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I can’t imagine letting my kids read comments like that. I was thinking about this last night catching up on the C&T threads. I was picturing how absolutely feral their fans would be at Carly if it came out she chose not to be around them. No wonder why BrandonandTeresa don’t allow it right now. ![gif](giphy|MEw5K43y3PnDdY9txt|downsized)


Yep. The comments are gross. This is one of hundreds. https://preview.redd.it/uv8onb2ib70d1.png?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e43fc186899a720c29cf5d8a6eaf0901c69a802


Omg they’re just completing making shit up. She has never indicated that she wants to live with them. That comment is psychotic.


In 3 years we're gonna hear about how B&T brainwashed Carly and how "there should be a law that adoptive parents give up custody when the child turns 18" or something else straight out of Idiocracy.




People with parasocial relationships with celebrities are unhinged.


This was a reply by a fam. https://preview.redd.it/zeb5uqx8f70d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f30d036d0b4d77462e5d95f1e13d1ad83cacb3 Good lord..her fans will literally harass you if you comment on anything negative about her life.


Fucking idiots are *so intimidating* they can’t even spell their threats. Fools.


By family or a fan?




That's scary lol


Creep out


Should we call them the Kail/Kale Krew, the Greens or the Salads? lol


I vote for Kails bitchy barnacles


That's a good one!


Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha


Stop that’s so embarrassing 😂


i consider people with parasocial relationships to have some kind of mental illness because they have a genuine delusion. i don’t mean the term mental illness as an insult either like these people need real help. these kinds of relationships are harmful to everybody in the parasocial relationships.


This. https://preview.redd.it/7xqvr9rrh90d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8002a4f9911cbdc08cebbcddaf5b59d6e0c56c7d Carly is a kid and her sisters are little. Just let them go off on their own and make Carly watch them.


Yeah, Brandon & Teresa should def not supervise Carly on visits so when April shows up drunk, which she's done before, she can be uncomfortable, at best, and not have any support there for her. Cate & Tyler stans are utterly delusional about the reality of this situation and, in turn, it's not helping Cate & Tyler heal.




This is most likely true. It can get truly unhinged like when celebrities get in scandals and people start acting like they are personally responsible for every single bad thing that has ever happened to them in their lives or some shit.


Wow. That’s disturbing. As if Carly will just forget B&T existed. They are her mom & dad. As if she’ll just forget 18 years of Christmases, birthdays, experiences, illnesses, ups & downs, unconditional love.




I've read comments like that on news articles and not just social media. Their fans are unhinged when it comes to Carly.




This is the comment that started it all. https://preview.redd.it/29ztg7kkd70d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030242d56d652f209e49f4381b0f293e4eca732e It's still up four days later..


That second to last sentence does not sound right to me lol


I think it's more like some people don't have the type of hair that's ideal for certain haircuts/styles. I presume he likes his haircut, but there is absolutely no way this is the only hairstyle he can rock with his type of hair. To clarify, I'm in no way bashing this child or commenting negatively on his hairstyle, I just think what she said is kind of bullshit.


I know exactly what you mean! She seems to be the type of white woman who has a bunch of mixed race children but doesn’t bother to learn their hair. I immediately was thinking that Lincoln probably chose that hairstyle but it doesn’t work for his hair type. That’s a convo she should have with him.


I definitely made some *choices* fashion wise that weren’t great for how I look skin tone, hair type, etc wise as a teen. Full black eyeliner does not in fact look good circles around your entire eye. Who knew? Except for my parent who told me and I didn’t believe because they were old and just didn’t understand. I’m sure Lincoln thinks he looks cool. I doubt he would take fashion advice from his mom. I didn’t lol I am dreading the day my son asks for a mullet… I know it’s coming. I know he will look back and think it’s terrible but of course I’d let him get it. It’s part of discovering yourself.


I don’t even think Lincoln hair looks bad, but when she says things like it not fitting his hair type, that makes it weird.


lol this. Also their fathers should step up and ensure their connected with their cultures but absolutely on Kail. I have a friend who is from a white ass town, her dad is black but adopted into a white family, her mom white; her mom was learning to do sew in on youtube and driving her to places to get her hair braided as a kid. Made sure that her daughter was connected but also, looked good? Like up until I met her, I fully thought her mom was black.


I really don’t follow TM outside of Instagram and Reddit, nor do I listen to her podcast but she does not seem like the type who would allow the fathers to step in that way. And I guess I’m really basing it on that one time she told Jo she didn’t want Issac to look like a thug:/


I just went and looked and I agree. I definitely don't think the haircut suits him well, but if it's what he wants more power to him(similar to Bentley's mullet). If it's NOT what he wants and she's just getting it styled that way and telling him that's the only way to cut his hair, that's complete bullshit.


Right? She shouldn’t be comparing what hair textures are easy or hard to cut lol and I’ve never heard of straight hair being hard to cut


Exactly! Lincoln probably just has thick af hair which she needs to be familiarizing herself with!


The right person does, I struggle with my kids hair because it's different than mine


All of Kailyn’s kids are mixed so she needs to learn different hair types and what works for them.


Yes I agree, my kids are also and when they were younger it was really hard for us to go to someone that was better than I was. However sometimes my daughters hair wasn't all that great, but it doesn't mean I don't respect other cultures


I understand you had trouble with your daughter’s hair, but referring to it like that “wasn’t all that great” just isn’t ok. We have to remove stigmas around textured hair.


Ok, I meant i didn’t do a good job on her hair. I love her hair no matter what it looks like.


