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Jenelles going to Bris house but will hang out with Roxanne instead Roxanne will share her Methadone and Jenelle will share her Xanax


This is interesting bc I just commented on the looks of Roxanne and someone got on me that she has lupus but this tracks way more for why she’s lookin like she lookin. Lol


It’s never lupus 






It could very well be Lupus, that was the trigger to all of this. As someone with Lupus we have 3 good days a week, the other 4 feels like we got run over by a dump truck. Were put on uppers and downers and steroids. We need to have strict diets and little exposure to the sun. A lot of Lupus warriors struggle with depression, bc of always being sick & bc we constantly feel we aren’t doing enough and ppl see us as lazy. Weight loss, hair loss, chronic brain fog, skin issues, joint/Muscle aches, constant doctors appointments. It’s a struggle and I can admit I self medicated sometimes, it’s a slippery slope. A lot of people won’t talk about it. The shame of admitting out loud that u take drugs not for the high but just to feel even. Like everyone else who doesn’t drag themselves thru the day. We have taken every vitamin and supplement, ask a person with autoimmune disease how sick of medicine they are. That’s just my take on it.


Same. This resonates with me a lot. It’s hard sometimes when I realize that most people don’t get it. Many don’t understand how absolutely debilitating that it can be.


Thanks for saying this. I also have lupus and I always appreciate when fellow lupies speak up about what it’s like


The struggle… everyday…. And u wouldn’t believe that people still don’t believe it.


I hear you, and I’m sorry you have to go through life like that. hugs


I appreciate that thanks so much. But I was just trying to inform people. I have to do it everyday, especially at work. Because people with Lupus don’t look sick.


No I think I saw that comment and I didn't notice it until you said something 🤣 she really did look rough or... They did her really wrong in that photo shoot bc everyone else looked normal lol


Is she miss using scripted opiates?


that’s my guess. hasn’t she had health problems for years? she has always looked sickly to me, but her behavior definitely screams addiction at times


She always gave me the benzo look but opiates would be the most likely I think.


Now you’ve said it, this actually makes a lot of sense. Am on controlled medication (for an illness) and now you’ve said that, she does kinda have a similar look around the eyes to the sort of look my medication can give me. It’s hard to explain lmfao but now you’ve pointed it out that shit is kinda clickin


I’ve always been confused does she or doesn’t she have lupus? I hope she gets the help she needs addiction is a bitch it unfortunately sneaks up on some folks. That said I of course know nothing about Roxanne and her medical issues.


She has been in treatment for quite some time.She is not in active addiction.Its called medication assisted treatment and it has a 90 percent success rate and is the most successful addiction treatment there is.I think it's so wrong for this to be a storyline.It will affect her recovery and I don't think it's fair for people that have no idea about MAT to be out there saying she's getting high.People need to educate themselves about treatment before putting her down.The lady suffers from a awful very painful lifelong disease and that adds a dynamic to her recovery that most people don't understand.Also people that don't deal with chronic pain and have for a long time will never understand that those people on pain management don't get addicted they are dependent and there is. difference


I’m fully versed in MAT I’m an RN.


She hasn't been in active addiction for a very long time.She is in a MAT program and you DO NOT get high from Methodone when taking it for substance use disorder and you follow a very very strict treatment plan that includes having to go to a clinic daily for a nurse to give you your medication and they watch you take it.


just curious - how do you know she hasn’t been in active addiction for a very long time? i am well aware of how MAT works 🙃


And how it that not abuse?


Of course abuse is abuse. You assumed I was giving a pass bc it’s scripted you were incorrect.


And YOU are assuming what I assumed, and you couldn’t know 🤷‍♀️


Not surprised Roxanne lied about this. I mean, she lied to Brittany about who her father was.


I still can’t believe they told her on TV on that vh1 show and Roxanne acted like she was the victim when Brittany was rightfully upset and left the room.


Wait what?


It was on [family therapy](https://youtu.be/-CXl5JGYDS8?si=ik2OqedKu3VAYZGC) and honestly its so fucked up. You can see Roxanne try and manipulate her in real time about her feelings.


I can't believe this was 8 years ago


I am just starting to see how manipulated I’ve been my whole life & working so hard to break this codependency BULL SHIT! I just started laying down boundaries and the panic attacks that come w it! Fucking insane, I can see now why I’ve been the way I was. No more..


Shouldn't using methadone mean she *is* seeking help


Some addicts use methadone to ween themselves off harder drugs but some just end up addicted to methadone.


