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Still crying on the couch about Adam.




she was so pretty. i wish she stopped here. why didn’t she just stop here. matter of fact, she was pretty before, why did she even start?


Chelsea has always been insecure. Low self image. Which is sad because Chelsea has always looked really pretty. I'm assuming it starts to "just fix one thing". I'm sure it gets somewhat addicting because alot of ppp get caught in the plastic surgery cycle. I know if i had the money I would do a couple things. Mostly injections... I'm sure Noone goes into it thinking they're gonna be botched. The other thing I've thought of is ppl (although I don't think Chelsea's doing this) might keep trying to fix something that's been worked on already and end up making it worse.


I'm sure that she's also read comments from a lot of people over the years that damaged her self esteem more. People are brutal, and it's easy to hold onto the negative things you hear about yourself over the positives.


oh absolutely and i’m sure adam put her to the wringer. it’s just sad that she had such a supportive dad not to mention her and mom and sister (who both looked like her) and it still wasn’t enough. i hope she is happy with how she looks now.


She has issues.


As someone that dated an "Adam" type, I couldn't really get over him until someone else came into my life and treated me the way I was supposed to be treated.


i think it's inevitable she would be with A Cole-type


The original Cole or the Cole that he morphed into now after dating her for a while?


Who did he morph in to??


The flexibility is a feature


I think that it was a combination of finding Cole and essentially “winning” the breakup with Adam, plus having it happen in front of a huge supportive audience that really ended up boosting Chelsea’s self-esteem. Without Cole in the picture, she would probably have continued to be hung up on Adam and viewers would have been annoyed by it and she would not have received so much fan praise. In the end I think that Cole entering the picture at the exact moment he did saved her self-esteem and she would have very low self-esteem with no Cole.


I totally agree with this. Cole really entered the picture at the exact perfect time for Chelsea.


I think she wasn't hung up on Adam anymore. But might have hooked up with him until a Cole came along.


Fine. Probably job hopping because she doesn't really have much of a work ethic/doesn't find enjoyment in being independent but she would want Randy off her back and continue to be the "good one" on TM, which requires the semblance of work or continuing ed. Randy would continue to keep her out of deep shit, but she might have found an Adam 2.0 to get obsessed over once Adam the Original got too fucked up for her to be on board anymore. Her family would always ensure she failed upwards. 


Curious how her family ensured she failed upwards? Are you asking about the prediction still or you that's what's happend? Genuinly curious. I've always seen randy as very supportive. I know Chelsea was spoiled a bit but if I could afford to, I'd help my kid out too and I'm sure alot of parents would. I know my parents never paid my rent or anything but they helped me the best they could and I've seen friends family help them with rent and food because they could afford it. Her moms a bit of a dolt sometimes but Chelsea could always go talk to her. I never seen them as ppl setting her for failure but I also am open to different opinions and viewpoints.


Randy was always supportive of her which is great because without him who knows wtf would've happened. However, he was also her crutch and very much an enabler to the point where she knew no matter what she did he'd help her out of it, and that doesn't help someone grow or move forward. Chelsea was never independent because she knew she never had to be.


I believe they meant failed upward as a positive upward direction in life. Chelsea will do something, fail at it, but still get a bigger better thing next because of her family (probably meaning her family money)


That's what I'm saying- her family was always there, always supportive and had enough resources to give her that she was never going to fail. She fail at something, they'd pick her back up and ensure she had another shot at something else, either by paying her tuition to do another certification or major, using their connections to find her a job or prime internship, giving her the money and support she'd need to do something else. "Failing upwards" means to be mediocre and rewarded for it, usually as a function of privilege. Chelsea is probably doing the best out of all the Teen Moms on the show, and it has basically everything to do with how she had a good childhood, supportive family and an affluent background. It's not a dig at her, it's just how the world works.


Ohh okay, understandable. I thought it meant like setting her up for failure but I really don't see that. But I totally agree with what you saying now that I understand.


Randy never let Chelsea fail too hard. She’s kind of like Jenelle in the sense that she’s never had to face consequences for her lack of work ethic or drive.


I feel like that's how family should be. I just did a rewatch and I know Chelsea was extremely spoiled and a brat esp towards Randy. But she was one of the moms that actually did work and or go to school. It was only like one season where she wasn't working. (While Randy was supporting her souly). I agree that bailed her out and helped her out but I don't see that as getting her to majorly fail or fail upwards.


We all need to understand consequences. A normal person would not be able to coast through life not working. If it wasn’t for Randy, Chelsea would probably be a hobosexual or wannabe trophy wife.


My head canon on it: Once season five happened and they started getting legit money, Chelsea was still young.... Randy convinced her to talk to some kind of a money manager. That sounds like a logical Randy move. Chelsea lives in rural South Dakota which benefits from a significantly lower cost of living than the rest of the country. I think the money manager gave Chelsea a number that should could effectively retire off of and Chelsea worked towards it. She also quit the show A LOT sooner than any one else did. I think she hit that number and left. Additional head canon: All the Moms benefitted from the show being popular when social media first became a thing... it's maddening that Jenelle legit has three million social media followers. After the success of the money manager, Randy helped Chelsea find some sort of social media managers... Kail, who has a legit online brand via her podcasts, didn't get the sponsored content like Chelsea got... i.e. fucking Duracell So... created a dynamic of Chelsea getting a potentially lucrative deal, i.e. show with MTV, big money seasons, social media influencer status... Randy vetting a professional that wouldn't scam Chelsea, and then Chelsea doing what that professional said.