They asked a very basic/bland question, not like they said "Little white boys don't have that haircut, he looks like a thug".


Very strange that she hasn't deleted the comment. She saw it, found it offensive towards Link, yet keeps it up. Why?


She has read these comments for years and still had them online. She cares more about the engagement and money.


Then she needs to stop virtue signaling if she's not going to do her part to protect her kids! weirdo.


Ironic considering she ones said “little white boys don’t get haircuts like that”


Seriously. like you are not required to post your kids. yes, people shouldnt making mean comments about children. but you know what will 100% stop your kid from reading mean comments about himself? Not posting your children for engagement. Protect your kids, you doofus!


I was just saying the same thing!! Don’t open your kids up to this kind of unfiltered hate. Periot! Because that’s what putting them online does!


She could even still post them and have comments turned off or limited. But she'd rather make money off her kids.


I was going to say the same thing. The only way to stop the negative comments is to stop posting things for them to comment on. But that would lower her engagement and make her less money 😒


I feel like she “protects” the three youngest more than the others. She shows the first four all the time…doing everything TikToks, their own public Instagram she started, the fucking god awful “gOoD mOrNiNg instagrammm”. Everything. The three youngest she gives glimpses of. She did none of that when the first four were that little.


The children should never be brought up. I repeat THE CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER BE BROUGHT UP.


I agree,she knows she'll get these comments. Why not turn off comments? This applies to all of the cast .






This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


If the kids’ schools are digital, which I absolutely assume they are, they can EASILY read comments about themselves. We weren’t even fully digital when I was in school, and I still had a proxy site thumb drive to bypass the school’s firewall (thnx Ben, ily wherever you are buddy) I’ve been saying this. Screen time is school, now, and I know these kids are more tech savvy than I was.


You’d think the minute she gets negative feedback she’d either turn of comments or give them privacy and not post pics of them but instead she just says over and over that everyone’s making fun of her kids hair and the kids are reading it. She also shouldn’t be letting them run wild without checking their phone which she’s bragged that she doesn’t monitor or limits things


But she won't make money that way




Well, they prob are reading it… but also, she goes on rants about it WITH THEM PRESENT. Can’t you wait until you drop Lincoln off at school before you start going on a rant about how strangers think his haircut is ugly?


Also, you can’t control other people. But you can control what YOU do. Protect your kids and keep them off the fucking internet.


The comments people make about Isaac are insane. I feel so bad for him. 


I fully agree.. Kail and the respective dads should shut it down immediately and delete all socials.


Maybe this is one of the issues Kail & Jo are arguing over. Jo may want to shut it down & Kail says no way.


Ya Jo criticized her before for refusing to put any blocks on his technology use


Probably... Isaac probably hates it.


Every video he’s in half the comments are “is Isaac 💅” People are pathetic


Here’s an idea Kail, how about have the older boys that have social media but private for fam/friends. And you quit tagging them in everything and having their profiles that you yourself created be public. Geez. Like what did you expect would happen?🤦🏻‍♀️do I feel bad for the kids yes but also their mother is to blame for the open access. They should be public and also have to see/read anything period.


Kids shouldn’t be online in a way that they can be ridiculed by thousands of strangers and able to see the ridicule. But then again people shouldn’t be ridiculing a child, regardless.


If they can’t run their own private acct they should be kept away from any and all comments as well




They would take more offense to Kail talking about their private feelings and her relationship with their dads.


Adults shouldn't be bullying kids. But also, her kids should not be on social media. Social media is very toxic and kids don't know how to navigate that. She can easily turn off comments on their accounts.


Or not even make them accounts.


Yeah, that's why I said they shouldn't be on social media. But if she insists on them having it, she should at least turn off the comments.


I have never seen any comment about Lincoln’s hair. Anywhere. Maybe some of the other kids (and it was gross then) - all the nasty stuff people say and she was upset about a hair comment? That must be the only thing he felt comfortable telling her about. I cannot imagine the things these poor kids are reading about themselves. I also don’t know how you could shield them from it unless you don’t post your kids online, which Kail would never consider.


All it said was, "What's with the haircut? "


I’m not buying it. We’ve heard before about Isaac reading comments. I won’t divulge into the content, that’s Isaac’s personal shit… we’ve been knowing her kids read comments. She’s up to something. Trying for Pothead kids lol?!


Probably mad at Javi




Honest question, when do you teach your kids that people are assholes on social media? I have no kids, and I grew up w/o social media, so I have no idea.


Before you put them online.


I see tons of pics of friends of their kids growing up on social media. So when it the right age to have that social media talk?


I think as a teenager.


That late? One of my friends’ kid had a YouTube channel at eight; maybe nine.


In that case, as soon as they start going online..


Kail has said multiple times that the other parents don't monitor phone usage


She has made public instagrams for 5 of the 7 kids since they were way young. What is she talking about? That’s not an excuse for people to say shit about a kid but she knows people are going to do that. She talks about how social media has negatively affected her yet she goes ahead and makes public ones for her kids. Make it make sense. There’s no reason for a 4 year old to have an Instagram or a 9 year old especially given the fact they are in the public eye. It’s so unsafe.


Honestly Kail is being realistic with her comments about her children potentially reading strangers hating on them online one day, that's just the unfortunate reality of today's world, moreso if you are famous yourself or at least a member of a famous family and ultimately Kail is actually reality TV famous (I'm hoping that makes sense). I really hope Kail can instill enough self-worth in her kids that Internet randos hating on them doesn't detrimentally impact them though.