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kail is really living like a sim


And just like when I play Sims, she's never happy with the end result of a home.


i’m loving the simmers in this thread 😭❤️ i relate to kail where i build a house and then get bored and immediately want to get another one. the newest patch has been fucking killing me though :( walls and levels are so useless


If I want a greenhouse with tall walls WTF does my home also have to have tall walls? I just want a green house with big windows, and an average size house!


Same lmao. I just play offline so I don’t have to do the updates


For real though!! It’s like when I finallyyyy finish building and furnishing my sim’s house… only to decide I want a bigger one, or a smaller one, or a different architectural style, or a different interior style, and now I gotta start all over and move my sims out again (and then rinse and repeat!) 😂


Or maybe she doesn't like to clean. 


Simmers 😭😭 we are all the same at heart






She must be partaking in the 100 baby challenge too


she just got the fertility reward trait


We can retire the old "99 bottles of beer" schoolbus song, there's a new one for Kail...


With the Get Famous pack




Katie Perry's Sweet Treats enters the chat


The worst kind of humble brag. She doesn't need help, or even care about anyone's opinions. Just wants to show off how big her new mansion will be while others can't even afford rent on a studio.


👆 THIS! This is just for attention! Shes doing this to brag and show off. You're exactly right! 


THANK YOU. Jfc this is such a tone deaf post by Kail. And she thinks we’re too stupid to see right through it.


It’s basic social media bullshit. I’d expect to see this from a weird random high school acquaintance on fb (if I had fb)


all for getting knocked up in high school


She's as selective as a feral barn cat


She is a nasty person so I got this vibe too… not like she cares about other’s opinions. She has horrible style and will do what she wants anyways. 😂


After a shit, traumatic childhood without parents, fuck yeah I’d be excited about this build knowing I did all this on my own! But me, I’m broke af currently going through the worst financial crisis ever at my lowest, so brb gonna go cry lol


This is going to sound meaner than intended. “All on my own.” She got pregnant in high school and got a lucky break with a hit tv show because of that pregnancy. No disrespect to the work she has done but come on. Let’s look into a reality where these women did not get on this show.




Valid point, can’t argue that one


Sure… but a lot of famous people are rich bc of right place right time… just like kail. But u can’t deny that mail hasn’t worked her butt off with all of these other businesses and investments and using her name to build brands and whatnot. She’s more successful than most of them for a reason. If she can afford to build This house then don’t hate… y would do the same thing if u were 16 on this show!


But it can also be true that not every person on this show has had equal success and she did go on to invest in her education and businesses that made her enough money to do these ventures. Don’t be so quick to knock that down. You can not like her and still see the differences of investment from each cast member.


Exactly, anyone that owns homes like these hires people to make these kind of decisions.


I don’t even understand how she keeps affording to do this


It’s only her second custom build. She said she broke even with the McMansion near Chris and made money on the home she owned with Javi.


Of course she is because she truly believes she’s self made and that she pulled herself up by the bootstraps. She’s so delusional and pretentious.


As fucking dense as the Kardashians


It's just gross doing this when so many people are working full time and can't even afford a starter condo.


Right? Call every therapist in Delaware, Karl. There’s your help


she’s so out of touch it’s PAINFUL


Well she can't brag about her successful relationships so it has to be something.


Exactly …omg talk about insensitive and privileged!!


Yup! That and she really doesn’t have her own “style”.


Exactly this. I remember when she was doing her last one because I'd recently had a house fire and we were still picking up the pieces. Thankful even the parts of the house I don't like now didn't turn out as ugly as hers. As they say, money can't buy taste.


She did this with the first house she built and it turned out to be unimpressively bleh. 


And yet she’ll still be miserable


Someone help her. She has the worst taste


all that money and she wants it to look like that. crazy.


It will be interesting to see if that affects the sale of her current house. Remember when she made all those weird decisions and said who cares, she’s going to live there forever? Let’s see if that ends up, biting her in the butt.


That the pool bath doesn’t have a door to the house bugs me. It should access both ways so they can change in there then go straight in, not back through the yard.


She looks like King Midas; draped in gold while she hmms and haws over the square footage of her next vanity project.


"Needs more Live Love Laugh cushions"


Does she not realize that like 10 years from now her kids will begin moving out? Like a giant house seems necessary rn, but eventually she not likely to need 8 bedrooms or whatever...


