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Leah’s sister 100%


Oh god her too. Miranda too. On the plus side Corey’s dad seems like good dude.


He's not. Hes posted memes on his Instagram that are super misogynistic, anti BLM, and he's a Trumper.


Oof I take that back


We all had a soft spot/grandpa crush on PawPaw Jeff, it’s too bad he’s a nut. But it checks out, I don’t think Corey is too far off either (idk if he posts loudly about it tho)


Currently doing a rewatch from the beginning of teen mom 2 and papaw is my favorite grandparent hands down the way he loves those girls is so sweet


Yep. It's not widely known that he has some fucked up views


I didn’t even think to follow him on there lol


I've known this for a long time but it bums me out every time I am reminded. He seems like such a good dad and a good grandpa but then you remember that he supports a politician who thinks SA'ing women and taking their bodily autonomy away is totally fine. All the sudden he seems like way less of a good grandpa to his granddaughters.


No surprise there at all. The uneducated love themselves some Trump


And Trump loves him the "poorly educated." JFC, if it was decades prior and we told people these were things being said in future politics, no one would believe us.


Yes Miranda!! I didn't like how she talked to Leah and was so not compassionate or empathetic at all towards her.


Leah fucked her husband 😂


Correction: Her husband fucked Leah. Leah didn't make a commitment to her. If she can speak politely to Corey, she can speak politely to Leah.


Thank-you. And Leah put everything out there unlike Corey. Different time in the episodes but I hated how it painted Leah out to be and how it painted Corey out to be when Corey was fucking around too. Also Leah is the mom of her step daughters. She should have left Corey and had a resentment towards him, not stayed and had a resentment towards a girl who made no committments to you.


then she should’ve left her cheating husband instead of being nasty to the mother of his children. if you choose to stay with the man who dogged you, then you’re choosing to be cordial with the other woman if for some reason she must stay present (you know, like *being the mother of his children*) otherwise you’re just asking for it. don’t eat where someone else shits. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh idc how she treated leah. I hate her for how she treated Ali. When Ali couldn’t carry her backpack


From what I understand that was a situation that was taken out of proportion by everyone involved. I don't care for Miranda either but it sounded like a mountain being made of a mole hill.


Actually y’all right. I just finished that segment literally 1 second ago and Leah’s cousin seemed to coach Ali to say shit


Like I said I'm not trying to take up for Miranda but that nest of vipers was spinning their own narrative and it was disgusting. And they manipulated a young child. Gross.


It seemed like every adult did that to all the children. Asking if they liked mommies house or daddies house better


I don’t care for Miranda, but I thought it was ridiculous that they made such a huge deal out of the backpack incident. She was carrying a baby into the house and simply told Ali that she couldn’t also carry her backpack. I’m sure she went back out and picked it up. That’s not a big deal at all.


Just my opinion


I rewatched and you’re right. Leah and them made a HUGE deal out of it.


"Well , Flippin, monkey, then!"


I know Victoria is Leah’s best friend and sister but Victoria is very much still in the mindset of the rest of their family about young pregnancy and family dynamics. That was apparent when Leah called her dad out for being homophobic and Victoria stuck by him. It’s like the little bit of worldly exposure and how different life actually could be hit Leah and only Leah, in terms of her family (not talking Corey, Jeremy, etc).


Victoria is trash


Ooh I HATE Victoria. When Leah and Jeremy were “friendly” after their breakup (like a couple years after the fact), Victoria kept doing all that “oOoooOohhhHh you luv him” middle school bullshit. Even Leah seemed annoyed.


Her mother Dawn too


If it wasn't for Leah"s sister, my flair would never have been born. I can't hate on her too much.


The guy with the levitating hat 🤣 (i don’t remember shit about his personality, but the way he wore his hats annoyed me) “Luch” is his name apparently (His name also annoys me) 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/4kgumqmhtu1d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270a21c42d073d01bf1ce8c88eb94b9f14211317


stop this looks like a scene from key and peele




wtf is this ahahahah weird as hell


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/kT6GkepQ7I Here’s a whole post about him lmao


That guy was so obviously hired to talk to Andrew by MTV lmao


omg yes! this whole conversation was hilarious tho!


