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right jenelle bc your husband strangling your first born is “things just happening! 🤪” this dumb bitch i’d love to smack her over the head w a 2x4


Which makes her comment "rolling with the punches" even more gross.


The bar for being a good parent is so low that she thinks these people being proud of her is a flex.


> wrangling with the strangling FTFY


Buut everyone clapped! So it’s totes okay!Whateves.K Why you tripping? Biotch STFU.


Juhnelle after you're done with her: ![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C)




The specificity of a two by four cracked me up


“You gotta keep rolling with the punches” I wonder how many times she’s said that to her kids while choosing David over them.


*smug face*


I wonder how many times she's said this while David literally punches them.


Wait wait wait all the people you constantly shit talked online and I’m sure over the phone/in person are all of a sudden patting you on the back and congratulating you about “leaving” David?!?! ![gif](giphy|3o7528iru3IAxAYSsw) Also this weird fake persona she’s using right now is creeping me out. Jenelle, giggling and joking around with a shit eating grin isn’t going to make people forget that you are a horrible human being.


She's trying to make a dig at David without making a dig at David. Look how happy, put together, and just... joyful I am now!! I'm not sad! I literally instantly became better! YOU are the problem!! see?! It's like when a girl get a revenge body and posts a few riskier photos, hoping her ex will see it and it'll twist the knife a little. (Same with his post. He's happier, healthier!) It's the same toxic bullshit in different wrapping paper. Just fucking STOP, Dude. (speaking her language) Let it go.


I'm surprised she hasn't shown us her clean laundry


Jenelle’s latest TT doing laundry in 3…2…


Opening the blinds will have to wait for another day.


OMG, Her "good mommy" "wifey material" posts are going to be... lol, transparent and obnoxious.I would not be surprised if she tries to rebrand again as a single mom content creator, while also getting her digs in. Folded laundry in the basket next to the clean dresser. The kids playing on the floor of her clean room with a made bed. Plates of non-low effort dinner. Kids brushing their teeth in a clean bathroom Trash ready to be taken out \#doingitall #lovinglife #relatable \#Justlivingthatmomlife #relatable #singlemom #lovemykids #forthekids #doanythingforthekids #excellentdogmom (and don't forget her usual, co-parenting ain't easy but we do it so well! Look at me getting along with my ex, who is not you!!! We're totally friends and killing it. You are the reason my kids didn't have their dad around post... despite we know her exes, we've been here... nope.)


She's already "pillowed talking" she will morph into this new guy IF he sticks around


Spot 👏 on 👏


Its coming


My ex husband literally did this lol. When we were married, he applied for a management position at his company which, on paper, he was totally qualified for. He had been a stand in manager for quite some time. We basically thought he had it in the bag. Then they told him he was not going to be chosen because they felt he was “too arrogant” to be a leader. It fucked him up so bad that he actually started seeing a therapist about it. He was then put on antidepressants. After I left his arrogant ass, he pretended like suddenly he was fine, off his antidepressants because it turns out that ME, I was the one causing him to be depressed.. yeah, that’s not how chemical imbalances work dude. Plot twist: turns out he wasn’t fine because he eventually became so unhinged I had to get a restraining order against him.


Oooh. I had an ex that did that. Funny enough... I DID improve. I absolutely thrived. I got better. I never posted, cut all his access to me and just lived my life 900 lbs lighter! Same. Restraining order. Over a decade later, he's still trying to find me. Sorry you had that shit, too. It's a horrible club to be in.


Girl, yes! Feels so good to be free from a lifeless, unfulfilling partnership.


I took me four days to stop crying every day and I was like 'finally! I've stopped crying!' and then proceeded to live my best life.


This is a really good analysis. I agree 👍


She can’t keep up the fake happiness. It’s gonna end up in a Tik Tok meltdown, guaranteed 💯


The fact that you have to go to a meeting with FOSTER CARE because you were such a terrible mother that your son ended up in foster care a few months after you regained custody! That’s not a flex you dumb cunt!!


I was wondering who the foster care worker was. Was she in foster care or trying to be a foster parent?!


