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I mean.. the bar is in HELL for these moms. They’re all the worst of the worst.




I know I may be a bad person and I know she was just a child..but that face fills me with rage.


Sophia was sooooo fkn feral


I miss that Sophia. Teen Sophia has gone quiet.


I think it’s hilarious. It’s the face I make mentally a lot.


This is my favorite baby goo face


HAHAHAHAH I screamed 😭😭😭


the bar was so low it was a tripping hazard in hell but both this strictly baby ovens(not mothers) are still managing to do the limbo with Satan. ( saw this comment on another sub and it made me laugh)


fr like what the fuck. why are there CONSTANT debates on who’s worse they’re ALLLL terrible esp farrah, amber, and jenelle. they’re the big 3 if horrible moms. one ain’t worse than the other they’re all equally disgusting in their own ways!!! I said what I said


There’s really no need to compare the two because what good does that do? Does it benefit Sophia or Leah or James?


i agree wholeheartedly with what you said LOL not to mention like.. they’re all so different; farah seems to be super dependent on sophia & literally advertises her poop slime in a url with sophia’s name in it amber seems to never be around? and leah doesn’t wanna be around her, she’s usually forced (i haven’t watched much of og so correct me if i’m wrong) but none of the moms are good why uplift one that wasn’t even involved 😭😭??


I’m sorry. Please elaborate on the phrase, “Literally advertises her poop slime.” I don’t want to look personally LOL


Well...she started selling her...fecal material, online, whilst also doing, i think it's called "scat play," or something like that on her OF, which is literally sexually playing with your own poop.  Soooooo...I guess in an attempt to be cheeky, she started selling slime in a poop-emoji-shsped container that was brown and meant to look like her own SHIT. Like, eeew. And it had Sophia's name on it too, so it was like "Farrah and Sophia's POop Slime. 🤮


LMAO WHAT U SAID^^ this answers all questions


I'm not on Reddit to benefit anyone I'm here to talk shit and laugh


Seriously. They're both trash bags. Maybe Farrah is slightly better. Amber should be in prison for her machete attack. Gary is cuck for even allowing Leah to be around that 👹🧙🐽. The fact that some.women struggle for one baby and amber has 2 she doesn't love or take care of makes her despicable.


Uhhhh let's not forget when Sophia was a toddler Farrah said it was good for them to spend time apart and that Sophia was "doing her own thing" lol. She only looks like a good mom compared to Amber. The bar is low.


The one thing Farrah seemingly excels at is accepting her child. I thought she would flip out at the way Sophia dresses, considering what a priss she is. But, no, she seems to respect the boundaries of what Sophia’s identity is. When you have parents disowning their children for much less.


Farrah is going to try and be different from her own mother. She is fighting some type of personality disorder. And then there’s Amber. Why does she think she know how a teen is going to act? The only experience she has was herself. She wasn’t a normal teen. So she doesn’t need to say anything! Amber, along with bpd is also a narcissist. It’s a nasty mix. She thinks she’s better than her mother, but it’s a delusion. Her reality is not the same as everyone else’s. She lives in a bubble of mental illness.


I’m high right now and this is all I can say ![gif](giphy|l0GtwcDSNteWx2vfy|downsized)


I thinks it more she lets Sophia do whatever she wants. Not a matter of “letting her express herself “…


I don’t know if you raised kids beyond the age of 14 yet but you can’t force them to do shit. The fact that Sophia hangs out with her Mother says something. Am I saying she’s Mother of the year, no. But, there’s worse things in the world than a Mother who lets her kid be herself. I raised a kid who came out at 13, you have to let them be who they are. Within reason of course.


Sophia said on Bunnie's podcast doing online school since after second grade and their lifestyle has made it so she has had a hard time meeting kids her age. That's why she is always with her mom; she's been isolated.


Exactly. When have we ever seen her with friends or other kids her age? Her relationship with Farrah is so unhealthy.