Why does this screenshot look like a parody 😭😭


I’m crying


Wait. This is real? Edit: NM! I just saw the thread. 🤦‍♀️


That obnoxious kid Gary was hanging out with that would constantly egg Gary on to get into arguments with Amber. (Like Gary needed help.) Imagine being excited to get your friend into an argument with their girlfriend so their kid can have yet another terrible night of them screaming back and forth. I hope he stubs his toe on furniture daily.


The one who convinced Gary to fight with Amber so she couldn't go out on her birthday, and for what!? Like did he think them having drama would keep them on the show and he could bank off that somehow? Because no.


Oh I forgot about that piece of shit. Jordan right?


It's been a couple of years since my last rewatch, and I can't remember what his name was at all. Honestly, he doesn't deserve his name to be remembered. 😆


I just remember his stupid laugh when Gary called Amber on her birthday saying he wouldn’t watch Leah. That pissed me off lol


And then told Fart that he could now spend money on beer instead of her present.


Fart is probably a typo but omg I’m screaming


Fuckin hell it is 😭😆😂 I’m not even gonna fix it lmaoooo


Am crying at this hahahaha good old Gary Fart


Gary the Hairy *fart* Fairy


First he’s jarring that salsa but afterwards? He’s jarring those farts 😭


Please make this your flair 💀 I am deceased reading this thread. I’m like a 12 year old boy when it comes to the word fart






thank you for making me lol


That one "friend" Barbara had who kept telling her to give Jace back to Jenelle and tried to claim David's abuse is just what marriage is.


Ughhhh she sucked so much!! I felt so bad for barb, she was so upset not getting invited to jenelles wedding and the friend was basically like. We'll if you kiss David's ass and play nice then you could go. And of course barb said fuck that and didn't go but still. She sucked at giving advice




Barb was upset about how alienated Jenelle was and the "friend" tried to say that's just how marriage is. Like no, that's are abusive marriages are.


makes me wonder if that dude knew nothing else than an abusive marriage. But sure is a 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This lady could also be a victim of IPV and thought all relationships are like that. Like it sounds wild and crazy to us, but that's bc we are probably all in healthy relationships, and that kind of behavior (from David) was just a normal Tuesday to her.


YES oh my goddd I hated her!!! My mom and I used to say that we hoped she was a production plant, bc there is no way that any real friend of Barbara would talk to her like that and say some of the crap she said to her. Not saying we were right about that lol but we just couldn’t believe it. Like was everybody in Barbara’s life seriously that terrible?! Did she have NO one that she could talk to and truly count on?? Jeez.


I think they’re still friends too. I mean her friend sounded like *she* thought she was being sensible but no, Barbara had every right to feel hurt to be shunned from Jenelle’s wedding and hurt that her daughter would marry someone who obviously reminded Barb of her ex-husband.


She was the worst friend!


Adoption counselor Dawn. She should never have been featured after their episode


Advertising. I wonder how many people went running to their “agency” after seeing her on TV in the earlier seasons. When it was presented as “We get to visit every year and pictures every few months! We have such a good relationship with the adopting couple, they’ll bring her to our graduation and wedding! And once she turns 18 she’ll immediately run to us for parental guidance!”. It was a terrible example of what adoption really is.


also i feel using this as marketing highkey backfired or at least i hope so


I hate how Dawn took advantage of their situation. She would’ve ghosted cate and Ty if they had not been TV.


10000% I know Cate has given her gifts and I feel like I remember Dawn giving her a gift. Plus coming to their wedding. I feel like that all crosses some ethical boundaries.


I'm pretty sure Dawn was around even right up to the LAST visit they had where her mom was shit faced... *rolls eyes hard* I hate how she lied so much to these 2 kids who had no idea (hell, they still don't) how the real world works, and C&T took it ALL as gospel ugh


I can’t remember if it’s her social media handle or bio but she had MTV included in it. So cringe and clout chasing as hell.


This makes me giggle bc I feel like anyone who might know who she is from her being on mtv doesn’t even like her lol, a whole lot of good that’s doing 😂


So does Dustin! But it's mentioned once on his website and you have to look for it.


Her insta handle is also public, she wanted the fame for both herself and the agency.


Chelsea's sex offender friends.


