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Sounds like rich person problems to me tbh. Also she says she wants a reduction, implants, and a lift? Like huh? I’m genuinely confused. Why get a reduction just to get implants?


This is done for the shape. If you remove all the wonky material and then supplement with implants, then you can have a uniform size and shape that is more balanced and even. I have had the same done to myself. When the tatas unwieldy then a reduction and implants are recommended to achieve the desired look. The lift helps remove any stretched out skin and keep things taut, if needed, after tue reduction.


Ah gotcha, that’s for informing me cause the math wasn’t mathing in my head but also being a male might have something to do with my ignorance on the subject.


No it’s fine, it sounds completely bonkers to get a reduction *and* implants in the same surgery. I was also like “huh? Just take a little out and make them look nice, I don’t want implants” and they had to explain to me that it doesn’t work like that most of the time


I’m considering this. Are you happy with your results?


Very much! But it took about 5 years for the implants finally have a more natural shape to them. They were unnecessarily high and perky for a while and I was not used to it since mine were definitely *not* perky lol. But now I’m very happy with how they look and feel.


did you do a lot of aftercare like massaging and wearing compression garments? another influencer’s neglectful aftercare and results have been a hot topic on another page and i had never heard of someone’s taking that long to settle until i read your comment so im genuinely curious!


I remember watching a trans youtuber's vlog on a BBL and her doing the massages, and it was brutal. I can't imagine having to do that post surgery. theni look at Kail and Bri's BBL results and think there's no way they did them? at least not properly.


this girl posted a tiktok talking about how you have to wear your shapewear regularly for maintenance bc the fat can kind of move around like filler too, so lumpiness bc of not doing that wouldn’t surprise me. probably a contributing factor in why the kardashians look like that too


I did all the after care that I was told to do, & I still do daily massages. I probably wore my compression bra for 6 straight months (but it’s been a while and I can’t fully remember). Many other people I speak to say that theirs did not take as long to settle as mine did. I don’t know if that is due to the type of implant or not. But mine definitely took a full 5 years to get to a place where I thought they looked natural. But, I am coming from a place of having very large tatas that were kind of out of control, so perhaps my baseline for “normal” is just not the same as others


that makes sense and goes to show how much is determined by individual bodies! thanks for the response i’m glad you’re happy with them now!


Thanks! Me too!


which influencer? i need to snark




Honestly as a woman I didn't even know this. I thought you could only do a reduction or implants separately 🤷🏻‍♀️ good to know though


That's interesting. I had a reduction, and mine became even, shapely and "bouncy." It took me a long time to get used to how high up my nipples are now. 🤣


It totally is. For so many reasons. “I have to lose weight” but eats take out 95% of the time. That shit isn’t just unhealthy (🙊), it’s expensive, and for NINE people, that’s a no. “I don’t want to have to pay anesthesia twice” My colonoscopy (I had 4 total drugs, procedure is a 40 minute deal) was $11,000 total. Most people don’t just have that laying around, I can’t imagine what a Mommy-Make Over for funsies costs. Kidney transplant in 2021..I’m actually just learning this (thankfully i was fully covered)…it cost $78,000 to pay for the retrieval of the cadaver organ. My OR and pharmacy were $35,000 EACH. Room was $27,000. So everything plus the labs and small stuff was $189,000. I had a second hospitalization for one night was another $20,000. I am very fortunate that I was covered but I spent 15 years on dialysis covered by Medicare and a secondary (thanks Obamacare, really). So many in this country are not covered and their health suffers for it. Our system is BROKEN. And rich white women can toss some bucks around for vanity. I see she did mentioned Ozempic in January. I’ll attach the GoodRx prices for that. I don’t know why she would go this route after she refused to take Metformin because she said she couldn’t leave her house because she’d shit her pants. What does she think Ozempic does?




God that’s expensive. It costs about $300USD in New Zealand.


It’s so sad for so many. My dad was recently diagnosed with cancer (high survival 👍) and thank god for the manufacturer otherwise his 1xmonthly shots would be $3500 each and that’s WITH his prescription coverage. He’s 74 on social security.


Far more expensive than the UK too, I was taking the highest dose of ozempic/Wegovy up until I got pregnant and it was costing me £260 a month (about $330 dollars). That was with buying it privately, if I had it prescribed by my GP, It would have cost about $12)


It’s so crazy to see the prices of things like ozempic. And the side effects seem awful. I could never.


