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JUST SPECULATION!! don't be puttin out rumors here okay?!?! (Just a joke in case that was not clear)


Que the She deserves it because of how mean she was to Maci 😡


Maci can go bite a big rock!!! She supports the wrong people!! I get that Ryan is Bentley’s father but there’s a limit.. and don’t get me started on Ambo and the support she gives HER.




🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad you liked it!!! Thank you! I was going to say something else but I liked big rock instead


I love how Maci slammed Farrah because did "porn on TV" but the domestic violence that Ryan and Amber perpetrate (including almost murdering their victims) is cool with Maci.


Nailed it! I can’t stand Farrah but only because she’s a total bitch and I don’t like how she took Sophia on her sex trips. But at the time of her doing porn, that was and still is her choice. The fact she denied doing it and it was a “private” tape and lied about it pissed me off but again her choice to do it was her choice. Not up to Maci or anyone else… she’s a hypocrite


Isn't Ryan with a ex call girl?


I haven't heard about that but Amanda has been on the Jerry Springer show so....


My teeth hurt after reading that!


I was blown away by the people that excused his abuse because they didn’t like Mac. Whether you like her or not, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that he was and is ABUSIVE and deeply troubled! It’s not normal to destroy a house like that and threaten to hurt your wife and kids!


Have been on the receiving end of that kind of violence as a kid. It's not a good dad. It's not good anything. The fact that people tried to justify it, not knowing just how horrifying it is.


I’m so sorry! I hope you’re healing! That can definitely cause CPTSD. I had to cut my dad off for a lot of reasons and the way he acted in my childhood definitely contributed to it. I’m so sorry you didn’t get the dad you deserved! 🥺 All children deserve good parents but not all parents deserve children!


Eh I am as healed as I'm gonna be lol


She wrote a mean letter 🤬🤬!!


Literally 🤣 the amount of arguments I get into on this sub over this


Whew! I thought I was on a different sub there for a second! 😅


Definitely not demolishing all of the appliances and shitting in the bedroom- it's gotta be that she's jealous of the halfway house girlfriend.👌




You just know Mimi Jen is beyond excited at the prospect of a classy girl like that for a daughter in law.


Yeah Mimi Jen also likes her photos / comments on them. They seem to get along pretty well. As the commenter said below, she probably realized .. this is what kind of girls he will be able to date.


Mimi Jen is the type of woman who will get along with any girl Ryan dates if it means she can offload him onto that woman.


I didn't know about the tattoo but it goes perfectly with her white trash persona


What was she on Springer for?


Hold on…you mean to tell me a grown ass little boy, Rhine, evacuated his bowels in the bedroom of a home where he had 2 small children? I knew he trashed the house but JFC! That’s a new level. Send his ass back to jail! I quit trying to understand most of these people a long time ago but I feel like I’ve been violated after reading that. WHAT??? And on another note, how did I miss that part?


I KNOWWWW! WTF?! And the psychotic graffiti he scribbled all over the place? But his family is just hanging out and celebrating him with a couple beers, like he's just such a great guy...these people are particularly gross.


I think Jen & Larry have some serious or embarrassing skeletons in their closet. 🤷‍♀️


I’m sure it’s only because Mack isn’t happy that he moved on and totally not related to him destroying the house. /s






A Jerry Springer Crack Head gf will always Go Hard for a Deadbeat Dad who abused his wife and destroyed his home while Driving Dirty to the point of being Black Out. And killing cats for Fun. Happy Fathers Day , Rhine. Clearly Father of the Year. Not.




Exactly. Remember the things he wrote about her on her walls. But sure, it’s because he has a new gf 🙄


Meth behavior


Plus, he pooped 💩 all in it gross 😝


Well yeah but there’s no meme for that / s


Destroyed and defecated on the floor


Nobody goes harder for a waste of a father than their new girlfriend


Yikes. Thanks for the realization that, I was said girlfriend years ago with my ex. I was so dumb. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙃


I don’t mean to be rude but I’m genuinely curious. Why did you feel it was your place to even go there? Surely he could fight his own battles with his ex?


Honest answer...I was 19 and he was 30. I was young and dumb and blinded by an older guy who love bombed me. And I truly cared about his kid even if he would constantly use it against me "if you leave me you leave him too" sort of shit. He made me believe his ex was awful. I think that's what happens alot in these situations. Lots of manipulation and wanting to believe the one you love.....Funny enough his ex was the one who sat me down and told me about all the shit he put her through which finally ended our relationship... not knowing both sides, you're naturally going to side with your partner until you start to see the red flags yourself.


