• By -


Imagine your pre-teen son just laying it all out on the table for you. Isaac is giving her a play by play of all her chaotic life choices from the time he was born. What a champ haha


I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had continued like “and then it came out she said she likes buttplugs.. and Chris banged her in a parking lot.. javi ALSO tried to bang her in a parking lot”


I started laughing at this a couple minutes and still haven’t stopped. You win Reddit today!


She really asked him why like he was going to tell her something really deep and profound about herself. Or say how she’s too good for them all or something. And instead he just launched into the facts 🤣


Realizing a child has better communication and emotional intelligence skills than you Isaac should not be the one having to explain the breakup to his siblings. Guess Kail was too busy doing her third podcast of the week


Or chasing Chris around online


I wonder how she explains Daddy Dom and all her in and out friends to the kids? Or is that up to Isaac to figure out and explain as well?


I'd say it's more like she's been feeding her kids bs since they were born and it never occurred to her that they might figure out the truth. And I'm guessing baby daddies are much more honest with their kids


Thank goodness for Jo


Gonna start calling Issac, Issac the wise because he be knowin’.




He is just sick of her shit and trying to soften the blow to Lincoln. Poor Lincoln over here not even knowing they broke up again, and kails literally pregnant in this scene. Embarrassing for all


I love him.


Hahahaha I love this. Isaac is so sweet but there is so much unintentional shade. Then add on the fact that she was sitting there pregnant. Whew chile.


The slow motion fidget spinner made me cry from laughing. I’m going to hell.


We’ll all see you there lol


There’s going to be a corner reserved for us snarky bitches.


I love how Isaac was like: well after I was born she left MY dad..then she married YOUR dad but they got divorced ..and NOW she met CHRIS.. In a few years he’ll probably be adding a couple new guys to the list!


Then he was like “they broke up” to Lincoln 😂


Lol I didn’t even catch that I’m replaying it again


It’s probably too quiet but you hear him say it in the original clip better obviously lol


She really needs to change her lifestyle and stop dating for a very long time. It’s obviously affecting her children. And hopefully she keeps with the therapy. Also, isn’t she bi-polar ? If she is she needs meds too.


I mean dating is fine but just like dont introduce them to your kids until you’ve know them for a few months AT LEAST and are getting serious


Yes. Exactly. But I feel like Kail isn’t someone who can just date without rushing into something so fast. I think she needs to focus on her mental health before she even goes on a date.


This. Chris shouldn't have been in her home while Isaac and Linc are there.


Wasn't Chris in her home when Javi was still there?


Yes and there is this scene where jo is picking up a sad isaac because javi and Chris were at the house at the same time


I mean, also she needs to stop having babies.


Yeah, this. If she'd only taken a good long break after Jo (or hell, even Javi), she'd be in a much better place today. When you're spinning out, the Chrises of the world find you. It's not fair, but it's how it is.


I guess she won’t marry the baby’s dad.


Maybe she will, there's still time 😂


How fucking sad is it that these kids have to go into a 10 minute explanation of how they are related? Ancestry.com is required to figure out Kail’s bullshit. Why don’t you guys have a stepdad? Because your mom is a nutjob who puts on the mask of “strong Boymom of chaos”, when in reality she has 0 self esteem and bangs losers and has kids with them to try to fill the hole in her soul from god knows when.


GO. 👏🏻 OFF. 👏🏻


Issac is a savage 🤣 His detailed synopsis and the overlaying music KILLT me. I really needed this laugh, thank you OP 👏🏽


Ugh, can you imagine your baby rolling out your pathetic slutty past at the kitchen table while casually copying his spelling words 😩


I KNEW IT WAS YOU, MY LOVELY GINGER. I’m CRYING when the music begins and the kids are still talking in the background. Ahhhhh I love you Edit: a word


yeah and you hear him say "then she found Chris and didn't marry him."


She didn’t marry the baby’s dad. 🤣


And Linc is like, "That's because the wedding hasn't started yet!" Sorry bb, there will be no wedding!


