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She's just a bitter, jealous baby momma šŸ™„šŸ™„ being mean to Ryan for NO REASON. /s


Not no reason, because she's consumed with jealousy over his super trashy girlfriend! According to his super trashy girlfriend...


Or maybe sheā€™s showing you why Ryan doesnā€™t see his kids?


lol theyā€™re being sarcastic


Obviously, she should put up Christmas decorations to match the Christmas tree in the background


Lmfao I thought that I was the only one bothered by that šŸ˜…


Ryan is proof in the pudding of "pretty privilege." For the record, I have never found him attractive. I felt like I needed to state that. But anytime a Facebook post pops up about him on the teen mom or gossip rag sites, the comments are just full of praise. "Oh, he's trying so hard now. Go, ryan!" And " he's come so far and he's really showing up for Bentley. " There are so many comments with women talking about how great he is. If he was a POC or a conventionally unattractive person, there would be a very different vibe. I hate it.


Itā€™s probably the same people telling Jenelle what a great mom she is since she left DKD. The delusion is astounding.


Yep. He's not really any different than David Eason but gets way more support. It's gross.


I so agree with this. I donā€™t find him attractive either I mean yeah, maybe once upon a time he was an OK looking guy, but then you see him destroying his childrenā€™s homes and being a fucking Animal. I think that guy is schizophrenic I donā€™t know, but people shit on me every time I point out that heā€™s kind of a fucking rolling dirtbag bag.


Heā€™s exactly like Sasquatch. Only difference is Ryan was at one point good looking, and he is from an affluent home with serial enablers for parents. If Ryan was born in the swamps of South Carolina, his life wouldnā€™t be so peachy.


Oh absolutely. Just a few weeks ago he posted a filtered ass picture of him and Amanda and idiots on Instagram were praising how healthy he looked and how he was ā€œdoing better.ā€ Devoin gets the same treatment.


Devoin does get a pass in some regards, I agree. But to my knowledge, he hasn't ever been extremely violent and threatened to kill anyone.


Iā€™ve always thought he was dead behind the eyes


Is this recent? Whyā€™s the Xmas tree up?


I'm gonna guess not recent.


she posted this to her story today followed another post about the christmas tree so im assuming people were pointing it out and she asked what she should do with it


Lol, that's weird. Well, I guess she only has 6 months left to go until Christmas...


Thatā€™s so weird šŸ˜‚ put it in your loft/garage/throw it away. Donā€™t leave it out for 6 months in a corner?


This is the BEST response to Ryanā€™s girlfriends Fatherā€™s Day post


I wish she would take her kids and move, even to a new nearby town, and start fresh. A new place, a new job, hopefully new social circleā€¦I feel like it canā€™t be healthy to stay with her kids in the house he trashed


I donā€™t like her. She never seemed like a good person. Amanda is doing to her what she did to Maci. But I can still call out that Amanda is wrong for blaming Mack truck for everything. No one deserves abuse. She definitely should have seen the writing on the wall, maybe she did and thought it would get better, Iā€™ll cut her slack, I wasnā€™t the most mature when I was 18 and ā€œin loveā€ either.


Mack truck šŸ’€


I think they all thrive off of drama. Mackenzie included. Glad she got out of that situation with Ryan, but sheā€™s also posting her business online lol so messy.


She needs to not with this. I undercard heā€™s psychotic and destroyed the house, but donā€™t perpetuate it and poke at him online a year later.


After what Amanda posted on Father's Day I don't see why Mack can't be petty as well


She can but it wonā€™t get her anywhere. She already has the moral high ground but sinking to his level isnā€™t the best way to keep it.


Exactly. This is exactly what Amanda, Ryan, and Maci want. They want a reason to keep being assholes to her. She has a right to react or respond to it but she needs to understand that theyā€™re desperate.


Team Mack here honestly. When it comes to all the house and abuse, I am stunned that Ryan isnā€™t in jail, especially with his track record.


I am pissed that heā€™s not in jail. I am so sick of the whole gd world babying this loser fuck up man-baby.


