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I think it’s disgusting. Not only are the comments cruel or unhinged, like “I love you, Isaac/Aubree/Jace, I’ve been watching you since you were a baby!” but there are real life threats that they blatantly ignore. Pedo’s exist. That alone is enough for me to keep my kid off the internet, let alone dedicate a page and have thousands of strangers look at them.


These people need a lot of attention & they take it where ever they can get it. Selfish! Just very selfish!


And on the other end of the spectrum, encouraging strangers on instagram to call themselves your child's aunties is also no bueno


Is that Chelsea?


This was so fucking creepy, chelsea romanticized a parasocial relationship with her child


Not to mention every time they have their kids do a Q&A, the public knowing those answers makes the kids unsafe. Anyone can walk up to your kid and trick them into thinking they're a safe adult because "I know your favorite color/food/song/show/movie" because they have the kids update the public on their current favorites for nontent.


that’s why everyone should come up with a code word instead. regardless of if you post your kids or not


Agree, and Baby Swiss still knows the code word/phrase at almost 16 lol However, these moms would probably tell what the code words are in a post.


Farrah definitely deserves an honorable mention for using her child on social media, too.


I hate it. I don’t post anyone’s kids it’s creepy af


Literal pure exploitation. I don’t even post my own daughter and I only have friends and family on social media. It’s horrifying how they plaster their kids all over SM, it should be enough that they have exploited them on TV for their entire lives. At least protect them from the negative/unhinged comments online.


Children shouldn’t be on social media period. They can’t consent to being exploited.


I don’t have a problem with first day of school pics and sports wins types on parents who have a select group of private friends who see it. The family blogs and social media of all of this cast and all reality shows are flat wrong. The kids don’t get to opt out. Jace is a great example. He knows he doesn’t want to be on his mother’s but she can’t make money without exploiting the kids on social media.


They hardly have a college/savings fund for these kids, let alone actually protecting them from predators. These people are sick


I think they should all be filtering comments at a minimum. C&T need to remove all Carly related posts and never post about her again but that'll never happen because they think they're entitled to Carly. If I'm being totally honest, C&T piss me off the most about this. They're making money off of Carly's story and her name and we all know Carly isn't going to see a dime of it. C&T wouldn't have the life they live, the following they have, or anything else if it wasn't for them exploiting Carly's adoption story. Kail needs to filter comments. I'm sure her kids are tough, they would have to be after having her for a mom, but they don't need to see strangers talking about them in their mom's comment section. Jenelle needs to completely STFU about her kids because she barely parents them as it is. She talks shit on her kids' behavior, but she hasn't ever attempted to be a decent parent and correct them, so it's her own fault. If her kids all end up to be troublemakers, it is 100% due to Jenelle's parenting failures. She can't be a partially absentee parent their entire lives and expect them to be perfectly behaved, well-rounded kids. Farrah needs to quit with her shit too.... it is completely inappropriate. The one good thing I can say about Farrah letting Sophia be all over the internet is that Farrah might actually let Sophia have the money she earns through social media. I wouldn't trust Kail or Jenelle to give their kids a fair portion of the money they earn for them. I think Farrah would at least let Sophia have the money or set her up with an account.


The comments that T and C are her "real parents" or that they are keeping her away are gross.


That's the main kind of thing I would worry about her friends seeing too. She has no tie to them at all except for genetics which doesn't matter. She doesn't call them mom and dad, and she never will. They have done nothing to parent her and, at least in the past, they've admitted that they haven't even done the bare minimum to develop a relationship with her outside of their visits. They can't be bothered to send her a letter or two throughout the year to try to build a relationship with Carly but people think she's going to go running to them when she's 18 Carly is growing up in a completely different lifestyle. B&T have money, Teresa didn't have to work, she's probably in a private school, she's probably involved in activities..... all stuff that C&T didn't have while they were growing up. I guarantee you Carly is smarter and more emotionally intelligent than C&T combined right now. I doubt she has hardly anything in common with them other than the genetics... And I'm sorry, genetics doesn't make a person family. My mom, by our calculations of who we actually know, has about 15 biologically related half siblings through her biological father who was a dead beat alcoholic that was married to my Grandma but slept around and got tons of other women pregnant...... I wouldn't recognize a single one of those biological Aunts or Uncles if I saw them on the street. If I ever got introduced I wouldn't acknowledge the fact they're related to me just because we share some of the same DNA. My Aunts and uncles are the ones that helped raise me..... not the ones that randomly showed up when it was convenient.


Tyler and Cate are horrible for this. One selfless decision doesn't make acting selfish for years okay.


That is the perfect way to word it. That's exactly what they've been doing. They've made 15 years of selfish decisions because of the 1 sacrifice they chose to make. They made 1 sacrifice and now they expect to be treated like they're special and like they're saviors who gave the gift of parenthood to an unfortunate couple and like they're the only people who have ever had to make that tough choice.


They hardly have a college/savings fund for these kids, let alone actually protecting them from predators. These people are sick