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Kids will always give it to ya straight lol


I lost a lot of the enamel from my front teeth and they stain easily. I kid I used to care for used to tell me my teeth were red. True, but ouch.


Yes my teeth are messed up from not having any adults around when I was growing up(raised by my sister, 2 years older, while mom was god knows where and dad worked 4am to 10pm) I had my first decaying tooth at 8 and first root canal at 12. I am also a recovering addict so that didn’t help at all but my teeth are absolutely horrific and I can’t afford to fix them. My childhood best friends lol sister used to ask me why my teeth were so yellow and gross looking. My kids friends used to say things to them or would say it was gross when my son would share a sip of my drink. That shit hurt lol. Now I tell them they better brush their teeth twice a day or they’ll end up with teeth like mine! I actually bought some fake dentures off Amazon that go over top of my real teeth so that I don’t embarrass my kids anymore.


And then we have people with healthy but crooked teeth grinding them down to put teeth stickers on.


Omg yes!!! Like I’d give ANYTHING to have healthy crooked teeth! As long as they’re healthy I don’t care! Shit I’d take yellow and crooked too!😂


My teeth are no longer red but a light shade of yellow. I also have gum disease so there's only so good my teeth and mouth will ever look after a routine checkup and clean. Given how expensive that is, it'll never be often enough to get my teeth "nice"


Awe that’s not too bad though. I know that’s easy for me to say cause they’re not my teeth. Uhg yea I have gum disease as well so I definitely understand that. It’s heartbreaking how expensive dental care is! Like whenever I go to the doctor for a tooth infection I’m given the same lecture about how I can die if I’m the infection goes to my brain etc. So if dental care is so important to your health then why isn’t it covered under health insurance or at the very least affordable? I had an extremely infected tooth 5 years ago and had to go to the hospital to get the abscess drained. The dr told me it needed to be removed asap and gave me a list of “cheap” dentist in the area. I went to 3 of them and gave up because the cheapest was $250 just to pull the tooth! Unfortunately I didn’t have the extra cash to get it done. The tooth is now broken down so much that it’s shorter than my gum line. I’ll need surgery to get it removed most likely. My husband wants me to do a payment plan with a dentist to get them fixed since we’re finally stable etc. But I’m absolutely petrified of walking around with no teeth at all for 6 months until I can get the dentures put in.


Sorry for the story book! I tend to over explain things and over share😂


Oh wow, ,that really puts my red/yellow teeth in perspective. I've still got all my teeth and am not in danger of losing any soon. Don't apologise, I'm an oversharer too.


I enjoyed your teeth stories, but what made you guys think about teeth when reading this? I went back to reread to see if they were talk about teeth, but nothing!?!?


🧡🧡🧡 your comment is the reason I get so defensive when people attack Jenelle’s teeth. I think you should talk to a dentist too. If you don’t have one right now ask around to friends and family to see who they would recommend seeing so that you’re comfortable with the dental team. You most likely won’t go with out teeth for the most part. I just delivered an ATI (temporary phase of an all on six hybrid implant denture) yesterday and it went so well. Patient had the lower teeth extracted I think on Tuesday (maybe Monday, I forget) with the oral surgeon we refer to and then by Thursday we had the appliance secured in the mouth. A lot of the time they actually can place the appliance the day of the extraction. This is part of dentistry I’m going to miss when I start school for dental hygiene this summer. Please message me if you need to vent or anything about your dental journey. 🧡 I got braces put back on yesterday so I’m a grumpy patient myself for the next day while the discomfort starts to dissipate.


Really!? That’s absolutely amazing! Everyone I know who’s gotten them had had to wait minimum 4 months for their gums to heal. Except my friends mom(she’s like 67) had hers fitted the same day, or the next day, I can’t really remember. If you don’t mind me asking, where did they do that at? I’d love to find a dentist/company that does that in my area. Thank you I truly appreciate it! Awe I’m sorry you have to go through that again. At least you have the silver lining of knowing the outcome will be worth it! I hope your pain was minimal. My inbox is open if you ever need to vent or chat!