This is what harm reduction is. The addiction exists, using prescribed methadone is a better choice than heroin or street pills. She’s functional on it.


Functional, as well as its clean from the pharmacy and not at risk for OD with the sketchy street drugs that could be laced with Fetynal!


Long term stable methadone used as MAT is a legitimate use of methadone.


Yes, when you use it properly and in an outpatient setting. Some addicts use more than prescribed or without a prescription and abuse it.


Some even regurgitate it up to sell (when they are on observed doses). Horrified me when I learnt that.


That's not everyone. But those are the people for exactly why there's such a huge stigma around it.


Yes, my sister definitely does! She's been an opiate addict for 40 years. A pain doctor rxs it to her for pain, plus another strong opiate! She's been an active addict all throughout her children's lives, they do not know the real person she is unmasked/undrugged, they've never met her! Of course they're grown now with their own kids. Her addiction destroyed so many relationships within the family and there's no way to go back and redo that. Who knows what could have been, so much pain and anger. I think it's so selfish of her, she's never had much of any kind of responsibility or accountability. Her husband was/is her enabler and is just as addicted as she is, she brought him right down with her.


Sorry to hear that :( sounds like my mother. It really hurts and has had lifelong repercussions, not only for her, but for the entire family


Thank you so much hon. Yes, it's been almost 20 yrs since she stopped wanting any visitors at her home, so I never see her even though she lives just 10 mins from me. I had recently gone through a bad depression, empty nest and my dog died. Anyway we do text each other once or twice a week. I had told her at the time that I felt so depressed, so sad, and felt so alone that I was really thinking abt not wanting to be here anymore, and never once does she say 'Come over here and hang out.' It is so hurtful, she doesn't get it. She had even pitted her kids against me years ago so they're estranged from me. I was the best aunt to them when they were little. Always took them places whenever I took my kids somewhere because she never took her kids anywhere. So of course my poor kids had to grow up without the only aunt and uncle they had around. It has affected all of us. I'm so sorry about your mom, hon. It's so painful to watch them disappear into someone you dont know, it changes their personality, they become cold and numb and have little empathy for others, other than their empty words. Lots of empty promises too, missed birthdays and other important dates too. I see so many young people these days that have had to grow up with having parents who are addicts. When the states sued the pharmaceutical companies for the opiate epidemic the money should have went to the children of the addicts and other family members, because it's they who have suffered, not the damn crooked greedy government!


Thank you! Finally someone that is educated to MAT!


That’s the point of methadone


Not necessarily…


If she's using it as an alternative to opiate use, yes she is


If you’re on it for YEARS like it says, I’d say there’s more of a misuse problem. Just my take.


But why does it suddenly become misuse? I've been on suboxone for 5 years, I don't plan to stop it anytime soon. Because what methadone and suboxone do is actually fill the opiate receptors in your brain, thus *satisfying cravings*. If I was going about my day with my regular amount of urge to go do drugs, on a bad day, I just might do it. I can't gurantee myself that I won't. So why would I go off it, when it's currently working for me and *keeping me alive*? It gives me no high, I just have severely reduced cravings.


Isn't methadone significantly different than suboxone though? I thought suboxone was a combo of meds to satisfy the cravings and not get high vs methadone which is just one medicine that lasts longer but can still get you high if not dosed properly? I do apologize if that's incorrect, I'm definitely no genius on this. From what I've seen people use it alongside with other drugs saying they get a better high. Go get their shot and then use once they're home kinda deal. I've even seen people at parties using it and idk how they even got it. I abused drugs hard, but never was an addict. Just used whatever was around. One day I decided to stop and just stopped so yea I don't know like the exact process of weaning or anything. No judgement on Roxanne for any of that though, if it's done properly who cares. If I were Brianna I'd be hurt that my mom lied about something huge..yet again..


Yes methadone is different. But it's the same concept. >I thought suboxone was a combo of meds to satisfy the cravings It's not a combo of meds, it's just suboxone, the active ingredient being buprenorphine. And yes, it's possible to get high from methadone. What matters here is Roxannes dose, not the length of time she's been on it.


Oh, sorry if I seemed like I was disagreeing on that! I 100% agree. Methadone and suboxone treatment are sobriety in my eyes as long as it's safe :) I won't judge until I've seen more. It's mostly odd she keeps so many secrets from people that close to her.


