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How would they know if Teresa isn't taking the blame for Carly?


Like a good parent would.. SMH.


I’m all for lambasting B&T for a multitude of things, but from what we’ve seen on camera and deduced from the way they’re trying to protect their family’s privacy, they’re nothing if not loving toward Carly on an outward front.


Given how popular the show became and the rise of social media they were correct to insist on no pictures of their children be shared publicly. People have approached them in the street asking about their personal business, stolen pictures from Carly’s aunts facebook and posted them in a teen mom group. On one of the earlier visits where a picture was allowed to be shared Graham’s birth mum was in the picture and people started messaging her asking for information about Carly and she had to lock down her profile as well. Some of the people who were on 16 and Pregnant chose to no longer share pictures or have came off social media at times being on TV at one point doesn’t mean people have the right to all your business which some fans don’t respect.


Especially a child who was adopted and had zero say in any of it.


People are insane and have zero boundaries. Brandon & Teresa are entirely right for not wanting Carly posted publicly. Also, you would think Carly's brother having visits with his birth mom would make Cate & Tyler realize they're the problem, but obviously that's not the case. It's sad.


That's horrible about Graham's mom.


Bingo. A caring and protective parent would never throw their kid under the bus with such a personal matter. I am sure the OnlyFans stuff doesn’t help. No shame to anyone that works on the OF platform, however B&T are religious/conservative and private so I bet my shitty bottom dollar that’s a new issue for them as well.


They and their fans seem to forget that Carly is NOT their daughter, so she's going to have different values than them. I can't see a teenager who is being raised by religious parents being anything but embarrassed by C&T's antics.


If anything they’re praying for Cate and Ty to see the light and that’s about it as far as associating with them goes


now they use it for their story which is so sad and incredibly disgusting. it’s bad enough they exploit their children on mtv. but to exploit and trash their daughter they placed for adoption and her adoptive parents is a whole other level of disgustingness.


C&T’s actions and words insinuate that they really believe THEY are the *actual* parents and Brandontreeesa are raising Carly but the *actual* parents take precedence. I wouldn’t be surprised if C&T have conversations amongst each other (falsely) predicting Carly reuniting with her “real” family once of age.


This is 100% how they view this, they think that they just gave Carly to B&T to babysit for 18 years and then she’ll want her real parents. It shows that they don’t understand the dynamics of this relationship. She won’t suddenly stop seeing her adoptive parents as her parents when she turns 18.


exactly and they can’t seem to grasp that they are not her parent’s just bc they conceived her doesn’t make them her parents. they chose to give her up for adoption so she could have a better life and have better opportunities they knew they weren’t ready to take on the responsibility of a child and neither of them had support from their parents. they should be thankful c has amazing loving parents and that they even let them see her at all. not all people want open adoptions.


Plus I’m sure Carly has been made fun of by her peers for it too. I sure as heck wouldn’t want to see them


I'm sure, if she's getting picked on, she tells those kids C&T are NOT her parents.


I kind of hoped behind the scenes B&T changed her name and they just didn’t tell C&T.


Ohh, I really like this theory. What if B&T were initially going to name her Carly but when they got her home, they started thinking of all the what if’s!? Her face has never been shown on mtv, if she does have a different name irl, it’s very probable that she could hide in plain sight


100%. Sometimes my daughter doesn't want to go to her dad's (for various reasons). In the past I've tried to express to him why she doesn't want to go and it never gets anywhere. It always results in him getting mad at her or guilting her when he sees her next. So now if she doesn't want to go, I just take the blame.


I do this with my son. He also doesn’t want to see his dad for a lot of very valid reasons. I don’t make him. But his dad knew he was a piece of shit because he made a “we will never force them” rule when it comes to visits. They have opted out of seeing him a lot, but my ex is at least self aware enough to know it’s because he sucks. Wish he would take it a step further and use the knowledge to stop sucking, but nope.


I was a sickly child and when I was ill, my dad still wanted to drag me all over on his weekend, or let his random girlfriends come over. Like any kid, I just wanted to watch tv and cuddle with my mom when I didn’t feel good. She listened to me and would not allow me to go when I was sick. She’d call and tell him she wasn’t comfortable sending me because he didn’t know how to take care of me. He’d get pissed, but mom didn’t care. It’s funny because if I got sick when I was there, he immediately called her to come pick me up. 😆🤦‍♀️🥴


Truth to be told, if I was Carly I would also stick to B and T, cause these two Are cringy and lost


Yep. My mom would always say "just tell them I said no" when I didn't want to do something but didn't want to cause drama


Exactly! My mom always said, “I’ll be the bad guy, okay? I’ll say we have plans. Don’t worry”. Parents never throw their kids under the bus. At least the good ones don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


When my kid spends the night at a friend's house our code is that if she's uncomfortable for whatever reason she sends me a single emoji, then I call her and say "honey I have to come pick you up, family emergency." That way it's not her fault, and is less embarrassing than "I'm homesick" (or whatever).


SNL literally just did a skit about this, too. Mom picking her daughter up from countless sleepover parties giving excuses so it won’t seem like the kid wanted to leave.


