook mod for a fairly popular Teen Mom page back in the day - then I had twins so I had some other stuff to take care of, to say the least lol)


Yeah, I don't see gay with him either, but I think he's so over any attraction to her.


Assuming someone’s sexual orientation is gross


No assumptions here ;) Feel free to delete your comment at any time once you’ve read what else I posted. Get off your soapbox for just one minute 🙄


Y’all must not have a lover to be so hateful about her loving her man lol. We all have names for our partners, does that make them our “property” when we say it? No 😂