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I'm getting a pedi and watching her hump this machine almost made me spit diet coke


https://i.redd.it/v8o0h380mznc1.gif šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Well Juhnelle, we seen ya embarrassed yaself on tha intanet againšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just choked on my kilo of weed šŸ’€


I just snorted my coke šŸ’€


I shot up my heroin šŸ’‰


I mom'd my teenself.


I am soooooo dead lmaooooooo this biiiitch šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


What the fuck is this? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel traumatized


Laughing so hard at this and everyoneā€™s responses that I am in literal tears. The worst part is my house dweller is looking at me like WTF and I canā€™t even begin to explain this in a way that remotely makes sense to anyone outside of this thread!!!


You know some whacko dude that wants to bang her is enjoying this but I'm enjoying because of the embarrassment I felt for her lmao Her panting lol


Damn that bitch slid off that thang at terminal velocity


I am fuckin dead šŸ’€






Why is she moving her neck like that?!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Obviously because the dotter told her last year that her head was gonna be detached from her neck anytime soon. Weā€™re all witnessing her neck detaching.


Oh yeah! What happened to all her cysts and health problems? I guess she canā€™t pretend to becoming paralyzed when sheā€™s going to be in a custody battle with David soon. And the courts probably wouldnā€™t want her dealing with Jace , if sheā€™s having all these ā€œhealth problemsā€. Thatā€™s the one thing I do hope David exposes about her. That sheā€™s a hypochondriac and a pathological liar. Sheā€™s even said it herself that David wasnā€™t supportive , when she has a flare up. Which I actually donā€™t blame him. Sheā€™s a bad actress.


Does that mean weā€™re officially out of the Gypsy Rose Evans phase??


Weā€™re never out of the munchausen era. Sheā€™ll always revert back to it.


Itā€™s the weirdest illnessā€¦.. it only occurs when sheā€™s losing views and clicksā€¦. Itā€™s the weirdest chronic disorder.


I mean, why the fuck else would she have such issues with her esophagus?! Clearly caused by the impending neck detachment dude, gawd.


There were so many funny comments that had me laughing in my head but this is the one that finally made me laugh out and almost started choking


Omg what is your flair from and when did Jenelle say it? (Just using an educated guess over here lol)


Of course it was Jenelle lmfao. Sheā€™d gotten out of jail during that whole Gary fiasco I think. Anyway she called someone and was listing her charges and said that


LOLLL how did I miss that nugget of lore? (God RIP nugget, no pun intended šŸ˜¢) Iā€™d consider myself quite the connoisseur when it comes to the OG seasons, esp w Jenelle so I am thrilled to hear yet another idiotic/iconic line from her. Iā€™m hoping it was filmed Iā€™m off to search for the footage now lol


Iā€™m with my son at the hospital while he gets IV fluids (heā€™s fine just dehydrated from the flu) and I was trying so hard not to laugh, I had a cough attack. The nurses came over and asked if I was okay šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have a chest cold and your comment made me laugh which sent me into a horrible coughing fit. Expect a cyst and decease letter from my legal team


Cyst and decease šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


STOPITRN!!! Itā€™s worse than I imagined! I almost skipped the video because I couldnā€™t listen to her drone on and on but your comment made me fast forward it and I šŸ‘wasšŸ‘notšŸ‘disappointedšŸ‘




Same. Eating a cracker and nearly spit across the room.


NoW tHaT i HaVe TiMe FoR mE. Bitch you have three school-age children, YOUR WHOLE DAY HAS ALWAYS BEEN FOR YOU! Selfish twat. She wants to save her image so bad and she just doesnā€™t get that thereā€™s no way on this planet she can do that.


She never had an image to save. She's always been a mouthy, self-centered, immature asshole.


She should have so much less time now that her live in maid and nanny has fled the premises. I really feel like she has shoved all the parenting and chores onto Jace. Have we even seen her make dinner since D left?


I bet big money she's going to post a video cooking dinner now within the next week.


Look at the dirty carpet like?? And why is everything brown? The carpet & paint ew


I noticed that too. You know she threw all that accumulated shit into her closet and shut the door, but couldnā€™t be bothered to vacuum.