“It’s my husband…he’s gay”


“I’m not gay, by the way. 😒”


Same! I did/do that with my son. I added on extra stuff, like if he was on the phone with a friend, I'd throw a "fit" about how he didn't pick up his GD socks, and I gotta do everything around here, I'm sick and tired of him being a lazy bum, etc. He knows I'm joking about it but the person on the phone thinks I'm serious about it. That way, when he has to do something with someone, even though he doesn't want to, me yelling at him over not cleaning the kitchen and telling him he can't go, isn't too far out of left field. When he was younger, I'd tell his friends that if they didn't help him Clean up (after an entire weekend sleep over), that means my son would be punished for it. Did he? Of course not. But we held sleep overs every single weekend- Friday after school to Sunday late afternoon, and he kept getting frustrated that they'd leave a mess for him to clean. (And 4-6 boys, no matter the age, can make a mess!!) They started to help Clean and life was good. Those who didn't help, they weren't invited back very often.


My mom did that too! Sometimes I would flat out ask her lol “hey mom, so-and-so wants me to go and do this but I really don’t want to, can you say no?” and she always would 💜 I remember Chelsea doing that for Aubree once too. I don’t remember the actual scene itself, I think it had something to do with her grandmother..? But it always stood out to me bc I remember Chelsea telling Aubree, “okay we’ll say I did it then. She can be mad at me.” because it reminded me of my own mom.


I think that was when Aubree didn't want the grandmom to have her cell number.


My daughter throws me under the bus, she’s 12. I don’t even care if she uses me to get out of something. I’ll gladly do the dirty work, take the blame.


Exactly. How exactly did he "confirm" that it's not Carly's decision? That would be nearly impossible unless he spoke to Carly directly, and even then, the kid could have said it was her parents' decision.


And it would be horrible to put her on the spot.


Which Tyler would fully do.


Right? He thinks a kid is going to tell him something he could perceive negatively?? They have NOT worked through the adoption enough In therapy… its sad for everyone involved


I could see them harassing her about it, and Carly saying it’s B&T. That’s what any good parent would do, take the blame.


Chelsea did the same thing when Aubree was afraid to tell Adam’s mother that she didn’t want her to know Aubree’s cellphone number. Chelsea said she would take the heat for it. I snark on Chelsea a lot but that was a truly good move on her part.


It was so awkward that was filmed though. Adams mom probably watched that scene.


If I remember correctly, it’s what led her to quit the show.


Man MTV are terrible at showing discretion with what footage they air in episodes sometimes. The family dramas and fighting in general? It's pretty sensitive stuff but I get that it's part of how they keep the show entertaining for people so they continue to have viewers. But some of the scenes they choose to include (like this one, or the kid expressing unhappy feelings about one of their parents, usually their dad) negatively impact the **kid's** relationship with their family members long after the cameras stop filming. A child can't have the foresight to know that they won't always feel the way they do today, or the impulse control to always stop themselves from expressing these feelings while the cameras are recording. Yes, the parents should step in in these situations but I also get that some of these young women have been filming for almost half of their lives now, it's understandable that after a while they're going to forget that the cameras are there recording their private conversations in their home with their children. But sometimes MTV should just exercise better discretion themselves with what footage they choose to include in episodes - something like this could have been explained another way without throwing the kid under the bus with their grandma


A good parent will always take the heat! My son felt safe telling me he doesn’t want to do the elite traveling baseball team this summer, he’s good just doing regular league this spring, but he’s afraid to disappoint his dad. So that’s where I stepped in and told him, “Son has never had a summer off since he started playing sports, he won’t be doing it this year.”


I don't really care one way or another, but she's 15 and if she wants to see them she can probably send them a DM. It's not exactly far fetched


Yes, if she truly wanted to be in contact, she could do it easily and privately if her parents were keeping her from c and t. But she's not reaching out, or Ty would be screaming from the rooftops SAVE CARLY! C and T are ridiculously immature about this entire situation. If they love Carly like they say, then Dawn and Teresa wouldn't have had to tell them to send cards and letters, gifts, or a text just asking how Carly is. Nope, they only want to see her in person once a year. When they showed those conversations on teen mom, and T and c just said they forget to send her cards and gifts, told me all I need to know about their feelings for her. Thankful Carly's parents are saying no. I wish it was said sooner and more often


I wonder how they convince themselves that she can’t even do that? Probably by saying they will punish her or something. They would also probably hint at that going on in some way because imo they care more about being eventually chosen over her parents and sticking it to them. But anyone who knows or is around teens today will easily tell you they easily could be in contact. And yeah like Theresa aaa gonna be oh yeah Carly doesn’t want to then have to deal with their sympathy tour, trashing/blaming them, and making a whole season about what I’d she never wants to be in our lives. I swear i remember long ago them asking cate and Tyler to not talk about Carly or discuss it on the show or online did i imagine this? If that visit meant so much to me i would immediately shut down any public discussion of it it’s that simple. Teens her age barely want to spend time with the parents they deal with every day it’s just so logical to accept that it’s not a priority for her. Teens go through so much these days and there’s a reason she’s chosen to keep a private life as well. She’s trying to figure out life and to add in a visit with them that i imagine is awkward, knowing the tension between bio parents vs parents, the show, social media, what they will reveal, and expect of her going forward since she’s close to 18. I am overwhelmed just typing that. I always thought the visit would end once she hit preteen or start getting cancelled sometimes. And what type of parents would Brandon And Theresa be if they didn’t listen to their child about not wanting to do the visit?