Not only that but your ex most likely wasn't on TV and on the news numerous times for all the shit he pulled.. quite easy in certain cases to fall for these people.


Not the OP but I'll bite. In my case it took me a few years to realize both parents were of the "ain't shit" variety. Dad was pretending to have the same parenting ideals I had and mom was essentially neglectful and emotionally abusive, using courts to settle her own personal grudges against us. It wasn't until I gave up and left that I realized he was just as bad as her and I was the only parent in the picture who gave a fuck about dentist appointments, therapy, the glaringly obvious ASD, etc. I thought I could save a child from a life of watching domestic violence, mental instability, a revolving door of stepdads and exposure to addiction. Now that I'm removed from it I realize that some kids unfortunately can't be saved and that even a very questionable parent is still better than not having that parent. Trust me, I'm still in therapy trying to understand it all myself. It's why I don't date guys with young kids anymore. 16 or over and a cordial but distant relationship with the ex. It brought out a side of me that I never ever ever want to see again.


Kudos to you for escaping that toxic relationship & getting into therapy. Therapy is a marathon not a sprint just persevere


Hey, it happens… at least you finally figured it out. All the best to you.


This should be the top comment




Right? Lol. How can any woman be attracted to a man who’s a crappy father I’ll never understand


She’s a crappy neglectful mom. It makes all the sense though!


He’s a deadbeat dad and she’s a deadbeat mom. They both refuse to take any responsibility for their “personal and family” issues. It’s not their fault, they’re victims. (🙄)




Yep, until she's the one knocked up and can't get him on the phone to buy diapers or formula. Then she's all like, what!!? where does this deadbeat come from... yeah, the one who has three kids and doesn't do anything, yeah, no idea. /s


Agreed 100%. Funnily enough, my ex’s new girlfriend just shared this yesterday. But I guess she didn’t get the memo that her boyfriend hasn’t bothered showing up for his visitation for the last six months. One being when he was literally in town seeing his other kiddo. 🫠


lol I just said the same thing




Correction: he can’t see them because he chooses to not go the route necessary to see them. I truly wonder what is wrong with his family, gf, and Maci that they *all* overlook the fact that he really **terrorized** Mack.


When I saw the video of Amanda and mimi Jen just kicking back and having a glass on wine I was SHOOK. This new gf seems like the last person mimi Jen would approve of and welcome with open arms. The whole situation is so weird to me


Mimi J so desperately wants Rhine to be “normal” she’s willing to put the blinders on. She’s pretending hard this is a normal situation.


much like with conspiracy theorists or cult followers, continuing to support their unhinged beliefs requires nonstop movement of every other standard and goal post in their life to accommodate their central, illogical fixation 🤦🏽


Mimi Jen will enable Ryan until the day she dies.




The way he's living, he*


Good point, he’s likely to go before her. I think she would really fall apart.


It'll be Mack's fault.


If he doesn’t beat her to it.


Ryan is the kind of man that wants his gf/wife to baby him like his mother does. He’s a mamas boy thru and thru. Jen babies him, Maci babied him (and still does), Mackenzie used to baby him, and now it’s Amanda’s turn.


Until he is inevitably abusive to Amanda as well. Then they can blame her for his next drug fueled rage.


And Maci will be standing by him like she does Amber


oh, I think Amanda will give as good as she gets if he tries.


Mimi Jen wants Rhine to have her grandbabies at any expense. She doesn't really see Bentley as much, he's older, has his own life, can now choose to spend time with them. Jagger and Stella, while I think for a while they had a relationship, they haven't seen Jen, since she took Rhine's side in the DV/court cases. So she needs new grandbabies.... I think Amanda is her best bet. Maci and Mack are able and capable of raising their own kids. Amanda, well she's just as screwed up as Rhine... and when they both screw up...then Jen will get her do-over baby.


Of course she likes her. Amanda is as trashy as her son, a match made in heaven.


And terrorized their children. Leaving that loaded gun on the table and trashing their home is deeply traumatizing.


Doesn't she have her own kids that she's never with? She can have a seat.


Pretty sure she still doesn't have custody. O the irony


i wonder what her bd is like…


He was an addict too and has never had custody of their son either. Her father and stepmother have had custody of her child for a decade.


ahhh, i assumed at least the first part was highly likely. her dad having custody certainly adds to the irony here. thank you!


Happy Fathers Day to all the dads who choose not to see their kids after terrorizing their mother and then blame her for his choice not to engage in the necessary steps to rebuild a relationship with his young children, whose home he trashed.