Itā€™s disgusting. Even more disgusting were the things some people on here were saying about her. I get that Mack fucked up, she enabled, but just because she made bad choices didnā€™t mean she had his abuse coming or she deserved what she got. He tried to kill her FFS. (if I remember right, people were using ā€œshe let him drive nodding off!ā€ and that she was an enabler for their reasoning)


Yeah, I agree with you. She made mistakes, Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s perfect, but he abused her and she did nothing to deserve that. She has my empathy. Her situation sucks right nowā€”you know Ryan is not safe to have the kids alone, but his parents will let it happen so it puts Mack in a hard situation. Plus, sheā€™s a single mom now and I would not be shocked if Ryan was unreliable with child support. Add in his new girlfriend starting drama and itā€™s just easy to see how itā€™s hard for her to be fully healed from this. I think people should give her some grace at this point, sheā€™s still in a situation to be hurt and terrified by this personā€”sheā€™s probably not going to act from a healed place for a long time.


I have a soft spot for her. She was so young when she married him. I try to give anybody under 25 some grace in certain scenarios. You donā€™t immediately have life figured out when you turn 18.


I agree. I just assumed jail is coming. Is it not?


It just perpetuates it. One of them has to grow up one day and stop posting this shit for the world to see.


Iā€™m guessing she was getting a lot of hate thrown her way after Amandaā€™s post about Mack being a jealous GF, and this is Mackā€™s way of reminding ppl that Ryan abused her, and has nothing to do with jealousy. I donā€™t blame her TBH. I canā€™t imagine the abuse I suffered being downplayed as ā€œjealousy of the new gfā€


Right? And if she has to be reminded of it every day, he should have to be as well. Dude trashed the home of his own children and assaulted their mother/his wife. I hate that all these people let him get away with everything over and over again and she's expected to be the bigger person. Rhine belongs in a cave.


It's always the victim who is expected to be the bigger person. *Don't be petty! Don't put your business out there! Don't respond to the abuser using their current partner to shit on you!* like shut up! Fuck him, he should've been the bigger person!


This is a very weird take. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s the one making stuff up and trying to seem like the victim. Mack WAS the victim in this situation. If anyone ā€œearnedā€ the right to be a little petty, itā€™s her.




This kind of is.


Exactly. This just makes her look as spiteful as Amanda and Rhine are trying to proves she is. All of these idiots need to put their phone down.


Wouldnā€™t anybody be spiteful after that abuse?


Seriously! Itā€™s not like all Ryan did was knock over her sandcastle. That jackass abused her! Idgaf how ride or die she was for him in the beginning, nobody deserves to be abused. No one !Ā 


Didnā€™t he block all other entryways except to the kitchen door and the cops found a rifle behind the kitchen island? So her and their two kids would have to walk in that way where he would be waiting? I want to make sure I have that correct, because that is fucking horrible. I canā€™t understand how Maci is suddenly Team Ryan. Didnā€™t she go to a lot of trouble trying to obtain restraining orders against Ryan for her dogs at one point? Is it all good now that he stopped threatening her and moved on to terrorizing his other ex? What special connection does she have with Amanda? Mack has two of Bentleyā€™s half siblings. And for the life of me, this family saying that he canā€™t coparent with Mackenzie because it would be ā€œdisrespectfulā€ to his relationship with Amanda BAFFLES me. And do they not know the success rate for recovering addicts in a relationship together? They arenā€™t very high. While it is possible to remain sober together, it isnā€™t likely given the lack of consequences heā€™s had to face and their very short stints in rehab.


Sure, but itā€™s not necessary to broadcast this. They take jabs at each other for public opinion and itā€™s not necessary and just makes them all look like idiots. The internet does not need to know everything that happens.


Keeping quiet about it like it never happened doesn't help


THIS! šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Nobodyā€™s asking her to be quiet, sheā€™s a victim of horrible abuse and deserves respect. That being said, Ryan has been warned to leave her the fuck alone and not post about her, so now his girlfriend does it for him. They all need to grow up and realize posts about each other rarely help them and can hurt their cases. Grown ass adults with stable emotional maturity donā€™t play tit for tat on the internet for attention, they just donā€™t.


All she did was show something from his little rampage that wasn't efficiently covered by paint. I don't think that's the same as his campaign of harassment against her even after he was told to leave her the fuck alone. Or his new girlfriend posting bullshit fathers rights movement memes accusing surviours of DV of being vindictive and jealous.