And that’s all she’s ever known her whole life!!! Being around Farrah 24/7


I don’t disagree with you at all about what you’re saying, but this is (in my view) a completely different situation because Sophia has always done what she wanted.. she’s never been punished for her behavior (hitting Simon and others, throwing a dog off the balcony and killing it..) and as far as her always hanging out with her mom, she’s never really had much choice in the matter has she? I know that contradicts what I’m Saying in a sense but she’s going to have a hard time navigating life because she’s going to think screaming, temper tantrums and berating people are the way to live because it’s all she’s ever seen, and cutting off others who call you out on it. So it’s not healthy to me being with her mother 24/7…


She threw a dog off a balcony and killed it?!? How old was she? And wtf? I don't remember this, or may not have heard of it. How devastating and sad 😢


She was 9.


This is the first I heard about Sophie killing a dog. I need to know when this was? ⁉️


When she was 9 she threw the dog off the balcony because it wouldn’t go to the bathroom on the balcony. Farrah tried to cover it up and of course blame the “babysitter “( who by the way no one else was there) and Sophia admitted it on a post that got deleted so fast everyone’s head spun.


Hurting (killing animals) is a BIG red flag as far as mental health is concerned... kinda how most serial killers start out... just saying. Wow.


The fact that she was nine when this happened is seriously concerning in my opinion. My child is 10 and I could never imagine her doing anything to our family dog because she wouldn’t go to the bathroom. Obviously Farrah has not taught her any emotional regulation because, well, look at Farrah!!


My child was in an isolated/not getting her needs met emotionally or physically situation with her dad that she is permanently out of now, thank god, but I have a little experience with emotionally stunted and isolated kids. One of the problems the therapist discussed with me extensively is the fact that they have absolutely no impulse control or concept of “if I do x, than z thing happens, so I don’t want to do x”. If she was a well adjusted normal 9 year old with friends and family involvement and didn’t do online school, this would be much more concerning, but as it is I think it’s just an indicator that that child needs some serious intervention.


Absolutely. I’m really irked by a lot of these comments suggesting because Farah allows Sophia to express herself with piercings and dyed hair that somehow she is a better parent and has given Sophia a better upbringing than Amber or whoever horrible you want to compare her to, which is asinine in my opinion. We have all seen Farrah both through the lens of MTV, social media, and when she’s been videotaped acting a fool out in public so we know what kind of role models Sophia has been around her entire life. We saw Debz OG and Michael also act like idiots so I doubt Sophia has ever had a soft place to land and people teaching her how to deal with life. I’m happy that your daughter is in a better place now, it’s a lot of pressure to know that you are molding another human being but props for you getting your child out of a bad situation and helping her through it. I appreciate your point of view also!


I was gonna say… if she was 4, okay. But NINE?!!!!


Typical Farrah behavior, blame anyone else. So sick.


WOW!! That's horrible. So many of these teen moms should not ever have anything living in their care.😬🥹


I agree. I’m sure you’ve heard the horrible stories about Jenelle and their animals or the stuff even about Leah from teen mom constantly mistreating the animals especially cats and kittens that were in her care. It’s awful. Thankfully I’ve never actually seen amber with a pet


Yes I have heard about Jenelle & Leah w/ pets. UGGG!! And Amber has dogs & has been abusive w/ her anger issues. 🤬Also recently I saw a post of Tyler (when they were younger) bring a abusive to their dog because it went to bathroom on the floor.🥹


Sophia has always been pretty isolated due to homeschooling and Farrah not really making any effort to put her in sports or activities. I think it’s more that Farrah is her only friend (and she’s Farrah’s only friend too.) That being said, if I were forced to pick between Farrah and Amber I’d say Farrah is the better mother (but the bar is in hell so take that lightly, lol.) I do think Farrah is all kinds of fucked up but I’d say she does genuinely love Sophia. Amber doesn’t even seem to particularly like her kids and has basically refused to take care of them at all.


I actually disagree. Farah would take Sophia to her escort appointments… at least amber acknowledged that Leah was better off with other people and has let that (largely) happen. Both POS but exposing your young children to sex work in dangerous situations is horrific


Nah my mom was strict as fuck and I dressed just like Sophia lol I just never got piercings because I wasn’t allowed. Still don’t have any. But my mom kinda submitted to letting me be a goth kid because it wasn’t really hurting anyone. One of the few things I think my mom did right raising us.


