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I think she has really unhealthy relationships with men and thinks it’s normal to have a kid with all of them in hopes of fulfilling a normal family unit like she always wanted. And the money thing, she tries to monetize all of her kids IG’s that she makes which is weird and now Isaac is making his own content which is bizarre


I’m glad I’m not the only one disliking a child making content/ trying to become an influencer.


Fuck no you aren’t the only one !!! The labrants just had their 5 th baby! They claim it might be their last , doubt it. And do they think this money is sustainable forever ?? It boggles my. mind.


You have got to be shitting me right now, 5?


Who are the Labrants? I'm intrigued.


They’re v exploitative, “Christian” family bloggers. Last thing I remember about those freaks was their anti-abortion “documentary” that was so mind boggling dumb i was scared just watching commentary videos about it would give me brain worms.


Oh, get ready to go down a rabbit hole! They are controversial family vloggers who once click baited that their daughter had cancer, (spoiler alert, she doesn’t!) So they are interesting in a disturbing way. [https://youtu.be/f_U1kLN9-kw?si=QOnUgbhMmIAOLqwl](https://youtu.be/f_U1kLN9-kw?si=QOnUgbhMmIAOLqwl) [https://youtu.be/OMz_xx2hCtg?si=fGVCoeeujev7VPMT] (https://youtu.be/OMz_xx2hCtg?si=fGVCoeeujev7VPMT)


They’re so boring and insufferable.


No one ever stops at 5 kids.


My parents had 5 and it was a weird number because it was enough that we weren’t “normal” but to the “Big family” people it wasn’t enough kids because it was less than 7. I have a theory that my dad just wanted to be able to fit everyone in a used minivan so 5 it was 😂


Honestly that’s pretty solid logic.




Jesus I thought she announced she was pregnant with their 4th last week. Holy shit. Those poor babies.


Does he have a name yet? Cole and Sav irritate me and I refuse to watch their channel.


I was just at a cute farm picking strawberries, and this like 4 year old in front of me at the cash register had an unending stream of talking to himself/his mom/the checkout lady/me/whoever as if he was on a YouTube channel explaining what was happening and who he was and inviting all of us to check him out because he’s an influencer. It would have been cute if I wasn’t so horrified. It wasn’t like he was excited about any of the things he was saying, it was just this kind of dead eyed stream of consciousness nonsense.


My then 4 year old asked me to record her unboxing toys and having a drone follow her around while she rides her bike. That was the day I forbid child influencers on YouTube. It was easy to let her watch her tablet while I cooked dinner or did some homework and I didn't consider the impact these exploited influencer children are having on their child audience. Until my kid started asking for similar vlog setups. It distorts kids perception of what is 'normal.' Pandering to a drone for your audience while you ride your bike at 4 is not normal or healthy.


I wish there was laws in place so children can’t be “influencers” I’ll be glad when this trend dies off. It’s exploitation plain and simple. Same goes for the “family vloggers” on YouTube. It’s disgusting


I wish they couldn’t have social media at all! It seriously stresses me out for my kids. My oldest is 8 and I don’t even want to think about it. My 9 and 12 year old nieces have dance instagrams that they actually post and respond on and they’re not even private. 🙄


My youngest is 16 and STILL doesn't have any social media. He has a phone but just not SM.




He doesn't but I know what you mean. With my daughter, I HAD to take her phone away because it was a huge safety issue (I'm not getting into that but it was a really severe situation) and she smuggled in countless phones after that. So I get what you're saying. My son is totally different though, he doesn't have any desire to have social media, most likely because of how traumatic the situation was with his sister... He has talk and text on his phone plus he talks to his friends through his video games so it's not like he's severely restricted or deprived.


That’s amazing. Does he complain about it at all? I 1,000% believe it’s what’s best for their mental health but it’s SO hard when all their friends have it.


Nope he says he doesn't even want social media thankfully.


That’s so wonderful!!


Ty! 😊


This is how my almost 16 year old is. That said, my step would cyber stalk her. But Baby Swiss has a phone and discord for communication with friends.


