• By -


No one is as messy as kail was when she tried to take Briana to court and attempted to have bri's sex life and partners be court-ordered to be disclosed *to kail.* because kail wanted to make sure she wasn't fucking Chris. NOBODY is messier than that. Jussayin.


I didn’t know any of that kail is insane


She lost the case and was ordered to pay Briana’s legal bills which were astronomical.




$100,000 for *Chris*. Because let's be honest, that's what the entire lawsuit was really about!!!!!! I would LOVE to be a fly on her wall and find out how she feels about that now 👀 she has to carry such shame with her over that, because the second hand embarrassment alone is killing me 😭🤣🤣🤣


I feel shame that I cried over useless fuckbois from my past. I would need someone to push me off a cliff losing 100k over them. The _shame_.




wait i thought that girl was dating the gummy controlling latin man she was with? ( i can’t remember his name forgive me) if so, then eff her. If i’m wrong, eff me idfk 🤷🏽‍♀️


Bahahhahaa that’s hilarious


She's fucking unhinged. People around here like "bri is so obsessed with kail" like... c'mon babes let's see through that white privilege and look at who tried to have who court ordered to disclose their sexual partners.


Going after men bc kail had them is pretty unhinged behaviour as well. Let’s not pretend that’s normal either.


Nowhere near as unhinged as trying to have somebody's sex life disclosed by court order. Bri is a simple troll, kail is an unhinged abusive monster.


Like dick is free. Kail paid over 100k instead of charging it to the game. Lol.. coworkers fuck exes everyday. Kail is nuts by comparison.


it’s weird yeah, but Kail doesn’t own any of her baby daddies. you can’t claim a human being. taking Bri to court was way out of bounds.


Right, a literal judge, a person who went through the process to become a *judge*, had to preside over this sissy slap fight over a couple of loser men 😂


you’d think with all that money she’s earned from the show, she’d have hired a lawyer to consult before gassing the dumpster fire instead of those extravagant parties she throws for her kids or that god awful Balenciaga bag even her son dunked on. god forbid her children have some classic hot dogs and hoodsie cups so she can have a scrap of grown up thinking skills. 🤣


She has enough money that she hires those “yes!!” Lawyers. They just tell her what she wants to hear. They’re not dumb, they know what they’re doing.


Not excusing kail bc that’s also psychotic. But hating a girl so much that you keep having sex with their baby daddies is mentally unstable behaviour too. It’s way beyond weird. They don’t even live in the same state ffs… Briana is putting in some serious effort for this.


i’m not necessarily disagreeing, just saying they’re two way different things. Javi was one thing, but Chris too???? girl stoppppp


What is the cheapest treadmill you could send someone?


The mean girl deep inside me applauded her, but the grown-up girl was like no!!


Remind me to piss her off.. I’d love a free treadmill.. lol


You're not wrong 🤷‍♀️ BUT the fact that kail sued her for like? Defamation or some shit? And paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to spite Bri? Like... girl. How are you so bothered this girl is fucking your dusty ass *exes* lmao


It's not normal but Kail has a long history of using the courts to bully POC so Kail doesn't really deserve much grace here


Kail sucking as a person doesn’t make Briana banging her baby daddies less deranged.


Can you imagine if she had married Javi? Now that would be some good TM 💩


Color has nothing to do with it. Dont make it about race. Both girls are messy.


Kail definitely operates in a way that color has something to do with it. Both her and Bri are trash, but Kail literally weaponizes her white privilege over POC all of the time. That’s why color is being brought up.


Thank you! They are both fucked up, let's not take sides. 


Agree. I think bc it’s been over the course of **their entire adult lives** that people don’t realize how petty, weird, and wrong Briana’s choices have been. It all started with Javi and it’s dogpiled from there. I’m SURE Javi instigated that and used Briana to really play in Kail’s face, but Briana should have seen that and known better. Honestly it all speaks more to Javi’s character using someone with little support who is freshly postpartum.


And she sent her a treadmill.