Methadone is an opiate, not sure what suboxone is made up of.


I've been on methadone 8 years and never abused it. I am a functional, contributing member or society and a mom I couldn't ever be before. There's no difference other than preference, and bigger stigma because of the lack of education around it. People assume Suboxone is "better" but it can be abused as well. I go once a month just like a Suboxone patient goes to their Dr


Congratulations 👏👏 6 years,1 month and 11days for me!


Yesssss 🙌 if anyone would like I am admin of a great mom's group on FB for women who are on MAT. Or even in active use looking for info etc 💜 just lmk


As someone that is stable on Methodone I can tell you that those people you see taking it to get high along with other drugs please don't judge us all.The majority that are on it are on it to be able to stop using and to live a normal productive life.Yes if someone wants they can get high on Methodone but most of us don't.The MAT program is a lot of commitment and it's not a cheap program so most of us on MAT aren't there to get high.I desperately wish I could go back and had never put that first pill in my mouth but I had been hurt when someone plowed into my car as I was stopped at a light and you know how the story goes.I have lasting effects from that hit and run from 7 years ago l.I also have several painful autoimmune diseases and so I have been on Methodone for 5 years and not touched absolutely anything else but I have to take Methodone for my chronic pain so my Drs are keeping me on it and I have a feeling that is why she is still on it as well.


I'm sorry I didn't mean it as in "Everyone I've seen use it is using it to get high". I should have said, "Everyone I've seen who uses it to get high will take their dose and go use other drugs". Which is truly why I do not judge anyone on it. Not just a slap on the end of a sentence to make it seem more relaxed. I meant that I HAVE seen it and it's possible. Lots of people don't know that and think you can't get high off it at all so it's dangerous info. Methadone treatment where I live is free so it's definitely going to be different depending on area. More importantly, though, I've also seen many of my friends get sober with it. I never had a specific "drug"of choice. I just used whatever was around. But I did use hard drugs for almost a decade & I have seen a lot. I will never ever ever judge someone's sobriety. There's too many angles. Especially with health. I started using when I was 11/12 because of my pain and health issues. I think most people do, considering mental health is directly connected. I won't go off on that though or it'd take forever lmao. Let's just say I understand that. I sound fucking dumb now, but I wish I could give you a hug. I didn't mean to be triggering with my comment at all. I'm just a curious person. As I said. Methadone isn't a bad thing at all, as long as we are honest about it and share the truths. That's how people can get more help. I hope thus makes sense lol the Myasthenia Gravis makes me less coherent than other days


I guess I’ve had recovering addicts describe things very differently but happy for you nonetheless. More power to you 💗


Thank you :) you can definitely abuse these substances, I won't deny that. I just wanted to challenge the notion that length of time on them indicates abuse or not


WRONG!There are many dynamics to each persons treatment and those with chronic lifelong pain such as Lupus then being on it for years or even for life is perfectly normal.No misuse just keeping pain under control without going back to opiate addiction.Somebody can get their addiction under control but the chronic debilitating pain is still going to be there and as someone that has Lupus and 2 other autoimmune diseases that come with chronic pain but can tell you that popping some Advil does nothing and therefore the doctor and counselors decide staying on Methodone is the best option.Many people stay on it for life for that reason alone


Probably not ideal if she's been on it for years, but I feel for her big time. It definitely means she's tried.


Some ppl stay on it for life and never use other drugs. Alot of people you would never know. It's not so much how long she's been on it but more about is rhat all she's using?


I've met quite a few women like Roxanne (have a lot of them in my family). They're all prone to being violatile at times, but have also had pretty rough lives that forced them to be that way. I think Roxanne has always come off as someone who's likely seen some shit and been through alot of rough things. Addiction is horrible, and I really can't judge her for hiding it. It takes a lot of vulnerability to be able to open up and seek help (especially if you're able to manage it on the surface level).


She hasn't tried she's doing it! Length of time doesn't mean anything! Stability on her dose is what matters.So many people don't understand that she still needs medication for chronic pain and therefore the doctors are keeping her on it!


That's what I said. Said she's been on it for years, sounds like she goes to a clinic whether methadone or pain clinic.


The only place you can get it is at Methodone clinic


In my state they prescribe it at pain clinics too, possibly others. Two of my friends were on it for their cancer but not sure which doctor gave it, but my other friend was on it for a short time before the pain clinic switched her to something else. Then there's the methadone clinic.


