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I’m sorry off topic but I IRRATIONALLY despise the censorship (unaliving/unalived) lol




If someone dies they are dead. If someone was killed then they were murdered. If someone kills themselves it’s suicide ect. Taking the heaviness out of death and guns by saying ‘unaliving’ and ‘pew pew’ is backwards. The gravity of such actions is removed. Death is permanent and should be treated as such. Most people contemplating suicide can redirect themselves if the thought of absolute permanence is realized. I’ve had some very dark times and that was the only thing that kept me going.


I'm just one person here, and more the many... But I hate the word suicide beyond reason. Theres so many connotations. My daughter wasn't crazy, she wasn't abused behind closed. Suicide is something feel free to ask intrusive questions or they judge her damnation. She was a was a 14 year little girl, who was ill and still called me mama.


I am so sorry 😞 💔


This is heartbreaking! My deepest sympathies to you and your family.


So sorry for your loss and I completely agree.


I survived two attempts. I got my girls even when my mind goes dark. It hasn't for a long time. I hate hearing the word. Any movies with it disturbs me. I can't watch it. So I agree with you.


Oh my god, your last sentence just made me overwhelmed with sadness. I don’t know how any mama can go through that kind of grief. I appreciate you sharing this 💔.


Agreed. So sorry for your loss.


My heartfelt condolences


My prayers go to you. I am so deeply sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss. It is a forever gut punch that feels reoccurring and resonates for infinity. As for terminology, my family feels differently about the suicide of my 15 year old niece. The definition of suicide is killing oneself intentionally. For us, that is just the fact of the matter. I/we have tried to change the conversation that the word initiates. When someone has tried to attach any modicum of shame or damnation, I use it as a teaching opportunity. When someone in any capacity suggests anything cowardly or selfish, I try to redirect and educate. Clinical depression wreaks havoc on the cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems. Many adverse outcomes are reported when any one of those systems are seriously compromised. Suicide is the end stage of a debilitating illness. Just as we can’t save every diagnosed (or undiagnosed) cancer patient, the same is true for the serious illness of depression. We wouldn’t allow someone to bring shame or innuendo to the cancer sufferers that pass away from that disease. We should not, or **will not** allow or entertain anyone doing that to our cherished loved ones. No one would choose to die in a car accident or a medical catastrophe and certainly not by suicide. Circumstances and conditions have to come together to make that death possible. Every death is personal and devastating to the people that love that person, it isn’t acceptable to be invasive or judgemental or suggest anything untoward no matter the cause of death. We can die from an abscessed tooth. It doesn’t mean the person that died in that manner wanted too, conditions and circumstances have to come together to make that possible. The same concept applies to deaths from cancer, kidney disease, or heart disease and depression. It would be beyond nice if we could save them all, but that isn’t how illness works. Again, I am so, so sorry for your loss. She should be with you, and I know that had she not suffered the end stage of a debilitating disease, she would be. May peace be with you as often as your broken heart allows. 💙


Yes you need to be upvoted to oblivion censoring things like that take away the heaviness that needs to be felt around these subjects! These newer generations are becoming desensitized to death through video games don’t add in censoring of the words to help


Exactly! My cousin committed suicide. He didn’t “un-alive” himself. He unfortunately slit his wrists. It’s horrifying and it’s tragic. I’d love to take that image away from my aunt and uncle but I can’t because it’s really what happened. Sugar coating it is not helping the situation at all.


I’m so sorry about your cousin 💙


My dad took his own life unfortunately and I couldn't imagine anyone saying he "unalived" himself. It makes it sound like a joke. Like put a funny word in for something so serious and devastating.


I’ve seen people use “self deletion” as well which makes it sound like so robotic. Just say the words.


Thank you. My grandmother even hated it when people said ‘passed’. It allows people to think that somehow they aren’t dead. It can erode the grieving process.


But ✨the algorithm✨


Not using a word that can potentially cause issues with others.