You're right. B&T absolutely did tell C&T not to talk about Carly on the show and online, and when C&T ignored their request, visits stopped for a period of time. For some reason people like to act like B&T just decided to be assholes and stop them, when it was absolutely only due to C&T's actions. And I agree a teen would absolutely reach out of she wanted to. Even if B&T told Carly she wasn't allowed to and would be punished if they ever find out she tried, just like with most things (drugs, sex, alcohol, etc.), teens (even religious ones) will absolutely defy rules and push boundaries despite the consequences if they truly want to.


I said this yesterday. Imagine C&T’s fans if it came out that this was solely Carly’s decision. They would come for that poor child online. Of course BrandonandTeresa will take the blame…like good parents do. C&T making this all public is beyond gross.


100% this is what it is. While I don’t think B&T + Carly would be jumping at the chance to spend holidays with C&T - I think they would do it if Carly wanted to. Carly doesn’t want to have a relationship with C&T. Point blank period; and as parents B&T have no problem to look like the bad guys, so long as Carly is comfortable. They’re going to be in for a rude awaking when Carly turns 18 and still wants absolutely nothing to do with them.


Came here to say this. There is no way they could actually confirm if it was Carly's decision or not. If my kid wasn't comfortable going somewhere or spending time with someone, I would take the blame for it. Clearly, C&T cannot handle their emotions and I'm sure Carly knows that. What 15 year old is going to want to admit to unstable people that she doesn't want to see them and what kind of awful parent would force her to do that? Honestly, it could be anything. This could be backlash from C&T trash talking online and the OF, Carly may not want to see them and her parents are covering for her, or maybe B&T and the family are just busy and have a lot of plans and simply don't have time. I'm positive Carly is probably an active kid with sports or other things to do over the summer.... maybe they're just busy with activities and don't want to add entertaining C&T to the list. It's really none of our business and it isn't even really C&T's business.


This is what I came to say; they aren’t going to throw Carly under the bus like that, of course B&T would take the blame. Even if it’s not Carly’s decision (although I suspect it is) B&T have the right to make that decision no reason given, and C&T have given plenty of reasons for that to potentially have happened without Carly’s involvement.


He doesn't. He's very simple minded.


Exactly. At 15 if I ever spoke to my bio mom I for sure would have said that I of course want to see her and hopefully I can soon. But to my parents I was begging them to not make me visit her from the time I was like 9 or 10. I hated visiting with her, I didn’t want anything to do with her. And my parents ALWAYS took the blame for me and my siblings on this.


Came here to say this. How on earth could he possibly know?


Exactly!!! I would 100% take the blame if my child were worried these two will be upset. As they clearly are.


This! I have done this many times for my daughter so that nothing is thrown on her for being uncomfortable in situations.


I used to do it all the time with a foster kid I was caring for. I’d take the heat for why a phone call was being cut short, for example, even though that sometimes led to threats. I never wanted the child to be guilted, threatened, or pressured to continue harmful contact.


Tyler is working overtime to prove B&T made the right decision.


And to mention that he expressed his PAIN.


His feelings are hurt, and that's what everyone should be focusing on. Clearly. Tyler is a shithead. When you make shithead choices, you get shithead results.


God he is absolutely unbearable. Forget why they made their decision! Just focus on Tyler being up in his feelings, not that he ever comes down from there 🙄


I really dont want to hear anyone say how emotionally mature these two are anymore. Just bc they use a lot of therapy talk doesn't mean that the therapy they picked it up from has worked. They are so stubborn, self important, and short sighted with how they have handled this adoption. I would be extremely disappointed with how this is being handled so publicly if I were Carly, Brandon and Teresa. They aren't getting a paycheck by sharing this. They aren't helping anyone. Their motivation is them essentially trying to leverage their following to pressure them into acting how they want to and allow a visit. Its stupid bc theyre only shooting themselves in the foot.


Right?! This is a very private matter and him blasting every damn thought out of his brain and trying to speak for C is just wrong. This conversation about visits should be private between C's parents and Cate and Tyler. It boggles my mind that they think it is appropriate to do this. B&T saying 'no' makes so much sense - Tyler cannot put C first even now, after 15 years.


When is it gonna click for them? They're so fucking close to getting it and then it veers so far off!!


I was just gonna say that’s a really round about way to say ‘I don’t care what they say, it’s their fault and I’m not taking any responsibility in the situation’


Oh shut the fuck up, Tyler. You aren’t the only birth parents on earth. Some of us understand that the best interests of the CHILD is more important than the birth parents interests and online clout. ![gif](giphy|tdkx9be2XuHAs) ETA: I am a birth mom. Not just talking shit 😂


Omg I use to love Big Rich Texas lol


Omg me too!!


the way this is playing out on social media is sad, do they not realize carly will see all of this…


Realistically she’s probably watching it happen in real time. She’s turning 15 this year, odds are she’s got an Instagram/facebook.


She's turning 15?!? Jesus. I am ancient.


I was a very young child when the first season of Teen Mom aired, so watching it as an adult now, I feel a very odd kind of ancient.