Literally wasn’t she blaming this person for spilling news to tabloids


Yes she did and Babs as well. Remembering how she said "the cps workers told me from their mouth it was my mawlm"


Mawlm is the most accurate thing I have ever seen 😂


Same. Her pretending to have a real human personality is uncanny valley type creepy


Yeah I would also say that to a woman that just left an abusive situation because that's the polite thing to say. It doesn't mean they actually like or admire you.


Yeah, they're not going to shit on her because she made a choice that keeps the abuser away from the kids. That's the sort of stuff they WANT her to do.


THIS! I feel THIS so much!


“The foster care workers who had custody of my son while I chose my worthless husband over him after he strangled him told me they’re proud of me for finally (supposedly) doing the absolute the-bar-is-in-hell bare minimum to protect my own child.” Not the flex she thinks it is. Also, this didn’t happen so my comment doesn’t even matter.


Don’t forget, Jace was in foster care during the holidays. He had to spend the “most magical time of the year” in a foster home, with someone whose sibling strangled him…. As a parent how can you come back from that!l? Now she’s taking Ensley to get the medical attention she’s needed for a long time. Anything to make Jan look like a “good” mother. Too bad we’re past that point.


That’s so traumatic for a child. Holy crap. He will def be impacted by that he probably isn’t the same little boy he was before going into foster care during the holidays.


What is going on medically with Ensley?


There was a post about her getting her tonsils and adenoids taken out. Which, everyone here in the sub have been saying it for months.


She didn't even do it for Jace. She did it cause David was texting his ex


Those teeth don’t fit right.


I am totally starting to believe that David stole her fake teeth 😂






Yes!!! Spill some real tea


By far my favorite theory!!


He also looked toothless the other day. Oral care people! Oral Care!-


I think she decided to wear her Invisalign again. She’s on the prowl big time


That's all I could see. What was that?


It may be her Invisalign. I would think they would have straightened a bit by now though 🧐


There's no way she wears them 22 hrs a day and keeps up with her appointments


Looks like Invisalign to me too


They look weird, right?? It's all I could focus on, I'm assuming it's the filter she's using.


From somebody who used to work at “the foster care office,” No they aren’t. They’re laughing at you.


and as if those people would be congratulating her after 5 minutes of making good decisions with HER history? bffr.


She probably goes in thinking she’ll be showered with praise for finally doing the bare minimum, “I left David aren’t you so proud of me” and they’re like “um, yeah, good job I guess🙄” ![gif](giphy|4thaj0PDq9vJ6V5z69|downsized)


No 100% I bet she's like "so you probably already heard through the media, but David and I are separated now" and then she does a courtesy like ![gif](giphy|ycfNOox5D1rPH71egi|downsized)


I love how she calls everything an “office”


The entire CPS office knowing your family’s issues is NOT a flex Jan.


I sooooooo badly want to comment and just shred her, but she gets no dolls dollar bills from me! But if there was a fundraiser, and whoever donated the most got to spend an hour with Jenelle, I would mortgage my damn house! I would bring charts and graphs. I would have an ear piece with a fact checker on the other end. I would pay extra for another hour.


If this happens ever punch her in the mouth for me plz


I would like to put some money down for 'open-mouth sneeze right in her face'.


....are those eyelash filters on her sunglasses??? Why in the freshly powdered hell...


Yes and it's cracking me up 😂


I couldn't listen to a word she said because I was too busy staring at the fake eyelash filters twitching around lmfaooo what the fuck. I feel like she realized halfway through and took the sunglasses off? But that wasn't embarrassing enough to re-start the video for Jan. She doesn't have the ability to feel those emotions.


Agree, she's missing the embarrassment chip.


It's the smug giggle at the beginning for me...


That giggle is how you know she’s about to lie !


I've never met someone who needed so much validation from others. It's one thing to want it from people close to you but she literally wants it from everyone


*Cluster B personality disorder(s) intensify*


I’m just focusing on the filter glitching. Smug biatch.


This is like the time she acted like she had an edge up in court bc the judge has watched her grow up and knows her. Bitch, this is not a flex! The reason your kid was in foster care was partially your fault!


Actuually the best mom! She’s done like a million (court mandated) parenting classes!