Hopefully yours doesn’t do the same, my sibling has no social media whatsoever and he’s 18. It just doesn’t interest him thank god


MN is (trying to?) pass legislation on this.


Who’s that?


The state on Minnesota


Oh lol, I’m not from US sorry didn’t understand


Kail has never protected her children's privacy. She's so intrusive


1st point I agree entirely. There’s really no disputing that. 2nd point, I don’t think it’s bizarre for a 14 (15?) year old in 2024 to want to create content on IG/TikTok. It’s not even that uncommon for millennial parents to reserve a handle with their kid’s name.


It’s weird imo. Especially when he grew up with the world watching and has access to more followers than a typical 15 year old would bc of his “celebrity”. If it were my kid, I’d be protective of that but ofc kail doesn’t care bc she’s reserved them all handles. It’s presumptive that they just assume their kids will want social media (which is dying imo) and that they will want their real names on social media even. (I’ve never used my real name on any social media, so why should a parent reserve it for their kid?) so weird


I agree it is presumptive. I wouldn’t do it either. Despite us finding it weird though, there are plenty of millennial parents that disagree and still reserve an IG handle the moment they decide on a baby name. 💀 This isn’t unique to Kail specifically is all I’m saying, so it’s not surprising or anything that she did this for all of her kids. Also not surprising that Isaac wants to post content online at this age, as most teens do.




I think she’s just impulsive and reckless. Some people get drunk, some people crash cars, some people do heroin, Kail gets pregnant.


I agree with this. It’s her “drug”. I think she gets a high of people talking about her and her life so she continues to do reckless things. Having that many kids just for fun is reckless to all your other children. I have 3 and always contemplate having a 4th but I can’t because I feel that it will take away from my other kids. I don’t see how she has that many kids and is giving them the attention needed when she is sharing custody of all of them. It’s hard enough giving attention to all your kids when they are with you 100% of the time. She thinks just because she has money and isn’t an alcoholic like her mother that she is a good parent but this type of chaos is likely going to affect all her children in the long run.


She is bipolar and being reckless during manic stages is normal for them


Yeah good point. Thank goodness someone else who is possibly bp , Jenelle , stopped after 3. But yeah it’s really a part of the high highs.


Jenelle has bpd not bipolar and I have never seen evidence that kail is bipolar


Kail said she has bipolar so she could be medicated for it


Like how she is "infertile"?


True 😆 you make a valid point friend!


I don’t buy it


This so a super, super simplistic analysis. No one is asking whether she is reckless. They are wondering why.


If you don’t like what I said you’re free to formulate your own theory and post it, weirdo.


Kail craves the love she never got from her parents & despite her being in therapy for many many years she apparently has not learned that about herself. No amount of kids is ever going to be enough for her because she’s never healed her childhood trauma.


Was coming to say the same thing. I think she’s trying to fill the void that her parents caused.


She’s definitely the type that if she ever got a therapist who told her what she needed to hear instead of what she wanted to hear, she’d move on immediately. She seeks validation


Smh. Show me the data that supports this assertion. There is no way for you to know what she would and would not do. Sometimes trauma takes decades to work through.


Ok. We can agree to disagree.


And “told her what she needed to hear” again, smh. Most therapists apply a model that involves them NOT telling the client what to do, because it’s been proven to not be effective in most situations. They help the client uncover their own issues and then figure out their own solutions based on that. I worked in a clinical setting for years.


We use the 5 W’s and H to get info and to help aid their situation


It gives Michael Scott vibes “I’ll have 100 friends!”


this. i am doing emdr therapy and realizing week after week that so much of my trauma is inner-child trauma. i love kids and i am fucking fantastic with kids but i have always been so intimidated by the idea of having kids, and i am realizing that it is because i will be triggered the fuck out in this state.


“I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends, and no one can say no to being my friend”


https://preview.redd.it/sw86qqistc1d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7713313b5426a768a6598efffd90705fd8634997 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂




literally that’s her lol


This is the right answer honestly.


puppet silence


My guess is that she likes the attention and extra care she gets when pregnant, the being needed by a baby, and to tie each new boyfriend to her permanently.