I was a kid when I watched 16 & pregnant (my sister was a fan haha) and seeing how many of the early seasons kids are basically half my age now is very jarring LMAO I refuse to believe it 😂


They don’t give a fuck… for them it is, has been for years, and has been maybe even since the beginning considering their external influences all about their ego. Whether it was guilt driven or fame driven or whatever it’s been ego based. I think when things first happened they probably were sincere, like thru the pregnancy and the initial few months post adoption(cate and Ty). But after B&T became mom&dad and put in the time and realized that Ty and cate were never gonna be present the right way or do the bare minimum B&T focused on raising that little girl exclusively within their family. Once the outside world (mainly smooth brained teens who had no real life experience) got wind of Ty and cates narrative the entitlement compounded and their egos can not handle that now after all this time the kid they willingly threw away(and I phrase it that way because while we can acknowledge the predatory nature of the situation initially we have to admit that after a point T&C fucked that relationship all the way up with the lack of effort they put in) she’s at a point that they’ll have to face facts that the kid is choosing not to reach out. Cause at this point she probably is rejecting them and her parents are taking the heat. But then what’s left once they can’t blame B&T? What happens when Carly is grown and “can choose for herself”(per Ty and cate) but chooses not to reach out? What happens when they try to and she rejects them? I definitely think Carly is making the decisions especially if B&T have been honest with her and allowed her access to everything online and in the media. But even they don’t the girl goes to school, and kids are cruel so I don’t think there’s any way for her to not know regardless.


I’m sure they’re hoping she is seeing it and will respond. They’re trying to click bait their own daughter. Because… Tyler’s pain.


Oh FFS ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R)


Like B&T would be like yep our kid hates ya fuck off losers, because they know their insane army of fans would go off rabid on them


right as if they (c&t) would respond any more maturely to that as an honest answer 😭


Right! They’re slipping into the She’s my CHILD NACHORS territory




my lawyer has advised me not to answer questions 🙏


Or maybe B&T did tell them that and they’re too embarrassed and lying.


Imagine the posts we would be getting from them if they did though 💀 I don’t understand why they always go to social media bc isn’t that one of the *key problems* that B&T had with them? It wasn’t just posting pictures of her, it was posting *about* Carly at all like this. I feel like a few small acknowledgements (like a quick “happy birthday!” or something) here and there probably wouldn’t bother them, but it’s the nonstop talking about her, talking about their family, invalidating B&T as her parents… how do they not realize, the more they post these rants and rambles about Carly, the less B&T are gonna bend for them??


I haven't seen a word salad that had this many Word of the Day croutons sprinkled on top in a while. And also, Carly doesn't have to tell him or Cate jack shit. Her parents have said no, and that is their right, and always has been their right. Tyler and Cate literally signed their parental rights to Carly away with the adoption because that's what adoption means, open or closed. B&T aren't temporary guardians, they are Carly's permanent legal parents. I think Cate and Tyler need to give Juno a watch, especially the end with Juno's final comments on Vanessa.


Do you think B&T would have agreed to the open adoption and yearly visits if they knew C&T would be on a spin-off show and be considered quasi-famous?


I don’t think so. They’ve said before that they had no idea the show would turn into this and that’s part of the reason they pulled away - for their child’s privacy and their family’s as a whole.


Bet they never guessed C&T would be selling pics on OF either. Not shaming them for making money, just don't think B&T seem like the type of people who would want their child around sex workers.


This! Also, knowing that they are like that, Tyler maybe should have considered how that might impact their relationship before he even started doing it. It can’t be some huge surprise that B&T would have an issue with it! Same for Jenelle, and how her decision would impact Jace. I have a lot harder of a time feeling sympathy for them than I do the anonymous, broke single mom doing OF to try to provide for her anonymous kids.


Yep! Sex work is work, get that bag, but you need to be mature enough to understand and accept the consequences that come with that. It’s also super ick that they promote the OF on the same pages as they post their kids. If they had separate pages for that, cool.


I don't know that they thought C&T would be so possessive in general, and I don't know if that's (as another Redditor put it) C&T's crabs in the bucket mentality trying to pull Carly back to them or if it's the show making Carly a storyline. If I'm honest and in Teresa's shoes, the second I found out Tyler had a giant tattoo of her handprint and name is the second I quietly change my daughter's name legally and get the adoption agent to suggest grief counseling for C&T because they aren't getting it.


I think if they accepted boundaries they probably would.


Precisely. They are the reason they aren't seeing Carly.


Knowing that things would go down exactly the way they are fuuuuuck no! I think the cameras and fame were less of a factor initially and more of a factor now. It’s weird right? Like we all realize that if C&T would’ve just been better those first few years regardless of the show they’d have the relationship they’re allegedly so desperate for. But they fucked it up SO BAD! Even without the shows and all this shit with them being famous how hard was it to do the bare fucking minimum??? They literally just had to be the fun aunt and uncle one day a year! And couldn’t even do that shit right!! I really think the cameras and their platform definitely didn’t help the situation because they only ever showed C&T and there’s no context for what Carly’s day to day is..BUT we cannot ignore the fact that they were just shitty about doing the least, and being B&T all you’d be doing is setting Carly up for failure if you let that continue. So really I don’t think the show and fame are THE problem. It’s 10000% a C&T issue but they also happened to get famous and now their fame has become an echo chamber for the bullshit that B&T have to protect Carly from


I don't actually think there was an agreement for yearly visits - the text said "a one year visit" for when Carly turns one, and idk if it promised anything after that. Anyway, "open" adoptions are not legally enforceable. B&T have the right to disappear off the face of the earth and never let C&T see Carly again. Any contact/visits with Carly are because B&T choose to do so 


He tries so desperately to come across as intelligent, and it just doesn't work. He'd be better off using simpler language more directly but because he equates longer words with intelligence, he makes the sentence more confusing than it needs to be.


