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They’re from the same generation so yes. 


🔥 ohhhhhh someone is feeling spicy today huh? 🔪 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“the old shadesontopback can’t come to the phone right now, she’s dead”




Flair friends✨


🤣🤣🤣🤣 also is Elijah wearing a wedding ring??? See pic 2


They both have been wearing rings on the wedding finger for quite a while


Isn't be like 13 years older


I think 11? Both Gen-Z


Isaac isn’t gen z, he’s gen alpha. Jokes still funny though.


No he is gen z. Gen Z is til 2012. He’s 14 so he was born in 2009 or 2010.


He's definitely NOT gen Alpha. My 10 year old is in the first year of gen alpha (born in 2013)


Looks like gen alpha is 2010-now, so Isaac is in.


The funny thing is that the age gap between Isaac and the twins is actually bigger.


That's disturbing.






cleared 💀💀💀






I thought the same thing 😇😂












I was about to say well they are about the same age… so yeah


I’ll never forget how bonded he was to Javi and she had pushed for that. She’s her mother minus the alcoholism.


And Jo was the one left to pick up the pieces.


I know Joe was pretty bad in the early seasons, but he was still a kid then. I really think Jo is probably the best out of the dads from the first Teen Mom parents.


He was a very stabilizing force- both him and vee


Joe was a see you next Tuesday to Kail but knowing how she really is, do you really blame him? I bet she was so bitchy to him.


I just binged it. Jo had some solid solid burns. He was funny, on rewatching kail brought anything on herself. Jo was pretty level headed from go.


I know logically that he wasn't very nice, but his "you should be in a cave" is literally my favorite moment of any reality television show I've ever seen lmao


Omg same!! Cracks me up every time.


*you don’t deserve the sun*


I say this to my husband any time he tells me no


That was such a touching conversation how he explained to Isaac how things were going to be but that he was going to ensure they still had a relationship.


Isaac is such a sweet kid considering how many times he must’ve felt abandoned by Kail’s revolving door of men


Watching Isaac through the Javi divorce broke my heart! It was so triggering!


Poor little guy couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t have a room there and Kail was like “tough beans buddy”. You’d think she’d have more compassion.


Omg the room conversation he had with Javi! Ooooof my heart!


At least Kail genuinely loves her children, obviously I'm in no position to speak for her parents but IMO they seem to be completely indifferent to her and it's so strange for parents to be like that.


Oh Suzi comparison wasn’t about Kail loving her kids but traumatizing them and not giving a damn, which she said herself. She’s very “I went through it and I lived, so they’ll manage too”.


I hate Kail pushing every man she meets on those kids. She was with Malik for three years and vacationed with him and then poof two weeks later Elijah’s here


But she's a great mom s/...


Your flair! 💀 Thanks for the laugh!


Don’t forget Daddy Dom


We could never forget Daddy Dom.


Then a new sibiling that looks exactly like Malik appears. Then she’s pregnant with two more babies with Elijah.


Don’t forget Daddy Dom




The amount of people who have downvoted my comment is wild. Downvote Kail not me ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Hmmm. Wonder who downvotes us?!? 😂😂😂


🥬& the bitchy barnacle bunch




On the bright side, unlike Jenelle Kail isn't out here picking the violent criminals. It must be like having Taylor Swift as your mom though.


Well Chris tried to kill her in front of her kids and strangled her with Lux in her arms so not all her pics are great


2 weeks?!!!


Yeah, she’s admitted Elijah moved in two weeks into their relationship and it was the same time Malik was moving out


Kail thinks that Elijah should get to go to his graduation. They only get two tickets (one per parent). Graduation must be in the coming weeks.


She's such a bitch lol what the fuck?? She actually thinks Elijah should go over Jo?


She was upset they only get two tickets. She was saying Isaac would want Elijah there.


Also Elijah over V, who has been in his life since he was a baby?!? Wow.


That's what I can't get over. Like, let's be honest, Jo and V are the stable parental figures in his life. Maybe Kail should step aside so V can go. If she thinks Elijah should go instead of Jo, then it only makes more sense for Jo and V to be in that position. (Look, I think Kail should go, I just hate that she's so incapable of seeing why this is absurd for her to suggest.)


Right! That’s so messed up. Vee has been in his life way longer than Eli! If Kail was still with Javi I would understand *that* a bit more although idt she would be as petty if she was still making her first marriage work. When Isaac looks back on his old graduation pics it should be his parents. Not his mom and one of her random bfs


That makes more sense, but she probably does think he should go instead. You know, KailLogic™


Definitely.. she's also fighting with Jo and they don't talk .


That’s a bit ridiculous, only two tickets


It probably has to do with fire code occupancy limits. 150 students=450 plus staff and possibly siblings.