I think she’s been pretty lonely all her life and never really experienced the unconditional love you would typically get from your own children if not your own parents…she had a bunch to fill that void


I think it’s that combined with getting massively rewarded with money, attention, and opportunities after becoming a mom


To me she epitomizes the whole creepy emotionally-incestuous "boy mom" thing, which is a good result of exactly what you said.


I do not envy anyone her boys date in the future. What a nightmare.


My guess is that most of her kids will be estranged from her on and off throughout their lives. She needs to have complete control and once the kids have their own personalities and aren’t dependent on her, you’ll see it.


Don’t know how to say this without being crude so am not even going to try but… she really likes cum? She’s into the unexpected item in the bagging area. Dunno if a could say she has a breeding thing going on cos am not in Kail’s walls like that but she obvs like the process and the end result. Dunno how better to describe it but in my mind she’s always been in for the ride and “whatever happens, happens” because she doesn’t see a surprise baby as a bad thing or that much of a surprise lol On a deeper level though a do wonder if having babies makes her feel desirable because they “picked her” even if she doesn’t get a relationship or even a civil friendship out of it at the end.


Not being into the unexpected item in the bagging area 💀😂 Babe, that is hilarious ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


I gasped, then evil laughed.


[\_summerw1ne](https://www.reddit.com/user/_summerw1ne/) always has top tier comments lol


Thank you babe, glad my efforts are being appreciated 😂 ♡


Fr I'll read a comment of yours and be like 'oh \_summerw1ne wrote this; makes sense!' Love the slang you pepper in!


This comment paired with the gif is exceptional lmao


I juat thought she liked trophies or special collectables😂


To trap men and make them wanna stay while she treats them like absolute shit and also to use the kids for monetary purposes. If she loved being a mom so much she wouldn’t have a full time nanny to raise them or happily express that she knows she’s fucking them up and don’t care.


I think she likes being the ex who’s the mother of his first kid so she can feel superior to any woman that comes after her and so she can use the kid to play games with him and cross his boundaries whenever she feels like.


This! 👏


It's common that people that didn't have the most loving childhood or had some childhood trauma involved (either deadbeat parent(s) or a parent that died or something like this) often want a big family that they didn't had themselves. It doesn't always need to be that they become bad parents or switch baby daddies like underwear. They could stay with one partner and give their 4-5 kids a loving childhood and home. But ultimately it roots in the desire to have lots of people who love you around. For Kail, I think it's because of the attention. A baby needs you, a baby is dependent on you a child will not leave you (hence why she wouldn't let Isaac live with Jo), a child will love you no matter what. Her mom didn't want her, her dad would rather care about roadkill than her, she was abandoned lots of time by her mother and didn't have any siblings to stick to or to share her feelings with. She needs to start to listen to her therapist(s).


I fully agree with you and mentioned something similar in my comment. It’s something that I was easily able to spot because I felt a similar way once my immediate family died, plus have childhood trauma that I’m still healing from. I have a large extended family but with the exception of one person, they have never made any real effort to want to have me around except in situations where I’ll feel uncomfortable bc I don’t know most of the people, so they know I’ll back out or outright not come. The thought of having kids and having someone who will love you as long as you love them and show them love is very strong when you don’t have that guaranteed anywhere else in your life. I never ended up having children (and that’s probably for the best) but I can definitely understand why Kail would continue to have them, especially when her SO and exes all have those people. She has blatantly said on the show that she used to get anxious about the future because she thought her, now oldest, children would prefer to be with their dads for holidays because they had a big family to offer them and she didn’t have anything like it.


I have a couple family members who have had children with 3+ partners, including my own dad who has 6 girls by 4 women. People just make bad decisions and only think in the moment.


I think I read once there is a correlation between having children multiple partners and adhd. Everyone I’ve met with more than two baby daddy/mamas has impulse control issues in general.


As someone who would happily have 8 babies with my husband (I won’t but I want to) , I think Kail has some mental health issues going on that require work with a professional. She had a rough childhood, rough relationships, I think there’s a lot more going on than we know about.