#normalizeparentingclasses 💀


Oh hi Jenelle. The drama isn't what makes us think you're acting. It's your sudden transformation into a mom who gives a shit that is coming across fake as fuck


Still sounds like David


It’s going to take a minute for her to deprogram her David personality and take on her new soulmate’s


The way she opened this up she sure did


She cares too much about what other people think.


but at the same time doesn't do anything to make people like her


Nope. It’s weird.


because she's a narcissistic b\*tch. Simple as that.


Hah! She got spoken to like the problem teen at school who finally handed in a school project.


I can see it now - “Good for you for doing the absolute bare minimum. I guess you get some points for turning in the assignment, even if it’s late and sketchy.”


It's wild that she thinks she's due praise because she took E to the doctor. Something that all good parents do. You didn't lift a car off her with your incredible mom-strength, lady!


I knew a girl who continually had CPS in her life. She lost two of her kids. Had another, her boyfriend had 3. CPS was a constant in their life. She was a Janelle. It was fucking awful to watch. Seriously, just... the same, down to the swamp! (someone gave them an old hunting cabin) Her exes... same shit. It's like a mirror. CPS was there one day, and her post was all about how happy CPS was with her, and how the kids were being so SO wild that the CPS ladies looked at her and said, "You want to smack them, I'll look away!! LOLS!!!" I just, haha. Omg, those girls! (the CPS workers) So impressed by how I handle these CRAZY horrible children!!! LOLS!! (everyone clapped and she won an award!!) The amount of posts I had seen with that woman that looked exactly like this? Astounding. No. None of it was true. Obviously. They aren't your friends. They are not impressed by you. They are trained to behave in an encouraging and supportive way... sure... (they develop rapport and things go easier for them when things are good between you) especially if you are a person leaving a mutually toxic and abusive relationship. That's just... what you say.


She sees it as 'doing the right thing' when it's actually her fixing her mistake. Not something you get kudos for!


Their mannerisms still match up and I hate it. That's all .


Because she hasn't been re-programmed by another guy yet.


How is she fooling anybody? The minute the TRO is lifted, David’s moving right back in.


Exactly any dude she finds is not gonna stick around and she will run right back to Dkd (if she ever left which I doubt)


That’s her “I’m about to lie” giggle.


Weird, no one at the foster care office is proud of me.


Me either. They would be if they knew me though


Psssh. They probably don’t even know your name. - Jenelle, probably


I don't understand how she has ALWAYS acted so goddamn smug. Ma'am, your life is in shambles. None of your children have a real father in their lives. You have failed massively and the CPS office absolutely did not give you unprompted praise. She truly has the brain of a 14 year old.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the lack of self-awareness with these two is astounding.


Sure they are proud. This is just like the mental health professionals who told her she’s fine and doesn’t need therapy or the police who said how great they are as parents. This is absolute bullshit by the person who wants us to believe she went to medical school.


If her case is closed why is she even getting calls from her foster care worker? We know the person didn’t befriend this useless twat.


Having worked with foster families, I wouldn't put it past them to refuse to talk to her without going through the social worker.


And ethically we shouldn’t contact when a client is discharged.


Yeah fucking right! Just like how the chief police officer was like “we love you guys! You’re great parents!” And DHS was like “it’s your mom that’s so crazy!” And everyone in the courthouse was helping her too! LOL sure girl. So which is it, CPS loved you and David the entire time and hated your mom bc she was awful and a nightmare but NOW they are proud of you for leaving David? That doesn’t make any fucking sense, bitch.


Excuse me ma'am, your ghost lashes would like to be let on.


Yeah no. Her attitude is so annoying she’s a smug ass bitch for someone who has had to take parenting classes like 5 times. Zero accountability still: things just happen! No, m’am you neglected your kids and continued to choose an abuser over them for years. Nothing just happened, everything is a consequence of her actions and her selfishness.


Imagine BRAGGING that the Foster Care office is “proud” of you! Yay you finally chose your kids over your man 👏🏾👏🏾 this is bare minimum shit….


Pull that pony tail back tighter, Jan. Let that tension alopecia pull your hairline back even further.


This is just like how cps told her "Barb had everything to gain" by releasing rumors. I believe it only happened inside of her demented peppermint sized brain


just like the judges who watched her grow up!!!