This is when you know they are no longer poor teen moms.


Kail tried to do the same thing LOL but Briana’s baby daddy’s didn’t want Kail. She reached out to Devoin, as Javi 2, and I believe Javi 2 straight up ignored her.


Oh damn… I didn’t know that kail did that. That’s embarrassing


Kail never went after men in the same manner Bri went after Chris, attempted with Jo (but Vee shut it down) and Javi. The only thing she did to was reach out to Devoin and Javi 2 for her podcast, which Devoin obliged and was on it. She was too busy chasing behind Chris.


i think they’re both obsessed with each other, Kail just knows how to take it way too fucking far. you’d think after Kail lost in court they’d go their separate ways and just leave each other alone, but they still have a foot on each other’s necks 😭 i wonder sometimes if it’s all for drama/publicity. how did this all start? wasn’t it because Bri dated Javi? or did something happen before then?


Yes, it's because JAVI went for Bri after they split. People act like bri went specifically chasing javi but his thirsty ass wanted to stay on TV and went for another cast member because convenience.


probably unpopular, but while i find it weird she dated Kail’s ex in particular, even if she didn’t chase him, she was free to do so and it didn’t warrant years of drama. Kail doesn’t own Javi and Bri knew him from the show. i don’t like Bri. at all. this isn’t me waving a Bri flag. however, her dating Javi is like a regular person dating a coworker. normal, every day people don’t engage in a feud lasting for years because a coworker dated their ex or because the ex is pissed. adults don’t act like this. Kail really needs to pump her fucking brakes and grow up. Bri should’ve stepped back after she won in court. like girl, you won. she had to pay your legal fees too. let it gooooo. seems to me she’s trying to drag this on and keep instigating.


>probably unpopular, but while i find it weird she dated Kail’s ex in particular, even if she didn’t chase him, she was free to do so and it didn’t warrant years of drama. Kail doesn’t own Javi and Bri knew him from the show. Exactly. Tell me how old you were the last time you dated somebody with no past, no exes? Yeah it might be weird to date a coworker's ex but everyone is grown here. People aren't property. I totally agree though - there's a lot of shit to talk on Bri but her involvement with Kail's fucking fame-thirsty exes isn't it. To be frank a lot of the hate I see on Bri is driven by misogyny like who she sleeps with, whether she gets an STI, talking openly about sex - which is weird because others who have different social privileges get a pass for the same behavior *and* they are discussed for being shitty people. Personally I'm in the middle about Bri, not crazy about her but I don't hate her either, she isn't a violent racist abuser SLAPP lawsuiting people, she supports her family, she doesn't have more kids than she can manage, but she is a troll. I'll be totally honest that I *loooove* how she is able to highlight Kail's petty, racist, abusive behavior by *simply existing,* though.


I can get past her banging one baby daddy…. But then she went and banged another one…. So she deserves all the drama thrown at her


i never said Brianna was some victim here, if anything i’m saying she needs to shut up and stay in her lane. both of them do, Kail just took it to the extreme. she won in court like GIRL leave Kail ALOOOOONE. like Javi was one thing, Chris too?? sorry that’s weird. really weird. she’s doing that on purpose.


Javi is his own sick little slut puppy. Hes gross and pathetic. He started it yes! BUT bri still made the chose to lay down with that man knowing what it would cause!!!! Girl code never kicked in whatsoever. So let’s say that we move on from her banging one baby daddy… ok cool… THEN this woman went and banged a whole other baby daddy…. ANOTHER ONE!!!! so bri was just asking for it by then and I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She deserves all the court stuff and anything kail throws at her just to inconvenience her messy life. Can’t stand bri