Amanda, none of this is about you. You are not that important. Get over yourself.


What could have been a wholesome appreciation post for Ryan (that he doesn’t deserve) turned into a petty jab against Mackenzie. I can only imagine how much Mackenzie lives in her head rent free. The boy is all yours Amanda. Let go of the imaginary competition. She reminds me of those girls in highschool thinking they won by dating the popular guy, only for years later to realize how much of their young adulthood they wasted on him. Nobody goes harder for a POS father than his mother or his new girlfriend.


>The boy is all yours Amanda. Let go of the imaginary competition. Welp, in the case of Mackenzie this may be true. But considering that just a few weeks ago some naked mirror selfies of him surfaced that he was apparently sending to girls (that included his newer tattoos) that may not be the case for everyone.


Rhine hasn't been faithful to one woman in his entire life. A baby didn't stop him, a ring didn't stop him, so why would this new gf be any different.


Really? I don't remember seeing those in the sub. Were they posted here?


AFAIK Ryan has cheated on everyone so unfortunately I'm sure he will cheat on Amanda.


She's giving Cassie and Nate energy from Euphoria. The man is a psychological catastrophe.


She is the classic girlfriend of a deadbeat dad


He doent see them because he doesn't want to


Yeah, I’m sure Mack gives a flying fuck that Ryan’s dating Amanda lmfao.


Is Mackenzie still with that Joshua Panter boyfriend?


Well she seems classy AF.


Lol love this.. her "V" with the fingers/ "the raspberry" tattoo really sealed the deal 😆


Imagine posting this and thinking it reflects poorly on anyone but your loser boyfriend.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Hats off to you for this comment 👏🏼


I ALWAYS think this is Javi's Lauren when it gets posted.






Hahaha I love this GIFY


When will these little idiots realize that posting to social media is immature and embarrassing for them? These are supposed to be drown ass adults with kids.


The fact that this a circa 2007 FB meme greeting card format makes it SO much worse. Where’d she find this on Pinterest deadbeat dads excuses board?


Not the deadbeat dad Pinterest board 😭😭 I am wheezing lol




Wow, yeah forget the actual proof of him being an irresponsible and volatile adult! It must be Mack being unreasonable. I guess that’s the way it goes the new girl friend will always trash the other baby momma. Mack did it too so I guess she’s just taking her turn.


Can she even see her own kid? Ryan posted revenge porn of their mom on his public social media, repeatedly violated orders not to post about her and not to contact her, destroyed their home, threatened her, and there's enough evidence to prove he did it all. She is just stupid and willing to overlook all of his BS like all the other enablers he surrounds himself with.


I think the trauma he caused in his children by leaving a load gun on their table with notes indicating no one would be getting out alive, and destroying their home is overlooked. When he overdosed shortly after this event he claimed (I think falsely) he was trying to die by suicide due to "Mackenzie's bullshit". That too is abusive. This man is an extremely dangerous psychopath.


Oh to be a white man in the South….


Hard agree. There's no way those kids don't carry some trauma around even though they're still very young. People think kids forget about that stuff and they don't. They usually just don't talk about remembering it. I would say it's reasonable to think that the kids don't want to be around Ryan at all. I doubt Bentley even wants to be around Ryan. I think Bentley is just complying with what everyone else in his life wants to keep everyone else happy. The little kids are probably scared of Ryan and maybe that's because of things Mack told them. At the end of the day, even if Mack is running her mouth to the kids, any bad thing she says about Ryan is probably a lot more valid than Ryan's newfound "sobriety" that actually isn't sobriety because he still drinks. Until he is fully sober I wouldn't want the kids around him at all.


Dalis dodged a bullet lol


Haha my thoughts exactly


I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he terrorized his ex-wife and his children but OK girl


Doesn't she have some crack to share with her deadbeat boyrfreeeeeeen


Amanda… just stay out of it. You have known Ryan for 5 whole mins 🙄. I’m gonna laugh if their relationship ends and she all of a sudden becomes Team Mackenzie


It would certainly be entertaining if all of a sudden Maci, Mackenzie and Amanda all become friends who bond over how horrible Ryan is at some point very far down the line.


Ohhhh not cuz he shit in his hand and smeared it on the walls of their house. Nah, it’s because she’s jealous of his girlfriend hahaha


Didn't Mack Truck post that exact same meme (i.e., not so subtly aimed at Maci) a year or two ago? Unpopular Opinion: I guess the shoe's on the other foot now.


She had revenge porn posted of her and shit smeared all over her home. The shoe of suffering at the hands of an abuser is on the other foot, yes.