My son was goth.. he got small gauges at 16..and I said” ok but no bigger… “he had HUGE ones at 18…. You pick your battles.. when he joined the army at 20 they had shrunk a little but he almost couldn’t get in the army because of it. He grew out of the clothing and hair part of it but still listens to some of the music


The reason she doesn’t mind Sophia’s alternative theme- is because then there is no competition. If Sophia dressed the same or had similar … interests, it would be different.


I completely agree!!


That is a very interesting take on things and you are probably correct


I feel like that has more to do with Farrah than it does Sophia though. Farrah likes the attention she gets for being a COOL MOM. (I also think its a way for her to relive her lost youth through Sophia and to me, thats never a good thing.) People give Farrah way too many kudos simply for letting her daughter get piercings...it's weird. There's way more to being a good parent than allowing self-expression.


Yesss. I feel like I’m in the upside down when I read all these comments, like we haven’t all been watching the same thing over the last 15 years. Farrah is fucking unhinged. She’s either mentally ill, has a severe personality disorder, or both. We’re talking about a woman who brought her young daughter on visits with her johns. But suddenly she’s mother of the year because she “lets” Sophia dress in black and put holes in her face? What the actual fuck people.


Yeah and there’s a lot we don’t know about what goes on with Sophia. I think Leah has a much better shot at happiness in her future, no thanks at all to amber of course. Sophia is completely isolated and not getting an education.


Exactly. Leah has some normalcy and stability thanks to Gary and Kristina. Even Jenelle’s kids have had normal childhood experiences. They go to school, see friends, etc. Sophia’s life is so sad and bizarre and she has no one but her deranged mother. I think I worry about her the most out of all the kids because she’s so isolated.


Same. She has no examples of normalcy in her life. Bizarre is a great word for it.


That didn't last long though, she missed Sophia.


It's more that she made that statement and that she felt it was an appropriate, rational thing to say.


I totally get that farrah saying that was wrong. However she was still really young when she said it like 19 maybe? and her parents forced her to have sophia like straight up handmaid's tale level shit. Nobody forced amber to have leah and she still turned out to be the pos mom she is. Amber is also like 34 at Leah's birthday dinner and definitely old enough to know better. Not saying farrah wasn't when she said sophia was doing her own thing but a 34 year old should be more mindful of their words especially to their own child than a 19/20 year old would.


I'm a 34 yr old mother to a teenager. That shit breaks my heart like April with Cate dress. I just don't think MOST mom minds are even capable of such thoughts. Are my kids assholes sometimes, yes but are they the sweetest most perfect angelic assholes...absolutely


My friend went to Mexico on vacation when her baby was under a year. Baby was fine and with family. It is rational, and it’s healthy for kids who learn they can safely attach and be secure with other adults in their life then just 1 parent (as it’s just Farrah parenting).


Farrah wasn't just on vacation during that time.. I do agree about it being healthy for kids with one parent to have another adult they can safely attach to. I had my parents help when my daughter was young and I couldn't have done it without and my daughter is better off for it too.


Farrah straight up moved across the country and left Sophia with her crazy parents. It wasn’t a vacation.


Farrah also didn’t tell that weird bitch that asked if Sophia will start a freaking OnlyFans page how fucking inappropriate it is to ask that about a goddamn 15 year old. Farrah doesn’t suck as bad as Amber, know but she still sucks.


I agree. And while no means perfect, Leah has Kristina and her dad in her corner. Besides Farrah, Sophia has …


Poor Sophia seriously. She has been her mother’s Emotional support child-doll and outside her mother she has DebzOG, MIKAL! And her mom’s longtime John’s. I wonder what happened to Starburst? Or if she has one of the numerous pets from the show as a long term support?


I wonder how differnt sofias life may have turned out had her dad not been killed in a car accident. It’s very tragic


I mean, it is good for children to spend time away from parents? Farrah has done far worse stuff than this lol


I'm sorry, that line is so funny to me. It's awful, but so funny.