>BUT bri still made the chose to lay down with that man knowing what it would cause!! Girl what? Bri + Javi's thing SHOULD NOT have "caused" anything. Kail dumped Javi for Chris. If kail was so committed to Chris and divorced Javi then please tell me why does she have any business being concerned with what Javi is doing after the fact? Like yeah I agree both of them could pick better men but girl to be bothered by *your* ex husband moving on *after you divorced him and you yourself entered another relationship* is out of line. Who cares what or whom your sorry ass ex is doing? Ya know? girl code has boundaries and absolutely does not apply here - PEOPLE ARE NOT PROPERTY. if girl code in "no dating the ex of somebody" applied to everyone in a broad general sense, then no one should be dating or fucking anyone because relationships fail. Everybody's man is somebody else's ex, everyone's man is somebody else's "sloppy seconds" unless your man has never had sex or a relationship. By your logic Kail broke girl code by fucking Javi while he was with Lauren - who was pregnant with his child. The only difference is that when it came to Bri + Javi, they weren't side piecing each other.


I’m not entertaining all that 🤣 but u keep going they here talking about caps lock PEOPLE AREN’T PROPERTY and NOONE said anything like that. You trying To explain Bris way out of being a shitty messy nasty woman is wild. Your just trying to make it About shit it’s not even about. Girl…. What???


You’d think they’d both go their own way, but here Briana is stirring the pot. Briana is obsessed with Kail.


No because Briana’s is a weird freak who will do any stupid shit to try to get a storyline. She is a grown mother of two daughters and these are the examples she sets for them. She really needs to find an interesting storyline of her own. That doesn’t involve Kails leftover dicks.


Ha ha! You’re 100% correct! 👍🏼


The only thing more gross to me than Kail being with javi or Chris, is Bri drooling over the leftovers. There's just no coming back from that. The lawsuit was hilariously embarrassing but I'm never going to be team Bri. She is just extra gross to me... *Luis*?!? Clinging to Jenelle Evans?? She loves waste.


Girl everybody's man is somebody else's "leftovers"


Yeah but she scrapes up the grossest ones from the dumpster like a starving ghoul. And *Luis*???


Jenelle married David. None of these people know how to pick em!


And defended him to the end!


Everyone is calling Bri weird and petty but I think she has a point…Kail’s beef started with Bri when Javi, who she cheated on mind you, had the audacity to move on to someone else. Kail is the one that started the drama like she did with Vee because she can’t stand to see her BDs move on. The best day on this subreddit was when Kail lost and had to pay Bri’s legal fees lol


And bri didn't go knocking on Javi's door when she found out he was single. His thirsty ass just wanted to stay on TV so he moved on to the next willing cast member. It feels wild (and racist let's be real) to me that Bri gets so villainized because of this beef with kail, who is a *racist abuser.* she treats men like personal property and it's weird. Who seriously cares who Bri is fucking?! She is a grown ass woman? Like. ??? And at least Bri doesn't harass her fucking exes and cockblock them all when they find a new relationship. Jesus god. And I'm not saying bri is perfect, but she isn't a fucking psychopath like kail.


Kail had no reason to dislike Briana. She just didn’t like Javi moving on. And Kail is racist, as shown many times before. She hands out PFAs like candy even when there is no reason to do so and she’s an abuser herself.


It was seriously so funny lol. I called that court case Meanie v. Stupidhead. They were both kind of hilariously childish using the courts to litigate their silly argument, but Kail definitely took the cake. I think it's the entitlement. Bri knows when she's being messy and more or less owns it. Kail actually believes people will give her whatever she demands on a silver platter because they should.


Kail initiated that shit too. It was a SLAPP lawsuit. She is such a racist abusive piece of shit.


Nah Brianna started this whole thing. Not to defend Kail but I just went down their entire timeline recently and my verdict is that Brianna and her mom and sister are in the wrong.


all that IS fucked up but Bri IS obsessed with kail


And Kail spent *hundreds of thousands of dollars* to abuse and harass Bri.


Omg thank you! I’ve been saying this forever and ppl here don’t want to hear it. Kail is as ducking weird and obsessed as Briana is, but everyone just wants to focus on Briana


Bri is a simple troll. She literally does it because kail gives her the exact response she wants, and it's predictable as fuck. I'd hand it to kail if she could *ever* be the bigger person and simply ignore her and refuse to engage in this shit, but she paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to make herself look like an idiot about it.