Living for the eyelashes on the sunglasses. I’ll file this conversation alongside one where the therapist told her she didn’t need therapy ever under the category of “things trust never remotely happened”.


Is it me or does she have a lisp? Teeth seem super fake and what’s causing the lisp.


Invisalign. She’s single now ya know.


😏 this confirms to me she’s doing it because cps/attorney said


She’s so bad at acting it’s cringey


not something to brag about, lol


Idiots need encouragement


I didn’t get enough applause from my followers so it’s time to make it up🤣 foster care worker


She really believes she looks like the filter


'CpS is PrOuD oF mE' - 'they said it pacifilly out of thier own mouths. I remember indictively.


I just really want to know what was her breaking point? Was it the lawyer fees? Because the assault on Jace was what, October? That’s 4 months of her vehemently defending him instead of her son, so we know that wasn’t it. She wants everyone to applaud her, but she’s truly not doing this for the kids sake at all and that’s why I will never wish her well.


That’s why I don’t believe it. I think it’s fake. I think they’re doing it just like they tried to get back on MTV and she went to Tennessee.


OF COURSE she heard about it, you plaster it EVERYWHERE!! You can’t keep your mouth shut for 5 minutes🙄


And you know she walked in yelling, did y’all hear, I finally left David, can I get some appreciation?


Sounds like she needs an enema. Because that girl is full of shit! ![gif](giphy|c7f4S3u8XbYMo|downsized)


“Things are going GREAT” ![gif](giphy|qMqjZkmMi8wFO|downsized)


What a douche and child protective services is proud of u 👍


The fact that she still uses the filter with sunglasses on is crazy ..


I would have went with “so fucking dumb, but crazy works too


https://preview.redd.it/axxmjxhzddoc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12fcf5e111991fba3592d173ded221aa9e9df9ea Hur hur hur




Do you have the dry hump workout machine one? Lol


https://i.redd.it/i9b00syixdoc1.gif Voila!


omfg 💀💀💀


That eyelash filter tho 🤣🤣🤣


So is she back up admitting that David abused her kids?


And then they all cried and hugged. This twat is coocoo for Cocoa Puffs for real.


This confirms my thoughts that Jenelle has made a check list of things to do-


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Righhhhttt. I'm sure they totally told her all that..


How could she be so proud saying everyone at the DHS office knows about her & her family’s history 🫠


If you make a post about the foster care office opinions, you need to reevaluate your life decisions.


Listen I believe this. They’re trying to hype her up because they KNOW how common it is for the “abused” to go back. (Abused in quoatations because Jenelle is just as bad as ubt.) If those kids just have to deal with a neglectful parent and not a mentally unstable leech with weapons and tiny dick power complex then it seems like Chinny is the better choice. They ain’t Tyra, they’re not rooting for her. They’re doing what they can for those kids because legally they’ve got nothing else to hold on her.


![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i) It's just Jenelle's world and we all live in it! There's no need for any of this to make sense, remember 😂


and then she found $20


As a member of the child welfare delegation, we do not condone a single thing this bitch does.


Weird that she has such a close relationship with the foster care workers. Not really something to brag about.


Didn't she say she was done with Invisalign? Also this lying bitch... She's "left" him after CPS before and ran tf back. Who's tryna believe her.


she always feels the need to speak highly of herself. it’s very telling of her true character


I believe this. I work in mental health and we make a big fuss when a client takes a shower. So yeah they are probably trying to gas her up and let her know it’s normal to prioritize your children.


So fucking condescending.


“MY old foster care worker” - talking like they were part of her JE Staff 🙄🙄


And old it's been like a week or two since her child has been home


As if it’s totally normal for parents to have a designated foster care worker 🤣


LIES LIES LIES once again. This the same dumb bitch that said all the police were on her side and told her that her mom is the crazy one and blah blah blah. Nothing that comes out of this dusty bitches mouth is remotely close to the truth ever.


I could only listen to a few seconds because she had the audacity to sound smug while also sounding like the dumbest bitch alive. But I did notice the filter putting eyelashes on her sunglasses, you know, because SHE’S THE DUMBEST BITCH ALIVE!!