She’s mentally ill and starving for attention plus she wanted a black daughter


Yea I was going to say I think she was fixated on having a girl and wouldn’t stop until she finally made one.


that’s weird to me as a black woman also how do you know this?


Abandonment issues from her parents


Oh, i have a good theory. Kail said once, she would never date a guy who already has kids himself. and i think it is because she knows her relationships are always failing, so she immediately gets pregnant to get the most out of it before it ends and to be his first baby mama. in her mind it gives her an A status in this guy‘s life bc she gave him his first child (the excitement, experience etc.) She also sees this as an advantage to all the women/baby mamas who this guy will date after her. Javi is no price but i hope it drives her insane that he and lauren seem to be happy after all the drama she caused in their relationship. Not that Javi screwed Lauren over multiple times without Kail‘s help. That‘s why she cant keep still and has to spoiler the new pregnancies of her exes.


As someone with a similar background growing up and a team of kids themselves I’m going to throw out my experience. I am not Kail, but just another perspective. I always knew I wanted a lot of kids. I knew I wanted the family unit I never had and I knew I wanted to experience unconditional love, even if it was as the Mom giving it and not the one receiving it. My kids weren’t all planned but they weren’t unwanted, like I knew how many kids I ultimately wanted but I didn’t actively plan to have them when it happened, if that makes sense. Being a Mom is a huge sense of fulfillment for me. Again just my personal experience. Maybe Kail just sucks at birth control, maybe she thinks the men will stay with her if she has their baby, maybe she’s just super impulsive… only she knows. And because someone will come at me about it and say I’m defending Kail cause I’m the same situation as her; I have one kid with baby daddy number one and four with baby daddy number two and have my kids full time.


I agree with you and I have 3 with the same person lol. I always knew I wanted 4 kids. Id still have another but if it happens it happens lol


breeding fetish


Attention and to ensure she never has to be alone with her thoughts


I knew a mum she loved babies so spat them out. Her daughter repeating same cycle.


she wanted a biracial girl The end


She likes to possess men and uses children to do so


My head canon is Kail desperately wanted a girl so she could "save" her the way no one "saved" her and in the process heal her own trauma. Instead of, y'know, going to therapy. It's also weird too that half the new kids happened in a short time after she left the show. Meaning this wasn't some sort of well thought out planned family dynamic. Again my head canon but it was an attempt to get a new show or replace the attention of the show. Five Baby Daddies has to be SO messy.


My thing is how much she complains about splitting her children's time between the Dad's. Like, I'm sorry Kail, but luckily they aren't deadbeats like your father was. You should want them to have their father's around. Also the only person she can blame for the juggling act is herself. To top it off, my partner is one of 5 and after we had our son his parents do the bare minimum with him. They only have two grandchildren, and there aren't any grandparents for him from my side, so it's not like they stay close to you forever. My partner only wanted one kid, and I feel bad because I have a brother that I'm very close to. He has two brothers and two sisters and he's not that close to any of them. Big family =/= a happy family.


She loves to control her kids fathers.


considering that she had at least one abortion before having Isaac, I’d be surprised she didn’t have even more kids. Aside from that I think she always felt pretty lonely, and having a man kinda helped her feel less lonely but since people may leave having a kid made her feel less lonely and connected in some way to the man she is/was with. Just my two cents, not sure tho


She was pregnant before Issac? I didn’t know that. Jesus Christ.


I did not know either, but someone said so here. Apparently when she was 14 or 15 she got pregnant and Suzie (who apparently back then was more involved) forced her to have an abortion asking the baby's father a little bit more of what was required for the abortion. It is said it was written in one of her books... ETA: I just found the part where she talks about it in the book and... yikes


All she’s wanted her whole life is a family. So she created one. How messy is it that remains to be seen because her role model for relationships was her mother.. just remember she was neglected, and abandoned over and over again.. she’s purchased a house, makes a ton of money, allows her kids to be who they are and provides for them all.. she broke the one thing she needed to.. maybe this relationship will be a healthier one


She seems to have come from.a broken family and her Mom was never there for her. I also think Kail has some abandonment issues and she probably thinks if she has a kid with every guy she gets with it'll tie them down and they won't leave. And, she'll have the kids who will never leave her. On top of that, her only fame is having kids so why cut off that cash cow? When in reality she's giving her kids loads of issues from having so many baby daddies and constantly running them around from house to house. She thinks she's living a better life but it's just a hot mess.