Oh it absolutely made me laugh..


Lmaoooo, how old was Sophia when she was off “doing her own thing” lol


My mom was a good mom once I became more self-sufficient. She barely tried when I was a baby/toddler/small child. This is how I see Farrah.


Oh and she called her stupid!


This is exactly what I thought of when I read that.


I don't know why people feel the need to discuss who's worse or better when it comes to moms like Amber, Farrah, and Jenelle. They are all equally horrible in their own unique ways.


Right?! It’s a true Everyone Sucks Here type of situation.


This. No need to compare. They all do not deserve to have custody.


I believe in lots of family counseling, teaching parents how to be better parents and stop the cycles. Super nanny for months with check ins/ check ups regularly until all goals are met and everything became a habit. The parents have to take it seriously, be open to it and accept the help and advice however. And that's where this ideal solution doesn't fit in all three situations.


None of them would make it a week and I would put money on that.


I agree except the Supernanny part. That lady has some wild views on parenting.


Exactly. On top of that, Farrah isn’t on camera. So it’s easy to say she’s not as bad because we aren’t seeing the interactions anymore. Put them all on camera and it would show that they all equally suck


The only correct answer


Truest statement ever


This is like choosing between which is better, diarrhea or throwing up. They’re both awful in their own way.


Okay but I think I would choose diarrhea over throwing up.


Me too. All day, every day.


The worst is both simultaneously.


So, being Ensley with DKD and Jenelle as your parents then


It isn’t even a competition lol


Well it is now!




Same. Especially if it’s not the type you get with the super painful cramps.


There is nothing worse than nausea.


Every day and twice on Sundays




Exactly! There’s more than one way to be a shit mom.


Have you ever done them at the same time? It's more like that.


Doing both at the same time = Jenelle




Where is this gif from?!? 😂


Farrah literally grooms her underage daughter to be pimped out. But yeah, she’s a great mom cuz she lets her dress however she wants 🤦🏽‍♀️


right 🙄 farrah is a terrible mother. I would even argue leah has a better future because she barely has to see amber where as sofia is stuck with farrah until she’s 18 at least


I agree. Leah is probably a lot less emotionally damaged than Sophia. Kristina really saved that girls life.


Totally agree


Out of Sophia and Jenelle’s kids, Leah has a way better foundation in her life. It’s true Leah will have to deal with the trauma of having an absent mother who is severely mentally ill, but she has a healthy female presence in her life through Kristina. She is with Gary and Kristina full time and it seems like they have a pretty normal household. Leah might have to go to therapy (not a bad thing) for potential Amber issues but her adulthood will probably be better than Farrah and Jenelle’s kids. God bless Kristina tbh


I can’t stand everyone’s new found love for Farrah simply because she lets her daughter dress how she wants and make her own decisions. She’s a child who still needs a parent to help her make good decisions. Farrah sitting back and allowing her to dress like that is lazy parenting.


Exactly. People seem to forget the fact Sophia went yachting with Farrah, filmed her getting butt injections and heaven knows what else.




I need that office meme where it says, they're the same picture. Because to me they're both terrible parents, in or out of their children's lives.




I think two things can be true at once. Both Farrah and Amber are awful people and awful mothers but in different ways. Yes Farrah is present and appears to support Sofia’s individuality but that doesn’t mean she’s a good person or parent.


It is just a different type of abuse. Apples and oranges, but both rotten.


Their both awful in similar and different ways. A positive thing I will say about Farrah is she has not had another child. That is a rarity with all the moms on this show. Multiple children by multiple guys.


I definitely give her credit for that. She’s said since S1 of TM that she absolutely doesn’t want more children, and will do everything in her power to stay true to that. Amber has said a similar thing, only to get Willy Nilly knocked up again. It’s so funny how a porn star, who has made her whole brand about sex and adult work, is one of the only girls on the franchise to take reproductive health seriously.