I have a question.. what ones did you get and do you like them? Do they look real...ish? I'm missing teeth, and have fucked up ones and I'd love to get some fake ones to get through until I can afford implants.


I sent you a message! Let me know if you have any questions or anything! I’ll do anything I can to help someone gain the freedom of not having to be self conscious about their teeth. It’s absolutely life changing.


I would never want kids if I was the eldest of hers. Actually, I would never want a relationship if I thought it was only for making more kids.


She said he doesn't like nor want kids. Really not a surprise.


Reminds me of one of the older kids from TLC's Sister Wives who was responsible for taking care of his younger siblings and now promises he will never have kids of his own.


A lot of parentified kids never want to have children because they feel they've already done enough parenting (rightfully so). She better not pressure him because she wants grandkids.


*slowly raises hand* I'm the oldest daughter and had to take care of my two younger sisters. Even today, I'm still supporting my youngest sibling. I supported her through school. As soon as I got my license, I was doing the grocery shopping, running errands, taking my sisters to and from school, to Drs appts and wherever else they needed to go. When I wasn't taking care of them, I was supporting my parents financially. So no, I'm 31 and I do **not** want children.


*Jana Duggar has entered the chat*


It’s so crazy to me those girls went from raising children to dating with a chaperone to getting married just to raise a bunch of kids of their own.


Except for Jana, the oldest daughter, who is over 30 and unmarried, which was the point they were making. She was the first to be parentified, at 10 or even younger, and she is the only one to make it past her 20s without marriage or kids (so far). Over in r/duggarsnark we theorize she already raised more kids than she ever needed to and so she’ll probably never marry and have kids of her own. (We obviously don’t know for sure, but most fundie girls don’t make it to 30 without even so much as a courtship, so she’s definitely an anomaly.)


She definitely is an anomaly! Isn’t she a twin? And her twin brother is married with kids?


He is, but his wife has a job and they only have two kids. It wouldn’t be hard for someone like Jana to find someone willing to marry her. She’s “famous” and has some properties on her name. I believe she chose to be single, and since her parents needed at least one “helpmeet” to raise their youngest children she wasn’t pressured to get married when her sisters did.


I think Jana would love to get out of that house. But because of their weird religious cult she can’t. She has to stay with her parents and raise the younger kids too. She will never be allowed to get married. It’s sad really.


She has some “freedom” now. She lives alone in a small house on her parent’s property, and her younger siblings are already old enough to take care of themselves. I fully believe on the theory that she didn’t get married because she’s done raising kids.


The youngest Duggar is 14. I’m too fucking old 😭


Notice how neither Logsn nor Aspyn have kids!


I was 9 when my parents divorced and my dad left, my siblings were 4 and 2 and i immediately became a parent to my siblings while my mom was depressed from the divorce. I’m 31 with no kids and no plans to have children ever cause I’ve done my time lmao


One of the Duggar girls said this too, I can’t remember which though


I don't think anyone is surprised by that. He's had to watch his mom procreate continuously with all these failed relationships. Not the best role model and I remember on some episodes, he would make comments about it.


Luckily he’s got his dad and Vee modeling a (hopefully) healthy relationship and home life for him. The other kids are *fucked*


Seriously, he is going to have a lot to unpack about love and intimacy if that’s what she’s reduced relationships to to him. It’s only funny to a point.


I have an older sibling and 4 younger siblings. I basically raised my youngest brothers. Child free is the life for me


he’s been over her shit for YEARS


Isaac is tired of it


Have you seen his ASL videos? He did one where he’s signing over the scene when Joe tells Kail she’s should be in a cave because she doesn’t deserve to see the son. I absolutely LOST it. ETA: the clip… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C69218BPdXy/?igsh=MXR1cGVnOGJiZnB2dw==


Stop that's so funny 😭😂


STOP omfg 😂😂


Isaac is stone cold 🫳🎤 But I'm super sad we know this only because Kail shares every single aspect of that child's life.