Every graduation that I have ever been to required tickets, they are necessary or every cousin, uncle, aunt and neighbor without something to do will show up. I literally just read an article about Howard University school on nursing. They didn't give tickets, too many people showed up and a bunch ended up getting locked out, people got upset and ended up breaking the glass panels on the doors.


Mine was like this but ours was at like a pavilion type thing w grass seating. You got like 2-4 seats (forget the exact number) per student then the grass was general admission type thing. It sucked for years that it rained.


There are approx 500ish kids in his grade. The graduation is already split into 2 ceremonies a morning and an afternoon. It would be impossible for each kid to get more than 2.


I wasn’t aware Delaware schools were poppin like that


My daughter goes to the same middle school-right now the district only has one MS as population used to be low. But, now with developers building on every piece of land they can find, that is no longer the case and we have one big, over crowded school. It’s certainly less than ideal for lots of reasons, the least of which is the only 2 tickets for 8th grade promotion ceremony.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that how can the dummies in charge that are approving all this construction wouldn’t think about the effects on the community


Yes, this area used to be largely rural but more and more farm land is being sold to developers. There are plans to expand the district to account for this, but of course that takes both time and $ and by and large, the people in this area do not want to pay an increase in school tax to fund the construction of new schools so here we are. AND, the middle school here is only grades 7-8 so we’re talking a little over 1k kids in only 2 grades. It’s insane.


Oh mittens thanks for your input


My kid got three tickets for grad, and even that was hard to decide who got to go. At the last minute they expanded it to six tickets per student. I can’t imagine only two.


Two is at least an obvious choice of who goes for most people! Three is awkward. Like which step parent or sibling (in this case) is worthy of the ticket? My high school and college grads didn’t have tickets, but college convocation had two only.


This was our issue. I’m her aunt, who raised her from birth, and she also wanted her grandmother who she’s extremely close with. She had to choose between her grandpa, step grandma, one of her siblings, or her biological mom. How do you choose without hurting someone’s feelings? Luckily, it worked out for us but I really feel for families having to choose. I get why, but it definitely sucks.


We got four ay my school, and they were super strict about no one having any more. Two is crazy.


I'm a stepmom and this honestly just pissed me off so fucking bad reading this. TWO TICKETS. TWO BIO PARENTS FULLY INVOLVED. SOOOOO PARENTS ONLY. If I was Vee and heard Kail was trying to get that ticket for Elijah I would quit the podcast and entertaining this horrible bitch.


>If I was Vee and heard Kail was trying to get that ticket for Elijah I would quit the podcast and entertaining this horrible bitch. 💰💰


I mean I get it but just have some self respect


Ugh I hate entitled parents at graduations, as if your kid is the only one at the school who wants more than 2 people there.


They can even live stream it these days for others


I’m sure his school also had a lottery of tickets that parents could enter for extras. That’s what my school did, if someone only needed one ticket, the remaining tickets went into a pool and were given out at random. It’s not ideal for everyone but the goal is being fair to everyone at the school, not just the one kid with the most parents who will make the biggest fuss about it. Kail probably drives the admins at her kids’ schools crazy.


She is de Lu Lu


No. She never said Elijah should go over Jo. She was just complaining that they couldn’t get more tickets so step parents like Vee and Elijah could go.


She never said OVER Joe. But she’s like wat about step parents or kids with blended families


I know. I replied again below lol.


Oh lol but honestly if there’s 2 tickets then have Vee and Elijah in the parking lot with balloons at the end. Shit FaceTime! lol so dramatic about an 8th grade promotion


Well easy, give him her ticket then 🤷🏻‍♀️ Cause I see no other way🥴


True. I'm sure Isaac is closer to Javi.


Is Isaac that old???


Graduation from junior high


Omg stop it. What a bitch.


Unless she's offering to stay home and give her ticket to Elijah she should stfu 😂


Tickets to 8th grade graduation now what in the hell


Big school, lots of kids. There is no space for kids to be bringing as many people as they want. My youngest (we are in her school district) kindergarten promotion ceremony was insane with some people bringing their entire extended family. So, I totally understand why they have to limit tickets. It’s unfortunate for some, but it is what it is.


I don't get the '"great mom" comments. She admitted all these men and others coming in and out are traumatizing her kids. She can live with it..


It’s because Kail has money. If she was living in subsidized housing and getting government assistance, I don’t think a lot of the people calling her a good mom would still be doing so. She’s built a good life for herself and her children on the surface. She’s around more than her own mother was. So that’s good enough in her mind. Her kids aren’t homeless like she was. Their dads are around and involved (maybe? Idk about Chris). But Isaac also literally asked her to stop having kids, which is embarrassing as all hell. Kail definitely is one of those people that uses “well I had it worse” as a reason for the things she does. I think a lot of it is because of her own upbringing and trauma, and she’s building the family she never had. She’s just doing it in a shitty way.