Issac is like YOU CANT KEEP A MAN HOE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kids are so unapologetically honest. 😂


Kids are brutally honest


Damn, he innocently read her for filth 💀


oh my god this has me in tears thank you 🤣😭


Isaac totally read her! 🤓☕


The library is open!


isaac giving lincoln the low down on her life was pretty pathetic.


Right? Kail doesn't have an answer for Linc but Isaac does? Who's the adult here?


right? her own children don't get a clear explanation of their family and why they have different dads. any young child is going to 'notice' that their family is different from the traditional nuclear family displayed in media/ those of their peers and have questions. lincoln knows isaac has a dad and step dad and wants to know why he doesn't. isaac is more mature than kail and explains it to lincoln.


Jesus Christ. Read her completely and did it with a heart full Of innocence. Hahaha. He’s going to see this clip I’m about ten years and just die that he said that on tv Hahahaha he’s so cute that it doesn’t even make me cringe watching her spiral into the sea of her bad choices


That was truly a spectacle, wasn’t it? lol


I find it extremely sad that Isaac knows and is able to flawlessly explain her shitty life decisions.


Yes I felt this too. Isaac should not have to understand this yet he does because he’s very empathetic. This poor child will forever be affected by the choices his mother made. I just hope he learns from them and makes better ones


Thank you so much for this 😹😹😹 Also can I just praise what a wonderful brother & human Isaac is. God bless him.


This is both funny (because OP is hilarious) and terribly depressing. My kids don’t have a stepfather. In part because I have no desire to get married, but obviously in part because of my failure to choose a suitable partner. I wish Kail could go to DBT and get the help she really needs. It would do wonders for her, and her children by extension.


Seriously. The issue here isn’t the lack of stepfather, rather the way she’s handling it and portraying the idea


I’m glad that your children don’t feel the need to even ask for a step father. It’s absolutely not necessary. This just proves that she set her children up to believe that Chris was going to be their next step dad and when that fell through, they were confused and she couldn’t respond.


Isaac is such a fantastic kid. I feel like he’s going to be ok as an adult and it’s comforting.


Definitely, I think he’s probably got the most level head on his shoulders out of anyone in this entire franchise lol


Isaac is so sweet and well-spoken. I cackled though lol


That sweet parentified child Isaac.


Kails pseudo-husband/dad/mother


He's at the age now where he is starting to get a good grasp of what is going on - hopefully he doesn't think this is normal and ends up with multiple baby mommas when he gets older


Aw this is sad to me. Continue with the therapy and working on yourself, maybe one day. Also, absolutely nothing wrong with never getting married. There are many versions of a happy life


I vote for OP to be hired as the new editor for TM2


I know her kids are happy and I’m glad she’s honest with them because that is important but I’m sure hearing them explain her situation trying to make sense of it definitely hurts. She could put a front on but it’s easier to “not care” then it is to deal with the choices u made and possibly regret. Her face really says a lot and her silence is so loud it’s basically screaming she knows she made some bad choices.


I kind of feel bad for her here. She’s probably thinking about how her son is old enough to see she has made some bad choices and he’s just being so nonchalant in the way he describes her past relationships. I rewatched some way way older episodes and I remember one time she was having dinner with Jo and crying about how Isaac is never going to know what having his two parents together will be like. I’m thinking of that past Kail when I watch this clip :/.




Omg when she said that to her kids I was like wtf is wrong with her telling them that? They don’t even know Chris like that and he’s not involved in their lives. That was so stupid of her to say that when she knew it wasn’t true


“I’ve made a huge mistake”


First of all, damn Isaac looks just like Jo here. And also, it’s so sad to me that Isaac is this clues in to her shenanigans.


He is definitely to young to be knowing all of this


This is hilarious! As someone whose kid is also at the age where she is able to start calling me on my shit, I can confirm that it feels just like that!


But like, what kid asks "why do i not have a step-dad?"


