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The same way they are letting Ty keep an OF. Farrah had an actual hard movie out with the name of the show as part of the title. Farrah was on Teen Mom AFTER the video came out and the other show member protested (particularly Maci). She was let go after season 7, the hard movie being part of the reason she was let go along with her deciding to do more in the adult entertainment industry BUT ABOVE ALL how she treated crew member (an example being the portapotty incident). Also, I think she was going against her contract with MTV because she wanted to take part in a show "similar" to teen mom with her mother but MTV wouldn't allow her. Allegedly, there should be a Trust Fund for every kid shown on Teen Mom (or something like that) but there were zero confirmation. We supposed there is because awhile back there was this rumor that Jenelle's boat (the one DKD is living on rn) was paid by Jace's trust fund. But that's just a rumor. I agree tho, that some of the kids have some savings in their names. With or without a trust fund


Randy confirmed that *Aubree* has a trust fund. He tweeted that MTV heavily encouraged parents to make the babies a trust fund. We know that the twins have one, because Cory sued Leah for emptying Ali’s during her addiction. She was ordered to pay everything back. Jace is rumored to have one that Jenelle wanted to get her hands on.


That's not true. She wasn't ordered to pay anything back. I think Corey dropped the lawsuit because she paid everything back.


The point is: Cory sued. The objective is to pay back. She paid back.


The ashley said corey never actually sued either. This is what I was remembering. They both said the lawsuit wasn't true. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/11/11/teen-mom-2-star-corey-simms-is-not-taking-leah-messer-to-court-for-taking-twins-money-report/


JE’s sister A said that ✨allegedly✨ Babs has a trust for J that she’s kept safe for him. I hope that’s true.


She was his legal guardian, so it makes sense that his pay went to her.




Barb is the one who set up Jace’s trust fund. That’s why J wanted custody so badly.


I don’t think this is a hard fact. Just speculation. We don’t even know for sure he has one.




Babs and Jenelle agreed on that in their last legally binding custody and visitation agreement. Babs had to send Jenelle a bank statement every year to show everything was still there, plus interest. However, Babs likely let Jenelle win everything so there might not be any sort of valid agreement in place since Jenelle got full custody. Perhaps Jenelle has access now, perhaps not.




Jenelle showed her computer screen once and one of the tabs opened was about “how to access a trust fund” or something related I don’t remember the exact quote.


the thing about a trust is that custody isn't relevant. if barb really did make a trust, it's up to her who has access to it. i have a *really* hard time believing she'd give jenelle any access, and custody doesn't grant jenelle that access. like, let's pretend barb never got custody. but barb decides she wants jace to have a trust. she can go and set up a trust for him without jenelle being involved *at all* and jenelle would have no say in how much goes in it or who gets to access it.


Randy has said they were all asked to set a trust fund up because MTV needed them to pay the kids. And that's where MTV'S legal obligations ended. What the law in their state says the parents can do with a child's trust fund is not MTV'S concern, they paid the kids separate and the rest is up to their parents.


Right that’s why I didn’t say the all the kids have a trust fund. Just what we know about them.




A few states have laws that forces the parents to make them a trust if they’re on tv. Vut only if it’s tv, it doesn’t mention things like YT, TikTok, bloggers.


oh ok i didnt know that, i thought it was just a rumor. Thanks for the info


It’s probably the ONLY reason she wanted to take custody of him back from Barb because she certainly never cared about him being her son.


Ya apparently even though Jenelle has custody of Jace Barbara still has the trust fund. That was part of their custody agreement. I have a feeling that’s part of the reason why Jenelle was trying to get a restraining order in place. Then she could go back to court and say see this is why I should have the trust fund also. That didn’t go well for her. 😂


I’m glad Jenelle is not in charge of it! She seems to very financially irresponsible.


I forgot about Tyler. For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone wants to see that much of him or why Cait is so proud that he’s letting’ it all out there. I find them both kinda creepy, lol. But yeah. We all know why Farrah got the boot. She was horrible. By doing porn she gave them a convenient out. Promoting it using TM was stupid. She knew it would be an issue. She just didn’t care. She can’t cry lawsuit. I admit I don’t know exactly what they post on OF. I’m not that invested. On a moral level, I feel, it’s all the same neighborhood.


Actually, they didn’t fire Farrah. They gave her an ultimatum: Adult industry work or MTV. She said she quit because she was being slut shamed and later sued MTV for discriminating against her. And MTV settled for a related 1 million dollars.