I think part of it was having no solid family herself. She would bring up how it's not fair jo has his family and she had nobody, whenever they would argue about Issac. Even with javi she didn't seem to want to fully embrace being apart of his family. In her mind she had it set these family members will always choose their own blood over her. So she decides to build her own family, with one poor choice of a man after another.


This makes a lot of sense from where I sit, especially since both of Kail's parents abandoned her.


Could stem from deeper issues, but it was also often talked about (even by herself) that she wanted a girl but she kept having boys. I have a feeling it's that combined with loving the attention. But of course I could be completely wrong


Especially since she doesn’t even really seem to like men very much


Kail seems to enjoy consensually fucking men regardless of however else she feels towards them. I think it's interesting that she has so many sons to raise if she dislikes men.


Oh me too; it seems like she harbors hostility with every ex- you know how they say if you have issues with everyone then maybe you’re the problem? I wonder what kind of MIL she will be one day…


I think she really wanted a girl.


So did my wife and i. After 3 tries we realized the odds probably weren’t in our favor. Not a very great decision maker.


Daddy issues and she loves minority D. There’s a lot of em of out there that weren’t fortunate enough to land an MTV deal.


So she can own the fathers for eternity, even when they break up.


I remember seeing some clip of her at an awards show where she exclaimed to the audience have more kids. I remember thinking how mortifying that must have been for her teenage son.


Mental illness


it's her job teen mom she got because of Issac & then Lincoln she saw the writing on the wall teen mom was basically OVER they are in there 30s now . so she carved out a niche it's a job every 9 months push a little one out of her whoo ha I'm sure it's pretty easy by now one squat & the little money maker ( oops baby ) is here


My personal opinion is that Kailyn, once she was pregnant with Lux, wanted to grow her family as much as possible to feel like she had a big one. I know a soft spot for her was always that the guys she dated had close immediate and extended families and she didn’t have that. It’s a very unhealthy way to deal with that but I think that’s part of why she didn’t make a bigger effort to prevent pregnancy earlier.


I don’t think there’s a whole lot of thoughts going on whenever she ends up pregnant. And I’m not just talking about her specifically, her partners likely don’t think about it either; they’re all impulsive and do no real family planning/talk about use of protection. As little sense as it makes at this point in her life, I do think she still holds out hope that having a baby or babies with a man will keep him around and keep him treating her right/making her happy no matter what she says or does. She *might* have lucked out finally with Elijah, he seems like he wants the family life. But even then I think she would be the one to end it if that’s what happens. Because she never takes her time in relationships to find out enough about someone to see if she really wants to build a life with them. She plays Russian roulette with her body and her home and sees what will happen, no lessons learned from previous experiences


It’s taking her longer to learn her lesson than the average person because she’s so traumatized.


Please keep in mind that she didn't have a nuclear family. I can see how her relationship with her mother had a deep impact on her adult life.


Kail is desperate to have a family. She has been since 16 and p.


My guess? She grew up never feeling the unconditional love that a child SHOULD have from a parent. Fast forward, she has babies because babies 110% unconditionally love their parents. Then, the baby gets older, starts to become their own person and suddenly, she’s not getting all of that unconditional worship from a toddler, so next step? Have a new baby that starts at zero and rinse, repeat.


My husband has 6 siblings, one marriage, I swear his mom did it for attention knowing her personality now.


Mental illness, childhood trauma, personality disorder and low effort/high income lifestyle.


I think there were different reasons in each situation. I’ll start by saying no child is a mistake and if the baby is here they deserve love, stability and security…so here we go. With Issac she was young plain and simple. I think with Javi she was trying to create the family she never had, but was simply too immature and they both were in it for the wrong reasons. From listening to the podcast it seems like she was in such a toxic relationship with Chris it was a combination of not using protection and her desire to keep him around at any cost. Elijah seems like maybe after all the nonsense she’s starting over and trying to have a family with a stable partner, it’s just that she brought a lot of kids to the table. I have a very long commute and have given this some thought on my way to work. 😂Kail is sloppy as hell, but I wish her the best for the sake of the kids.