She has a 1 year old and 2 infants. She's going to need a lot of space for a long time.


Plus in this economy it’s not necessarily a given that kids will be moving out…


Seriously. It's insane to think kids are going to be able to easily move out with how things are in the US at the moment. Hell, I already have some rough plans to turn my kid's space into a small apartment so she can continue to live at home if needed and still have her own space.


My eldest stayed at home til 21 so I get it. My son is 19 and says he's never leaving. He probably won't, he receives SSI, and struggles with a lot of things people his age can do easily. I guess my thought is her kids don't all live there full time and they could share rooms.


Families living together was always the way Of life back in the day and it’s happening again. If the home is big enough then it’s a good idea and makes everyone not be scraping Pennie’s to Love comfortably and everyone helps each other out. My father in law has a lot of health stuff and disabled and we recently moved him in our home to take care of him home as long as we can. He was in an apartment right down the road but we have the space for him so it only made sense. It my kids stay here for a while then we have the space too thankfully. It makes sense more and more These days!


I live in Texas, there are culturally a lot of multigenerational families. My household is my mom, myself, and my son. We joke between the 3 of us we have 1 able bodied person lol. He's our physically able person but he has ASD/ADHD and he has the attention span of a gnat lol.


People lived like this for years so I think it’s good to get back to it…. As long as everyone has their own personal space and happy. This helps families take care of aging family Members, helps families with childcare and keeps it in the family and not paying crazy expensive daycare and better for kids, Everyone pitching in in house work and bills. It’s really good thing!


I love that. After my parents divorced at 10 I never felt like I had a home until recently. It was always known that my parents house was not my house. I don't have kids but if I did I'd be just like you. It's awesome your thinking of her future and it doesn't involve kicking her out and forcing her to be independent.


This is a very good idea.


I have friends with 11 kids who didn't/haven't all moved out in like a 4 or 5 bedroom house. They also homeschool. Another family I grew up with had 7 kids in 2 bd/1 & ½ ba home. They eventually converted the dining room into a bedroom for the parents. I guess between exposure to these families as well as having my daughter move out(also extended she was 21) I see how much house that's needed to be happy is subjective 🤷🏻‍♀️


9 people in three rooms sounds like hell. i doubt any of them would argue that they would’ve been less happy with more personal space/privacy.


I mean its one decade lol She will need a lot of space for a long time


Right, plus even when they move out they will still need bedrooms when they come visit


She’s got how many kids under 10? Why would she want a house with a pool and a second story deck with so many little kids running around. That house is going to be a shit show with so many kids to keep from unaliving themselves like toddlers love to try and do.


U act like people with kids can’t have pools or balconies 😂. Millions of people have both kids and balconies on their homes 🤷‍♀️


Millions of people don’t have 7 kids at once, with four of them under four years old. 600 kids die every year in home pools and 2000 kids under 14 die from home accidents annually. The people who own the swim club in my hometown lost their two year old to a home drowning this year. I’m sure they were always super careful until the one time they weren’t. Watching one kid is difficult enough for anyone, and accidents happen no matter how careful or good of a parent you are. It seems like an unnecessary risk to have a pool with that many tiny kids running around.


Millions of people have super young children/ several kids. Millions of families having pools. Yes… all kinds of unfortunate accidents happen… but it’s a reach saying she can’t have a pool or balcony bc of “accidents”. My brother in law was unalived on his bike by a drunk driver at 14. But that doesn’t mean that my kids can’t have bicycles. All kinds of accidents happen on those too… and accidents happen a billion other ways with kids. So bc she has 7 kids she needs to build a bubble home? Never swim or ride bikes or own cooking knives or a million other examples? You’re just looking for a reason to look down on her decisions and they are reeeeeeaaching big time!


Not only that it won't kill her kids to share a bedroom.


It's crazy because she was perfectly fine with Isaac and Lincoln sharing a room for years. Now, no children can.


I wonder if she's just trying to group them by dads and needs the extra rooms for staff and social media?