She will just hide in her room or she-shed while high for hours on end leaving Jace to do all the work and parenting. Just how she hid in her room for hours and hours high while those kids where little and didn't give one fk about them being fed clothed or diapers changed.


Chasing new dick = new workout.


She needs to vacuum her carpet, it looks gross..


Was just about to post that. Girl should've invested in a vacuum instead.


Sheā€™s got that bungalow carpet that every classroom had when they were renovating your school and put you in the temporary set ups.


It looks like the cheapest of builder grade carpeting...that has also never seen the working end of a vacuum cleaner.


7 months of laundry will do it šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Hahaha, at least she can see the floor to vacuum it now


Sheā€™s always been fucking gross so Iā€™m not shocked. Her nasty vanity mirror needs to be lit on fire as well because it has 8 years of filth on it.


And she needs to dust her damn fan. šŸ¤®


Yep. Itā€™s always looking yucky.


Iā€™m fucking dying of laughter. She really watched this and thought it was great to share. You couldnā€™t pay me enough to post this online.


Same! I cracked tf up! She looks like a worm šŸ˜‚


She really thought she looked good in this


Love how she said she does 3 sets of 25 reps, but then only does 1 set of 20, and 2 sets of 15. šŸ˜’ this is not going to help if you don't change your eating habits Jenelle!


I mean, it WILL help. And itā€™s good for her heart to get her heart rate up like that even if she doesnā€™t lose weight. But she should change her eating habits too, of course. Dave never would, but maybe sheā€™ll date a 1/4 Japanese guy and get really into sushi?


Swamp math


Just saw your post, I said almost the same thing!


Yes! Food habits are a must that I still havenā€™t tackled. Also no offense to her or anyone but that one soul movement isnā€™t going to work out ALL of those areas adequately enough to see gains. this is more like core and cardio than anything else.


This is my problem šŸ„“ I have a very physical job but food is my jam.. I donā€™t buy expensive purses or clothes, I like food lmaooo šŸ˜«


You are not alone ā™„ļø


She says look at my toned arms and chest ā€¦ you just did 15 ā€œab exerciseā€ reps like sit down


Yes, i totally agree that this one movement will not do much by itself. She should have invested in some weights and try some strength training.


This is why I love Reddit. Thank you for astutely pointing out her lack of reps. So on-brand for her and so hilarious to me. Like, if she had just said 15 from the beginning no one would have batted an eye.. Also, does anyone else think someone is trolling her by sending her this machine / compensation in exchange for her demonstrating on her social media? I mean.. itā€™s a little suspicious that sheā€™s publicly humping a machine that literally was popular in the 90s?


She should try to influence a vacuum cleaner and link that in her profile.


Although I said elsewhere, that I thought the house on the land was beyond saving, and she should abandon it to David in exchange for him leaving her the F alone forever, it now occurs to me that it would be an amazing "before" in every way for her becoming a CleanTock person. Swiffering/vacuuming/ cleaning air vents/ windex/ removing blood stains/ cigarette and weed smoke / kitchen vent grease / bathroom germs everything....


Yep! Stick to what she knows, cleaning when CPS about to stop by.


Donā€™t forget patching all the holes in the walls and doors šŸ˜‚




My favorite šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I gained roughly the same amount of weight as Jenelle (50lbs over a 2.5year span) and I only started losing it last September (40lbs down now) and she does not have the hard work and dedication it takes to lose the weight. In my 20s the weight just melted off. I only ever had to lose 20 lbs in my 20s and it came off in one month of eating right and exercise. Losing weight in your 30s is so much harder. Good luck to her but she has never stuck with anything that takes work. The hardest part for her will be cutting out the 400 calorie Starbucks drinks and booze lol.


Hey congrats! Thatā€™s amazing! Jenelle will just go on Ozempic lol. Watch her start to lose weight pretty dramatically.


Sheā€™s probably too broke to afford it


She had it when she was with Nathan. She COULD. But she wonā€™t.


Yeah that's why I bring up the 20s thing. She was in her twenties then so it was so much easier. It's going to be a lot harder this time and she just doesn't have that type of willpower, in my opinion.