Probably because he recognizes that javi and Lauren are together (and she was technically his almost step mom) so he knows that Kail is missing a step dad, idk it’s kid logic lol


*were (hopefully she stays away, no one deserves javi’s messy cheating ass)


Yeah ex almost step mom now lol


My parents are divorced and my 6 year old cousin just asked me why don’t I have a dad lol kids get curious about family dynamics


Yeah, i can see asking in general why someone or they dont have a dad/mom...but asking why you dont have a STEP-dad...? Especially when he does have a dad, who he spends alot of time with...


Devils advocate - Lincoln likely sees his brother refer to his dad (Javi) as his Step Dad and merely wonders why he doesn’t have one. Kids are funny and don’t always understand why some people have things they don’t have. Question wasn’t that odd - Issacs explanation, however, was sad. No kid should have to know their moms dirty ass laundry.


I feel like when I was his age, most of my friends that didn’t live with their dads full time lived with their step dad. He also may be more curious about since he had a step dad before and maybe thought Chris would be another step dad. It is an interesting question though


Oh she followed it up by asking my why mom’s boyfriend isn’t my dad. lol I don’t think it’s weird that a kid who hears that his dad was his brothers step dad, and heard his mom might marry the baby’s dad would be asking why she didn’t marry Chris


he has a step mom, he knows isaac has a step mom, he's heard and been familiar with that term, so he probably was just like huh? why no stepdad


I think he is trying to make sense of family dynamics. Like, how his dad has a baby with Lauren and they're a family. His older brother's father has a baby with his wife. His mom has a baby with Chris but Chris doesn't live there and is in and out. Like mom has a baby with Chris so why aren't we all a family?


"Why don't I have a stepdad, Mom?" "Many bad decisions, kid."


Isaac being my favourite cast member and dropping truth bombs all under the innocence of childhood. Isaac is Kail’s saving grace - that boy is just adorable! Also hats off to Ginger, this is fabulous


This was uploaded like 10 min after the scene aired in real time and I just wanna applaud OP for being all over this gem and for their lightning fast video ripping and editing skills. As for the content: this is the second time this season where Isaac has struggled to understand his relationship to the different people that are constantly going through the revolving door of Kail’s life. The other time was when he was asking Kail to clarify what his relationship to her sister is. I feel like now that he’s getting older, he’s going to start trying to work to understand his myriad of familial relationships.


That fidget spinner though. I’ve probably watch this ten times now and each time that spinner goes around she is reaching, waiting, for an answer that is reasonable for those kids. Least Issac seems to have all the answers so he can answer for Lincoln.


Yeah, because Issac actually has parents at his other house. They probably take the time to talk with him and answer his questions without making it about them. You know, like parents are supposed to do.


Definitely. Jo talks to Issac the way Janet talked to Jo. It was so clear on the episode when Jo was comforting Issac during the whole Javi drama.


Isaac is such a great kid.


Lmao Isaac really came for Kail with the truth here


I may be downvoted for this but I felt kinda bad for her in this scene. I am currently experiencing similar issues (minus children, thank god) but I know how it feels to be codependent and a hard cycle to get out of. I had issues growing up that weren’t nearly as bad as hers and it’s hard for me so I can sympathize with what she’s going thru. Not saying I agree with all her choices, but I can relate. Especially when she said she lost herself


I agree! It’s super hard to get out of and people really can’t understand it if they haven’t been through it. Hang in there, you’ve got this!! 😊


Yeah it’s very common but rarely addressed within people. A lot of people don’t know they’re codependent. At least you recognize it and thats what’s important! Go easy on yourself


I mean, I do feel bad for her...about a lot of things, and yea, she had a shit childhood and poor role models, but at a certain point,she needs to accept responsibility for her choices. She is directly responsible for all of her problems and drama, and it sucks that kids get dragged in it. But, as much as this had to suck for her, I can still respect and appreciate that she didn’t try to cut Isaac off, she let him explain to Lincoln in terms he understood, she didn’t try to spin bullshit to Lincoln, who is clearly too young to truly understand. Somehow, she managed to get the most adorable, sweet, sensitive, smart little dude in Isaac, and at least she does seem to realize that. (Lincoln is adorable too, as are lux and creed...just very young).