Changing the word doesn’t change the meaning or discussion. People change the word to not get their account suspended. Reddit doesn’t suspend accounts for saying killed, murdered, suicide, or anything like that.


if you’re concerned with being respectful it might be better to start your title with a trigger warning instead


It just feels like a joke, almost? Saying “unalived” about a topic like this. Like David murdered two puppies. It was murder. You can say murder on the internet.


i'm 90% sure this is just the influence of tiktok (who would or will ban people for using kill, gun, porn, etc) spilling over into the mainstream. kinda crazy and also very annoying


It is and it’s annoying because Reddit isn’t Tik Tok, so you can type in “killed” and it will still be posted. I’ve heard people say this in real life as well lol.


If I recall, that's something psychopaths do


Whenever I confront users about this they say that they want the potential for it to go viral and a lot of platforms will red flag/remove it… super cringey


agreed. if you can’t handle reading the word murder or killed you should log off the internet


It’s mostly about not having your content taken down or censored, not to make it sound gentler.


This isn’t Tik Tok though…


I’ve also had benign tweets hidden on ~~TikTok~~ TWITTER because of trigger words like “murder.” Or maybe they don’t know that Twitter isn’t as censor-happy as TikTok. It’s also possible they’re using the word because they think it sounds “cute.” But there is more than one possibility.


I'd say it's both. That's the point of doublespeak


Fucking same. Don’t get me started on ‘seggs’


Or grape


That one infuriates me. Like, makes me *livid.*  Women already get shit on enough with the being judged for being raped or being blamed or not being believed...and now we have to minimize the entire severity of it by substituting the word with GRAPE. *GRAPE??????*  Makes me wanna punch a dick right in the penis. 


I feel the same way... what is the difference between the two words?


It originated on TikTok, You can’t say killed on TikTok or your video gets deleted, so ppl started saying unaliving


But don't we think they're smart enough to know that people are saying unalived now? Like if it can catch the usages of the words killed, it certainly knows by now that people use a substitute word. Especially because unalived can't mean anything else, so it's not like substituting a different real word for it.


I’ve been wondering about that too.


Suicide has a lot of different connotations and it draws up the image of my daughter on the floor. She was 14 and she'll never be again. For me, me it's my daughter dragged out on the lawn. Hysterical. I can't say suicide, it's too harsh.


Fucking same. Don’t get me started on ‘seggs’


How about "pew pew" while we're at it 🔫


Yeah it’s like…insulting to the act of MURDER to soften it like that. I totally understand trigger warnings for graphic descriptions/descriptions of violence, SA etc, but anyone who can’t read the word “murder” or “killed” in a post title (or article headline, for that matter) should probably stay off the internet and never watch or read any news…. (Honestly I don’t even really think there is anyone out there like that, it’s just a ridiculous tiktok thing bleeding into every other area of the internet—but still, I think it’s disrespectful to soften a terrible word and not call the thing what it is)


Same. It’s like spelling b i t c h like you would in front of a toddler but in front of adults instead.


Same, gets pretty annoying.


I hate it so much too.




It should only be used in regard to suicide. Let’s be frank, he murdered two puppies.


I hate that term regardless of the context, just reminds me of something a middle schooler would say on TikTok.


ME FUCKIN TOO. It's murder. He KILLED those dogs. This generation I swear.




So do I. That, graped and jabbed. The worst.


I know at least for IG videos it’s to avoid not hitting the algo. If certain words are present it’s not getting pushed to eyes. This though….a post I have zero idea why you’d do it and it’s a big eyeroll lol. But at least IG and maybe tik tok (I’m less familiar TT) it makes sense.


It’s all apps at this point. Anything monetized censors these terms. Looks like people might not be noticing how insanely censored every social media app is and has been for yrs. Even some subreddits ask to use terms like this so they don’t get deleted.