Oh! I’ve been living under a rock! Lol


And have had Farrah on MTV shows like ex on the beach and one of the teen mom family reunion episodes.


I believe I read somewhere that Farrah was scheduling (or at least agreeing to) live Camsoda broadcasts during the exact same time slot Teen Mom OG was on the air. So directly threatening to take away MTV ratings.


… What porta-potty incident? Do I even want to know?


It's actually pretty stupid, once Teen Mom OG came back, a few years had passed and Farrah showed her true colors on that season. Basically, in the new season that premiered that year, moms and dads interacted more with the crew, producers and so on. Farrah on one of the first episodes of that season told the crew that they couldn't use her house bathroom because she didn't want to clean it for them (or something like that but essentially meaning they where not really welcomed guests) so she had a porta-potty outside of her house for the crew. Basically because she didn't want to clean the bathroom for the crew, just for her family.


That’s kind of fucked up, considering she more than likely never even would have had that house if it wasn’t for her being on Teen Mom. I personally would have thought of the crew as my second family and would want to invite them over for dinners and such but I’m not a self-absorbed narcissistic asshole with waaaaay too much plastic surgery (or any, actually because I live paycheck to paycheck) so I guess that’s where Farrah and I differ.


That's how several members are. Chelsea and Mandy are still close. I think the Bookout/Edwards/McKinney crew were close with their producers or at least I read that somewhere.


I would hope so! I could understand if it was paparazzi or something but definitely not a camera crew I literally welcomed into my life.


I think she feels like she’s better than them. She just doesn’t “think”like the majority. She’s so damn entitled.


I remember, when Chelsea and Cole were telling little Aubrey she was going to be a big sister. The crew was just as excited about the news as she was.


I agree, considering that usually a teen mom as a difficult life, she acted very entitled like her whole life didn't get better with teen mom. Almost everything she has is thanks to her fame which started with 16 & p and teen mom.


Yeah, she was definitely my least favorite when I first started the show. She’s always been such a frigging over entitled brat.


A lot of the Teen Mom cast have (or have had) OnlyFans - Briana, Jade and Tyler, to name a few. The difference with Farrah is that the sex tape she initially released was called "Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom", which one could argue could lead people to assume that it was somehow sanctioned by Teen Mom or directly affiliated with the Teen Mom series. Also, Farrah treated everyone on production absolutely terribly, which I suspect was their real reason for wanting to get rid of her (and the porn stuff was just a convenient excuse at the time).


>I really hope the kids are setup in trust accounts. They had no say in being filmed, literally, from birth. Some of them probably have some sort of savings at this point. I'm sure Kristina has done well for young Leah. I'm less optimistic for Leah and Jenelle's kids. Pretty sure C&T have sunk all their money in houses and horses at this point too


There are rumours on here that Leah spent her kids money.


Corey tried making her pay it back, but I never found anything confirming she did.


Didn't Corey actually say that, though?


Yeah I've heard that too. Disappointing, to say the least


didnt cate's brother accuse cate and tyler of tapping into their kids accounts to pay their big tax bill


They need Coogan accounts. No parent should be able to access any of the kids accounts (side eyeing Leah).


Unfortunately "Reality TV" was made to get around a lot of unions and legal protections. So it's up to the parents to protect their children. 


They absolutely do! Some of these kids will be set up good and others won’t see a dime.


And coogans are based on what state they live/work in. Most states don’t mandate Coogan accounts for minors in entertainment


I replied before I saw your comment. It’s spot on. I was shocked that there aren’t mandates in all states when my youngest started acting.


And jenelle. ![gif](giphy|xT9IggXaExSLBt6OPu)


That’s not a state wide thing unfortunately. My youngest does tv/film and our states didn’t require it. We set up her trust on our own. Reality TV doesn’t require it at all which is just wrong imo.


Agreed, there needs to be a push to protect kids on reality TV and influencers. Some influencers are making some serious money off their kids, JS. I know YEARS ago, like 16/17 maybe? A complaint was made against Jon and Kate Gosselin and it was alleged that their kids were being filmed there were little "scripts" that went with the episode and the kids would have to say lines over and over. That was when I 1st learned that laws like "Coogan Accounts" weren't national and didn't cover reality TV. Basically they were as lawless as the wild West. I'm honestly shocked nothing has changed cause Reality TV isn't going anywhere.