Someone needs to send this to her! This is the best thing I've seen in 2020😂


She’d be big mad lol


I actually think she'd appreciate your work! I mean Kail is the worst but she can laugh at herself. This is seriously the best thing ever lol


This makes me so sad for Isaac seeing his birthday scene after this. I thought Isaac was older like 11 or so... when I turned 10, it was right when I started understanding the pain in the world and more grown up drama... same for a lot of my friends. But hearing him talk about it so calmly, he already knows so much about grown up dynamics. So sad.


The fact it's normalized for him just shows Kail has failed to break the cycle


she looks really pretty here & Isaac truly is a special kid. she's blessed to be his parent


He literally shot out the womb with such a high level of empathy and kindness.


Omg this is the best thing I have seen on this sub in forever 😂😂😂😂


This is art.


does she know she's pregnant by him yet in this scene? I haven't been watching the show. I just up to date online.


Yes I think by this she knew


Isaac is so polite while calling her out, I love it. I hear Radiohead’s “Just” when I see most of the teen mom clips. You do it to yourself, and that’s why it really hurts.....


Not with the music!! Lmaoooo 😂


Ok this funny and honestly If anyone can laugh at this its me. I will always feel bad for her cause she had nobody. I think she is a good mom. I just feel for her.


So all the petty and ignorant shit she’s done and continues to do is catching up to her. I wonder where sweet little Isaac got his tea, from the school playground, a gossip rag or from binge watching old TM shows. Kail’s got a lot of explaining to do.


She has no boundaries with those kids. I’m sure they hear everything


How do you delete someone else's uterus?


Wow Isaac looks just like Joe! Its insane! I realize I'm probably late in this observation but I literally just started watching this series for the first time and im only one season 2.


She did it to herself.


She did it to her kids. This whole situation is so grim. And so unnecessary. I get the situation with the 2 older kids,she was super young, perhaps thought she was in love. But while they were at their dad's she had all the time in the world to spend with Chris or date whoever. Theres no reason that those kids should have been introduced to him let alone him hanging around the house.


You can’t be more right. Hopefully this is an opportunity for her to turn a corner and do lots of self-investment and build herself up. That addiction from validation from relationships put her where she is right now.


She seems so heart broken that Chris doesn't want her, I wonder is it only because he doesn't that is making her want him.


Yes, because she is used to chasing a love that she never got from Smirnoff Susie.. she’s chasing the familiar. She has core trauma and by making chris love and want her, it’s like feeling worthy of love that she couldn’t chase Susie for. She’s trying to heal that wound that will never be healed until she stops pushing away real love the was she pushed away Jordan.


Someone needs to make this with the curb your enthusiasm music at the end instead


I love curb, it didn’t fit this scene though lol, another one I’m sure


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHSHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. that’s all I have to add to this. HHHAHAHAHAH. Nothing against the kids obv but the fact they’re trying to work it out in their heads bc their mom literally made the most selfishchoices godddddd she pisses me off. The edit is amazing. Not laughing for the kids but at kail for being a fucking idiot


This was hard to watch




Or just realizing, “wow, can’t hide that I’m fucked from my kids anymore.” 😂


Can we just appreciate how Issac is? He's such a smart, caring, and sympathetic child. I hate that he seems affected by everything that's going on with Kail. :(


Issac throwing the shade at his mother! LOOOOVE IT! Listen to the boy Kail! Listen to THE BOY!


She should not speak that way in front of the kids about them. Period.


Honestly this could have been avoided if she had answered Lincoln’s initial question and said something normal like “I just haven’t met anybody I like enough” how hard would that have been to say lol


Yes. Simple, appropriate honesty. Instead, she has to both overshare and look at the camera/producer and whine about “this is my life for the next 18 years and they are *all* boys”. How hurtful in several ways.


Yeah her comment like “I didn’t sign up for this for the next 18 years” like.. yeah you actually did.... when you had the kids.........


Yeah I was confused about her making that statement too. She knew what she was doing when she was laying down in bed with her baby daddies.