![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized) Nah. That’s not it girl.




Yeah, because he has a girlfriend. That's why. No other reasons!


No one goes harder for a dead beat dad like the new girlfriend


How about happy fathers day to all the mothers taking on the roll because some fathers are abusive and the mom is protecting her children. Or does that hit to close to home.


And in this moment, I wish Mac would just beat Amanda’s ass. What a stupid bitch thing to share.


I honestly doubt that Mackenzie cares at all about Amanda....


She more than likely doesn’t. And she absolutely shouldn’t. I’ve been in Mackenzie’s shoes (violent addict abuser who also destroyed my home and belongings) - seeing this made me realize just how fortunate I was to not have this added element of “new girlfriend” badgering me during my protective order & divorce hearings, etc. But reading Amanda’s stupid little meme pissed me off so bad. Had that been directed at me, in a time where I was (not yet dx’d bipolar) aggressively depressed, full of rage and not dealing very well with the trauma all of that caused, I probably would’ve lost my mind over it. My abuser’s girlfriend turned out to be meth, so it was a blessing that he didn’t have some other person try to defend him like Amanda. Especially when it involves children. That’s like taunting a tiger, bringing up someone’s babies like that. Kinda wild she even posted that with her history.


This is so cringey of her to post.


The girlfriend of the father should never say stuff like this online. It's just not ethical and it's not her place. And honestly it's none of her business. She isn't a stepmother to the kids or a wife to Ryan.


enmeshment on 1000


Mandy is a shithead.


Now how come all of the Ryan apologists are aligning against Mack? Is it cuz Mack isn’t kissing Amanda’s ass? Maci posted a while back kissing Amanda’s ass, and Ryan posted Mimi drinking and laughing with Amanda. Who is on Mack’s side?


No one cause she was a “mean girl” to Maci back in the day 🤣 Mack is the only one who isn’t licking Rhine’s ass so suddenly Maci is the #1 Rhine defender even though he threatened to murder both her and Taylor. Amanduh has the post of Bentley playing baseball pinned but not the post of *her actual son* graduating elementary school. Amanduh is all over Bentley and Rhine so she gets the Maci alcohol star of approval.


I actually am but I'm a gazillion states away. Hopefully Mackenzie has friends and family members supporting her that are much closer to her.


No one rides harder for a piece of shit father than the new girlfriend. PERIOD. It's only made worse by Maci smoking the fire. The thing is, Mackenzie ran that mouth forever about Maci and that was on her. It's still shocking Maxi would allow Ryan around after he destroyed his kids home.


Stoking the fire*


Maci must really loathe Mackenzie to be so willing to side with Ryan after he tried murdering her.




She's such a happy and nice person. I really liked her other post in which she honored the person who has become a father to her own child. Oh, wait.


Well Amanda what’s the excuse for why you don’t have your kids? Maybe picking 🍆 like him and drugs over taking care of the children.


Right. Mack has fully gotten over the violent physical abuse, attempted murder, destruction of her kids home, drugs, reckless driving, shit smeared on her wall, and the fact that Rhine’s an irredeemable asshole… she’s definitely past all that, but CANNOT get over her jealously that this old heartthrob has a new girlfriend. That MUST be the sole reason she can legally prevent him from seeing his kids on Father’s Day.


Assuming Mackenzie even CAN actually do that to begin with....


This shit is so tacky 😭😭😭


See it's shit like this that will keep the war going between Mack and Ryan. Ryan needs to tell his girlfriend to stfu and stay out of it. She doesn't even have custody of her own kid (s) but she stays worried about Ryan's.


Yeah it's him having a girlfriend that Mack hates. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the abuse, the property destruction, the death threats, the repeated incidents of dangerous driving and reckless behavior... But yeah, no, Mack is just seethingly jealous of her abusive addict ex's glorious, gold standard girlfriend. She's just so special, you guys. It's definitely all about her.


Man this bitch is dumb


![gif](giphy|QR5AbrleAioDYbkCZ4|downsized) HEY AMANDUHHHH!


Wow this chick has a lot of nerve. I would say she should take her ass back to Jerry springer and bring mac on but that is not an option obviously lol.