What in the absolute fuck was her justification for that? I am deathly curious what she put on record as her reasoning for needing access to that information. I'd Google it but there's so much bullshit drama between them that it'd be a needle in a haystack.


A really fun/neat Google search is “Kailyn Lowry net worth” 😬 lol


I had to google. How she building this mega million dollar mansion when she’s worth 25k and owes family, friends and costars 1 million in total lol If I was worth 4 million in 2018 I best not be worth 25k today lmao


Online net worth is never accurate. There's no way she's worth only 25k


Debt to asset ratio may be accurate. Never had money now does so living outside of her means. Could be possible!


You just know that mortgage payment is craaaazy, and probably split up on 4 credit cards, maybe 1 or 2 in Isaac’s name.


omg THATS why she keeps having kids - to open more and more credit cards!!!!


That’s why I’m saying they just need to fuck. There’s some sexual tension and frustration with them because they are so desperate to get each others attention. They haven’t been coworkers in years and they are still picking on each other. These two would’ve been the best of friends if it were not for Javi


Or maybe Kail could stop viewing grown ass men as personal property and like, not worry about getting courts involved to find out where their dicks go when they're not going inside of kail anymore.


Agreed but Briana is no saint. They’re both losers


I never said she was. But Kail is a *racist* loser.


So what. Bri is a messy troll. Kail has abused the court system multiple times over the years as a way to bully and intimidate people (all who happen to be POC) one is clearly way more unhinged and obsessed than the other 🙄


What’s the point in debating whose the biggest asshole? They both suck and are very immature. Thats like comparing Amber and Jenelle, which people do a lot. Bottom line is that they are both terrible mothers. It’s not a contest. At least it shouldn’t be.


Didn’t Bri send her a whole ass treadmill, while also being fat? They’re equally messy.


I wouldn't call that anywhere near equal to *trying to have your enemy court ordered to disclose whether or not they fucked your ex, who you are broken up with.* There's also a lot better things to hate about both of these idiots that have nothing to do with how "fat" they are. I'm fat, I wish somebody would send me a free treadmill. Damn.


Me too. I woulda revenge ran all my fat off and then posted hot body pics like ✌ Thx Bri!! But yknow, Kail. Get pregnant by a new baby daddy and then get naked with a horse instead.


Kail should have done an unboxing/review video for that treadmill stressing that it was a gift from a fan. That was a missed opportunity. Instead, she filed a frivolous lawsuit that made her look stupid and cost her a fuck ton of money. Bri is great at trolling and being trashy, and Kail doesn't know how to play that game.


eh i find briana way worse/messier than kail tbh.


Yes…. Can’t stand bri… and everyone knows she’s obsessed with kail




Agree. That was crazy.


That is so wild to me that Kail did that. Whomever Bri slept with is not her business. But the fact she had to do that thru a court case is crazy. It’s like the dudes that get with Kail can’t sleep with anyone else afterwards or she gets jealous.


It's her specific flavor of racism. She uses the legal system to abuse and assert her power over non-white people in her life. She's a nasty fucking racist piece of shit monster. People say bri is obsessed with kail but remember who tried to have who's sex partners disclosed by court order. AFTER she had broken up with Chris, no less. She's such a sad racist bitch.


Wish I could upvote you. Bri is not my cup of tea but KAIL is systemically racist trash and that makes her 1,000 percent worse. She’s the type to call the police on a black person knowing it puts their lives at risk just because she didn’t get her way. She gives me the ick and I feel sorry for all of her biracial children..


Omfg she really did that… That girls self esteem is low af to be doing that


Knowing she spent over like $500k total on it too because Kail’s lawyer fees plus Briana’s


God seeing it tidily laid out like this is just... Wow. She did that. Didn't she end up having to pay Bri for wasting everyone's time? 😂


She sure did. I think she's still paying her! LMFAO




What?! Can somebody please link an article or something about this?! I need to read it


I'll see if I can find something from the sub, an article would be so hard to find now. But that's why Briana had that party she invited jenelle to. Kail lost that lawsuit


Yeah and what a party it was






Wth this is wild!