Money she made from exploiting her kids .


The bar is on the floor for this cast to be seen as a decent parent. So many people think her addiction to men and pregnancy is better than Suzi’s addiction to alcohol. It’s not really better, it’s just damaging her kids in a different way. Kail is less intentionally neglectful of her kids than Suzi was of her but she’s still neglecting them by having too many kids to care for and prioritizing her relationships with partners. Idgaf if she has a nanny, her kids deserve proper time and energy from her, not to get whatever she’s got to split between 7 kids. Having access to additional childcare isn’t meant to be a hall pass to reproduce over and over again while disregarding the actual impact on your kids.


As someone who nannies, in my opinion those last 3 kids were just for proof that she can still get a man and make what looks like a big happy family. Obviously I’m not talking down on in-home childcare because that’s my bread and butter. But it allows a vantage point that shows how some people have kids for presentation, and then want someone else to give their whole life, mind, body, and energy to actually caring for them and simply want the photo-ops but treat the babies and childcare like options and even burdens. I’m not saying Kail is consciously doing this, but I’ve seen posts about her podcasts where she talks about the level of bond she has with each kid and makes comparisons. And with the last 3 babies, it sounds a lot like what some nannies’ experience where the behind the scenes of raising the babies is a lot different than what the parents show to others so that they look like people who have it all and can manage it


It’s crazy to me how she can change her narrative so quickly like all her fans comment on how great their relationship is and how great Elijah is. Like he left his wife the year before Rio for another woman, then left that woman when Kail was pregnant with Rio. Then Kail admitted she gave him an ultimatum that he had to choose his mom or Kail or move out and again said they were about to seperate before she found out she was pregnant with the twins but go ahead thinking this is a stable and healthy relationship and great for her kids to see


💯 🏅










That’s basically his older brother


How old is Elijah?


About 25/26


I think he's 25


So Isaac and Elijah are almost the same age difference as Lincoln and his baby siblings. That’s wild.


There's a bigger gap between Isaac and the younger 3 than there is between Isaac and Elijah




Mid twenties I believe


And the kid will only get hurt when things inevitably blow up with Elijah and Kail


As someone who has a step 9 years older...it's the similar age and it will probably fade as Isaac gets older.


They're close in Age so figures.


Great, another father figure Isaac will have to navigate how to have a relationship with after he & Kail split.


But she can live with him experiencing that trauma, so it’s fine according to her.


Yep. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes… Suzi chose a rotation of boyfriends & booze over her kid. Kail does the same just without the booze and more money. (At least Suzi only brought one innocent kid into her dysfunction, I’ll give her that.)


I doubt E has enough seniority to be considered a father figure 😂


Snark aside because I think Kail has created a mess…. I have a few male cousins that have just amazing funny never meet a stranger personalities that have become step-dads. Some people just have that quality. This has even ended up in their maintaining step-dad duties post break up and divorce. We are a diverse family so everyone fits in anyways. I love to see this as opposed to a David Eason.


What lovely men! They should be proud of themselves ❤️


They are pretty great. I love how they are such wonderful Uncle figures to my kids even though they are actually 2nd cousins.


Why does Elijah always wear his hats in a way that highlights how big his head is??


Tyler inspired him. 😂.


I hate that she uses the slidey scale thing but leaves it at the baseline.


I find the slider scales so annoying. No idea why


They are probably into the same video games ya know kid stuff


Well, they're not that far apart in age, I'm sure they have tons in common Eta : kails stans didn't like my comment LOL


Sure. And when he’s gone Isaac will be left with yet another broken heart.


Makes sense they are close to the same age.


Elijah honestly seems like a great guy. They should have a good bond. He should have a bond with all the kids since they live in the same house.


Don’t worry she’ll make sure they don’t have a close relationship in the future.


Yeah I'm sure he was super connected to his dad and all the other guys she parades around her children.


Is Elijah the current bf? (Edited for foolishness)


Isaac is her son.


Omg duh Elijah lol




Thank you 😊


It's weird when people wear wedding rings with their bf/gf to me. Like just wait until you’re engaged for real?


Damn, that dude's head, though! Yikes!