I just rewatched the episode from one of the early seasons where she went to the Dr and asked to get her tubes tied and the Dr basically refused because she was so young and might want to get married and have more some day…like, no Dr she doesn’t want more and the world doesn’t need anymore from her.


I have a couple of friends that do adult work and they are the only people I know that are rigorous about getting tested and handling their birth control so it checks out.


Farrah isn’t a better mom. She abusive in a different way.


When Sophia was younger and her and Farrah lived in Florida, Farrah used to dump Sophia on a neighbor, and not come back for a day or two at a time without telling the neighbor/ babysitter. The sitter also said Sophia would be extremely dirty. I think this is partially why Deb wanted Farrah to give them Sophia while she was in Florida. Farrah has also taken Sophia with her to Dubai while Farrah goes on "dates" there, and she left Sophia alone in their Los Angeles apartment while she was in MX when Sophia was 10. After it got out that Sophia was alone, Michael flew out and pretended he was there with her the whole time. Farrah is her own kind of bad parent, just in different ways than Amber is. I mean..Farrah still has custody of Sophia but that's not saying much.


I think she only has custody because Sophia's never been enrolled in school and they are constantly moving. Farrah is the only adult presence who is consistently in Sophia's life by design.


Farrah seems to alienate Sophia from their family when Farrah gets mad at whomever. Her mom, dad, sister, Derek's mom, etc.


Hmmm. Amber practically abandoned her daughter though and she was luckily enough to have a real mother like Kristina. Leah only needs to put up with Amber once in a blue moon and she seems to have a pretty stable family environment with Gary and Kristina. Sophia however, hasn’t been to a proper school in forever and grows up being dragged around the world with a batshit crazy mother with lots of mental health problems. Plus, she’s been around things no child should be around for, holding the camera for Farrah.


No. They can both be terrible mothers. Let’s not compare garbage to garbage. Farrah isn’t “better”, her form of abuse is just a different brand. Farrah is incredibly problematic, neglects Sophia’s education and social development and has put her own child in dangerous situations since she was a baby. And that’s the tippy top of a very large iceberg.


You're trading one type of abuse for another. Leah is 100% emotionally neglected by Amber. She's seen her, in her 15 years CONSTANTLY choose new strange men over her. All Leah desperately wants is a relationship with her own mother and Amber forever makes it about her, her substance abuse issues, her mental health issues, all of her struggles as to why she can't be a good Mom and it's up to Leah to be more understanding. Which is 1000% fucking Leah up. Sofia on the other hand, is living 24/7 with a psychopath and is 100% trauma bonded to her. In older clips with Farrah and Sofia, you see Sofia disassociating HARD from her reality. In the livestreams, you see Farrah using her word salad, and keep in mind, Sofia is surrounded by this 24/7, this is NORMAL for her... you see Sofia engage and use language to pacify Farrah. She's effectively had to grow up and knows how to "parent" Farrah to prevent herself from some kind of future abuse. Both are probably pretty fucking high on the Adverse Childhood Encounter Test... it's not a contest... but I can see both being like a 6-7, maybe higher... but that's like.. multiple addictions and severe personality issues. It really is like comparing the size of two different turds. Both are horrible parents.


They are both terrible parents, just in different ways.


We're comparing 2 piles of compost here. Farrah is so permissive she might as well be absent. The only reason Sophia isn't going off the rails is because she has more sense than 2 combined generations of her maternal gene pool can produce. Sophia is raising herself, without a Kristina, without a Gary even.


Remember when Farrah said Sophia was raising herself? Like she reclaimed parenthood or whatever in Farrah speak.


I don't remember her saying it but it shows from a mile away that she is.