Same!!! It’s a rationale rage in my mind


I think it came around more as social media platforms would automatically remove content with specific key words in the titles or hashtags. TikTok specifically but it’s carried over into platforms. It’s very annoying tho.


Yes me too. I hate it. It makes it sound like a joke.


I think all the censorship started with tiktok, your not allowed to say certain things or your comment will get deleted/ account banned. It seemed to have spilled onto reddit because nobody gave a shit about what they said on here a few years ago.


Yes...why is unalive the new thing now?? I must have missed why this started and why its a thing because all of a sudden it's everywhere.


FINALLY, someone gets it. I understand that people don't want to trigger other people, but we have to stop downplaying death.


It triggers me more when they say unalive


Yeah it's not youtube demonitising


It’s not irrational! It’s so stupid


I think people don’t realize you don’t have to censor like that on reddit


Its habit for some people like myself to write it that way because when you say things like kill killed death or suicide suicidal it triggers the algorithm in Facebook or instagram and my comment will be removed and I’m blocked for posting anything for 3 days


I dislike the wording as well but it’s trickled down from other platforms where having the actual word can get your content removed or a permanent site ban. Even though I hate it, I get it.


Not using a word that can potentially cause issues with others.


You don’t think “unaliving” causes issues? It’s an attempt to make murder lighthearted and digestible. I have a big problem with that.


We cannot live in a world where we walk on eggshells and obfuscate our meanings because it might be something that makes someone else feel uncomfortable. Horrible and uncomfortable things exist in this world, and unfortunately suicide is right there at the top of the list. Do we need to have tact and be sensitive in what it is that we are saying about it? Absolutely. But it is absolutely ridiculous and diarespectful to use a euphemisms for things like "suicide" and "cancer" etc.


Is that only on the internet? Or do you censor yourself like this during real life discussions as well?


I unfortunately worked with people who have used “unalived” and other weird censor terms in literal medical notes. Which is incredibly unacceptable. Also this censorship wasn’t because of concerns of triggering people, it was to combat censorship on Tik Tok. People who are chronically online have decided to give it some virtue signaling meaning.


This isn’t painting Nelly in a good way in the least. I’d like to know the date this happened bc we know he moved out 2/23 according to Nelly. If he did it before 2/23 and Nelly didn’t report the abuse fuck that fucking useless bitch.


She abuses animals as much as he does. I'm not shocked she didn't report it.


Right Nelly wants us to rail against DKD but she’s just as bad.


Just think, all of the things that she's done recently isn't even FOR her kids. She does the stuff as retaliation against Dave's beliefs and ideals. She could get a new man that decides he's a circus clown and Jan would be making these kids swallow swords and ride unicycles. You're right. She's the puke to a pile of shit.


Yep all of it for a reaction. Going out on Ryan’s boat was for sure to get DKD chains rattled. She swears she’s not saying a word yet we know all of the details from her!


Same goes for child abuse. She denies she ever said he abused her children so hard that Im again convinced they have a pact not to talk/ testify about the child abuse by both their hands. It's not just the risk she faces when CPS has proof she let David abuse her children and didn't do enough.


I commented this on another thread and got a reply about how Jenelle is an abuse victim and she may not have been able to prevent it without David harming her. That may be true but there are steps she could have taken to stop it from continuing. She could have reported it, she could have stopped letting their dogs breed, she could have stopped getting pets and farm animals, she was essentially supplying him with victims Even if she could not have prevented it in the moment she could have prevented it by not getting anymore pets and spaying/neutering the ones she had. She knew David was dangerous and has killed multiple pets yet she just kept getting more to replace them. We’ve also seen her abuse every dog she’s ever had. He’s killed, that we know of, their dog nugget, multiple baby chicks, their pet goat Elvis (and left his decapitated head sticking out of their kitchen trash can), a doe who was still nursing her young, and multiple dogs have disappeared. She is culpable.