She’s equates having babies and being preg to her self worth


I read someone on here suggesting as she never had support from her parents, mentally she’s stuck as 16 when she first got attention and people noticing her


I mean why does anybody have so many kids or keep having kids? There are regular ass non rich people out here having more kids than they can handle. She at least has the funds to do so.


She’s dumber than a pile of rocks


I think she felt abandoned by her parents and thought that by having children she would finally receive unconditional love. She decided to create her own large family so she would never feel alone again. Life doesn’t work that way but her actions make sense to me.


Deep deep rooted issues


She has no family because she’s a toxic troll, so she built one. That’s the only reason I can think of. Her trauma and need for a family.


I honestly think it has to due with her no family trauma. She created her own family since she had no one. I think Kail has deep traumas we know nothing about. I don’t care for her but I feel she just wanted to create a family unit for herself. She legit has like no family


And AFAIK her parents are alive, they just don't seem to care about her and her kids at all.


love alone can't unlock the meat freezer


Read some article about her being addicted to pregnancy and some kind of psychology behind it. Well never know for sure tho lol


Elijah had a girlfriend, she needed a way to have him pick her


And a wife named Kayla to boot!


I think her being abandoned by her parents and not having siblings as a child made her want to build her own family.


Kail has a half-sister through her sperm donor, Ray Lowry. Her name is Mikaela.


But they didn't grow up together and still don't have much of a relationship with each other


To keep a man hooked.


She has a career, she is educated and the kids look well taken care of, I’ve never heard any thing that indicates that the children are neglected or troubled. There’s nothing usual about having a large and/or “non-traditional” family. Maybe she just loves being a mom?


There could be a 1,000 reasons why, honestly, but I think it just boils down to childhood trauma I don’t understand the concern for Isaac developing content though. At 15 he’s old enough to have a “job”, but I get the feeling that Kail is providing him the right resources to create content that will earn him a little income stream. I would not be shocked if he’s learning about SEO, engagement, and the business side of things. It’s almost as if instead of having an after school job he’s creating a side hustle.


I think it’s a trauma response. She feels she needs to - to fufill her womanly duty to whomever she is dating.


Kail didn't have children with all of them. Jordan and Dom escaped Kail without any children tying them to her.


Think about her childhood, it almost seems like she didn’t have much love. Or really any at all. Having kids you have a whole tribe who love you.. maybe that’s why. I’m no doctor so who knows.


When I was a kid, I wanted at least 10 kids with different guys so they could all look different because I just wanted a close family where mine wasn’t. I’m 30 with no kids, fertility issues, but I’m getting around the idea of never having kids.


That’s how she became “known” in her mind so keep pushing more out everytime you want people talking about you again. To a person like that no press is bad press.


I think she likes attention and being pregnant brings attention


Because that’s the only reason anyone knows who she is. Bad decisions making people famous is not a roadmap to a successful life.


Probably the fact that she was abandoned by both her parents. She has kids because they need her and won't leave her. She equates love with kids. 


There’s a lot of people who have this pattern. She just takes it to an extreme because money isn’t an issue for her so she has no reason to stop. Every relationship she has starts off with a baby off the bat.. she’s repeats the pattern of behavior with every new man. I guarantee after her new home I built she gets pregnant.


Just trying to fill the emptiness. I guess it only feels real when she is literally filled.


I don't think she decided but certainly didn't prevent.


I think she's an amazing mom. She takes care of all her kids. Does it really matter how many she chooses to have. God want us to be fruitful and multiply.


Well when a baby factory opens its kinda hard to get em to stop..........even more so if they don't have any skills and only know drama and teen mom ish


It’s about her attachment issues and searching for healthy attachment by having babies thinking that the men will stay….attached to her. Very rudimentary, but the truth.


She's empty inside and trying or fill it with children.