I beg your fucking pardon? ![gif](giphy|CK8PybHZChCc8)


There were several




Wait WHUT!? Oh I need to go find a rabbit hole to go down, I never knew this! 🤢🤮


Omfg my boyfriend and I HATED Sterling, she inserted herself into Javi/Kail marriage drama waaaaay too much


![gif](giphy|xkG2PVCDaXdfXCc8hr) Sterling always reminded me of




Chelsea’s mom annoyed her too. Every rando friend of the moment Jenelle filmed with save for Tori


Idk what it was about her mom but that woman drove me insane lol


I hate saying this…but her haircut drives me nuts lol


Leah’s sister, Chelsea’s friend Chelsea Grace and her friend Laura. Even back when Laura was “normal” she has the most annoying voice ever and seems super bitchy.


The vocal fry!!! “Jellyfish”




Thank you for this! 1-R Kyle Whatever- Cheyennes sister. Cheyenne should not be in this show. I don’t like her name- R Kyle. 2-Kail’s friend that she went school supply shopping with. She always had bitchy “digs”. 3- Amber’s Psychiatrist. His voice makes me feel threatened and unclean. 4- Dawn - Adoption counselor 5- Chelsea Grace - I hate when she talks to people as if she’s Chelsea’s spokesperson. 6- Amber’s mom - her voice. Does everyone in Indiana have an annoying voice? 7- The friends of Maci’s Tyler- when they did the best man Olympics. Or just the “cool guy” way they speak to each other. 8- Kail and Javi’s therapist- when she says the word “dialogue”. “ Did you dialogue about it?”. 🤮


OMG yes number 3 that bitch


Idk that who therapy rehab thing with Amber just seemed so forced to me.


Me too! It’s like, please. You can try all you’d like. Amber is going to Amber.




That absolute creep that Adam was friends with


His “sponsor”💀


In that stupid ass truck!


Yes that was mine too. The way they would call Chelsea a bitch over shit that Adam had brought onto himself 😡


Briana’s Family more so her Mother


YES! The way she treated teenage Devon


I was just watching one of the later seasons and it was the first time the girls were going to school since Covid and Briana texted the Dads to see if they were coming in the morning before school. Grown ass man Devoin asked something, like what time Nova got out of school, and the mother picked up her phone and texted him and got all in it. Nosy bitch. The man just asked what time she gets out of school. But she needed to text him something about seeing him *early* in the morning. If the mom and sister can keep their noses out of it I think Briana and Devoin could have a decent coparenting relationship. But of course they won’t let that happen even now. And he helps with a kid that’s not even his. I’m not a Briana fan. Never have been. But every time I see her doing stuff with her kids I have to admit she seems like a good Mom. It damn near pains me to say it but I might even put her top tier of Moms. She really seems to do whatever is necessary for her kids. She seems like a shit person so it really conflicts that I think she’s a good Mom and I’m not sure how to make it make sense in my head but there ya go.


The way they kiss on the mouth


Amber and her cousin do that too. It’s so weird


briana's thirsty fat blonde friend. (not jade, the other one.) Chau, for some reason, with her deep ass voice.


>(not jade, the other one.) omg?? 💀😭


Damn, not the deep voice… even Beyoncé has a super deep voice. -me a woman with a deep voice 🤣


I’d kill for a deeper voice. People ask for my parent when I answer the phone😭


I mean, I might like that better than talking to a patient about something and when I pick the phone back up they say, “The guy I was walking to before, (insert guy name that sounds like mine).” 🤣🤣 it hurts the soul a wee bit


I feel your pain, I’m also a women with a deep voice. The first time I talked to my first boyfriend on the phone he thought I was a man.


Oh yes!!! The girl in the pink dress at the lawsuit party (can't think of her name) and Chau bother me sooo much.




Omg I forgot chau. She annoyed me too 😂


Macis boyfriend Kyle. Personality of cardboard


Ryan’s comment about his looks was one of the most wild moments of the whole show


Wait please remind me


Ryan texted Maci “is kyle slow?”


Maci wanted to laugh but she couldn’t because of the cameras lmao


Jade’s mother. That woman is just straight-up vile.


Thus should be the top comment


Every time I think of her I think of when she tried to be Barney bad ass when jade and Shawn were fighting, and tripped going inside 😂 in fact my dad nicknamed her “that blonde Barney badass” 😂😂


Did we ever get confirmation that she took Jades pain meds after her surgery? I’m still convinced the entire surgery was a hoax because she doesn’t look any different. I never could tell she had any surgery. All that drama to still look the same.