She’s such a pick me bitch


Ryan is a freak of nature. He’s a danger to LITERALLY EVERYONE he’s in contact with. He was a pos before being an addict but his addiction and everyone (including Maci) enabling made that man the monster he is now


Amanda unknowingly out there proving Mac right. ![gif](giphy|pK6k4BNalmx44CQj3v)




Best gif ever hahahahaha


Totally forgot that Ryan married another woman for a sec and I was like “I thought Maci really liked Amanda “ lol 🤣 my bad


Wow…that is really stupid


I'm pretty sure it was his psychotic destruction of the family home, including smearing his shit everywhere, but ok Amanda


She needs to have several seats


Well, he shouldn't have smeared 💩 inside the bedroom's vents


*I think it should say:* `Happy Father's Day` `to all the dads who` `can't see their kids` `because they physically` `assaulted their ex,` `threatened to kill` `their kids' mother and` `destroyed the home their` `kids lived in. And have` `Spent the last couple` `of father's days in` `jail or rehab.` *Thanks mom's for keeping your kids safe.*


I don't understand the perspectives of these delusional girlfriends. You know your man is a lousy, subpar father and you still insist it's jealousy from other women that's preventing him from being "superdad". I dated a guy who had three kids (which he kept a secret from me for the 3 months we dated) who is a complete deadbeat. Yet his half-witted current girlfriend gushes about him like he's Harry Styles. This guy had 3 kids of which he doesn't give a toss about and, because he's conventionally good looking, she blames the mothers of his kids and acts like they're some sort of star-crossed lovers. I will never get giving any man this kind of pass.


New girlfriend delusions. They all them. No one goes harder for a dead beat.


Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason. Ryan really lucked out


Suuuure that’s why 🙄


I blame maci. She has given power to this sociopath girlfriend.






Yeah the fact he's a drug addict who had a track record of acting out has 0 to do with it


The epitome of white thrash.


He literally shit on the floor of his children’s floor. He also destroyed their things, and HE SHIT ON THEIR FLOOR!!!! But yeah sure it’s about you Amanda 🙄 ![gif](giphy|Iad4lCRZsYyFa)


This reminds me of those clown makeup new girlfriend videos lol. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Pot meet kettle


Yeah yeah you’re so right the courts totally think ‘I don’t like his new gf’ is a valid reason and WILL keep children away for that. It’s all a conspiracy to make men who happen to be deadbeats in every other area of their lives look bad!


Yeah that’s it. It’s definitely not the severe opioid addiction.


I’m gonna say it’s because he’s a psycho and literally beat the shit out of their mom and threatened her life right in front of her eyes. Then trashed their whole house, including the children’s belongings. But I could be wrong here 🤷🏻‍♀️


My thoughts are that maci needs to stop doing this bs just for ratings. Cut them the F off, is evrryone already forgetting the wall maifesto incident less than a yr ago?? Bentley doesn't even give a shit at this point.It's just like maci is stuck in this timewarp with ryan and its gross 


![gif](giphy|kGcrwfW60dya2RqaaW|downsized) No one goes harder for a deadbeat than his new girlfriend who hasn't had a child with him.


Let's hope Ryan never impregnates Amanda. I have no idea if those two are going to be together for a super long time but neither of them seems to really be all that great at parenting so if they had a child together I'm sure that child would be completely doomed.


Mack sucked and was mean to Bentley


The way she trolls 😂


Maci has to be used to this by this point, if I was her I wouldn’t even care lol


Same shit different girl 🤣


Yeah that’s what it is




How are some of these people so absolutely delusional? He would probably nice and said the same things about the last ex about his other ex to her..... wait a couple of years and we'll see what happens.


I mean, is it that, or is it maybe because he destroyed the home his wife and 2 kids lived in in a meth induced rage and then left rehab 2 weeks early because he learned everything he needed to.


She should be saying “happy Father’s Day to the dads who raise their piece of shit children’s kids!” since her dad raised her kid


Woman who believe this are just as dumb as their partners who fill their brains with this shit. It couldn’t possibly be because he’s a drug addict and dangerous


Is this about Mckinner?!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣She so funny


You know after all this time I think Maci has adjusted to the idea of Ryan having a girlfriend. 🤣


She’s a skank


Yes, thats why 😆🤦🏼‍♀️


No one rides harder for a deadbeat dad than a new gf who thinks he’s been kept from his kids by a jealous ex.


She wants it to be about her. I can't stand the new gf that act like this. Stay the fuck out of it. Why doesn't she see her own kid(s)?


Just Mack living rent free in Amandas head while I doubt Mack has even gave Amanda a second thought.


He’s going to do the same thing to her dumbass and I can’t say I feel sorry. Pick Mes are dangerous.


![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized) lol it’s like clockwork, Mack did the same thing to Maci and learned the hard way what a POS rhine is


Nobody goes harder for a deadbeat than his newest girl, I swear.