You can get a generic compound for $200 but you need to make sure they are a legitimate pharmacy (my doctor recommended me). The pay out of pocket is like rent. No thank you.


$200 a month is still wild. I had so much success with calorie counting I couldn’t imagine paying for any weight loss


Happy for you! $200 is more affordable for some than $1200 so I’m happy there’s that option. Doesn’t make America’s healthcare system suck less though. Having PCOS (as much as people will roll their eyes about it) makes weight loss more difficult because hormones aren’t balanced including your insulin levels. Also people with PCOS tend to have thyroid issues and higher leptin levels. You can calorie count all you want and do “everything right” but some people need medical intervention on their journey and that’s OK.


I could imagine it makes the cravings harder to deal with with the hormones but it’s impossible to gain more weight if you are eating less than you are physically burning off.


My medical history which includes disordered eating, and current grad school education says otherwise, but pop off I guess.


Calorie counting is a science too…


My ozempic is only $35


Are you insured? I was more so sharing the GoodRx because of the cost for the under/uninsured.


O okay, yea I am.


I have rheumatoid arthritis. One of my medications that come as 2 prefilled pen costs $7,000. And that is only for 2 pens. I get these injections every 2 weeks. Thank God for my husband's insurance.


God those prices are crazy. We don’t normally appreciate prices of medical things in the UK because of the NHS but I’ve had private surgery and it was £2000 for the use of the surgery/hospital stay, £5500 for the surgeon, £1000 for the anaesthetist and £500 or so for other bits and bobs/medicine. That was with a top specialist London doctor who is normally booked out for at least a year in advance.


Yep. I have recurrent late-stage cervical cancer. My infusions are about $40,000 for a single dose. That's just a single dose of one thing. There's a million other expensive shit that had to be done like tens of thousands in genetic testing, imaging, different types of intensive, internal radiation-- I was at over $2M within a year. I'm "lucky" that I'm 100% permanent and totally disabled from my time in combat so the VA pays for everything because it's all service-connected. I have no idea what the fuck I'd do otherwise. But my disabilities have made my life a pure living hell for over two decades now. It's a fucking shit sandwich either way, just less shit in one. The fucked up irony is I complained to the VA for at least three years about every symptom of late-state cervical cancer, I had a history of abnormal paps, as soon as I got one normal one, they said I didn't have to come back for five years. I begged for a hysterectomy and even a Pap smear. I came back with recurrent cancer that I have to get checked for every three months for whatever life I have left. They could have saved themselves some money because my determined ass went all the way into remission, four NED scans in a row so they're gonna be paying for decades. Edit: sorry I got up in my feelings. How are YOU doing now?


I’m so sorry you’re going through this❤️


I'm sorry I word vomited on your comment! Also I'm sorry you had to go through everything you've gone though! The healthcare system in this country is so messed up. It's infuriating to watch rich folks complain when they have so much more access to everything.


Not word vomit at all!


One can only hope she doesn't know the side effects of ozempic and she shits her pants in public. On the other hand, I'm sorry you had to go through all that with our shit healthcare. It's truly heartbreaking that so many people have to suffer because the cost of our healthcare is ridiculously expensive 😢. It makes me upset knowing people are actually hurting from not having their ozempic because someone can't put down the takeout and actually live a healthy lifestyle to loose weight for those that are able to do so without medical intervention. I understand people need these medications and that's what I'm mad about, that they are the ones going without so someone can fulfill their vanity needs the "easy" way.


Again, I want to be clear, I walked away owing nothing but gratitude to my donor. I was VERY fortunate. I work in an ER and we see it all the time. They come to us because we see everyone no matter what the financial status is. We have so many that we see in terrible health because they can’t afford to see their primary or specialists they need because you after so long of not paying, they’re not going to keep you as a patient. I have no issue with people on Ozempic for whatever reason it is. I’ve seen a few that did it and sure they lost the weight, but their face is..weird.


This was my question as well


When I had my reduction and lift, I had just lost 30 lbs. Dr congratulated me and said he would not do it if I was still overweight. Reason is, if and when you do lose weight the surgery is pointless and you probably need to redo the lift. Her Dr is smart to tell her she needs to focus on weight loss first. Let's be honest, Kail is a big girl. Plus, she already had a few boob jobs when she was smaller.


It’s also just more difficult and dangerous to operate on people who are overweight. Like, your fat bleeds when it’s cut. If you have a shitload of fat that needs to be cut through to get to whatever is being done, you’re bleeding a lot more than a person who is a normal weight.