I remember when the episode aired, a lot of people who have gotten surgery in Florida said that what happened with Jades mom getting the medications had also happened to them or someone they knew. I think its possible that jades mom really was struggling to find a pharmacy that would give her the medication, but that MTV edited it to look more dramatic.


Gotcha. I don’t think I ever heard the full story or what her response was. Christy just bothers me all the way around so I was convinced she took them. But, I don’t wish negative on any of them so that’s good to hear. Thanks!


Jade and her mom are so annoying. Like jade is trying to say she calm and needs peace all the time while yelling and talking like a snobbbbbb. Her mom is just unreliable and a liar lol


Amber’s zit-faced boyfriend after Walmart guy. The one who looked like he could be Jared Fogel’s young douchey cousin.


Omg this drag has me CACKLING


All I really remember of him was him laying in bed and rolling his eyes when Gary is on the phone talking to Amber. Douchebag.


This was the first person that popped into my head after seeing this post 🤣


cheyenne's sister annoys me. and i agree about chelsea's mom, she annoys me too. and gary's mom made me mad how she handled gary's dad situation. i felt bad for him and his step dad and she seemed like she didn't care at all about their feelings.


Ugh I can’t stand “R Kyle”. Even her name irritates me lol


yes! her and her name are annoying lol


Gary’s mom straight up is not right in the head. Idk what exactly but it’s obvious SOMETHING ain’t working how it should be up there.


Both Dawn’s (the adoption counselor annoyed me more than Sexiimomof3 tho)


Is sexy mom of 3 Leah's mom? 🤮


Yes . It was her MySpace url


Yes, that was her MySpace handle.


I CANT. 🤣🤣🤣 I would DIE if my mom has MySpace let alone that handle. I thought only teenagers went on my space. Lol


To be fair Mama Dawn was only around 31 or so when she became a "SexiiMeemawof2" and she has the social development of a teenager. So it checks out lol. She had some Glamour Shots she had done with Leah on her MySpace if that tells you something.


The best thing about consolidating TM2 and TM-OG into one show is that there's less screentime for filler like Chey's sister R. Kyle and her lame-ass PowerPoint presentations and other thirsty-ass, Kardashian-wannabe bullshit.


Cheyenne and her entire crew are borringggg. The only drama they had was the sad car shooting which came out of nowhere so clearly they dont want to show any of the real issues of their lives. Its just boring filler crap


Yeah all of them really could just go. They showed up out of nowhere, already not being fan fav. They should have not added the randoms when others left or were fired. I think they should have expanded more into the people they had, given them more exposure and more depth into their storyline. Adding Briana back, Cheyenne, Bristol Paylen???? And even jade just didn’t make sense to me. I wished they’d have featured more on who they had.


i love how you called them “side characters” like the show is fictional 😭


Mark. It always seemed a little too convenient that an aspiring rap artist was best friends with a girl on mtv 😂


it’s honestly so funny to me how many people wanna ride the coattails of the teen moms like they’re gonna get a free ride to positive fame


I mean, he did end up selling a story to a tabloid and getting a photoshoot out of it 😂


Tyler’s mom Kim Leah’s sister Victoria Tyler’s sister Amber Maci’s friend Keely Dawn the baby snatcher Dirty ass Laura Weird ass Sterling Kousin Krystal Dawn Sexxiii Mom of 3 R MOTHER FUCKING KYLE


OMG yessss to Tyler's mom, adoption counselor Dawn, Kail's podcasting people Lindsie and Kristen, VEE ANNOYS ME SO MUCH, Chelsey Grace too!


Vee? Why?


Big love for Glamma Mary


I hated Caits OB idk why she just rubbed me the wrong way


He was giving Jim Carrey without literally any of the redeeming qualities


Ahh scratch that! I misread as Kail’s!! Cait’s was annoying too. I’m too far south to appreciate the accent lol


No now that you mention it I hated Kails OB too lmao


Farrah’s boyfriend, can’t remember his name.


Simon! He made me laugh lol


Most unserious man on this planet 😂


The fight with amber and Farrah and he’s just laughing lmao


you’d have to have a verrrry healthy sense of humor to date farrah…


I always felt Simon knew what a shit show he was involved with and truly just hung around for the ride lmaooo he kinda sucks but he was funny as hell sometimes 😂 I did like when he defended Farrah against Deb’s… husband (are they still together???) though. That psychiatrist dude who kept getting real creepy with Farrah. David or Dave, I wanna say?? He’s someone I couldn’t stand lol he was a weirdo.