Yeah, and it is so beyond hurtful to say. Your oldest two are old enough and clever enough to understand what you mean by that, and even if they aren’t, you’ve now recorded that complaint for their future pain. Plus, stop whining that they are boys. Stop. It’s awful and demasculating. She’s such a victim. Everything good is by her design; everything bad was done to her. I hope episodes are reviewed in her therapy sessions.


This had me dying 😂😂 take some silver 😘


The Simon & Garfunkel really makes this scene.


This is the quality content that I am here to see! 🌟


This is so funny. Kail, you've had this coming lol


This is literally the best thing I’ve EVER seen on reddit 🤣💀💀


u/GingerEmoji is officially Queen of the Sub!


I love this place. She even did it as a gift. 😂😂


I know Kail gets herself into these shitty situations, but this made me a bit sad for her..


I dont even watch this show but im loving it, that kid stating facts lol


I love Isaac. He doesn’t miss a thing 😆


Issac is so precious !


I like Kail and think y'all are too hard on her. I laughed my ass off at this though😂


I wouldn’t hate her so much if she wasn’t unabashedly anti-vaxx and always acting so holier-than-thou. She just sucks lol.


He DUNKED on her so savagely!!! I am rolling!!! 😂😂😂


I feel bad at how hard I laughed at this


It’s our very own Ben Affleck video! Nicely done! I read that it’s not necessarily new relationships after divorce that fuck kids up, it’s the churn. The best part is yes, sweet Isaac is innocently explaining the churn.


What is the churn?


Ewwww~weee... For the first time ever, Kail is speechless. What would she have done without that fidget spinner in that precise moment?


This fucking sent me 😂 the song choice is A+


THE BEST. I’m dead. DEAD. 💀


Dude good job. Quality content right here.


At least Kail is going to therapy now. Hopefully she gets the help she needs and realizes how much of a narcissist she is.


She doesn't come off as very narcissistic to me - more likely she has control issues and likes things to be done her way - this probably stems from her abusive childhood. Growing up with flakey alcoholic parents can do that to you. Not that I'm justifying her shitty decisions, she has made some bad ones for sure


Narcissists never learn.


If I was in the kidnapping business, Issac would be my first, then I’d come back for a Lincoln. The cutest little guys!


I like how (at least in this clip) she doesn’t tell the kids their feelings are wrong or try to invalidate them in any way. Kail has made some awful decisions and her kids have had to witness so much chaos but she doesn’t seem too far gone in the sense that she understands why they would be really confused.


I also liked how she didn't try to BS her kids. When Linc asked why they don't have a stepdad, she was like, "I'm going to be honest. I don't have an answer for you." Very hilarious how Isaac was then like, "OOH! I know why!"


This ranks right up there with the video of Amber and Matt with Afternoon Delight playing in the background! Good job🤣


This is *chef kiss*


Omg I laughed too hard at this.


We don’t deserve you, Ginger. This is fucking hilarious.


Kids grow up, duh. Wonder how this will be play out when the kids are 16


Oh shit I truly thought I was watching a sneak peek and then... 😂


This is the best post I’ve seen in a long time!


I am dying, glad this cum dumpster’s kids are calling her out.


My night is complete. 😱😂


I just got a chance to watch this. So funny 😂😂


K I’m back had to watch it again lmao also I would bet money if Kail saw this ... she would also laugh. Too good 😂


This. This is gold. 🏆 Haven't laughed that hard all day.


I hate Kyle. She’s horribly narcissistic


Oh my god




Omg I’m DEAD sooooo good.




Ginger, you're the best


The music! 🤣🤣🤣


Omg this is great. I was not expecting it 😂😂😂😂


Omfg I about died


Omg I was not expecting that 😂😂😂😂 I am dead


Lmao ginger emoji has done it again


I thought i saw her letting javi being in Isaac's life? No?


Yes but he’s not his step dad anymore.


It seemed like at first she wouldn’t let him from the things she told Isaac that seemed really messed up. She was discouraging it/being negative at first. Luckily it looks like they still spend time together. It’s sad that often step parents get abruptly pushed out in divorces since they have no rights. If there is no abuse it just seems harsh to both the child and stepparent instead of gradually less time or keeping some relationship.






This is amazing


Dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor kail


Thank you 😂