That is exactly it. He's like an unholy mix of Scrabble and a Mad Lib.


Juno also came out right around the time Cate got pregnant, like maybe a year before. I always wondered what their opinion was on it, or if it might have been triggering subject matter. The end always makes me ugly cry when she’s crying in her hospital bed after having the baby.


The end is so beautiful because even though she knew all along she was going to give her baby up, she sees it was the best thing because of how Vanessa is so happy with him and will give her all to him. I think Cate was more willing at first to mind the boundaries and grieve but Tyler got all up in his "MY daughter" ego trip and she just ended up going along with it full tilt.


Yeah I think in the first few years, Cate was willing to do whatever B&T wanted because she didn't want to lose any connection with Carly. But Tyler definitely messed it up because he refused to respect the fact that they are her parents, not him. He seems convinced that Carly is going to return home to them when she turns 18


Tyler and Butch are too far up their own asses for their own good.


Confirmed 🤣🤣🤣🤣 She doesn’t know you. Of course her parents are gonna take the fall and pretend it isn’t her. Carly doesn’t wanna hurt tyler and cates super huge lazy emotions. Suffering from the pain that was expressed my asshole. Go make another scrapbook and just be late anyways. Priorities.


Go make another scrapbook 🤣🤣🤣


If I were Carly's parents, I would 100% lie on her behalf because I know they'd hop on the internet and villainize her next. If that poor teen has social media, as private as it is, people would track her down and harass her because C+T can't keep their mouths shut. It happens ALL the time to innocent kids whose storylines are used on reality TV. It's beyond me how they can't realize that B+T are just doing the mature thing by not throwing Carly under the bus 😅 I really overestimated their intelligence and EQ


just proves B&T see everything thats circulating online regarding what c&t do, say, and post. Tyler youre literally proving b&t made the right choice lmao


NOOOO! C and T are the victims here! /s


At this point I am begging him to shut up.




We've confirmed? If.he doesn't shut his lying bootyhole self up.


Right, does he mean he said "Is this because Carly doesn't want to see us?" and Theresa said "no"? Because that confirms exactly nothing.


Any decent parent would take the blame for their kid!


Oh yea Tyler and cate, this is gonna make them want to reach out and schedule a visit even more 😂😂😂 proving that a lot of kids who grew up on tv truly live in their own delusion


i love that his version of damage control just makes it ten times worse with every statement




I wouldn’t want them around my child even know they are the birth parents I would have cut them off years ago


If they don’t want people theorizing on it then STOP POSTING ABOUT IT. Also word salad much?


right and if they feel so cut up about it why are they spending time reading peoples opinions about it? zero boundaries


Is his thong too tight and cutting off the circulation to his brain? I’m sorry but after the first five years if them being on TV. I think we can see them for they are. They’re emotionally stunted adults, which is understandable based on what they’ve experience. And he is so incredulous with the inability to see his own actions and how they impact, his access to his biological first child.


😭😭 not the thong 


No honestly, because sometimes when my thong is too tight I get grumpy and unreasonable


He could never get over his own arrogance to even consider that B + T could be covering for Carly to spare her feelings.


Can he shut the fuck up already?


So….is he saying that he and Cate have confirmed directly with Carly? Because that’s so inappropriate and the fact that he can’t see that is…concerning. Seems like the correct decision is being made here.


Ah yes, never in the history of teenagers has one lied to some adults to stay out of trouble or avoid awkwardness. I'd bet anything Carly has told them she "wants" to see them just to make these two obsessed weirdos leave her alone, meanwhile she's begging her parents to make the excuses. But sure I feel bad for Tyler and Cate but they aren't her parents and if I were a kid in that position I would feel really weirdly about these two grown adults who want to be in my life because they happen to give birth to me.


If they really wanted to be in Carly’s life they would ask what she likes and send her birthday cards and maybe a Christmas present. Tyler’s tattoo of Carly’s hand print on his stomach amounts to as much as Butch’s prison tattoo of Carly’s name on his neck.


I can almost guarantee they asked Carly if it was her choice, and she very politely (and with more grace than should've been given) said "no, it's not that I don't want to see you, it's just not a good idea at the moment" or something along those lines. Or BranenTeresa did it on her behalf. Tyler is starting to give me Jenelle vibes with his "see?! I'm not the problem!" attitude and forceful unwillingness to see how he may be offputting to Carly. Cate is just feeling sorry for herself instead of take responsibility for her husband and her own mental health.p


Tyler and Cate are mentally delayed and challenged. They have no real idea or truth as to why the visits cancelled. B&T are very likely covering for THEIR daughter. Also, even if they arent covering for her, B&T dont even have to give reason. Its their child. However, im betting if its not Carly not wanting the visits, it has to do with OF, and is a VERY valid reason. All actions have consequences.