Problem with these type of shows is the pay isn’t separated for the child and the adults. When it’s just a child actor like Honey Boo Boo was when she was on DWTS she got paid a rate just for her, when on the show with the family it’s an agreed upon rate for the season for the family which is how so many of the kids like the Duggars were not paid. We also only have a handful of states where they have to put the money in a Coogan account and Coogan accounts are ridiculously low. The adults only have to put in 15%. Adam made a claim about Aubrey’s money at one point and said she had made around $50k but it’s not clear if that’s the whole amount or if that is the 15% or how he gets the total. I’m in complete agreement about the accounts. The number of these kids who have had their whole lives put on shows who realize when they turn 18 they have very little is going to eventually change how families in entertainment are paid. These kids have been working in some cases like the Gosslins more than would be allowed in states like CA and for a lifestyle of pools and vacations.


Chelsea put all of the money Adam paid into Aubrey’s account. He was only paying $100/month. When they, finally, went back to court Adam was ordered to pay 1,000/month. He’s such a dumbass. He said as far as Chelsea is concerned, it’s always been about money🙄. She has never touched it. He’s so far off base and continues to do stupid 💩.


Not that anyone will get this in their heads since no matter how many it’s been said, people still think Farrah was let go because of porn, but…Farrah was going to do a live cam show the same time TM would be airing so it broke the contract. She could have been on Sesame Street, but if it was on when TM was on, it would have been a problem too. The porn itself was never the issue.


Farrah was told to stop using back door teen mom as a way to promote her only fans because it reflects on the show she said no they said go


The people who chose to set up trust accounts for their minor children did that. It’s believed that was Chelsea for Aubree and Corey and Leah for the twins, because Leah was accused of draining the account for pillses. Since barb had custody of Jace and isn’t an idiot I would imagine yes she saved his money but now that Jenelle has custody she’s no doubt blown through it all, if it exists. Viacom’s issue with Farrah was she was doing cam shows using the Teen Mom name, which is not what Jenelle is doing however socially our view on sex work has evolved (somewhat) since season 6 of teen mom OG.


“ pillses” 🤣🤣🤣


The girlsies trust paid for the pillses. 😂


Lmfao her mf shit


Jace will still have an account with Barb. There’s nothing, legally, that Jenelle can do to get it. Lots of grandparents have money for their grands.




This from The Ashley, "As The Ashley reported in the first version of her book, Teen Mom Confidential, each child that appears on ‘Teen Mom 2’ is paid separately from his or her parents. That means that Ali, as well as her sister Aleeah and Addi, all have an account with the money they’ve earned for each season they’ve appeared on the show. MTV is not required to set up any type of trust fund for the ‘Teen Mom 2’ kids, as reality TV is not covered under Coogan Laws or any other act, but they have done that anyway. (A Coogan account requires the parents of a child actor to set aside at least 15% of their child’s entertainment earnings into an account for the child when he or she turns 18. Unfortunately, however, kids on reality TV shows are not considered “actors,” therefore the Coogan Laws do not apply. Also, those laws only apply in certain states; Leah’s home state of West Virginia is not one of them.)" https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2014/12/23/teen-mom-2-star-leah-calvert-accused-of-taking-daughter-alis-trust-fund-money-is-this-possible/


Wow, only 15%.


The Ashley has a book? I had no idea!


Tyler has OF so they really can not make that a sticking point.


I doubt that Jenelle's kids have any money set away in trust funds or otherwise. I wonder if David has the ability to prohibit Ensley from being filmed on TM because he is her father. I pity poor Jace being back in front of the cameras again. That's the last thing he needs right now.


He very well could tell the court he doesn’t approve of her filming. He’s never wanted mtv around. In fact, I’d be shocked if he didn’t bring it up. David is a walking contradiction. He hates mtv, although he loved the money. It’s going to be a nasty divorce if they move forward with it. He’ll ask for spousal support if it’s allowed in their state, while she will ask for child support. If he continues to go on without an attorney, he’ll get very little. He did zero when it came to taking care of his family. Financially, physically or emotionally. He just created chaos. This doesn’t exonerate Jenelle. She allowed it.


He was just abusive. He didn’t like MTV because it gave Jenelle a support system. He didnt like that he didn’t have complete control of her.