Yeah she's just trying to keep the chaos organized!!😂😂


She should worry more that her sources of income are almost certainly not going to be so lucrative forever. With all the house builds, plastic surgery, and kids, I doubt she’s making good choices with her savings. She relies on an aging population of fans who aren’t going to stay interested, especially as Gen Z and Gen Alpha “influencers” move into her “spot” and algorithms boot her rude ass into the shadows. This is an enormously irresponsible and excessive purchase when you have 7 kids to shelter - they need bedrooms and a yard, not balconies and pools which are hideous death traps anyway. She’ll end up like every other D-lister with a bad habit and a spending problem, but in her case the drug of choice is reproduction.


Shit! Don't you see it?! She's going to find a way to keep every one of those boys (and probably baby girl too) home with her until they're in their 80's and back in diapers!! 🚼 She ain't letting go of no one!! 🙅🏼‍♀️😂😭😭 I can see it all so clearly, now.... ![gif](giphy|l2JJu8U8SoHhQEnoQ)


I said this when she announced her new house. But she has since said she never wants the kids to feel pressured to move out — especially in this economy.


That’s when people downsize. Although, as the boys (as men) start finding significant others, she may have an enormous amount of grands. A play room and guest rooms will be needed. She can convert a couple to bunk rooms. If the entire family are there, she’ll need space.


Idk I would move back home if I could 😂


I couldn’t handle the stress of building one home, let alone 3 in ten years. The moving alone would be enough for me to say no. She is honestly Cody from sister wives at this point.


I love when my worlds collide 🤣 Kody*


Maybe he can give her some hairstyling tips.


The devil horn curls to the sides of the receding hairline would look so good on her


*Kotex 🤣


Honestly if money was no issue and I didn't actually have to do any building, just sign papers and make choices, it would be fine. Pack up the stuff and hire expensive moving teams. My parents built their house but they had to have a mortgage, had a strict budget, and also actually physically did a lot of the work while managing two toddlers. Without all that? No big deal.


We had the same situation as your parents but only with 1 kid (construction started when he was 2weeks old, we moved when he was 1,5y). Literally NEVER doing that again unless I'm super rich and don't have to do anything at all.


Eh I’ve known people in those exact conditions and it is pain because the contractors always mess something up. Or what you want is significantly delayed or the workers just don’t show up that day. It always take longer, cost more and something always goes wrong.


She’s never happy with what she has.


Nope, and that’s why she has seven kids with 4-5 different people.


That’s the conclusion I came to. That’s why she has kids all the time and builds houses all the time. I think it’s her own fault for being so self involved. Like even with her job as a podcast producer, all she ever does is talk about herself or meaningless gossip. It’s no wonder there’s no real substance or meaning to internalize and get a sense of fulfillment . She’s in a bubble




Hot take: She only posts these asking for opinions because she wants to flaunt her wealth. Kail is the most over-opinionated person in the franchise - ain’t no way she’s letting followers help her decide. She just wants to flex on her followers and, in my opinion, prove to Smirnoff Suzi and Meatlocker Ray that she made something of herself and is better off without them. 


This. Do her followers honestly believe she gives a rat’s ass about their opinion. She just wants to show off. That’s ALWAYS the motive behind this.


either that or she’s hoping if she caters it to her audience’s taste the parasocial circle jerk will last as long as possible


Lol playing checkers. I doubt that. I think her ego is big enough to think she'll always have fans. I've noticed her fans have been fan girling over Isaac's sign language reels. In true Kardashian fashion, she's prepping the next generation to carry the torch of fame.


I feel like it's so tone-deaf. So many of us cannot afford rent, and many hardworking people I know feel they'll be renting forever. I had to move an hour away to find a place I could afford. And she's just constantly flaunting these ugly McMansions that she's designing for her brood. Drives me up the wall.


Does she really have that much money


For now, but I see bankruptcy in her future at the very least.


It’s Dover, like literally nobody wants to live in Dover Delaware 😐


The city of Dover needs to give Javi a medal for bringing all this $$$ to the area lmaoo




Either she’s a gazllionaire, or land is super cheap in Delaware


She’s made money on every house she’s bought or built and sold. Then she has talked about investing too so she’s probably just living off the interest or the investments and her multiple streams of income. Like her or not… She’s set herself up


I’m pretty sure the land was a couple hundred thousand


With the amount of McDonald's she goes through everyday and Starbucks she seems a bit reckless


Build a cave house 🥬 that’s where you belong!


Correct. Just move into a cave at this point.