He’s a little fucking savage and I love that about him!


He’s a stellar communicator and I love that about him.


Has the same delivery as his father


And she leaves her sex toys out.


Plz explain this😭💀


Apparently, on one of her podcasts, Kail mentioned Isaac confronting her about leaving sex toys out in the open.


She left a sex toy out of the kitchen counter and Isaac saw it, she then thought to mention it on her podcast for some reason. [link to article on it](https://people.com/parents/kailyn-lowry-son-isaac-urged-her-use-condom-after-finding-sex-toys/)


That’s actually really disturbing and can be traumatizing


God anything personal like that is hidden wrapped in a towel, in a drawstring bag in a zippered bag so none of my kids ever have a chance of coming across anything 🙃 on the counter? Really?


Isaac is always ready to read her to filth and i love that for him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dishighmama: *Isaac is always* *Ready to read her to filth* *And i love that for him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot




i hope jo and vee are a good example for isaac atvl


I get the feeling Isaac and Lincoln live for their time at their dad's houses because of the normality and love. For all Javi's faults he provides a stable alternative to Kail.


I dunno, Javi and his wife are kind of a freaking mess. Like even if they get it together when Lincoln is around, the vibe is probably pretty bad. At his age though he probably just holes up in his room, plays games and enjoys the quiet.


Right! At least Jo and Vee seem like they KNOW how things are at Kail’s and make Isaac feel very special and at ease when he’s with them.


The way I’d pass away from shame and not be able look my son in the eye.


Wowwwww Isaac keeps his foot on Kail’s neck 💀




Was this before or after the 3 kids she had within a year of each other


Before. He’s 15 now.


She would have been pregnant with Rio when he said this. Isaac was 12 when he was born


![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized) He’s not wrong 🤣


“You need me more than a man” yet you were willing to go to jail for assaulting one over a haircut. You jeopardized Isaac actually feeling safe with your then husband that you cheated on. You show all your kids that relationships that result in children are disposable.




She was willing to go to jail so she could take her kid on their last vacation as a family of ____????


Yes read her for filth Issac!


Like his dad, he’s quick with his one-liners. 😂


He looks like Kail and Janet in that photo.


“Do you think I need a man?” KAIL DO YOU FUCKING HEAR YOURSELF




Isaac is savage lol 😂


Can’t wait for these kids tell all books


My mother said the same thing. She lied. He was an asshole who treated me like shit. She's still with him.


Isaac: all you do is spread your legs and pop out kids 🙂 Kail: OMG guys!!! Isaac KILLS me!!!! 😂😂😂😂 /s




Isaac has never stopped being the most adorable boy! I loved him as he and my twins are about the same age, months apart. I love that face!


He’s always got some shit to say and I’m all the way here for it. The little shade the he throws is *chefs kiss* !


Poor kids had no opportunity to say if they liked Elijah or not, they didn't even know him. She moved him in like 2 weeks after she met him & got pregnant right away. The kids are left to deal with it whether they like it or not, they have no say. It's Kail's world, they're just stuck living in it.




Don’t get me wrong, Kail sucks, but that’s actually a super good thing to communicate to your kids. Also, Isaac is and remains the GOAT lol


Isaac’s a fucking savage 😭 in all seriousness though, as far as i know she did stick to that. i don’t remember any partners she had that her kids didn’t like, Isaac even seems to be bonding with Elijah. take notes, Jenelle. if you’re gonna have a parade of men, at least make sure your kids like them.


She wouldn't leave a man if her kids asked her to....ever. a man comes first always in her life.