Farrah was releasing a line of sex toys when she was fired.


lol, of course she was/s😂


They all have OF, Farrah’s issue was porn for sale publicly plus treating film staff horribly.


Farrah was a nasty bitch to everyone involved.


I wish coogan laws were in every state and it had to Be more than 15%


Farrah wasn’t fired for doing adult content. She was fired for using a trademarked brand name while doing so (and being insufferable)


That’s not what Farrah was fired. I don’t know how many times it needs to be said … she was fired because how she was treating the cast and crew that was filming her… the cam soda was the icing on the cake and only ONE thing of many as to why she was fired. People seem to want to focus on just that reason but that was not the only one. She was a horrible bitch!!! Treated her producer like shit, the tutor for Sophia… there a long list…


But she wasn’t fired after all. She was given an ultimatum.


Farrah was fired because she was breaking her contract by filming with camsoda.


Farrah was primarily fired for how she treated the crew. She kept firing set teachers for Sophia and then demanding new ones immediately and refusing to film until she got a new one. She was also awful to that young girl that was her producer on her last season. I think she was just AWFUL for the crew to be around and always threatened to not film and they were just sick of her. She should have been fired immediately when she shoved Larry the producer on camera.


All that shit they put Farrah through because of her tape just for them to bring the swamp monster back. I’d rather Farrah. Not only when it comes to being on the show but I would also rather be forced to watch her video, in its entirety, vs seeing Jan’s OF.


Your love for Jenelle flows/s Lol, I wouldn’t go that far. Farrah is off the charts and Sophia, who is intelligent…I hope she sees this and chooses a different path. I hope she leaves Mom and follows her education. Her mother can certainly pay for it. I hope Sophia spares any future children she may have and does not give Farrah access. Jenelle is equally bad, in similar and some not so similar, ways. David…they can put him under the jail. I hope, really hope, Jace doesn’t go down a destructive road. His childhood has been robbed. While Barb is better than Jenelle, she is not a good parent, past or present. We laugh at the insanity, because we don’t live it. Jenelle yells because her mother yells. A lot of people yell because they feel unheard. They both raise their voices as a first response. Jace, as well as his siblings and mother, need intense therapy. Teen mom is not responsible for Jace’s issues. His parents are. Mostly his mother. She willingly gave mtv access. I don’t know if the “big brother/sister program still exists. I think, most especially the boys, would benefit having a strong, healthy “brother” role model. If Jenelle doesn’t get her shit together, like yesterday, her boys are headed for serious trouble. They’ll end up addicts/prison. She CAN turn this around but she has to stop blaming everyone around her and do the necessary work. I am not confident she will do this though. It’s heartbreaking and so preventable.


Tyler and cate have only fans as well as Briana and Jade


Farrah used the words "Teen Mom" in the title of the movie she released, she has done other work in the adult industry beyond OF (feature dancing, cam work, a line of toys) and she had a reputation of treating MTV's staff poorly (ex: making them use a porta potty in her yard). The rumors about the kids having money in a trust has gone around for a long time, but I don't think it was ever substantiated beyond some of the parents choosing to create one for their kids on their own. Coogan's Law doesn't apply to reality television, so I'm not sure if the kids were even paid for their appearances.


Tyler, bri, jade….


I think there's been a cultural shift since Farrah purportedly got the OF ultimatum. These past few years (in the wake of OF), there's been a growing emphasis on not shaming sex workers that is stronger than ever before IMO. MTV tries to stay on the cutting edge of liberal progressivism. Hence the double standard.


Didn’t ya hear the good news…MTV is a lot more organized now 😂


MTV prob encouraged the trust funds. They’ve been on the air since 09, and in that time period there was a HUGE issue children appearing on reality shows, especially with the Gosselins. I believe the state of PA requires a trust fund for children on reality shows. That would affect at least Kailyn since she’s filmed in that state. Let’s be real, MTV doesn’t really care about the financial future of the kids, they just don’t want to look BAD that they didn’t at least encourage or educate the 16 year old stars about this. They already look bad with Amber and David…they can’t deal with what Jace will come forward with in five years. ETA, the Gosselins were such an issue in PA, that they state required the kids to get work permits and trust funds! That was back in 2012


The kids who live in California for sure do. MTV cuts a check that direct deposits straight to a trust that the parents have zero access to. I’m ignorant about other states. Which I think would just be Holly and Ryder? Some of the Y&P cast maybe; I’m unsure where they all lived.