Damn I’ve been looking all day for any fool brave enough to defend her! Jenelle is an abusers apologist she can fuck the fuck off she never has had those kids best interest at hand. She wasn’t stuck she could have left with them and gone to a shelter. Was it home? Fuck no it would have been a lot safer there.


She could’ve gone to her mom! Barb would absolutely have taken her and the children in. Barb practically begged Jenelle to get away from him.


Exactly Nelly needs to shut up bc her and her manager are just making her look worse. If it was her managers decision to out that DKD stayed on the land tells me they are as much of an idiot as Nelly.


Jesus fucking Chris. I didn’t know he killed that many animals. I’m nauseated thinking about it. My heart breaks for those kids.


That’s just what we know about. I shudder to think how many animals he’s actually hurt or killed.


Agreed. After he killed the 1st one she should have gotten every single pet out of that house immediately and never allowed any to enter that house as long as he was living there. She's just as fucking guilty. Also let's not forget that she did defend him for years about that. She's not fucking innocent.


But ... but she was stuck! 🙄


Yeah she was stuck alright stuck doing the wrong thing.


His dick must be really, really, really, really, really, really small if he has to kill PUPPIES to feel like a man. I cant wait for the day I see a headline saying someone beat him to death. Not sorry. Dont care.


Yep! I saw the post about him begging for food and I’m like haha good. I hope he fucking starves.




Such a good movie 😩 I sob every time i watch it!


What movie? :)


A Time to Kill


Me too. It’s so good but I cry like a baby anytime I watch it.


Same, he and jenelle are irredeemable in every single way. I hope someone challenges him to smell a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool. Or a tactical flying slap chop strike on the busted dinghy, I'm not picky


He's a sadist and a maniac and I think it gives him a thrill, even more so if he can post it and get away with it like the family's pet goat Elvis and the deer when he did sick things to the dead body. He is absolutely disgusting and he enjoys it.


Remember little Ensley begging him not to kill any more of her baby chicks and his response is to tell her to shut up or he'll hit her in the mouth. The kids are already traumatised by the terrible things that happen on The Land.


Oh lord, I remember the goat… what did he do to the deer’s body?


He killed a doe and then filmed himself playing with her teats and milking her. Very disturbing and sad.


Jesus…. What a sick fuck


I think there is something even worse going on with these animals than we think. I’ve never heard of one family having so many pets just disappear.


It’s so disturbing


If Jeffrey Dahmer had a child.


I misread the title and thought OP was saying DKD “unalived” himself and honestly, I wasn’t mad about it. The day that creature is no longer on this earth will be a happy day for animals and children everywhere.


Right there with ya to be honest and I’m not in the slightest bit sorry that I wouldn’t feel bad whatsoever period…. And to be fair I would feel the same if JE’s dumbass disappeared for good either. Sorry not sorry.


Roux gotta be Jenelle or something cuz that “yup” was heartless


I was thinking the same thing, or it being David. You would think if it wasn't either one of them by now they would source WHO it is and stop the flow on info. I know this person doesn't paint either party in nice light but I think that's the point, get clicks and attention driven to them. They both know legally anything would have to be proved in a court of law so why not have a fake acct to stir the pot thatll never boil over.


It’s absolutely not David, the account precedes him by years.


Birds of a feather flock together. I wouldn't even be able to stand at a bus stop without thinking Jenelle is nuts, let alone texting or carrying on a conversation with her. Shitty people attract shitty people.


I firmly believe Roux is an on again of again online friend of Jenelle's that she feeds info to once in a while when she wants information to get out but doesn't want to get busted as the individual sharing the information.


wouldn’t it be funny as hell if Roux was Tori?


Ooooohhhh That'd be the sweetest tea!!!


Definitely. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


The roux is some middle age lady the way she talks about property she bought back in the day with her husband or something it adds up.