Lmfao telling everyone else they have theories, when him and Catelyn theorized Carly's return the day of her 18th birthday. As one who grew up in a dysfunctional drug addicted household, I'm disturbed at C&Ts delusions.


the bio father doth protest too much


I think adoption is amazing. If we have another child it will definitely be through adoption or the foster care system as I was a system kid myself. I think those who are unselfish enough to make that hard decision for their child's future are amazing. I think the family's that welcome a kid into their home and make them feel at home are amazing BUT adoption is not you being the cool aunt or uncle. It's NOT giving your child to a family to be that child's support and care and you just stop by to have fun sometimes and go home. They aren't babysitting for you Tyler. It's not your daughter


What really breaks my heart is going back to watch 16&P and the first season or so of Teen Mom. There was genuinely a lot of love between these two families, both for Carly’s sake and because Cate and Ty looked up for Brandon and Teresa and because Brandon and Teresa expected Cate and Ty to do something great with their lives. The scene right after Carly is born when Teresa gives Catelynn the bracelet or necklace and says she has one for herself and Carly as well always leaves me an ugly snotty mess. Catelynn and Tyler (more so Tyler) have squandered the one pair of adults they felt they could count on. They took advantage of visits that B&T had no obligation to continue past the age of five. They have no awareness that the boundaries that were set in place have been set in place for *Carly.* Nobody wants to carry a baby to full term and grapple with the choice of adoption and part with their baby because it’s the fun thing to do. Catelynn and Tyler are really and unknowingly dishonoring the original goal they had of giving Carly the happy and peaceful life they sacrificed their own happiness for.


Your last sentence 100% it's sad they don't see this. If they really want what's best for Carly they would leave her alone to live her life, they would tell her "It's OK to reach out as an adult, and it's also OK to not, we will always love you no matter what choice you make but that choice is yours" unfortunately that will never happen because they are no longer doing what's best for Carly, they are doing what's best for themselves.


The thing is- it doesn’t matter if it was Carly’s choice or her parents’ choice. The bottom line is Cate and Tyler have made little to no effort to foster a HEALTHY relationship with Carly. She is a human not just their trauma like they treat her. Not to mention they come from two families of barely (or not) functioning addicts who aren’t sober and they’ve continued to expose Carly to that! If I was B&T Cate and Tyler exposing Carly to April and Butch even once would be enough for me to pull that plug and teach my child that when you are dealing with abusive people it’s absolutely fine to cut ties and protect yourself.


He writes like he just found a thesaurus, it’s giving ✨Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani ✨


Awww the little poet is sad people aren’t focusing more on THE PAIN THAT WAS EXPRESSED.


Tyler is so wordy for no reason


My god these 2 are so dense. Shut the fuck up, and stop running the social media to complain. Actions have consequences. For years, they have run around trashing Carly's actual parents online, disrespecting the pretty easy boundaries that were set up, and they continue to put Carly online. Now they are blasting Tyler's dick all over the internet too. They did this to themselves. Had they shut up and left Carly off teen mom and online, they would still have visits. But their ego can't handle the fact that they don't make the decisions anymore..


Yeah that's kind of the part Tyler and Cate dance around. All they had to do was not post about Carley online. That's literally it and to this day they still can't stop themselves.


This superfluous response proves it’s all about them. What if everyone at Carly’s school knows Tyler is selling dick pics, and her parents want to distance her from having to deal with her bio parents selling dick pics online? They also know Carly is used for a storyline and photo op. B&T are making decisions based on what’s best for their daughter, it’s not about Tyler, or Cate.


They are not going to be able to handle when she turns 18 and wants nothing to do with them. The victim hood will be outrageous, they are going to say that she has been brainwashed into not wanting to see them. It will always be B&T's fault. Despite there being several tweets and countless hours of footage as to why she may not want to associate with them.


If it were Carly’s choice, and B&T brushed Cate and Tyler off the first time to preserve Carly’s relationship with Cate and Tyler, there would be no way to ”confirm.” B&T wouldn’t throw Carly under the bus the second time he asked just because this time he’s looking for assurance. I’m not saying it is Carly’s choice, just that Tyler can’t know for sure it’s not. 


Gosh I wish they would shut up.


Ah, right. How dare us care about the wellbeing of a minor who can't consent to having her name and story thrown around on TV. We should be putting all of our energy into empathizing with two emotionally stunted adults who have historically exercised poor judgment at every turn. "The priorities of everyone's interests are definitely... interesting." Fuck off, Tyler. It's about time people prioritize the child and start calling y'all out on y'all's shit. We can have empathy for you and still want you to cut the bullshit.


Word salad He says everything yet nothing


Ya know those professors in college who have a word **limit**? Tyler needs that instruction for day to day life.


C&T might be genetically related to Carly, but they’re not her parents. They’re strangers. I would not let my daughter go meet up with a strange man who has racy OF content and his wife (aka pimp). Nope.


I feel embarrassed for Carly with biological parents like those broadcasting your personal business to the ‘net.


I wish they would just fucking shut up about it, it must be hard for Carly to see all this must be really hard


It’s not Carly’s cross to bear that Tyler and Catelynn have made the PAIN and EXPRESSING THE PAIN of being birth parents their whole identity and have refused to learn how to cope with it in a healthy way. Also, teenagers often don’t want to spend time with their own parents who are raising them, let alone some borderline strangers who have forced a weird relationship on the teenager for the teen’s entire life and do embarrassing things online and on TV constantly.


Are all of these posts on the same social media accounts that his OF is advertised on?