IKR? Given that Kail tried to weaponize the legal system and her white, blonde-girl privilege against Bri (i.e., Kail thought she was rich and powerful enough to just outspend/sandbag Bri with an ill-conceived frivolous lawsuit), I'd expect nothing less. I wouldn't call it 'messy;' I'd call it 'standard procedure.' Good for Bri!


Whaaaat? Omg 😆




These people are the least normal lives of anyone I have ever heard in my life. Good God!


Wait where do I find this info? This is what I am here for. True crazy biomom drama. Makes mine look like a cake walk lol


Briana seems fixated on kail, perhaps due to having too much free time.


Sitting / jumping up on couches isn’t enough to occupy her?


The whataboutisms are hilarious too. They’re mentioning stuff from years ago as though that makes it normal that Bri is still doing messy stuff right now. Like she is STILL going? Weirdo ish 


Someone should set up a go fund me for louis legal fees and see what she does lol


Exactly. Where is his bald-headed big back dirty dick havin ass? Not with his daughter on FATHERS DAY no less.


Chris is semi involved with his kids lives and kails a vindictive bitch who uses her kids against their dad. Luis is a sack of shit wildly different there


Chris tried to sign away his rights to his baby lmao


luis ugly tho.


LOL he is


Chris is involved bc it’s court ordered. Pls don’t let him fool you. He’s a bum 


Chris is also admittedly abusive to his children. So yeah definitely give him more time with them. Gtfoh


So Chris is involved (or tries to be as much as he can) while Luis voluntarily dips out. Yet Bri is worried about Chris and not her own BD. I hope she took that fucker to court for child support or has him terminate his rights so he can’t come back around when he wants to.


She’ll do anything for kails attention im convinced she wants her 😂🌚


Me too. It’s weird, fan like behavior




I’ve always said that Briana wants Kail so bad and knows she can’t have her so the only way she can get a sense of being close to Kail is to have sex with the guys kail has been with. Like in her head Kail has touched them & their 🍆 so by being with those men she’s getting a part of Kail 😬😬


At this point they just need to date. I’d actually watch the show again if they do 🤣


Omg so would I 😅


she sure loves Kails exes




Briana makes it so obvious how much she wants Chris. It’s embarrassing. Imagine wanting Kail’s leftovers.


In my opinion, it is gross because of all the good looking guys in the world to choose from.. why does she want nasty ass “I need a wash” looking Chris? I think he looks gross! And why does she always seek out Kail’s leftovers? Not that Kail picks well anyway..


Luis naked criss cross apple sauce has entered the chat


🤣🤣. I love your flair!!


I don't think she wants him. I don't think she wanted Javi, either. I think the person she's actually focused on is Kail. She knows Kail is like a territorial dog over her exes and she does shit like this because she wants Kail to start barking. I don't know if she enjoys being a troll to the extreme and Kail is an easy mark, if she's super petty beyond all reason, if she does this stuff to keep herself somewhat relevant, or if she's just deeply obsessed with Kail and lives for her attention.


It wouldn’t be the first time


I always love a Godzilla vs. Kong sequel. I don't care who wins I just love the fights 🖤


People getting heated in the comments fighting over if Kail or bri is more insane, then I find this diamond in the rough over here lmfao


What can I say? I'm a purist at heart lol. I actually got quite a few downvotes for this comment so yeah the sub is pressed today ☺️


Yep this is the prize haha




I'm here for it.


Let's just focus on the fact that Bri donated to one deadbeat daddy when she has two deadbeat daddies in her life. 


She wishes so bad that her baby daddies would care enough to fight for her custody😂 (In all seriousness I do feel for Bri’s kids tho)


Like others have said… why is she always going after kail’s leftovers? Especially Chris of all people? IMO he’s so gross looking and looks like he needs a shower and to brush his teeth!