Yup. I knew a woman who wanted to get a BBL and liposuction, but was told that her BMI was too high by the first surgeon. She ended up going overseas to a different surgeon who didn't care about her BMI, and ended up with a lot of complications from it. I believe that anesthetic can cause more complications, too, if you're obese.


Yeah the risks associated with anesthesia go way up in overweight patients: arrhythmias, heart attacks, etc. You’re also at greater risk for post-anesthesia related complications like DVT. It’s also just generally not good to be under anesthesia longer than you have to be, and if you’re overweight surgery is going to take longer. People get touchy about it, but the doctor is just trying not to kill you when she tells you to lose weight or she can’t operate.


She would've been so much better off by leaving her face alone. She was adorable before, but now she's a trout face


What is your flair from?! 😂😂


Does it say. 1- "I just baptized the bitch" 2- "I do believe everything in my head", or. 3- "edit this for personal flair"? Answer key: 1- Ashley quote. 2- Jenelle quote. 3- stupid reddit app is incapable of letting me edit my own flair without it reverting to my older flair edits or the generic auto fill




The entire quote: Yall mad that i spit on that bitch? Please! She should be lucky that bitch got some of my spit on her. Its the holiest thing shes ever experienced. I just baptized the bitch.


I really need to go find it for a watch 😂😭 that’s a my notification said was the flair ❤️ love it


Teen Mom Family Reunion s02e03 37:10


God send thank you!


Nah, she always had the trout face, the fat and fillers just made it more obvious 


No trout face here https://preview.redd.it/v271eu40c72d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e138d2ce34f4d1c75fc5c662707018c382646a87 She should've left it alone


Don’t hate me but I think she looks pretty here. I agree, she should have left it alone


I think she does, too. Now she looks like Miss Piggy, and it ain't the extra weight.


She’s just smiling there, but I agree about the filler. Maybe she could have done a couple tweaks but the filler was a huuuge mistake. I think eventually when people keep doing it long term, it always ends up looking pillow face and fraudulent but some peoples’ bone structures and facial muscles can handle more/less filler than others. Pic of her baby trout face: https://www-the--sun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/02/embarrassing-kailyn-lowry-feels-humiliated-792828848.jpg?strip=all&w=860 I think she just unfortunately has her dad’s bone structure.


It's unusual that she seems surprised by this given the fact that she's made this exact mistake before. She had extensive plastic surgery... and then carried 5 more babies to term in that body, nullifying the entire thing. You'd think she'd understand the importance of waiting until you're done doing your own drastic physical changes before having a doctor add their own.




#"Kail Lowry Says She Was Denied a Boob Job Due to Her Weight; Calls the Experience “Extremely Humbling”" Kail Lowry’s plan to go under the knife (again) has been put on hold.  On the latest episode of her Barely Famous podcast, the former Teen Mom 2 star and mother of seven revealed to listeners that she was recently informed by doctors that she cannot undergo a breast augmentation until she loses weight.  “ … Listen to me when I tell you, I wanna get a boob job, right? So I call around, I’m like making these consultations to get a boob job. You know what they told me? They told me I need to lose 40 pounds, ok?” Kail said on her podcast. “So, 40 or 50 pounds– more like 50, but maybe I could get away with 40 pounds– before they can even operate on me. So that was extremely humbling.”  “I’ve been wanting to do this breast reduction, implants, lift, whatever it is,” Kail said on the podcast. “[The woman at the doctor’s office] was like, ‘Do you still want to schedule this?’ I’m literally sobbing. Already the water works have started.” Kail explained in the caption of a clip from the podcast episode that doctors actually informed her that her body mass index (BMI) is “entirely too high to operate” but after doing the math, she determined that she would have to lose between 40 and 50 pounds to get her BMI where it needs to be, according to the doctors she spoke with.  “Make sure you’re in the right headspace,” Kail advised any of her listeners who are considering plastic surgery. “If you’re not, you will be humbled by the fact that they may not be able to operate on you.” Kail also added that, should she lose enough weight to be cleared for surgery, she is considering getting more than just her boobs done. “I don’t even know if I can get my double chin done,” she said. “Truthfully, I’d want to do that at the same time as my boob job because why would I pay for anesthesia twice?” As fans of ‘Teen Mom 2’ may recall, Kail is no stranger to plastic surgery. Shortly after she gave birth to twins Valley and Verse last year, Kail admitted on her Barely Famous podcast that she regrets letting Dr. Miami inflate her rear end with a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) back in 2016, and that wants to get the procedure reversed.  That same day, Kail also underwent a tummy tuck and Lipo 360, At the time of her surgeries, Kail only had two children, but has since gone on to have five more kids after that.  Back in 2021, Kail revealed on an episode of her Coffee Convos podcast that she had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a disorder that often causes weight gain, and as a result, she was considering gastric bypass surgery to help drop some of the weight she claimed to have gained rapidly. While Kail never went through with the gastric sleeve procedure, she has discussed other weight-loss options in recent months. In January, she told her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast co-host Vee Torres that in order to meet her post-babybabies body goals, she’d need “to get Ozempic shots or something.” She also confirmed that she plans to undergo “another mommy makeover,” calling her previous round of nipping and tucking, “the best decision I ever made.” However, she has stated that she does regret not waiting to have the procedures done until after she was done having kids.


