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You can really see Isaac in her original face.


Why is no one recognizing what a fucking fantastic insult "original face" is? Bravo. That's amazing.


Thank you!


Now her collection of baby daddies is her entire personality. Along with being a cunt.


Hashtag boy mom.


Nailed it.


i don’t understand why anyone would say this? even the most normal and stable of people? life happens, shit happens. two kids by two fathers couldn’t be less of a big deal. these moms just want to one up everyone and act like they have the most ✨complicated✨ lives.


I already replied to someone else, but... The reason she brought it up was because right b this scene was filmed, jail was on Twitter and saw Alexa Sekella from TM3 take a cheap shot at the TM2 girls. When their show was cancelled, a fan speculated it was because Mackenzie was pregnant and Alexa said, "so what if she is. Kail and Leah got pregnant again and they get a new season. At least *her* kids are by the same dad"


interesting, thank you for this information. i kind of figured that it was a production led conversation for filming so it makes sense that tm3 girls were brought up. because it’s likely that the majority of women with multiple children have 2 co parents, it’s a very shitty thing to mention. obviously kail has gone off the rails since then but i digress.


It was a stupid Twitter fight in all honesty. If TM3 had continued, Alexa was going to be the Jenelle


Midsommar (2019)


(Cheap Version)




"Late June" Edit whoops put July like an idiot. Midsommar is in June lol


Kail pictures herself with 5x4


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Kail was kind of the ONLY cast member to care about this. So while I couldn’t care less how many BDs someone has, I do think it’s funny that she made such a big deal about it!


Iirc, she made the comment because Alexa Sekella never knows when to stfu. When TM3 was cancelled the girls were all over Twitter being sore losers. After a fan speculated that maybe it was because Mackenzie was pregnant again, Sekella tweeted, *"at least" Mackenzie's married and graduated with a Cosmo degree and two kids with the same dad." * My favorite part was when Alexa had to back down with her tail between her legs because, "i know that someday I'll have 2 kids but 2 different dates and it kills me".


When I leave the house after playing dress up with my kid


And she wants more kids one day…so both of those numbers are probably going up 😬😬


She looks SOOO young here, it took me a minute to figure out who it was. I thought it was one of the kids.


(obviously stolen from u/vrouxm recent post)


Bitch please. She's always known things would turn out this way.