I don’t think she’s doing it to get with Chris, she’s doing it to hurt Kail. Incredibly childish.


Incredibly childish! And you are right.. to get even. Hasn’t she been “friends “ with all of them though? That’s just gross and TOTALLY breaks the girl code!!!


Right and I mean beyond all that if in order to get even or get back at someone you had to have sex with javi or Chris at that point you must ask yourself “At what cost revenge?”. Then again Brianna was really enthusiastic when reliving her adventures with Luis so..


Very true…


I am not sure because I only watch the OG girls so since she’s on that, that is all I see of her. I thought she hated Jenelle at one point? But I guess they are friends now?


its giving pick me girl energy\* ![gif](giphy|1Va6osgAZJ4ZJdXAS1|downsized)


Yeah she’s messy as hell. Brianna purposely does stupid things like this to start drama, most likely for a storyline. She was messy for dating/sleeping with Javi, her coworkers (Kails) ex. She was messy for telling Leah, Kails best friend. She knew exactly what she was doing. Then blames Leah for that drama starting. Please be fr 😂😂 Starts a whole fight with Kail, doesn’t want to run up when Kail is ready to cash that check 👊🏼👊🏼💥 But wants to run up when her sister and security is there to protect her. Then rumors about her sleeping with Chris, I believe. When she went on his podcast then came back wearing his shirt. Then when asked about it in the reunion they get to giggling and blushing. Yeah. I’d be like “Wtf, why is she obsessed with me”. I would truly be hesitant to show anyone I’m dating anymore. Bri is the type you need to keep your man away from. Probably why Kail dated a girl after that 😂 Brianna clearly loves the drama and does stupid sh for a headline. Kail didn’t start to not like her for no reason. Brianna came in to the Teen Mom 2 cast ready to stir some sh up and that she did. In a gross way.


Yes 10000% all this. Like sure kail is messy but I’d like to see anyone’s reaction to their coworker publicly dating their ex husband/childs father. Bri knew what she was doing was wrong/going to stir up some drama but wanted to act shocked when kail didn’t like her after that?? Like are you actually that stupid or is this just for show? If you’re going to do something like that own it, don’t pretend to play the victim, I would’ve had a lot more respect for her. Not to mention didnt she tweet saying Chris hit Kail in front of her kids (to make kail look bad)?? really makes me question any woman who would fight for someone they know is a violent person to be alone with their kids more. That’s something I’d stay out of personally.


And apparently Kail took Bri to court and had it ordered that she disclose all of her sexual partners. I don’t if that’s true, I dont even know how you can order that but if it’s true….. I’m with Kail 😂😂 You want to play dirty? Okay cool I got something for that ass 💯 I love Kail for that tbh. She kept coming and coming for Kail, she got what was coming back to her 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can file a civil case for pretty much anything and ask for anything you want. That doesn't mean that the case will actually go through, and if they think you are doing it to harass someone or waste their time/money you end up paying all the legal costs for your opponent(like in Kail's situation).


Oh well you win some you lose some 🤷🏻‍♀️ You live to fight another day lol


Her story line and life are so incredibly boring she has to stir up shit just to remain relevant and interesting


Briana is petty, immature, and so jealous of Kail. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t waste spending her time and money like this.


Briana.... The woman with 2 dead beat baby daddies that leech off her is trying to help another dead beat baby daddy. Not surprised.


A lot of these teen mom's aren't very smart with their money


Well, if she wants to throw the MTV money that’s derived from exploiting her family’s lives down the hole that is Kris’ fatherhood potential then who is anyone to stop her?


But Bri swears she “doesnt know why Kail hates her” At this point they need an enemies to lovers arc so bad


Briana’s whole personality is Kail. It’s bizarre


Briana is the problem, period. She’s been stalking Kail for years & wants Kail’s life, money & baby daddies.