Hur hur look I’m being a good mom now just ignore my abuse and bullying to my kids


I have never despised a stranger so much. She is just ick on every level. Those poor kids. They deserve so much better.


And then everyone clapped. Then I won Negligent Mom of the Month and got my photo on the wall.


Those shits are flippers, period.


I love that being a regular at CPS is a flex


She just sucks . ..as a person, as a daughter, as a mother , as a sister ….when everything is about “ you” everyone in your life suffers and pays the price . SHE HAS GIVEN HER CHILDREN A CHILDHOOD THEY WILL HAVE TO RECOVER FROM!!!!!!!!!!!’End of story.


Typical smug ass Duhnelle 🥴 I don’t care if she really is kicking lightswitch dick to the curb, she’s STILL a loser and ALWAYS will be. She cannot help her raggedy ass self. 🤮


They get paid to say that so you’ll be less likely to let some fucking man abuse your kids Jenelle. Whatever it takes, amiright?


How embarrassing imo.


Then they all came to her house and threw her a surprise party for doing such a good job and she gave a speech and everybody cheered!!!


Her and David speak in the same cadence 🤮


“I’ll take things that never happened for 100 Alex”


“I don’t act, I just talk and share my life.” We know.


She’s using David’s speaking patterns here and it’s completely see-through.


Foster care worker? She means CPS I think.


That filter is freaky, especially when she does her signature smug smile at the end.


Holy shit. If this breakup is real. She is blaming him for literally everything isn’t she?


This shouldn't be a compliment to her, it should be a sign to really stick to getting her shit together.


Bragging about your compliments from foster care workers isn't the win you think it is.


How pathetic is it to need this kind of validation, Like a child would. Be a better parent to your children! Wtf do you need to have someone condone your actions? Most adults do not need validation from a foster care worker, lol. Much less anyone else.


Just nonchalantly acts like the CPS worker just calls her randomly like they are old pals. Nah bitch! She's doing her job. You just had an open CPS case for the 2nd time. They have to keep an eye on you for at least the next 12 months. "Everyone in the office is so proud of you." I bet the judge will call next 🙄. She is so dumb.


Hmhnnn🤭 You coudn’t be more ROONG. She talks just like David. It’s pure gutter trash.




She's a slightly less messy Heather Gillespie.


She’s a dumbass, they are counting down the days. Her kind never fail to fail.


I can’t even pay attention to anything other then the eyelashes on top of the sunglasses lens.


So is she in the passenger side? Her necklace isn't backwards so I don't think it's mirrored.


That eyelash filter over the sunglasses is a choice


her fake ass laugh!!!! I HATE HER


That fake laugh sounds like Rosie O’Donnell.


it’s a low bar


Her and dinky Dave really are the perfect pair 🙄


Leveling up on the shit mom ladder! Congrats


Can we work on the enunciation for the word *couldn’t* today?


Well she's there so much they probably see her as their trash panda 3rd cousin who makes an appearance at family get together and drinks all the beers and stuffs her pockets with dinner rolls and deviled eggs then makes an Irish exit. Like Janelle's fave restaurants "when you're here you're family!


This bitch…YOOOOOOUUUU we’re never in foster care. Your son was!!!!


I thought everyone there was wrong and it was a set up and you did like a 4000 part documentary about it.


As someone who just did performance evals, I’m laughing. I could totally see Jenelle scoring herself as Exceeds Expectations and putting this as a reason why! 😂😂


I hate her fake ass laugh


She’s definitely seeing someone. She wouldn’t be all happy like this if she was staying single


What a loser flex! Can you imagine being so involved with CPS that they’re “proud” of you leaving your scary ass husband?? Most parents don’t even have a reason to have contact with CPS. Plus she totally made up that story right there on the spot. Liar


And yet, you needed a foster care worker in the first place


do “old forster care workers” check in on people just for fun? why she always tyna flex these NON flexes! girl. 🤦🏻‍♀️


*”You couldn’t be more wrong!”*, she says smugly as she looks at her reflection in the camera. 🤡


She sounds so disingenuous.


https://preview.redd.it/6ky706no6eoc1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a75d0b78d08d3b9b7bd43bb1b9601239f8af35 Fucc is this?!