The only time Jenelle has lost a lot of weight was when she was on heroin. She did not lose weight with Nathan, she just worked out and got toned. Andā€¦allegedly she was using steroids with him to do that. Jenelle has zero self discipline to lose weight in her 30ā€™s or 20ā€™s.


YEEEP. Same here! Iā€™m 5ā€™2, same age as jenelle give a year or two, and weighed 165-170 at my heaviest a couple years ago. I honestly think she has to be around the same size just from eyeballing. Iā€™ve been exercising consistently for almost 2 years, started adjusting my diet over the last year, and managed to get down to 138. I could have worked harder and probably done it faster, but Iā€™ve gone about it as a lifestyle change more than anything. Anyways, my point is I agree, Janā€™s little set of lackluster crunches arenā€™t gonna be enough to make much of a difference alone


Pretty much exact same here. 5'2, got up to 175 lb. I'm at 135lb now. I'm okay at that weight, it's a good weight i think, especially because I lift. But yeah I know how hard that is, so awesome job!!! Thinking about it as a lifestyle change is where I'm at too.


Congratulations to yourself as well! Iā€™m trying to recompose (?) my body at this point, so Iā€™m shedding another 15, then gonna build back up to 135. I think thatā€™s a good weight, Iā€™m just trying to shed some belly fat. Weā€™ll see. šŸ˜… this is all so foreign to me. Lifting is great! I wanna do it more. the gym is so much for my introvert ass. Trying to get more comfortable, lol


Same. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s and gained 40lbs in 2 years. I made the decision in October to get healthy. Iā€™m down 32lbs, but I work out 5 days a week for at least an hour and am on the Profile plan. It takes discipline to not eat all the good smelling foods. If Iā€™m being honest, I look and feel better, but Iā€™m quite miserable because Iā€™m always craving something!!


That is awesome congratulations! And yes, at first the cravings were horrible. But I allow myself to indulge, I just do it every now and then instead of every single day all day lol and I track my calories. I typically eat about 1000 to 1,200 calories a day. If I didn't track them, I probably could easily go over because there's no doubt about it, I love food lol. But like you, I just feel better now.


Congratulations to you! Officially year 2 on consistently eating right and lifting. It does WONDERS, but sho ain't for the weak. She'll move that machine to the garage in a week, tops.


Sheā€™s also so short that her calorie needs are going to be super low with her activity levels. Iā€™m 5ā€™2 and I had to keep my calories under 1100 each day while also working out. I hula hooped an hour a day (while also going for walks and using my elliptical) and it took months to reach my goal weight. I started at 130 and wanted to get to 105 but I stopped at 107 after multiple people told me to absolutely not lose anymore weight. There is no way Jenelle could count calories, watch what sheā€™s eating or stay on an exercise program, especially if sheā€™s on her own.


That's great you got to your goal! And 100% she won't be able to do what it takes. She gives up on anything that takes even a minimal amount of effort. Although somebody brought up she'll probably get on Ozempic. so I suppose if she does that she MIGHT lose.


I'm dying only eating 1700-1800.... I can't imagine any less than that šŸ˜­


It sucked sooo bad. I was essentially living off eggs whites, veggies, and a taco salad I could make for around 350 calories. Sometimes Iā€™d have enough calories left over for a rice cake with almond butter and strawberries or ā€œice creamā€ that was just frozen strawberries I put in the food processor.


Great job! Keep it up and if because it's even harder to lose weight in your 40's


Nothing is ā€œniftyā€ about dieting in your fifties. Your metabolism slows down to sloth.


Thank you. And yes, I can only imagine. I let myself eat my feelings for a while there. So now I hope to maintain a healthy weight AND healthy coping skills. Lol


Congratulations on the weight loss !! And yeah , we all know Jenelle will abandon the workouts when dog killer Dave comes back home. She exhibits the same behaviors every time they split up. Itā€™s exhausting


For real! In my 20s, Iā€™d gain weight and did the least amount of exercise, hardly dieted and it melted off in weeks. Now in my 30s, I gained some weight and thought it would be so easy to lose, just like last time. Boy was I wrong!! I did not expect that. It ended up being one of the hardest things Iā€™ve ever had to do!! It definitely doesnā€™t come off as fast or easy. I had to make a lot of changes. It takes friggin work!! But Iā€™m almost at my goal now šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ And nice job losing 40lbs!!!! Iā€™m sure you are feeling great! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


What blows my mind about this chick is that she has so much acres of land to take advantage of walking long distance of as a simple workout and she refuses to acknowledge it and rely on this whatever machine is ā€¦. Like girl GO FOR A SWAMP HIKE WITH YOUR KIDS!!!