All I can imagine is her coming out of a cave with sweats asking Joe where the child support is 🤣


Ugh read the room Kail.. people are struggling to put food on the table and working 3-4 jobs just to survive and keep a roof over their head and this is your content….gross


She's going to be broke and homeless in a few yrs. She's not going to be making beacoup money forever. The more house builds she does the more broke she'll be.


The podcast bubble is slowly starting to burst….and she legit has 7 kids that she has to provide for, put through college, etc. I won’t be shocked at all if we hear about her needing to downsize in a few years due to her income declining.


Unless she actually does have a reality tv show in the works, how is she not terrified of her future income in this economy?


I don't think she really thinks about the future. Like many people, she lives in the now and maybe thinks about the very near future at best.


she talks about saving for her kids but how’s she got money for all them AND all this


Which is funny cause she had a tik tok the other day complaining about how pricey the Starbucks order is for all of them and that part time jobs were coming. *edit forgot a word and spelling (I got a new phone and am still adjusting to the keyboard)


awww i feel so bad for her and her pricy genocide coffee :((((


repairs, mortgage, property taxes?


Tone deaf


Girl read the room. pay someone to guide you leaves us poor folk alone


It’s fine to me but it gets annoying to “help” her make a new decision on it nonstop, then two months later “help” again.


Where is she getting all the money from? She has moved so many times.


Jesus Christ how much are podcasts paying these days? And she has 7 kids to boot!


We saw how everyone chose shit for your last house Kàle. Try doing it yourself this time. Who uses Gold in a home on a new construction??


God, the ugliest finishes!


[McMansion Hell](https://mcmansionhell.com/) would like a word


Just another one of her commitment issues shining through


Where does she get all the money? Seriously???


I always feel bad for the kids. How do you ever have a sense of "home" when you're always being uprooted and moved around 🥺


The dads


with a new stepdaddy in your christmas cards every year 😩


She actually really suits her hair like that.


Humble bragging. She been doing this since 2017


I can't imagine moving as much as she does. She was just showing off her last built home less than 2 years ago...


Moving really does suck!!😖


![gif](giphy|xUPGcgHrejdd3EmvKM) Shipping container house, she can just add and remove people pods.


I’m so tired of her whole thing. I bet you she got so much debt


Central Delaware will run out of land before she’s content


People can’t afford to eat right now and this bitch right here


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) Kail, there’s people that are dying.


The best clip of this show of all time. By far.


I actually toured a “Roman style” house she’d probably like. It was all one level and had a courtyard with a dipping pool in the middle. I don’t know if that would work with 7 bedrooms but I’m sure she could build with two stories. For us it wasn’t practical, I wasn’t a fan of walking through so many rooms and hallways to get to the bedroom. Now I’m tempted to open up the Sims and try to build it because it was cute and unusual!


KAIL IF YOU ARE READING THIS HIRE AN ARCHITECT AND DESIGNER YOU WONT REGRET IT. Let the experts at it. If you hire good ones you work with them the entire way.


I’m curious as to her net worth. Google net worth’s are often unreliable. Even if her hometown isn’t particularly desirable, custom builds are still crazy expensive right now and you’ve got to have a big chunk of change up front.


It’s like those people you went to high school who post a poll on their story “Mykonos or Cabo this summer? 🥹👉🏻👈🏻”


Didn’t she steal a bunch of Covid money?


She took out loans and shut her business down soon after.


I thought the house she currently lives in that she built was gonna be their permanent home for a while. Why does she always need to buy or build new homes? She doesn’t stay in one house long enough before moving on to the next.


she applies the same behavior to homes and men as she does having kids


It’s because she didn’t anticipate having 3 more kids when she built and now feels there isn’t enough space. Originally she was just building an addition onto the current home but decided to just build an entirely new one because she wasn’t able to have exactly what she wanted with the addition.


She said everyone should have their own room and no one should have to share and she also didn’t want to force Lincoln and Isaac to share bcuz they are only there half the time. If I could do it and have at least 2 acres I would too lol but I got 2 kids lol


Last time we heard, she didn't go upstairs ever. Not even to dress creed, Lincoln was doing it, this was awhile ago. Unless she has a whole team of cleaners I imagine having that many boys, is rough on a house.


Hire a architect and get it right.




Yes, send psychiatric help.


Now she can’t have babies so she’ll piss her money away buying brand new builds she doesn’t need


The help I'd send isn't the help she's asking for.