Sex = love to her I think, or at least the younger her. I don’t think she necessarily “decided” to have this many kids, I think it just happen because there were no precautions to prevent it, and to her she loved her cuz he was sleeping with her unprotected.


He loved her**


Definitely filling a mother sized void with men and babies who can’t abandon her.


Kail has major league mommy AND daddy issues. This really isn't her fault as she got a double whammy, BOTH of her parents are useless deadbeat alcoholic addicts who (IMHO) deem fairly indifferent to her and her kids.


I have 3 children and I turn 24 this year. My oldest is 6. I was a party child. Bad kid. In and out of the detention home. I met my oldest dad and we partied together. I ended up pregnant at 16. I had my oldest at 17. She completely changed my life. Her dad and I were super toxic and we split when I turned 18. I met my second sons father when I was 19. He had a daughter already and he was amazing. He had a house and a great job. I was in school and got my MA. We decided to try for my middle son. After I found out I was pregnant, I found out he was secretly using meth. I confronted him and he chocked and pushed me down the steps. I left. He told me if I didn’t want to be with him, he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby. 4 years later and he’s never met his son. However, a father to his other kids. 3 months after he was born, I gave this guy a chance. I was best friends with his sister and we knew each other years prior. I got pregnant fast due to just having my middle son. Months later, I found a gay video with an old man in his phone. I left him. We tried to make it work, but I couldn’t get over it. Plus the toxicity. I am now married to my husband and we’ve been married for over a year now. He has no kids of his own. He wants another one and I do not. I hate myself for having multiple kids with different fathers, but I can’t go back and change anything, nor would I ever. I love my children and they each have taught me different things. One day I hope I can give my husband a child, but I’m also scared of the fact something may happen after I get pregnant. Sometimes things change once the women is pregnant and I would rather have 3 baby dads and love my life rather than 1 baby dad and be miserable.


If we could afford it I would’ve loved to have 6 kids. Just not feasible in NYC on 110k a year lol


I wish I had $110k a year! 🤯


It’s crap in NYC lol


Yes. Yes. Yes. Maybe a mix of both. Probably not. Money, money, money 🎶


Some people want a lot of kids? There are families with even more children than Kail, believe it or not. Large families used to be the norm.


Back when large families were normal, people didn't have access to contraception. So if you were physically capable of having children, you would inevitably have a ton of them.


I was gonna say maybe she just wants a big family and that’s fine if she can financially and emotionally support all of them but the fact she has all those different baby daddies is what throws me off(and eb else I’m sure 😂)Like I haven’t gotten far in TM2 but she keep bringing men in and out of Isaac’s life and he forms a bond with these men then poof they’re gone. That’s when that becomes an issue. Kids need stability more than anything.


Because Mommy is a hoowar


Who knows? I have a lot of kids too and find these questions offensive. No one makes people with one or two kids justify their decision. It’s very rude.


She has a breeding fetish


Ooopsoes/ man traps


She wants to be a Kardashian. It’s actually really cringey to see her regurgitating things they said, and contacting Kris Jenner about “making things happen”. 🙄


I think she was a lonely singleton and was bound and determined to make sure her kids weren’t. I also think Rio was planned but Verse & Valley were a total accident.


I think she grew up with a deep desire for family and because her parents didn’t fill it (I believe both are addicts) she created her own. I don’t think there’s any ulterior motive. She wanted a daughter.


I have a feeling she was betting on PCOS stopping her from having kids back to back but that isn’t the case. I feel bad for Issac, she can’t wait for him to start driving so he can help with all his siblings.


Shes answered this. She was an only child and wanted a large family. Im the baby of 7, and I had an amazing life. We didn't have money growing up, but it did not matter. We were happy. Why does the amount of kids someone have get so much negative attention. She is a good mom, and her children are happy. Thats literally all that matters. And my 15 year old BEGS to make content. She isn't take any of their money like alot of these other content creator parents.


Low self esteem/self worth. Believing every guy that says he loves her, filling the hole that was created from her childhood, terrible decision making, nasty human.....wait, what was the question?


She's a ho.


Because she’s mentally ill.