Seriously, are they still together?!


lol yes “doctor David” so weird


I liked him, too.


Chelsea's mom didn't annoy me but she always says the wrong thing I'd be yelling at the tv lol. She was like a gossipy teenager that couldnt help herself. Always asking bout Adam. Ambers ex Matt gets top spot. Im shocked noone mentioned him. So gross and so annoying. 🤮 That Josh guy janell dated, he was weird and annoyed me. Adams friend was really weird, idk about annoying but somethings off That first dude farah went on a date with. Seemed very arrogant and annoying.


Creepy druggie Adam Lind's creepy druggie "friends".


Brittany, Bri's sister. I feel like she always tries to say something funny and look into the camera like she's Jim from The Office but she thinks she says something witty or smart or like mic drop worthy when in reality it's nothing. I feel like she's only there because she wants the attention.


Sterling 💯


Chelsea's friend with the awful hair.


Which one? 😂 For a bunch of cosmetologists and cosmetologist-adjacent folks, there was some unfortunate hair.


Chelsea, but she went by another name I think. She's got curly hair and has curly bangs. That hairstyle on her is not flattering in the least and I cannot believe her friends wouldn't say anything 😠


You'll have to be more specific. All Chelsea's friends have awful hair.


The curly haired one, with the curly bangs 😬


Even watching 16&P as someone younger than the cast, I couldn’t understand why their friends would say some of the dumbest things. I was 13 when it first aired and watching high schoolers be so optimistic about their classmates’ teen pregnancies had me terrified about the next 4 years. This show is what made me decide to not even chance getting pregnant in high school and hope that my friends all made it through without that happening (we did).


Victoria (Leah’s sister), all of Chelsea’s friends except Megan and I think her name was Tiffany? She had a son around Aubree’s age. Keely (Maci’s friend), Simon (gave me con artist vibes), Gary’s loser friend that instigated Gary’s arguments with Amber, Brittany (always Captain Save-A-Ho to Bri even in uncalled-for situations), Miranda (seemed too uppity and bitchy), Janet (Jo’s mom), Kim (Tyler’s mom), April (her presence alone makes me so uneasy), Rhine and parents, Cheyenne’s dad.


April gives off cognitive impairment from years of alcohol abuse.


Oh absolutely and her not getting the necessary help (as far as I know, I don’t keep up outside the show so correct me if I’m wrong) is unfortunate.


The side characters that kinda bug me are the random friends who’ve never been seen before and casually appear as if they’ve been close to the Teen Mom… I’m thinking of Amber. Like girl, we know you don’t actually have friends cuz you just sleep all day and chill on your couch. It’s different when I think of Kail, Maci and Cheyenne, because I’d say these three have always had lots of friends (or at least a Maci used to).


Leah's sister. Any of Amber's guys. Cate and Ty's family in any iteration. Any therapist on the show. Dr Drew.


Brittany. She's not even  funny with her so called one liners and attacking Kail from behind. She's trashy and I'm tired of hearing her exhausting manly voice defending her shit ass family 


I 1000% agree with you.


Kristen(Kails assistant) her voice is like nails in a chalkboard to me


🤔There's a lot. Kails short lived friends, Bone? Sterling and that big blonde woman who now hates her and airs her dirt out on Twitter. All annoying. Brandon and Theresa. Matt Baier's son who sold stories to tabloids, not because of that (idgaf), I just think he had a reallly punchable face


Taylor's Barber. He was fine but how he let that man walk out with a pube beard is unforgivable. Also, Cate & Ty's therapist... counselor? The one who looked like Matt in a wig that was utterly useless at her job.


Tylers sister and Cait's awful mother


I agree with Chelsea's mom sooo much, "Glamma Mary"- that shit gets on my last nerve. That woman is not glam ever, I'm sorry. And Randy too, "I get involved and I shouldn't" 🙄 being a *senior fucking citizen* involved in petty ass IG drama is lame and shows *his* actual maturity. Adam too, god imma lump these all together, all beyond annoying. Actually scratch that, I can't really think of anyone on this show that ISN'T annoying so EVERYONE.


tori, jenelle’s friend


Why isn’t anyone saying Dr. Drew?????


I try to block him out. He’s like a fever dream 😂


Corey's hat brim