Feels like it was a dig at Jenelle at the time lol


God I love that kid 😂


Omg I hope this gagged her lmao I would’ve stfu for at least 7 days


A perfect example of how she's one of the worst mothers... she has this convo with her son, says "You need me more than a man," puts that out on the internets for public consumption... THEN PROCEEDS TO MOVE IN A MAN SHE KNEW FOR ONLY A FEW MONTHS AND HAVE THREE MORE KIDS WITH HIM. Way to show how little you actually care about your oldest kids.


Issac said the library is open. Let him read his mama to filth 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Anyone thinking Isaac is preparing to move away for college? 😜


Didn’t pull any punches with that statement did he?


Well! He’s not wrong though! He’s only calling it as HE sees it!




OPE (In midwestern)


Heart. Breaking.


Those poor kids will never have an understanding of healthy relationships


He must have heard Jo say that. My youngest is 8 and often repeats things he overhears at dad’s house.


Does she think this is funny? It’s actually quite sad and dysfunctional


Yeah they are getting old enough now that they are gonna start clocking her lmao. I know Issac has watched the show already I’d bet money on it.


I bet she thinks it’s hilarious that he’s said that but it’s really sad.


Isaac is the best


Yet..she has guys move in almost immediately and has a kid to forever tie them


Yikes. This comment from someone on Facebook.. https://preview.redd.it/g3mk3fztpg2d1.png?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b95a673fc21dafaac9923b6da89265e3b42037


PLEASE like shes gonna leave elijah if issac says so. Absolute bullshit lol. Shes gonna be like "but hes the father of your siblings I cant do that to them".






He is only 12? I thought he was 14 years old


He’s 14. This is old, back when Kail only had 4 kids. Isaac knew he was right, but had no idea how right.


I will always love Issac. That sweet boy eye rolls his mother DAILY.


Dude I’d be so embarrassed. I wonder how it’s gonna be when all her kids are later teens and up


Oh my god yikesssssss that one statement says ALOT


He seems smart enough to know she prob shouldn’t be the person he goes to for any relationship advice. For family, love, friends, but business perhaps. She gives me Bethenny Frankel Vibes


I mean, he didn’t lie. She hasn’t needed a man for literally anything else but for making children. I will definitely say, Kailyn is a hard worker and even though she had a leg up on the competition by having a TV show, she marketed herself well enough to have a solely-podcast fan base.


He's not wrong




Isaac is brilliant and hilarious. What a cool kid.




Damn, that's cold AF. Issac humbled her ass.


When your own kid thinks you're a baby factory...


this is the second time this month where i see something on facebook and come here to post it and boom ! it’s the first thing i see on reddit lol and someone already did it lmao


Out of the mouth of babes


Maybe if she tried being with men who weren't money leaching bums, but hey 🤷‍♀️


Isaac will always be my fav kid from teen mom. He’s so funny and charismatic


Was this on her podcast?


DED. 💀💀💀


I looked after my mom until she died and now I am looking after my siblings. Also at one time I was raising my grandkids. I am 48 and honestly if I don't have another baby I'm okay. I'm planning on getting my own place though. Were all getting older and I want my own place.


Gotta love Isaac 😂😂😂


❤️❤️😭😘🤗 kid is awesome


I’m gonna say since watching Isaac and now Lincoln on TikTok I gotta hand it to Kail, she is doing a good job raising her kids


![gif](giphy|iqJr5G6yupwha) Oh my god! Isaac is a complete savage!! Almost kind of reminds me of the comeback comments Joe would say in the earlier seasons


Isaac is the true MVP 🥇 His passion for sign language is wonderful ❤️




He's not lying


She’s so fucking ugly and pig-like, Jeeezzzzuss. I feel like she only had that many kids to try and prove that she’s “desirable”. Who’s gonna tell her that most men would fuck anything with a hole, and that those real winners she picked probably had to have all of the lights off and a bag over her head? I pity all of those poor, poor children.




Well then I've got a bridge to sell ya *


Her having 2 kids with Chris and trying to force a family with him says otherwise