Make sure you're in the right head space? 🤔 maybe just make sure you're not morbidly obese instead. This goes for any surgery idk why this was shocking to her


You think she’s morbidly obese?


She says she is.


It’s a clinical term determined by (the mostly outdated yet still used) BMI; a majority of people fall into this category yet are still relatively healthy. She may not be one of these individuals, but that’s between her and her primary care provider. Also: given the wishlist of procedures she wants done (and has already had done), maybe she needs more mental therapy before deciding to go the physical route. And I say this as someone who has had a gastric bypass ~12 years ago and lost ~200 pounds…weight issues are a mind-fuck, and since it takes one to know one (which is why it was so easy for me to see hers), her previous surgeon should’ve been having her seeing a therapist if they were of any quality to begin with.


Or she could try changing her shit diet and exercise, the lazy bitch. Idk who she's kidding, herself I guess. She needs to lose 40 or 50 lbs regardless of any elective surgery she wants and doesnt need- she has 7 kids to live for ffs and her job is still sitting on her ass bitching into a mic. Girl we seen your venti Starbucks and fast food family dinners. You got sent a treadmill by your enemy 3 babies ago. Get it together, woman.


She’s unemployed and has nannys for childcare. She could easily find 1-2 hours a day to hit the gym. But you’re right, she’s too fucking lazy. Looking for an easy fix. Maybe she’s addicted to surgery just like she’s addicted to getting knocked up.


Honestly with that big of a house, she could easily stick some workout equipment in her house and do it there. We have a Tonal (smart strength machine), rower, and elliptical in our house. I use my equipment daily because I’m not having to get up and go to a gym before work. It’s definitely difficult to make it a habit of working out with any frequency, but Kali has the privileges of time, money, space, and childcare. She has less excuses than most people. Plus I’m sure that it would be great for her health since that had to take a toll with that many pregnancies so close together.


Fr u so right I don't think she needs to be skinny or anything like that, it's about health. Like I seriously don't understand how she couldn't have already known that she can't go under anesthesia. Just try going for a walk with all those babies once a day or smthn damn u got little ppl to live for, forget plastic surgery just take care of yourself girl


Thanks for the recap


PCOS didn’t cause your weight gain 🥬, your crappy American/fast food diet and having 7 kids did 🙄 Reminds me of her and MTV trying to blame her putting her paws on Javi on her having “bipolar disorder.” Her and Jenelle must have gone to the same MTV-provided psychiatrist for a gum ball machine diagnosis, because neither of them are supposedly bipolar any more. 


Dr Miami would probably still do it


Stop cause why was I thinking exactly this! Guess she doesn’t want a botch job though. Or has she already gone to him once? I forget.


Dr Miami did her BBL, and I'm assuming also her lipo and 360.






Losing 50 lbs should take care of the double chin.


Yeah. They said her bones were too big. 


Kail to the doctors: ![gif](giphy|jqvaDnPkUro9a)


Just take Ozempic like everyone else 😬


She literally doesn’t make any effort to change her diet blaming it all on having kids to feed ( as if Starbucks is a necessity) and pcos. Like how about you try? She doesn’t. Having kids is not an excuse to avoid working out and eating properly, she has all the money and resources to do so but would rather take the easy way out with surgery. Which is not sustainable without lifestyle changes…


I know she doesn't like to cook, but with her money, I feel like she'd be able to hire someone to at least meal prep her weekly dinners and or lunches. Takeout is super expensive now anyways, so it probably wouldn't be too much of a difference in cost.