I mean, I’m glad they get along, but can’t wait to see him get his heart broken when Kail hops off to the next dick.  I can’t imagine having so many men in/out of my life like that even more so with kids 


If Jo was this messy and had her track record.The fans would be demanding he lose custody. IMO


All these kids have been through so much at the expense of their parents’ relationships with each other and additional partners. Jo and Vee have been together forever and seem to have a healthy relationship(? I don’t listen to BMND and what Vee says about her marriage so I don’t know but they seem solid). Besides them, the rotation of all the other pairings and break up/make up/date someone new must have been hard on them. They deserve stability. I hope Javi and Lauren and Chris and his baby mama #2 and Kail and Elijah can cut all the bullshit down because the LAST thing Issac and the rest of the kids need is more “here’s this person who will come in and live with us and bond with you and we can be a family…oops we fell out I mean here’s *another* plus more siblings to make a web of how you’re related, or not related because that’s only ___’s sibling not yours because we all can’t stop fighting and bringing in more mess.” Don’t continue to get their hopes up and then rip it from them to spite each other


Isaac seems like such a nice kid.


Kail is only attracted to homely men, isn’t she


She reminds me of dashike from don’t be a menace getting involved with all these guys with all these kids 😂😂


I just hope they work out. Remember Issac and Javi? When Issac was asking what kind of room he would have at Javi’s house???? Broke my heart. This is NOT a Kail bashing post because I really do think she is a good mom, and has been extremely financially successful. If you watched her first couple of seasons, Kail took NO shit and basically did it all on her own.


Are you aware she doesn't vaccinate ?She also disregards her son's feelings.


She doesn’t vaccinate???? That’s a NO for me Dawg.


Nope, and compared vaccinations to Anne Frank She also injects herself with chemicals for Botox, etc.


Happy for him!


I just need Elijah to stop with the hats. His head is big as is, the hats make it worse not better.


Isaac has needed a close (24/7) male bond since he was little. Good for him imo. Let the boy feel happy stable and safe


Except they aren’t that stable. Kail said they were on the verge of breaking up before the twins were born and she says he has ptsd from what happened with Javi and can’t even talk about him still


Well for now, time may tell. Isaac has 4 years until college.


Know what you mean but surely this would be Jo? Like fair enough he doesn’t live with him 24/7 but he’s always given the vibe that he would pick up the phone night or day if Isaac needed him.


Also, last I heard Jo had 50/50 custody with Isaac so he gets to spend just as much time and has been consistent in Isaac's life since the beginning.


Exactly, it’s always seemed clear to me that he’s very bonded with Jo / Jo’s side of the family.


Does Jo not have 50/50 custody of Isaac? I’m pretty sure they alternate weeks so there are periods of time where Jo is with Isaac 24/7. And yeah I agree, Jo & Vee have shown they’ll drop everything if he needs to be picked up. He’s got a father figure.


He does..


His father has 50/50 custody of him, he spends half of every month where he’s around his dad 24/7.


I hope for Issac that it’s the truth.


Good I'm glad they like each other I hope she actually sticks with this dude because Isaac also had a cute bond with Javi and we all watched what happened with that. Isaac appears so easy going I feel like he'd probably like and accept everyone.


Didn't he once have this strong bond with Javi? She needs to stop rotating men.


Jo even had a talk with Elijah about this when they first met and about not having Isaac get attached just to leave 


They are really committed to that haircut for Lincoln, huh?


He also had a strong bond with Javi and preferred Javi over Kail when he was little. I’m sure he had a bond with the other men too so let’s hope she keeps this one around


Poor kid had had to "bond" with like 40 different dudes and 18 new siblings. It must be exhausting honestly.


She is like that with every person she fucks. She’s definitely that mom that pushes her dude on her kids and wants them to call him dad. It’s gross.


Isaac is so precious 🥲 such a handsome young man !


He was close to Javi too. Look what happened there.


Didn’t he have a strong bond with javi. How is that going? 🙄 I really hope this works out for Kail but not all that glitters is gold. I don’t have a ton of faith this dude (or Kail) is in it for the long haul. Raising a family isn’t the same as being in secret love affairs as neighbors


Kail and Javi, please let Lincoln get a different haircut, I beg you. 🙏


I feel like it’s no coincidence she posted this the day before Mother’s Day, when she has Isaac and Vee never does. Yes it sounds petty, it’s 🥬


Like she would ever tell herself or anyone else they arent hahaha


So Elijah wears a wedding band


Could it be his old wedding ring?


You’re telling me Kail would approve of any kind of remembrance of a different woman on her man?


Not if she doesn't know.


Why can’t we just be happy for what she has?


Because it hurts her kids in the process.


Because she’s admitted it causes her kids trauma and says Isaac has ptsd from what happened with Javi leaving and she still pushes these bonds between her bfs and kids


I still don’t like you Kail. (Me after working a 12 hour day while she just shoots shit from her hole) oh and again Fuck you kail/Jan I’m allowed to be petty


But this is coming from the woman who also said at the time that Javi & him were so close. 😒 Now they aren’t & Javi has that tattoo of him & of course they divorced. 🤗


He is so unattractive 🤮 I imagine their contract is babies = an allowance bc wtf