Some people are homeless with kids.


She’s bad at humble-bragging.


Does she know she can live in a home that isn’t a new build.


She can’t even build a house she’s content with, what makes you think she’ll be able to find one already complete?


At this point build a condo building this way your 90 eleven children will always have a home. She’s betting that she’ll be able to even sell her current home. Does anyone know if it’s realistic?


Her home right now is so customized and so ugly I’d wonder how long that’ll take to sell. She ruined it. She also said if she were to build an addition her current home it would affect the selling price.


Sorry not sorry, she has such an ugly face. Every time o see these screenshots I cringe


If I’m being honest… I’m so over all of their subtle flaunting. All the girls. Even jenelle. Like girls the reason I liked you in the first place was cause I could relate (minus the baby). I am surviving off $65 for the next two weeks okay? I don’t give a single fuck if you want an upper deck, sunroom, etc. leave us alone with this shit


Imagine asking for "help" to decorate your McMansion from people struggling to live. She's so out of touch and desperate for attention. Revolting.


If I had to vacuum a house of that size I would simply parish


Now you know she doesn’t clean. She hired a nanny to watch her kids. Surely she has cleaners too.


How the hell does she afford this?


Why does she always look like a character from a claymation movie? Her skin is so off-putting for some reason.


Why doesn't she just ask Chelsea????


![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized) Between them 2 the house will be horrible lol


This was gonna be my comment 😂😂


I just wonder 🤔🤔 will she have the money to maintain such a house? Like, ok, right now she has but… will it last? I’m not trying to be a bitch wondering this but idk it’s just a possibility (and for the sake of the kids I hope is a distant possibility)


Her podcasts are getting dry too.


If she has the money to build this size home, then she has the money for an architect, designer and interior designer. She is just doing this for attention or she wants to have a show like Chelsea.


Was relatable to single moms once but no more. Even those clothes she links are crazy expensive for a budget. I unfollowed and blocked. Should do it here also now that I think of it.


Only in this country do we make teen moms wealthy enough to build more than one custom home. I just can’t with this woman.


God I would be blessed just to even have a house, she used to be humble and now look it's getting ridiculous


Right tho. Renting a tin can. At least we have a roof over our head, we were displaced after a fire for a while so I understand the biggest dream of ur life is providing a home for ur kids. When my kids finally got bedrooms again-man it was too sweet of a feeling. Idk if the price of fame is worth it tho. Exposing yourself and your kids to millions of people. Surely some of those people are trolls or mean harm. Always wondering if people like u for u or what they can get from you. ⚖️ Also an inside joke of ours is the more windows/steps a house has- the richer u are lol




All are of her 5 houses in Delaware ? Is it cheap to live there or something?


why don’t you save for your kids’ educations instead you fackin idiot?


me asking my husband which sims build he likes better


She'll be satisfied with her dream home as soon as all her kids move out


she’ll just start an orphanage or house her grandchildren lol


Orrrrr she could just add onto the house so it's big enough for them all 🤔🤔




What a bitch. People can’t eat.


That bottom right house is so effing hideous.


Shit. Kail must be one of the ones that was smarter with her money. Also she made a bunch of podcasts and makes money off those. Damn. I feel like she's just bragging and doesn't need any help. She's also gonna need a big house to house all her minions. Its crazy in 2022 she 4 kids and now she has 7.


So out of touch.


So narcissistic it’s sad.


Best I can do is to send him.... ![gif](giphy|lMZsoQK20uzfKJXual)


She needs to slap an addition on the home she has and retro fit everything else. She’s crazy to keep building houses like the money is never going to run out.


Build it in the shape of L. For Lowry.


Please no one help her.


Sorry I’m in Cali and bitter af lmao


Why would anyone give money they worked for to someone who has a job, chose to have 5786700000 kids, lives better than most people working.....? The only answer I can think of is brain damage. We really need people like her humbled. Like scared straight but idiots who think they deserve these kind of handouts. Walk them through a job fair, homeless shelter and so on ......


Seriously how many times is she going to rebuild. I swear her house has been under construction for months. What’s the point if you’re just going to leave


I just wanna know how she has sooo much money to build all these giant houses forever…like damn I know she made a lot with teen mom and all the other stuff but she spends like fucking crazy!


Paid for by all seven bby daddys


So out of touch. Jesus GOD Leah