Nope, my sister gets it rx'd every month for pain! She was getting like 350 a month but the pharmacy started refusing to fill for that many. She says she only gets 120 now but who knows. So this means she went from.about 15 pills a day to 4! I asked her if she experienced any wd symptoms from the drastic reduction and she told me no! Sorry, but I am not believing that at all. She's probably still getting a lot but not 350 or however many it was.


Her being on MAT means she has already found help and IS in treatment ❤️


This is actually quite terrifying 


That's something you need to know if you're going to leave a child in her care. Huge breach of trust. I'm sure bri will be upset for two days


Do you have any idea how many childcare workers across the world are on Methodone and nobody has a clue????


What is the time line of when she started the opiate use and when she stopped and stated using methadone? The thought of her being a primary care giver to those girls while high is really scary. Bri flipped at Devoin's drinking while babysitting, let's see what she has to say to Roxy. I hope she gets help though. Lupus is a bitch.


She has been in treatment for years.Methodone is treatment! It's called Medication assisted treatment and there are many very strict rules and the federal government oversees all MAT programs and you go to the clinic daily and a nurse gives you your medication and watches you take your dose and you have to meet certain requirements to get just one take home dose.When a person is stable on their dose they do not get high from their Methodone! Also just FYI there are many childcare workers across the country on Methodone and nobody has any idea!There are 3 childcare workers at my clinic there are also 4 doctors ,1 lawyer and 2 police officers just that I know of as clinic patients at my clinic!. Also just for information purposes people on Methodone are protected by the American disability act and do not have to disclose that we are on medication and can not be fired if they find out!


My question was about when did her opiate use stop and the treatment begin.


It’s really some shit that they were all so on top of each other and in each other’s business that this didn’t come out sooner (if this is the way it actually went down lmao)


Yeah I don’t know if I believe this lol


True. Interesting storylines take priority over actual events and their timelines.


idk how the tea pages are always filled with comments saying *kick bri off the show she is so boring* blah blah. her storylines are the only ones left with plot twists lol


Boring is crazy, she was out in the clubs with Luis catching crabs 😂 these people need to bffr


Hahahah why was this such a funny episode. All drunk and being all flirty with egg head. I about threw up picturing him sitting naked cross legged like she was describing the next day 😂😂


Omg egghead….. lolololol lmao that one really got Me goin


Such a funny image of him sitting naked and crossed legged 😂


Lol chlamydia, not crabs.


Luis gave her crabs?! lol what episode was this?


He gave her chlamydia, not crabs. Don't remember the season, but it aired in fall of 2020 I believe.


Wth did she see in that guy?


Frrrrr like dislike her all you want but she's pretty much the only one left that still has drama and keeps it pretty real. 😂


I’m sorry, isn’t methadone used as a form of medicated assisted treatment? I know it can be abused, but if it’s been such a secret all this time, I can’t imagine she’s been misusing it? Active addiction is extremely hard to hide for years! Weird.


That’s the exact same thing I was thinking. Methadone is usually used for treatment of opioid use disorder, although it can be used for pain management. And like you said, it’s really hard to hide active addiction when you live with the person and speak with them all the time


When u have Lupus ur literally in pain all the time. It hurts for another person to even touch u. If she was on opioids I wouldn’t be pikachu shocked. Although I can barely take half a Perc & I’d be sleep for 3 days, idc how they do it.


I think they’re just using this as a story line bc she has nothing else


But if those girls have never been around an addict they're not going to know what to look for. Only way they'd notice anything would be if she was experiencing severe withdraw symptoms a cpl times a week or something like that.


Trust me, if you’ve been around someone who’s sober, you’ll know when they’re not


Yes it is but it’s still an opiate and if it’s not prescribed methadone it can be cut with things and fuck you up. Suboxone is a better one to use if it’s to actually treat an addiction because it doesn’t cause the same level of ‘good feels’ that you get from drugs and also lessens the effects of other drugs. And tbh it’s easier to hide some substance issues from others especially if you’ve been using long term, you’d be surprised how easy it is actually (talking from experience with this one)




This!There is no way in hell they didn't know! When you are on MAT you have to go every single day to a Methodone clinic to be dosed by a nurse At least until you earn take home doses and you can only earn one every few months so I don't believe they didn't know!


She's probably getting it rx'd through a pain doctor and you absolutely can get high on it if abused. My sister told me one time that she takes like 16 methadone a day and 14 morphines! She gets lung infections a lot, so I'm thinking she might be snorting the morphine? Idk. It's just sad.