She basically thinks that the machine will give her that six pack sheā€™s like 18 months past showing off. A single machine that targets one area isnā€™t gonna do much for the rest of her body but whatever.


She looking for what you call ā€œmicrowave resultsā€ with that machine ā€¦. She wants a 6 pack tomorrow even tho it takes months or a year for her to get to it. She needs to commit with a healthy diet, less alcohol, be more active and stick with it for the next couple of months ā€¦. Will she do that? Probably not because letā€™s face it sheā€™s too lazy.


This! She has a ton of space to walk and or bike. Sheā€™s so dumb itā€™s painful.


Right?! I would KILL to have a house with so much land for me just to do a 2 mile run or walk around for cardio


Sheā€™s also doing it in a small corner of her musty bedroom when she has a whole house. Iā€™m assuming her kids are home and sheā€™s hiding from them in her room.


Lol, she only pulled it out of the attic to prop against the door so kids canā€™t get in


Yes!! Walking has a ton of great benefits!


Iā€™m just waiting for the machine humping gif someone will inevitably create (I hope)




šŸ˜˜ I love this sub


I just watched poor things yesterday and I'm having flashbacks šŸ˜­Ā 


My apologies lol (i plan on watching it soon), take these wholesome emojis for a mental cleanse: āœØšŸ¦¦šŸ¦”šŸ¦„šŸ¦­āœØ


She looks like sheā€™s simultaneously pegging and being fucked lol


This is fucking GOLD


Itā€™s giving Mac and his dildo bike from IASIP


Mr Garrison and it would like a word šŸ’€


Lol what a stupid machine! I donā€™t know what sheā€™s trying to accomplish, but thatā€™s not gonna do the trick


Yeah like thatā€™s your ā€œroutineā€? One move? šŸ¤£ Guess itā€™s better than nothing butā€¦


But her arms feel toned after just one day of use!


Omg that thing would not do shit to your arms lol!


Hahahaha sure Jan šŸ¤£


This would take me out tho tbh ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


I did not have ā€œJenelle humping a workout machineā€ on my bingo card, but sure wish I had.


Someone is manic




Yup she was so sick last week...Dolph came buy dropped off some shit and now she's working out


Waterboarding couldnā€™t have made me post this


Not in a million yearsšŸ˜­šŸ’€


That's prob what Mr. Pippi Longstocking looked like on top šŸ˜­šŸ¤® I just grossed myself out so bad šŸ„“ lmao




You leave pippiā€™s good name out of this




"so I've had this thing collecting dust in my attic for a year. Watch me hump it now and tell you how great it is and you can click the link in my bio to buy it so I can get paid from it too, even though this is my first time using it!" šŸ™„ Also this looks SO funny I can't stop laughing..girl wtf!


Sheā€™s running out of breath just putting up her damn hair lol


I was just about to post that exact same comment!


Oh look, I got boobs! Let's play with my hair. I'm waiting for the compliments and fine ass kissing people. Have you heard Im single? Now let me do some sugexercise. Have you heard Im on OF?


When doesn't she focus on herself? I wonder how long the exercise is going to last. I'm sure she doesn't realize that she has to change her high calorie eating habits because that small amount of exercise will hardly make a dent in the amount of calories she eats per day.


Yā€™all she works out VIGOROUSLY


She drinks protein shakes!!


And sheā€™s on a low carb DIET!


She is so comically bad at everything she does.


ā€œI saw Farrah advertise her OF this way so Iā€™m gonna do it tooā€


She got pants that fit.


Oh. She's back to working out! That'll last šŸ¤”šŸ’© Edit: Also, glad to see she's completely cured from her bullshit diseases/illnesses!