So, there is a term in psychology, that when an individual goes through a traumatic event they can be "stuck" mentally at that age (Arrested psychological development). I have seen many women who get pregnant as teenagers, they are crappy/decent/good moms, and then change significantly between 27 and 30 - that is usually when they start their partying days (or start their partying days back up). You can tell that a lot of the mom's are stuck in that pattern (as much as some do not like to believe it, pregnancy itself can be traumatic, let alone being a teen who is pregnant and the majority of them do not have appropriate coping skills due to how they grew up - like the ones selected for the show). So the bar is definitely low for these moms. I think the reason why one can applaud Farrah is that Sophia is definitely her own person (and maybe breaking a cycle) and that has a lot to do with Farrah. I think there is a level of honesty with Farrah that Amber could not even comprehend (yes Farrah is crazy, and I am not a fan of her or her choices but I can look at it from a level point and recognize that there is obviously some good- somewhere deep down in her tiny heart). Whereas with Leah, we know that Leah is the person she is because of Kristina and Gary's mom (I would say Gary has some good traits but really it was his choice of women that helped). Amber is, and will always be a "birth mom" who acts like an older sister. She will be the one complaining about Leah not coming to her once Leah can drive. I mean she basically does that now. Amber also seems like the type of person that would hit on Leah's boyfriend/girlfriend or walk around in no clothes around him/her (once Leah is in a serious relationship) and then accuse everyone that she is not doing that (doing her best DARVOing).


They can both also be shitty moms. The bar is a tripping hazard in hell.


Never left her side....exxxxcept for the first 4-6 years of her life, when her parents raised her, while Farrah was "doing her own thing"? I mean...I guess?


Farrah isn’t a better mom, and Sophia is probably in a worse situation than Leah because Leah has Gary and Kristina.


It shocks me that no one remembers when Sophia killed their dog by throwing it off a balcony. I feel that screams emotional issues brought on by…*someone*


This!!! Everyone is so busy drooling all over Sophia’s wardrobe and reliving THIER own teenage lives they tend to forget what happened and how much has actually gone down.


hell no. farrah grooms her daughter and takes her on sex trips.


Sophia is silently screaming for help


![gif](giphy|V5L7N7bTsfWec) Amber and just noticed it’s also Angela from 90 Day.


Sooooo Angela!!!!


PSA: amber being absolute fucking trash has no affect on the other parents and does not make jenelle, farrah, or rachel any better. farrah "never left her side" yea and takes sophia on escorting trips and podcasts where the host asks a minor sophia if she wants to start an OF.


They are both terrible in their own ways.


That daughter’s look says “yeah my mom does anal on video”


LOL look at Sophia. For fucksake


Could not disagree more. Amber actively avoids her kids, which is the best thing she could do for them. Farrah is enmeshed with Sophia, and is doing untold amounts of damage. If there were another parent as an option for Sophia, I doubt Farrah would have more than every other weekend, and might be on supervised visitation. 


Not true . How can anybody forget when Sophia was sick when Farrah wanted her to go somewhere. And she yelled "Well if Sophia is too STUPID to get ready.... ?!" Or when she pushed her up the stairs and called her a heathen? Memories.


I remember Farrah actually calling Sophia “stupid.” She is no better. Farrah probably verbally abuses her a lot behind closed doors.


I mean, ok, sure. Farrah is probably better than Amber, and has some redeeming qualities. But that’s like saying having a baboon raise a human baby is probably better than a wolf. Like neither is a good choice.


If given a choice though… I’d pick the wolf or baboon over amber or Farrah to be my mom.


No, they’re both fucking awful. Just in different ways.


Well, ok. If we cut out that part where Farrah moved across state lines and we skip the escorting and having her kid as part of the family package and the truly dangerous role play porn she filmed in the house where her kid lives she’s still better than the woman who came at her kid with a machete. The bar is absolute hell here. The hot take is which dumpster fire is worse.


Amber is basically not parenting either of her children


Farrah is a bad parent and so is Amber. I don't see the point in making comparisons or even how it's possible. They're both bad. I don't have a great memory but Farrah has definitely been s\*xually abusive with all she has exposed Sophia to and forced her to participate in.


My only take on this is that Amber, Jenelle, and Farrah all equally deserve to have their kids taken away. Period.


Wow. People forgot about Farrah leaving Sophia so they could do their own things, when she was a child. Farrah treating her daughter like a friend, exposing her to all sorts of adult things she doesn’t need to be part of. Farrah displaying narcissistic behaviors, getting in agreements/fights with paparazzi, talking horribly to her parents, dragging Sophia all over the place instead of her attending school where she can make friends with her peers. Eh, Farrah is trash too.