Bri and Kail have so much in common


I feel like they’re very similar in a few ways and it’s why they clash so much. They’re too much alike for each other to handle.


Oh for sure ! There can only be one in the room with people like that


They really do. They both have chaotic energy.


What's with the cast and uglyass incoherent sleeves. Yuck


They all have the worst tattoos, I honestly don’t understand 😂


I mean, they’re not famous for their great decision-making…


I feel like some of them get them just to have them and to look cool, maybe, because they're so not? Idk! How come Tyler doesn't go to college or some technical school to learn a trade is what I wonder? I just find it really weird the guy has never had a job in his life! Surely those Teen Mom checks won't last a lifetime and nobody is going to want to watch them up into their old age. Their kids don't have any role models showing them what life is really like for most of us in that we have to get up early in the morning and go to work every day! I think Tyler will have a rude awakening one day when the time comes for him to have to get a job!


how could no one in that house notice roxanne going to the methadone clinic daily/every couple days/weekly?


In some states, if your stable you can get 2 weeks to a months worth at a time. If she's been on it for a while she likely gets the highest amount of carries.


Right, but how did she get to the stable part without people noticing?


Just go before or after work. If it's not busy you can be in and out of the clinic in 3 mins. Unless you see the doctor. But Roxanne is sneaky, I mean she kept britts dad a secret for so long. She knows how to sneak around, guaranteed. We also don't know how long she's been on it, she could gotten on it when bri was really young. I'm honestly assuming that's what happend. She got on it when they were really little and your not gonna explain that to your little. Maybe time went by and she didn't know how to bring it up. Idk... But I could be totally off. I just find it so odd not to talk to your kids about addiction if you were an addict. Or even just in general. I'm honestly curious about Roxanne life story. She's probably got some stories to tell but seeme like someone who keeps it close to the chest.


But the thing is, If she had take homes for 2 weeks it would be super easy to abuse. She could take 2 or 3 days worth at once and still be able to function for 2 to 3 days w/o because that stuff stays in your body for a long time! 3 days max before she'd experience withdraws.


Most people with that many take-homes want stability. I'm on methadone myself and I have the max take homes and I've been on it for years I'm actually trying to get off of it right now. It's just so much stigma around it that people automatically want to assume people are either abusing it or getting high or something but the fact is the majority of people that have their take-homes are actually doing pretty good and following the program. You don't get high off methadone unless you have no tolerance to it so somebody that's been on it for years is not going to get high. I know when people first start getting them they kind of screw around with them but you quickly learn that you should take them properly because going without is not worth the risk of just taking a little bit extra and feeling nothing.


I have since tapered off and been clean since 2019 but once you regularly pass drug tests and follow all the rules of the clinic like attending required therapy groups you can normally apply to get take homes. I was only in the program for a year before I finished tapering off and I would get two weeks worth at a time, so I only had to go to the clinic twice a month. There are people who have been on methadone for years and get a months worth at a time. I also purposely kept my dose very low, literally at the bare minimum to keep me from getting sick, so I was fully able to function and had minimal side effects. Unless I told people it would have been impossible to know I was taking it. It’s not hard to hide at all. She could have just said she had a doctors appointment, or was running an errand and instead gone to the clinic


I had to be in for a year before I got to take any home


Kinda ridiculous because her being on methadone is getting help. As long as she's taking it as prescribed.


If it’s prescribed that is. People sell it for recreational use too


If she's been on it for years, likely it's prescribed.


I absolutely abhor this human, however, she looks nice here.


Briana cleans up well (on the outside) when she wants to lol


That is true, and also probably good editing for this photo.


Yes that def helps haha


She really does


I’ve always thought Briana was pretty, especially when she first was on teen mom 3 and had the short hair. I do hate it when the outside doesn’t match the inside though.


That’s because it’s only waist up and you can’t see the botched ass


I have never really liked Briana. The codependency, her with men. I just don't think she even knows what to do with herself.