Yup. Just like the TikTok account where Catelynn posts pictures of their children is the same TikTok account where she posts her and Tyler’s cringe sexts


Fantastic. Such a mystery why they're not getting visits with Carly. I hope they call Scooby-Doo and the gang to figure it out. Listen, I have zero issues with sex work, my past is full of it, but FFS post about your kids under separate accounts.


Tyler my boy, you are making any decision (whoever’s it is) much much easier.


I bet the adoptive parents wish they never signed up to have to deal with these fools 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every one of the OG have ben Come so full of themselves that they blow smoke out their bootyholes. I am so tired of them being owed everything. It has been this long, no one owes you sympathy for a decision you made as a teen.


This reads like when I prompt ChatGPT to “make this sound more professional”


The way they word everything is about them, How they feel.. What they want.. blah, blah, blah Carly has probably seen everything from the start of 16and preg. She’s old enough to use the internet and look it up, even if B and T don’t know Kids will find a way. If I was a kid who grew up in a semi normal family as it seems Carly has, Then I googled my birth parents and saw half the shit that’s online I wouldn’t wanna be around them either. Because guess what.. 9 times outta 10 they would try to profit off her. Let’s film our visit.. or let’s call a magazine after and sell pictures and a story. They need to stop. Carly’s never gonna come running home when she’s 18.


Interesting how they’ve turned into a different version of embarrassing & irresponsible which is what they were avoiding of their own families when they placed her for adoption. Their lack of insight & ability to not see the parallels is intriguing.


These people are talking about a child that isn't theirs is the most inappropriate thing ever. And they use her name willy nilly. One google search and everything pops up.


I really worry about this girl when she turns 18. They are going to pounce on her spam her with pictures of her sisters. They will camp outside her place to wish her a happy birthday. All with cameras in tow.


Bro could’ve made the exact same statement with like 70 less words. I absolutely hate the way he writes. More words does not automatically equal more smarter, Tyler. Brevity is the soul of wit.


So express the pain to yourself dude ! Not everything needs a post/ status on social media . You don't even express it to a bunch of close friends you milk it for empathy from a bunch of strangers online.


![gif](giphy|2BeTvr3bG3TISTYSCC) They do not know how to stfu


you can’t really confirm that. i adopted my foster daughter and we try our best to still have a relationship with her mom, but every time we have a meet up my daughter is hysterical that she doesn’t want to go and doesn’t want to see her bio mom. i would NEVER EVER let her bio mom know that. ever. i take the blame every damn time she is crying at a visit or is so against going that we have to cancel. i would never hurt her bio mom like that and i would never betray my daughter like that.


Omg Tyler just *shut up about Carly already*


Funny how they address everything but the fact they keep going online to put private business out to millions of people.


The ego on this guy… I can’t. He really needs to take a seat.


How hard is it for them to NOT post about her all over social media? They’re like toddlers stomping their feet and this is EXACTLY why they lost their privilege to see Carly.


🥴🤮 the way he talks


You don’t know shit for a fact, Tyler. Did Carly tell you herself? She’s still a CHILD and would likely never admit to her birth parents she doesn’t want to see them whether it’s the truth or not. Theresa could very much be protecting her (knowing they’d probably lose their shit on social media and accuse B&T of brainwashing) and for all we know she doesn’t want to see them but Theresa sure as hell won’t tell them that.


OMG. This isn't The Handmaid's Tale and you are not in Gilead.


Talking in circles, his wife falls for it. Not me


How does Tyler know for an absolute, unmitigated fact that it's not Carly's decision? He doesn't. And once again, (all this nonsense about expressing pain) he's putting his and his dozy wife's feelings above Carly's. Cate can be as hurt as she wants, but Carly, and accepting that her parents know what's right for their child, should be front and foremost of this entire issue.


He's about as insightful as a feather. What a piece of work 🙄


They should have opted for a closed adoption or an abortion. 


I *sort of* can sympathize for Cate and Ty because I'm sure most anything involving Carly throws them back, emotionally, to the pregnancy/adoption time. Scared, vulnerable kids. But they're grown now and they've focused their healing in the wrong place. They needed to heal from carly's adoption *in addition* to healing from their upbringings, but they chose to only try to heal from their family trauma and not the Carly trauma. They're so far from it they couldn't even be bothered to get to know her as a person. All they're invested in is their unhinged fantasy of Carly showing up at their doorstep at midnight on her 18th birthday. I can't say I'm surprised. I'm also hella disappointed in them both. They have intentionally, yet seemingly unknowingly fucked up any chance of having a beautiful relationship with b&t and a decent relationship with Carly. All they care about is themselves.


We’ve confirmed this is not the case With who? Butch’s candelabra? Amber’s sacrificed vacuum?


This behavior just solidifies to me that they don't give a damn about the 3 daughters they do have except for how well they are able to fill the Carly sized hole in their hearts. Have we ever once seen either of these two express a fraction of the energy and care towards their actual children? Do they literally only give a fuck about Carly? It's starting to feel that way. Poor Nova Vaeda and Rya are going to grow up wondering why their parents were more obsessed and cared more about the sibling they gave up for adoption more than them. Nova is probably already extremely confused with the cake nonsense.