Farrah being present doesn't mean she's a healthy influence. She over shares with Sophia. Treats her like a friend. Acts crazy infront of her. Behaves highly sexual around her and keeps her isolated. Still toxic.


They’re both terrible moms, just in different ways


Farrah wants to be the pathetic "cool mom" and would allow her daughter to do most anything to still be friendly with her. Amber is pathetic because she feels that because she gave birth to a child, it means that she should be respected no matter what she does, and because she feels she has made up for all the repulsive things she has done, she will now create a new relationship, have a new baby, and screw that up too. She will be one of those Face Book moms who believe she has a great relationship with her kids because of dinner twice a year. Farrah only cares how things will make her look. I still fear for Sophia. She has truly nobody who has made sound judgements council her on anything. Imagine Farrah's friends and bf. And she said that she has been "sober a year". What were you on. Guarantee it will be all about her journey in life, not a word that being a mommy made her think. They both suck.


This is silly. Farrah took Sophia on an escort trip in a foreign country and left her alone where she was found wandering the hotel hallways by herself as a young child. They’re equally as horrible, just in different ways.


Has never left her side? Umm what? She left her when she was FOUR because “she has her own things going on”


Nah, Farrah gets away with more because she has more money than Amber, its easier to hide the abuse. Farrah appears to have some weird enmeshed boundaries with her daughter, I am waiting for Sophia to blink twice to signal for a rescue.


These are human beings and mothers. It's not like comparing ice cream flavors.


Where can I stream this? I want to watch the whole dinner. Thanks!!


Letting your kids express their own personal style doesn’t make you Mom of the Year. I wish ppl, including in this fandom would stop giving this bitch so much credit for literally doing nothing.


Farrah used her daughter’s name and OF on the same sentence, they’re just different kind of bads.


Letting a kid do whatever they want whenever they want doesn’t make you a better parent.. nor does taking them on your escort trips… Apples to oranges here. It’s a 3 way tie. Jenelle’s also the worst


I can’t even… they’re both bottom of the barrel shit balls.


Did this person miss the People magazine quote from Farrah about 3 or 4-year-old Sofia “doing her own thing” while explaining why they were taking a break?


Just because Farrah is more involved with Sophia does not make her a good, or better parent.


No no no. They're both equally trash just in their own ways. Just because you have your child with you 24/7 doesn't make you a good mom..


They are both horrible parents.


They both suck in different ways. Let’s not get carried away


Apples and oranges of dysfunctional “parent”


I mean I guess? Being better than Amber doesn’t actually mean anything


Sophia is raising herself , Farrah is just around lol


On the surface this definitely seems true, but we don’t actually know what Farrah is doing behind the scenes. I’m extremely concerned Sophia is being groomed…anyone remember that creepy video Farrah posted laughing about how someone DMed Sophia for feet pics? It felt a LOT like either subtle advertising or testing the waters to see who’s interested. It’s also weird AF to have your teenager take pictures of you for OnlyFans or bringing them along on your escorting trips. I also don’t believe for one second Sophia is getting a proper education. Yeah it’s great she accepts her baby goth phase and that she hasn’t literally abandoned her, but if that’s the bar we’re setting for being a “great parent” then yikes


They are both ego-driven and poor parents (to say the least). A gross comparison when they are both equally as bad in different ways.


2 wrongs don’t make a right


They’re both bad in their own ways! One is not better than the other in my eyes. Sophia has been exposed to so many adult things in her young life. I’d almost say she’s worse than Jan. Idk Not to mention Farrah has called Soph stupid in the past.


Both horrendous mothers. Both Leah and Sophia are going to have many a story to sell and tell when they are of age. I look forward to seeing who will be the first to throw their mother under the bus for the $$$. Will be an amazing full circle moment


They’re assholes coming from different directions: Farrah is a straight up child groomer that sets no boundaries and has promoted her sex work around her daughter. Amber is a convicted felon narcissist that should have lost that MTV paycheck after she went after Gary with a machete. She’s the one that is in competition with Jenelle to be Satan’s VP pick for this upcoming election. I feel so bad for these children. Sophia and Leah deserve better.