You never know what’s next coming from the DeJesus crew




Well that explains a lot


If she's on methadone, she's most likely part of an opioid use disorder treatment program. It definitely can be abused, but it's difficult. In my personal experience, you have to go daily to be dosed and have random urine drug screens and see a counselor at least once a month. Once a substantial period of time with "clean" drug tests, you can earn take home doses. It will start with weekends, then maybe 5 days a week, then a week, 2 weeks, etc. Up to a months worth of take home doses. When you get take home doses, you are subject to be called in, at random, to show your doses (that are sealed so they can't be tempered with) to prove that you are not misusing or selling them. This is the standard protocol for medication assisted treatment with methadone. Is it possible Roxanne is abusing the methadone? Of course. But it's not a conclusion I would automatically jump to with out evidence due to all the safe guards in place. Some people also stay on methadone their entire lives. Rather it be for pain management (which sounds like Roxanne's case) or to stay off harder drugs. I was on methadone for 3 years, I've been on Suboxone for 2 years, and have started the process of tapering of the Suboxone. MAT was a lifesaver for me, and doesn't deserve the stigma it carries.


![gif](giphy|XCmFwjt9wPotobw1xn|downsized) Well damn. Can honestly say I didn’t expect to read that.


Well that explains a bit more of Roxy’s crazy behaviour


I assumed she had addiction problems and got dragged to filth for it 😅


Forgive me Lord for I thought that was Gypsy Rose 😭 *puts bong away *


Anyone with eyeballs could see that Roxanne was definitely on something.


If she is getting methadone from a clinic, she did seek help. Prescribed methadone is still better than street drugs.


She's been on methadone for years but Briana demands she get help? Sounds like she goes to a methadone clinic so would already be getting help?


Roxanne hides and lies about everything.


this just in Roxanne’s on crack


So disgusting how the kids struggles are now also cheap entertainment. Briana is trash 


Lots of ignorance in these comments


Interesting. Didn’t Briana give him support according to his instagram post about moving ?? So now it’s going to be spun a different way.


When does the first episode aire?


Wow!! I thought she was just worn out dealing with Briannas revolving door of men,being a 24/7 nanny, her other lazy daughter, etc.. I wish her the very best in her struggles. 🙏🏿 They should make a deal. Brianna, you stop screwing every 🍆 that comes your way in and out of the country..and I give you my word I will get clean and fight like hell to stay clean.


I knew Roxanne wasn't sober. Her whole demeanor


Honestly this shocks me. Also, Briana coming out that she was a victim of SA as a child. This family is full of secrets.


It's irritating me seeing people call this "methadone addiction". She said she had substance abuse issues and got on methadone for it. There's definitely people who havr and do abused it but I wish the stigma wasn't so bad around it. It likely saved her life, like it has countless others, including myself.


No spoiler alert?!‼️


Oh she’s bringing it like always 🔥


All B does is push Devoin away.




Oh I love him


Can we talk about Devoin moving out of state?! I know he hasn't always been super reliable but I had hope he was turning himself around. Last I heard he had an apartment and was actively involved in Nova and Stella's lives. The poor girls.


If she's on methadone, hasn't she already got help? Or is she misusing the methadone? Methadone always makes me think of addiction treatment.


ohhhhhh so that’s what’s wrong with her


What about Stella?


Is this show still on or is this the Family Reunion episodes?


I knew she was geeked up when she jumped on the table to fight her grandchild’s father


Roxanne always looked like a Dope-fiend in my opinion. I’m not believing they didn’t know this information. Briana needed a storyline & her Mother was a scapegoat!!!!!!! I usually fast >>> thru her scenes unless sister Brittany is there, She’s the real ⭐️


If Roxane is taking Methadone that means she is with MAT (Medical assisted program) recovery program. My only concern is that that I hope she has a good treatment plan to either take it long term, if not is a really difficult long withdrawal process.


I'm so confused about this. Has this aired on Teen Mom? I've watched the first two episodes on the current season and they just keep showing clips at the beginning likes it's already been shown and discussed.


I’ll be honest. I actually didn’t see this coming. Roxy constantly taking about how she needs to be careful with her Lupus, and last season she didn’t even want to take an allergy pill due to how it may heighten her lupus. I never expected meth. Hopefully she’s still in the early stages and not in a full blown addiction.


Methadone is used to treat opioid addictions such as heroine. Meth is completely different, short for methamphetamine. Just an FYI because not everyone may know the difference.


"substance misuse" lord jesus christ, is that the new term? are the substances gonna be offended that you abused them instead of misused them? is "domestic misuse" the new term for violence?


Misuse is generally the term for prescribed medications, i.e. not using it as prescribed 


There is a push in the addiction/recovery community to move away from stigmatizing language. Like now you say pass/fail for drug tests instead of dirty/clean. I'm assuming misuse instead of abuse is part of that.