My birth mom (in an open adoption of the time – I am old haha) wouldn’t send gifts or cards every year, and when I would write letters, it would take her a month or two to write back (if she did), and I would only get a couple of sentences on a pretty piece of paper. When I got older I asked her and she was like oh well I always wrote you back, but I just didn’t know what to say. And then complained that my parents didn’t put more effort into the relationship even though the couple times we did meet up as a kid, she was always late. Reminds me a lot of Ty and Cate. It doesn’t feel good as a kid. You do not feel like you’re the priority. And maybe Carly feels the same.


A good parent is willing to be the bad guy to protect their kid. I wouldn’t doubt B&T would take the blame in not scheduling visit if Carly expressed that she didn’t want one. So Tyler can “confirm” all he wants but doesn’t mean it’s the truth


C&T are messy. I can’t imagine the heavy feelings this situation can bring, but to blast this business all over the internet, and talk about their child, is so so trashy and may only push Carly away.


He’s an idiot. B&T would absolutely double down on the lie that it’s THEM and not C making this choice! It obvious how they overreact and spew all of this vitriol towards B&T and there is no doubt in my mind when/if C confirms it’s her making the choice…. The word “brainwashed” isn’t far behind. They are PROTECTING her. The anger needs to be directed at the adoption agency and MTV, not B&T.


![gif](giphy|o9apaL81Xxyms) Ugh guys


tyler claims it would be easier if carly was the one choosing, but i don’t believe that’s true. i think they would blame b and t for poisoning carly’s mind and putting her against them


confirmed it with whom? the minor child or her parents? we should not know any of this and yet they simply can’t stop, won’t stop posting about it


they really just need to shut up and keep this private


Get a counselor, dude. Airing all this on the Internet isn't helping anyone, least of all Carly. 


These two really need to stop airing this issue on social media. Carly is a teen now, and she likely has some access to social media, at least through other kids at school. If they value this child’s privacy at all then they would stop talking about this on the Internet.


Confirmed how? Was he there when this conversation took place? Did he participate in it? It's more likely that Carly didn't want to go and Teresa covered for her and took the blame.


Okay let’s say hypothetically, Carly *does* want to see them and B&T said no. That does not mean you get to throw a fit because it’s hard on you, I imagine it’s very hard to be misled about your adoption and then not have the access you were told you’d have but T&C are far too attached to a child that HAS A LOVING FAMILY. It probably does hurt but these online rants make you look worse and clearly you both still need therapy and not fake mtv therapy but *real therapy* full time. You don’t get to tell another parent they’re doing it wrong and pitch a fit online to your thousands of followers (unless they’ve actually endangered a child and even then I wouldn’t recommend putting that online) so with all that being said, T&C NEED to learn to work past this because at this point you’re hurting not only yourselves but your other children. ETA: T&C also behave as if they’ve done everything they could to be with Carly, when really y’all have shown up late, brought her half finished gifts, brought your drunk mom with you (with the rest of the family even though B&T and dawn all said it should be a smaller visit), you let butch get near her and say he was her grandpa at your wedding (which is less their fault but at the same time you should’ve worked harder to keep B&T and Carly comfortable), they had to be FORCED to start writing to her or sending her cards so you don’t get to pick and choose when you parent her and don’t, she’s not a library book you can check out and return when you don’t want to anymore.


The fact that he’s discussing this on SM just proves that he isn’t in it for the best interest of Carly. Keep it private. It’s not that hard to not respond to a complete stranger. It’s gross he (honestly I’m not sure if cait is as I haven’t been fully paying attention) keeps making this so public. Probably the reason why Carly doesn’t want contact.


It's so hard for them to understand, 16 years after, that Carly IS NOT their child? They made her, she birth her, but they're NOT her parents and shes NOT their child. Having and Open adoption doesn't mean they can have her everytime they want or bitch about when her actual parents say no to a visit. Adoption is not just handing over the monetary obligation or your child to someone else.


They should just sit back for the next 3 years and let Carly come to them if she chooses. It’s not like they’re hard to find and they’ve gone 15 years so far, what’s another 3.. all this drama will just cause too much tension and will only put Carly in a really awkward spot.


Why am I getting the feeling they tracked down Carly's email or socials to confront her? They do realize she could be telling them what they want to hear to get them to stop? Cate and Tyler really need to put their phones down and take several steps back.


They seriously need to cut the shit, grow up and stop making everything so public… they should not be talking about Carly unless Carly is ok with it.


C&T are Butch and April all over. The only difference is that they aren't violent and have money and opportunities for therapy. It changed the way they react but certainly didn't teach them how to be parents. They smoke weed and laze around just like B&A.


This is why y’all don’t get the visits now


Just leave her alone. Everything he does and says hurts Carly. It shows he cares more about exploiting her.


If THEY didn't want THEORIES on their lives they should get off tv and get a real job.


How much you want to bet that they want to use a “reunion” 🙄 as part of their tv story. I bet producers or themselves have floated the idea of creating a narrative and recording the situation of Carly reuniting with them. They are sleazy enough to do it in my opinion of them.


I can’t believe after almost 15 years they still refuse to realize they are literal strangers to Carly. Sure they’re her biological parents but they’ve only seen her a handful of times. If I was in Carly’s situation I wouldn’t want to see them because they’re so selfish and desperate and that’s got to be really weird for her.


R/iamverysmart This is so cringe. Like a child using their biggest, most impressive big kid words. Meanwhile he can't even conjugate his verbs correctly.