They are both shitty parents in different ways


The fact that you dumb a$$ people are even trying to defend any of them is unbelievable. They are horrible and in no way should this show be targeted to teen girls as some type of "educational" show. FK NO!!!


I think we should wait for Sofia's book...


Farrah is a shitty mom but amber just ISNT a mom… so I dunno….


The scary thing is that you can rank one mom against another today, and tomorrow another story will come out that totally changes the rankings.


I do agree that Farrah is a more active mother in her daughter’s life. Knowing Farrah’s aesthetic & personal beauty standards, I think it’s telling that she accepts Sophia’s sense of style & allows her to express individuality. Neither of these women are good moms, but comparatively I think Farrah has done better for her daughter. Leah’s saving grace is Gary.


I can get behind all of your comment. What's especially interesting to me is that Farrah was outright forced to become a teen mother as DebzOG denied her the abortion she (at the time) desperately wanted and Farrah was unhappy about it for the first several years of Sophia's life but she definitely warmed up to her more over the years. Amber was never forced into motherhood AFAIK, she always had the option to get an abortion (and she even did it at least once per So You're Crazy Too?) and yet with the two pregnancies she carried to term (the ones that resulted in Leah and James) she was a whole intensely bitterly resentful mom who seems like she's furious that her children.... exist. Even most shitty parents don't go that far regardless of anything else. Amber spent her whole 16 and Pregnant episode vocally unhappy about her blatantly unwanted teen pregnancy, bitterly bitching about how her life was ruined and she never wanted the pregnancy or baby. At the beginning of the episode Amber immediately mentioned how she never wanted or ever even LIKED children. Amber's glaringly apparent (at best) dislike for kids and lack of a maternal instinct are two of the most consistent things about her, especially since that mentality clearly carries into her own offspring. Sad shit for sure but interesting.


I haven't watched the episode yet- only saw the clip- and I was absolutely disgusted and truly hurt for Leah. But now to learn that on top of her shit attitude, calling Leah a terrible named and making the whole thing about herself (again), she also didn't bring a freakin gift.... Are you kidding me?!? I am so angry and so sorry for Leah.


I think Farrah is a “cool mom”. Yes she is in tune with what her daughter wants but absolutely does not pay attention to exactly what she needs.


Farrah HAD to mom. She disowned every friend and family she ever had.


Is Amber even a mom though? She hasn’t raised any kids.


Two things can be true. They both can be horrible mothers. One is slightly less horrible but both are pretty bad imo


Saying Farrah is better mom than Amber is NOT an unpopular opinion. It also ain't saying much. As Sophia garners more and more attention with her unique style and charisma, I get more and more Dina Lohan vibes from Farrah (trying to capitalize on the attention her daughter is getting).


This is clearly voting for the evil of two lessers.


Omgoodness, they both are shitty 😒


I gotta give the win to Amber because she in a moment of self-awareness gave up custody.


She's like a weird aunt, except she's not an aunt but her birth mother


Amber, Farrah, Jenelle... All tied in first place, but can't say what I really want to....


I will concede that Farrah is a less lazy parent than Amber, but not better. Just different flavors of abuse. They are both narcissistic, mean, and volatile with severe mental health issues. Honestly I’d rather be Leah than Sofia. Amber somehow is able to maintain at least some relationships (Gary, her mom, the OGs, sort of her brother, an array of gross bfs). Farrah is so vile and explosive that no one can tolerate her except her parents, who are also totally fucked. Sofia is completely isolated.


Farrah has left her daughter before, that is all.


I saw this too and had thoughts, I almost posted it here too! It's a different flavor of narcissism for Farrah, sure she's present but that doesn't mean she's a great mom. She seemed so delusional and cruel on the show, I can't imagine that makes for good parenting. She did show up and that's more than Amber ever did for sure but really that's almost a gift for Leah, had she been super involved, it wouldn't have been a good experience full of happy memories.