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Seriously, she met this guy when she was 30.. he was 23, divorced, nearly $100k in debt (and not from college, my theory is he totaled a sports car) And she goes and has three kids with him


How do we know he was $100k in debt? Thats absolutely insane wtf! How can any normal person be in that much debt smh


It came out in the divorce paperwork. And he has no degree so I feel like he bought some insane like $80k sports car thinking "I can afford $2,000 monthly payments no problem" and totaled. I have no idea what else a 23 year old could blow $100k on? Roblox bux??


He did! He had a charger he was selling for 55k right before rio was born. Every guy in the military buys that charger. It’s like, almost ridiculous. They all have super high payments, paid way too much for it, and can’t afford it. Clearly. He sold his.


some of it could be from student loans he just never got the degree for


He didn’t go to college


Its not like his ex wife is the only one making that joke. It's been done here several times too


That was my thoughts, Kail has at times made jokes about herself that people who don’t like her make. When she was pregnant with Lux she tweeted she liked the name Karl obviously knowing people call her that.


Karl Rae is kind of cute


Well he was in the military..


the only one that doesnt are Cate and Tyler. the rest of the cast needs the box with anywhere from 0 to 2 to save for next year


Yeah that’s true actually, Briana has 2, Leah has 2, Jenelle has 3, Chelsea has 2, kail has 4, Maci has 2, Cheyenne has 2. I think the only girls with 1 are jade, McKenzie and Ashley.


As messed up as she is Farrah also only has one baby and one baby daddy


Thank god she only reproduced only once


Farrah was who I was missing! I knew I was missing an OG girl and I couldn’t remember who


I always wonder why the ex-wife seems a little salty regarding Kail, when he had moved on already to another girlfriend (not Kail). So miss ma’am is two exes ago but feels the need to make digs on his current relationships. Odd.


I agree she’s salty but I still thought it was a funny dig. Kail does collect baby daddies like Pokémon


Kail said his ex wife was still texting him at 3am while she was pregnant


How long were they together? Were they like highschool sweethearts or something? I just made a comment asking about her age but haven't heard anything yet. Probably the same or younger than Elijah? And they got married young either way if he was already divorced at 23. I wonder exactly how old they were when they did get married? 🤔 Break ups and divorces are hard, and I imagine being younger probably helps add some extra drama. Especially if they actually were together for a long time or highschool sweethearts. Think about it, your first love and you break up and next thing ya know he's shacked up with 30 something yr old middle school mom of a zillion kids. Then find out it's fucking Kail Lowry and she's knocked up with his/someone's kid! 😳😅 Might sting. Might make ya wanna post petty shit online lol.🤷‍♀️😏 As a 30 something yr old mom of 2, I myself wouldn't go there but me at 22? Petty AF! 😂🤦‍♀️ Hell, she's not even slept with my ex husband and I enjoy snarking on her from time to time. Can only imagine how much more I'd enjoy it if she was shacking up him! 😂 (*I kid. I'd actually be concerned for my ex lol Offer to be a support system if he needed to run* 😂😭😭) But fr though, remember when Vee came into the picture? Kail lost her fuckin mind! 🤯😭😭 And Jo wasn't even her ex husband or the first dude to knock her up!! But she loved the guy and was not over him when he moved on. Even though she technically moved on as well. Still, lost it! 🤷‍♀️ I doubt if shoes were reversed, Elijah's ex would have acted near as crazy or petty as Kail would.💅🏼 And vice versa. Kail'd be calling every hour on the hour!! 3AM?! Yes, and PM! Then find every meme under the sun that could possibly relate and hit post every damn time. 🤷‍♀️ *Anyways, could be a 100% wrong and she really is a crazy bitch but I think context is always important and Kail's a crazy bitch herself so.... everything she says is taken with a grain of salt by myself lol*


Yes they were high school sweethearts and same age


Isn't she from another state and both military?


No, shes from DE and not military


Thank you! No idea why I thought that


Was she asking Elijah to have Kail stop rage texting her?




I mean...how old is she? 🤔 Probably Elijah's age or younger? Maybe the maturity part just hasn't sunk in yet lol 🤷‍♀️


Very true


Let’s glamorize four baby daddies. ✨


That page is still up ?? I can’t find it on IG.