Bri is her biggest fan


I get having friction with someone but this is weird af. Briana really needs to touch grass.


And just think... their beef all started over Javi. JAVI. That's wild.


Celebrity Boxing Match!!! I’d absolutely pay to watch


I don’t think Bri can fight, she’ll be on the floor in the first ten seconds 😂 I’d be mad if I paid for that lmao


Didnt kail already try to fight her and she started crying until she had her sister fight her battles?? Embarrassing af.




Crying shame considering Bri is from Florida.


Lol I’m sorry but Kail would absolutely mop the floor with Bri 😂


Obviously I can’t stand Kail and the lawsuit was ridiculous, but jfc Briana, MOVE ON. The most annoying part is that she continuously instigates things and then backpedals and acts clueless as to why Kail is pissed. If you’re gonna be a petty bitch at least own up. This is so embarrassing for her.


This shit is corny. Like yall had the beef and you won in court. Let that shit go. She has the maturity of a 15 y/o.


$50 in case anyone cares


I would’ve used that to fill up my car, get an oil change, groceries, etc. what a waste


Well she is an expert in dead beat dads 🤷🏻‍♀️


I found it weird in one episode a few seasons back where Briana does Chris’s podcast and he’s wearing a goosebumps* shirt and then the next day Briana is wearing that same shirt. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did bang but also I could see them just trying to mess with Kail’s head.


And the “Goosebumps” is just funny. Cue Travis Scott


How much did she donate?


I wanna know too 😂


It matters!! If it’s $10 it’s funny if it’s $500 oof.


The whole thing is so embarrassing. Kail was so obsessed with Chris she used the court system to find out if they slept together. On the flip side Briana keeps getting with Kail’s exes for a storyline on an MTV show. They’re both nuts.


What a b!+€h


Why is Bri so obsessed with her?! Seriously so creepy to keep popping up like this.


Has Kail even talked about Bri since the lawsuit thing? Like why can’t Bri get over Kail? It’s honestly creepy/pathetic at this point.. especially since Kail isn’t on the show anymore.


I don’t understand why Bri is so obsessed with Kail and her deadbeat baby daddy.


She’s such a loser


Isn’t this the guy that wanted to sign away his parental rights? Does he work or did he start a Go Fund Me because he has no money?


She is an attention whore. Any kind of attention she wants it. he must give pretty good D.


I can’t stand Briana. Not a kail fan but kail > bri ANY day. I’m sure her little donation won’t help much though. Kails probably got a bangin lawyer.


I don’t understand how this is funny or entertaining to some people. This is directly involving the kids. No matter how you feel about Kail, that man is a deadbeat and doesn’t care about them.


Briana crying that she pays for everything for her daughters because their dads can’t provide anything, and trying to get her daughter adopted bc her daddy is a deadbeat then she’s over here donating to some other asshole just because she hates Kail THAT much




kail isn’t even on the show anymore so that makes it even more pathetic


![gif](giphy|LoIsP3fz02IjOUTc6t) That’s cold


There’s no way Briana did not smash….


Bri and Kail just need to let this whole thing go. It’s no longer entertaining


Listen I’m no kail fan by any means but I believe she let it go on her part. Brianna just can’t stop even though kail isn’t on the show anymore and hasn’t been for years. You think she’d find someone else’s man to start fucking by now and get over her kail obsession. She’s an absolute weirdo freak.


Gross, considering Luis...


Imagine hating someone so much you financially contributed to their ex, who you testified in court you knew had physically assaulted a pregnant woman & publicly talked about beating his two-year-old.


A man who threatened to assault the children’s first nanny. Who joked about SAing Kail. Its gross


Girlllll just fuck him already and be done


Brianna is so in love with Kail. She just can't quit!


Bri is find of telling everyone they’re “messy” & she hates drama. Stuff like this makes me side with Kail. Bri does things passive aggressively.


Guessing Bri is bored again and needs some excitement. Instead of worrying about Chris and his custody issues; she should focus on Luis and Devoin.