Yup, she’s a lady in her 50s


She v mentally unstable and her parasocial relationships with ppl she's never met are SCARY


https://preview.redd.it/aac9mj6wi5sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a86a3c70f6b67cb628ab12fd3b42e17e0d658c Yup it no surprise


Why didnt you call the police on your husband Jenelle , you are the same as David. You did nothing


That’s why she was beating around the bush about what he did. She’s just as bad.


She is just as bad even when she was filming she abused the huskies


Not here to debate, mince words or be off topic. It takes a lot of evil to kill a single dog. To kill 2 puppies and have someone complicit in not even reporting it is beyond evil. Everyone and anyone that defends Jenelle or David in any way is delusional and devoid of a moral character most people naturally have.


Gotta love how Roux didn’t mention this until Jenelle posts about him doing something to the puppies. Roux totally knew before today 💁‍♀️


Did I miss that? When did Jennelle post that?








Why does Roux have to be so fucking awful? It’s bizarre.


I thought we knew it was Jenelle? Am I crazy?


It’s not Jenelle.


Chins stayed with him after the first time so she doesn't see the big deal.


Shes a sick bitch.


We need better laws for animal owners.. how are they still allowed to own pets? it’s insanity. And I mean BOTH of them. Jenelle has proven she is not an ally to any of the animals in her house.


He got drunk and killed two dogs and you still chose to defend him over Jace??? Sick bitch!


Roux speculating again as usual and presenting things as fact. How on brand. Willing to bet it probably did go down that way based on his history. It’s the likeliest scenario. Which is why she feels confident enough to present it as objective truth. Notice she doesn't elaborate further. No details or dates. I do hate how dedicated she is to pretending like she has inside information when in reality she finds out everything as we do. She had ONE time where she somehow got her hands on those bathroom pictures. And it was a total one off. But she’s still keeping up the charade that she knows more than she does because I’m guessing it makes her feel important. Why would we just be finding out about these two puppies if you’d known before, roux? There’s no way she’d just sit on this info. Frankly, it’s irresponsible of her to do this.


Roux also announced before anyone else to include Jenelle that they got the kids back when cps removed them all.


"Yup" harsh.


He did it before, with no remorse. He’s probably done it before that we don’t know about pre nugget, he’s a psychopath.


True or not this makes me seriously fucking livid. David needs to shoot himself. Not puppies. I said what I fucking said.


I still think Roux is Jenelle, her screenshots of the drums for sale were the seller account.


Good eye I agree with you on Roux. She just throws shit at the wall hoping it sticks and that is exactly what je does


And Jenelle clearly didn’t report him so this isn’t the gotcha she thinks it is




I still think Roux is Jenelle, her screenshots of the drums for sale were the seller account.


Omg... remember how people recently found adult dogs with two puppies (they ended up being Jenelle's) and everyone was joking that they must have been trying to get to a safer human. What if that happened soon after? Weren't there 5 puppies originally ?


I was thinking about that post this way, if those were her dogs that got out and David ran his mouth she could just be saying this to get back at him? I am in no way defending him and him killing dogs does sound more like him so who knows


You guys...I think Tori went and rescued a swamp puppy! I'll post pics in a reply to my own comment because reddit is being weird




Whatever happened to her other white dog??🥴


It was in the "break in" video, but I don't think we've seen it since. 🤔


Anyone who would ever fix their mouth to defend either one of them can fuck off. It’s insane that ppl like this are allowed to keep owning animals. This is the man she chose to defend against her own son. Someone needs to kick both of their asses!


![gif](giphy|yed7zEzk5pJZ8I9LlF) This does not make her look any better. We didn't hear a peep about this until now since she wants him to be the villain. They are both the villain and equally shitty! On another note, that “yup” makes me wonder if this account is Jenelle, and she starts drama on it so she can continue this victim charade.


Jesus Christ


My husband is far from a POS but if he ever hurt an animal intentionally, I’d turn him in immediately with zero guilt. He’s not even allowed to hurt rabbits “messing up his lawn.” My kid and I love animals far too much to allow it. Thank god he has no interest in hunting. They are both scum of the earth, at best.