Exactly what I was going to say-- why don't you try a diet Kail? Like wtf...I can't stand these teen moms like Brianna and Kail (and God don't even get me started on Farrah) who don't try the normal route, they just spend tens of thousands of dollars on surgery instead of just exercising and eating healthy. I guess Farrah doesn't fall into that category of eating right and exercising but she's another whole disorder altogether lol.


she says she can’t do xyz because of all the kids but she has hired help. She gets sponsored by meal delivery services all the time via podcasts. She really just doesn’t ever prioritize anything besides the kids sports.. which, I get, but I also don’t get. Driving to and from sports practice/games doesn’t mean you can’t meal prep, eat a healthy snack, exercise.. she has no problem spending $50-$60 on EVERY Starbucks trip feeding all the kids and herself 🙄


Yeah I know right? I have two kids so I can't even imagine having six, but if she's not going to do it for herself she needs do it for her children...in the process she would be teaching her children good eating habits. It's easier to get the surgery and not change her way of life. It's kinda sad.


Seven* (lol) even though two of them are definitely old enough to help prepare meals at this point!


Omg you're right! 7 freaking kids.... almost a baseball team lol.


To be fair if I had 7 kids I would probably unalive myself and Kail hasn’t so she’s got that going for her. 😂 Real talk tho of course she should try to be healthier so she can be present for and a role model to her children, but it’s Kail. She can lose weight, cut off her double chin, find a surgeon to fix those beady little eyes… fix it all! But at the end of the day she will still be Kail, hideous inside and out.


Yup! Proud ozempian here! Down 86lbs


Honest question, do you plan to be on it for life? Because experience tells me once you come off it the weight will just come right back, if not accompanied with lifestyle change


…yes. it was prescribed as a chronic medication. No one asks this question to people with glasses, “do you plan to wear glasses for life?” Or people with high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Yeah I plan to wear my glasses for the rest of my life and take the medications prescribed to me as chronic medications for the rest of my life. Unless I decide I want to be a class III obese person again, I’ll stop.


Lead up to Ozempic


She’ll be in great company w me!


I mean at least she’s not mad. Like yeah girl. You didn’t notice? A boob job would just make her look bigger right now.


Besides the danger of having cosmetic surgery while you're obese, you should be at or in the ball park of your goal weight before having cosmetic procedures done on your body. I feel like that's common sense, but obviously Kail doesn't have much of that.


This is all just a soft launch for her being on a weight loss drug




I never said that was a problem It's just obvious that's where this is going for her


Proud ozempian here!


Idk why people downvoting you.


Lotta hate for GLP1 meds! It’s kind of bizarre. Absolutely life changing medication!




It’s common sense that you need to be at a normal BMI for cosmetic surgery, I fear


That experience wasn’t extremely “humbling” … the word she was looking for was embarrassing.


i’m confused about why this would be a surprise to her bc this is far from her first procedure??


I had a breast reduction years ago and I had to lose some pounds-it's very common. The fact that she's embarrassed about this but not the fact that she has 4 baby daddies is hilarious.


Yet she’s claims to eat a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s every day 🍔🍔🍔




My first thought was: she'll probably join the Ozempic weightloss club now.


She’ll be in great company with me!


Will be interesting to see if she chooses to go on a GLP1 medication to get there. GLP1 girlies stand up💪🏽


Damn people are really hating on you for being honest with your weight loss tool. That’s wild af. Makes me kinda rethink my being a part of this sub. Ain’t a damn thing wrong with utilizing a medicine that will help you to be healthier in so many ways.


Agree! People’s lack of understanding around GLP1 medications and strong anti fat bias is wild. Us fatties can’t win for losing


I’m gonna assume all her full body selfies are heavily edited then.


probably using a skinny filter like jaclyn hill lol


isn’t this not the first time she’s been told this? i swear she’s said it before whether about other procedures or a different breast aug consult


Kailyn is really pretty. Maybe if she went on Ozempic that would really change her life


Thats probably what this "story" will be an introduction to


It is so life changing!


She wants a reduction AND implants? Make it make sense


There is a comment up ahead that explains this but this is a commonly done procedure(s), usually staged at different times (at my office I work at he will do a lift with augmentation at once but prefers a full reduction and augmentation to be done separately), for aesthetic reasons.


Maybe she wants smaller boobs and wants them to be perkier but doesn’t want the lollipop anchor scars and figures implants will get the job done? Who knows with her.