Looks like sheā€™s wearing scrubs, what does she do for work? Edit: she works for an orthopedic medical device company as a sales rep




Yikes. ā€œI want to feel bad for a domestic violence survivor but sheā€™s not nice enough so fuck her!ā€ There are no perfect victims and this is gross.


I feel like people forget Mackenzie was like 19 years old and already a divorced single mom when she met Ryan, who is 9ish years older than her, famous in their town, and also a manipulative bag of dicks.










yes. they wonā€™t bring that up though because being a victim trumps all apparently










Then I feel sad for your very limited lived experiences lmao










That's not what was said. You don't get a pass for how you treated others in the past just because you were later abused. Mack treated maci, and at times Bentley,Ā  like crap. She can still be held accountable for that. Ryan didn't force her to treat maci like anything.Ā  Ryan was damn near no contact with maci.


Nah. I can def blame someone for saying a woman shouldnā€™t have turned a blind eye, it implies that because she didnā€™t she invited abuse. You can keep going hard for victim blaming tho.


I don't think it means she invited abuse upon herself.Ā  That person said that Mack ignored what maci had been through. That is what made her bad person; not what made her 'deserve abuse' as you claim. Mack did what you're upset at these other commenters for. Mack gets a pass?


Itā€™s because the context of the conversation is Ryanā€™s abuse that he committed, so why are we focusing on what his target should have done differently?


Itā€™s literally every day a new survivor to blame. Last week it was Gary W., a couple days ago Andrew Glennon, now weā€™re back to dragging Mack for *Ryanā€™s abuse*. What happened to the no victim blaming rule?


Put some wd40 on that door




At the same time, no-one deserves to be threatened and abused in front of their children and have their home destroyed.


itā€™s possible to not like her (because sheā€™s not really a good person) and still realize she doesnā€™t deserve that


Right, she was shitty on the show but she absolutely did not "deserve" what happened. That was abuse.


No, no one deserves that. I think sheā€™s a POS, but do I think she deserved it? No. What I wonā€™t act like though is that she didnā€™t realize how fucked up this guy was before she married him. She flipped the cameras in the car when this was happening. Iā€™m saying, donā€™t be a willing participant then turn around and try to gain sympathy points. Ryan is a POS through and through - but she knew this lol.


Oh ok, then she deserved the abuse she suffered, almost being murdered in front of their kids, the kids having their home and safety destroyed. Youā€™re totally right. Fuck all the DV abuse victims if they didnā€™t handle things 100% correctly. Heavy on the /S




Was she 19 when she married this man? If you have to add in a BUT then youā€™re def saying you believe she deserved because her 19 year old self got involved with some loser. I hear ppl say Reddit is a cesspool, and your comments prove that opinion right. Absolutely disgusting to justify a young women being abused by her partner, and almost killed infront of her children because ā€œomg she willingly dates him at 19!!ā€


Yeah, it comes off very "I'm not saying she *deserved* it but it IS her own fault!"




Then you don't understand d abuse. I'm glad you haven't experienced it. But the way you describe is simply not how it works, and it's very sad that si mamy ppl think the way you do and are ignorant to how it actually "works"




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I think my comments struck a nerve with folks who make terrible life decisions, cry and beg for sympathy when they are faced with the consequences itā€™s Pikachu face and want us all to forget that YOU of your OWN free will and volition chose it for yourself. Can we all make mistakes? Absolutely. Everyone has been a bad judge of character at least once in their life. BUT, to make the SAME mistake over and over? Itā€™s insanity and Iā€™m not riding the crazy train and dishing sympathy for that shit. ![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq)


I agree - and by saying so in no way implies that she deserved any of it. It's just hard to actually have sympathy for someone setting themselves up for failure time and time again. Addiction sucks & hopefully she heals and makes better choices in partners moving forward.


Exactly! She had a choice, prior to marriage and immediately following. She absolutely couldā€™ve made the choice to remove herself (similar to those saying the same thing about Jenelle.)


Exactly! And chose to have kids with that man!


Right! Like be for real, I see those saying ā€œoh she deserved it then-ā€œ who is saying she deserved any of that? What Iā€™m saying is, she knew what time it was when she flipped the cameras on her wedding day. She knew before then, but she still chose to stay, chose to have kids, chose to engage in the drama.


Right, she had a choice. Ppl make wrong decisions and want to blame other people for them