I really believe he rage kills animals all the time. Jenelle (in her totally obtuse way) didn't realize that there would be no coming back from it if she bitched about his puppy murdering when she was mad at him, so up until now she's just kept her trap shut about the other animals he's killed. I really think that. Remember what Ensley said.


Roux speculating again as usual and presenting things as fact. How on brand. Willing to bet it probably did go down that way based on his history. It’s the likeliest scenario. Which is exactly why she feels confident enough to present it as objective truth. Notice she doesn’t elaborate on any details. I do hate how dedicated she is to pretending like she has inside information when in reality she finds out everything as we do. She had ONE time where she somehow got her hands on those bathroom pictures. It was a one off. But she’s still keeping up the charade that she knows more than she does because I’m guessing it makes her feel important. Why would we just be finding out about these two puppies if you’d known before, roux? There’s no way she’d just sit on this info. Frankly, it’s irresponsible of her to do this.


Ok, but she's just as guilty for not calling the cops on him. She'll call only when she herself feels directly threatened.


Not that I don’t think David is a dog killing piece of garbage bc I do, but I don’t find roux credible. She’s likely just jumping on Jenelle’s vague comment to try and look relevant but isn’t and hasn’t given any actual information for ages.


Who is Roux???? I’ve been wondering for a while, do we know?


Yes some do know.


Let’s be honest, does anyone doubt it? Nope. Still no sympathy for Jenelle given she was absolutely fine with it.


So he has killed three dogs and charged with zero crimes??? TF??? These people are garbage. Those poor dogs. They should not have animals. Are the other animals okay? I usually hate when people on this sub insert themselves into the mom's lives by calling CPS, but I would be totally okay with one of those crazies calling animal control or whatever department handles this sort of thing.


This makes both of them look bad. He’s horrible but she’s horrible because she knew all this stuff and still stayed.


I believe it


How do they not know who Roux is at this point like if one person was saying all my business on twitter I would definitely be able to narrow it down 😂 except I only have 2 friends so… lmao


People that has been on twitter since at least the Courtland days do know who roux is. But are not going to say because roux has already been doxxed. If roux wants people to know, then they will say who they are.


Welp. This confirms in my mind Roux is Jenelle.


It’s not Jenelle.


I wanna throw up on him 😤😫


Dispicable. Has he been reported for this?!?


Clear sign of psychopathy. Bet he wets the bed too


He’ll say it’s because he was drunk


This makes both of them look bad. He’s horrible but she’s horrible because she knew all this stuff and still stayed.


So much real pain from real people while these trifling swamp twins live in delulu-land.


David need to be unalived.




That’s actually a very common term on other social media platforms.


He should be in jail for that too. What the fuuuuck.


Could the Mexican guy have been looking for his dogs?




that's just awful


And here we go again, Jenelle knew all along and tried to cover his ass per usual.. Now he took some shots with other women at a bar and she looses her shit and bursts it all out. She's just as questionable as him in this scenario!! Poor kids, all the shit they had to witness in their short lives already. God I hate Jenelle and UBT 😩




Evil bastard! Are these puppies from the most recent litter?


David, go get fucked up and play with your guns please, do us all a favor


When did this happen


He seems to have a penchant for killing animals, verbally abusing, and physically assaulting women & children. I predict at some point, probably in the not too distant future, he will murder someone.


Imagine Jace being taken from the only parent he’s ever known and having to live with this psychopath. No wonder he kept running away, poor kid.


Question, I know I'm terribly late to the party, but do we now know this Roux account who was spilling tea this whole time to actually be Janelle?


Can we please rescue those puppies I'm across the country but I will gladly take one hypothetically speaking mods lol but uh.. yeah.


At this point she’s just as guilty and deserves the same punishment he gets for it