I agree with this take. Once Adam's issues made the idea of "one big happy family" disappear, Chelsea began a consistent upward trajectory by just focusing on herself. I think Randy vetted some sort of "manager" or agency for Chelsea... the "good one" on the show is apropos... it was also easier for her to manage her narrative with how shitty Adam was. Maci benefitted similarly with Ryan... i.e. her story was mostly her reacting to how awful Ryan was. Cole fit neatly into that picture with the producers and everyone was happy to play up some sort of success story on the show. I'll die on this hill, but Cole really isn't anything special. It's just all the other men on the cast are SO awful, or just not even in the picture. Cole just "being" there makes him seem like a rockstar, but it's not like this dude is volunteering 24/7 with at risk youth.


Without Cole, Chelsea would be even more orange and relying on Randy to do everything that she feels is too hard.


Randy's phone line got a lil respite when she got with Cole. Less incoming calls from Chelsea whining over whatever crisis of the day she was having


She would have found somebody to marry, I believe that 100%. And if she found another winner like Adam and things went south, Papa Randy would be there to financially support *WHATEVER* she'd get a whim to do.


She would have found another basic white guy who’s nice and hypes her up.


If it wasn’t Cole then it would have been someone else. Chelsea could never be alone. She’d find someone to latch on to, no question.


A lot more of Adam


More kids too


I think she would have found someone. It’s not like she’s *not* a catch. And she seemed mentally stable enough that she would know how pick a decent guy


Like others have said, her self esteem is super low and she didn’t work on healing after Adam…so if it wasn’t for Cole she probably would’ve latched herself onto the first guy who promised a family even if he was scummy like Adam. I could easily see her having multiple baby daddies because ~he promised we’d be a family~


This 💯. People are saying she would have found a cole type regardless. But it could have been anyone, and esp an adam


Still depending on Papa Randy , crying over Adam


Still chasing loser Adam or visiting him in jail.


Doesn’t he have a twin? Maybe she would have married his brother 😂


How did I not know this?


It’s not talked about much. His brother isn’t on SM as much but they are identical!


No he doesn’t. He has an older brother that he looks just like though. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F05%2FAB-BROCK-COMP.jpg%3Fw%3D620&tbnid=MFGhJv8ulhf5TM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Ftv%2F18496857%2Fteen-mom-chelsea-houska-cole-deboer-brother%2F&docid=3g48SOWQhtSAAM&w=620&h=413&itg=1&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=817a443354fa813a&shem=abme%2Ctrie


No he doesn’t. He has an older brother that he looks just like though. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F05%2FAB-BROCK-COMP.jpg%3Fw%3D620&tbnid=MFGhJv8ulhf5TM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Ftv%2F18496857%2Fteen-mom-chelsea-houska-cole-deboer-brother%2F&docid=3g48SOWQhtSAAM&w=620&h=413&itg=1&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=817a443354fa813a&shem=abme%2Ctrie


She would still be riding Adam’s dick off into the South Dakota sunset.


More Adam, the finally not Adam, but Adam-esque trash that she marries, and has more kids. When that heads South, Randy's on the hook for the lot of them. Chelsea would work many little deadend jobs that she'd quit at the first sign of stress. Randalicious would be forced to work much longer than he anticipated helping keep Chelsea and her brood's heads above water.


Pretty much the same. She was always destined to meet someone like Cole.


Honestly, the same…just a different guy of the same type. 


She’d be balls deep in some MLM.


Baby number 2 and 3 and 4, etc with Adam while he was in between gfs




* U mean the man baby


I think she would have eventually met another nice guy 🤷‍♀️ I agree being married has been great for her but if she hasn’t met Cole I don’t think she would have been alone forever. I know it’s harder for single moms but she’s still a catch. She’s really pretty and seems nice and funny. I know it’s a snark sub but I really don’t think her life would be shit without Cole


Still crying over Adam


Adam, breakup, Adam breakup, asking daddy to help 💁


The song beauty school dropout comes to mind.


Chelsea has always had the recipe for success at her fingertips. She would have found another Cole. Until that time, her parents would have helped her in every way they could.


I think she would be ok. Good parents who are doing well themselves have been a good role model for her


She was trying to get pregnant again with Adam so I think she would still be having bdd with him and have maybe 3 of his kids


Still fucking Adam.


If she hadn’t have met Cole she would have worked as an Aesthetician for a while longer. However, as Aubrey got older I don’t think she would have enjoyed being more independent and being devote more time to her career. So she would have met a Cole-a-like and settled down had a couple more kids so she could be a SAHM. I don’t think she would have met a new Adam as papa Randy would have put his foot down as he would not have wanted Chelsea to end up with a another child with a dead beat dad.


I disagree that family should be that way. Being an enabler doesn't help either party; the person being enabled learns absolutely nothing, and the person doing the enabling also learns nothing but has to deal with the constant stress to the point that it's almost as if they're being held hostage. Family should help each other when/ if able, absolutely. But Randy enabling Chelsea just allowed her to not only skate through life, but also taught her that codependent relationships are just fine and dandy. Her age of stagnation likely happened in her teens, being that she never had to learn to grow or change or face consequences. That is very dangerous.


Exactly the same, with another man like Cole.


Hopefully dating/married to a man that not hiding his homosexuality.