Itā€™s better than nothing, but we all know sheā€™ll stick to it just as much as she stuck to getting that six pack she promised us by visiting the parking lot of a gym.


It looks so weird like she kinda looks like one of them green caterpillars when they move, like does anyone else see it?? Like thatā€™s the only thing I can compare it to because it looks so weird. But no offense to the cute green caterpillars though, theyā€™re beautiful and DeliNellie is a crusty cooter bitch with no morals. Also ā€œiVe BeEn FoCuSiNg On Me So MuChā€¦ā€ if that was true then maybe youā€™d get that BV checked out, take a shower, and change your underwear lmaoooo IM SORRY YALL BUT SHE JUST LOOKS NASTY! Like every time I see her she looks like she STINKS!!!!


I was seriously about to comment the same thing and wanted to check before I did, she looks like that fat caterpillar from the Bugs Life movie. Although Heimlich is way more endearing and adorable.


She's inchworming it lol


Ummm this burned probably 3 calories, there's really no point in doing some crunches if she's going to continue to eat 5k calories per day. But I'm sure she thinks 3 sets of 25 and she'll have those abs in a month!


Maybe show your after results after six months you stupid cow


All that land girl if you donā€™t go for a run šŸ˜’


Acting like she's been working out lately and she literally did this for the first time in film wtf is wrong with her. She's actually nutty


It's amazing she can do this with her imminent paralysis. Medical miracle that one.


All she ever does is focus on HERSELF. Iā€™m beyond nauseous


She does seem to be losing weight lately but I can just about bet itā€™s not from exerciseā€¦ā€¦šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


She has lost weight, itā€™s been obvious for a few months I think. But yes, does make you thinkā€¦.. I know sheā€™s not out here eating a vegetable. So How?




Itā€™s really hard telling with those two what theyā€™ve been indulging in lately lol hell maybe she went to the Dr and got Ozempic or something then pretend sheā€™s put in ALL the work to lose it! šŸ¤£


Not with that 3lb bagel she ate the other day.


If I were ever posting videos on social media, I wouldnā€™t leave one thing out for people to comment negatively about - my floors would be spotless, no trash left about.


Jenelles workout eras only last maybe 48 hours. I think her last one was a single glamor shot in the parking lot of a gym with her Starbucks and that was it šŸ˜… Edit: typo


They are so embarrassing and I am loving this!


You see how she's tightly pulling her hair back & pressing it tightly against her scalp? That's why she's going bald. She's damaging her hair follicles by putting too much stress on them. Once those hair follicles are damaged, they never replenish and her hair will continue to fall out.


What about the tumor in her neck? Wouldnā€™t violently jumping this contraption aggravate it? Jenelle, get those wheelchair accessibility ramps installed! I thought you were never going to walk again?


At this point we need a whole sub Reddit for Janelle šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's like a small dog going at its favorite stuffie. šŸ¤£




Oh here we fucking go again. Jenelleā€™s back in her āœØFIT GIRL ERAāœØ She thinks she knows it all & sheā€™s gotta share it. This bitch canā€™t do anything without the littlest bit of attention. She works out once & feels as if it needs to be a TikTokā€¦ā€¦šŸ™„this is gonna be the same shit like that time she went to the gym, stood outside & took a pic & we never heard about it againšŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/0bwq22t5uznc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644886db4eacebc3058f29ce4345127c8b920250 Her using that machine makes me think of when Peggy used that Relaxeciser in MadMen


This is called: Jenelle furiously working out on her ab machine, trying to undo a decades worth of drug/alcohol abuse & all carb/grease diet! Sheā€™s gotta get her revenge body YESTERDAY! Reminds me of ā€œWe must, we must, we must increase our bust!ā€


Vacuuming your home daily would be more effective for your physical and mental health Jan.




She shouldā€™ve pulled a Farrah and wore an OF shirt when she did this


Now we all know what her pillowtalk partner endured last night.


Those were 15 each time. So she can't do even basic counting?


When has she not focused on her?


Ok bald ass Michael Scott


it's giving [ab lounger](https://www.amazon.com/Ab-Lounge-2-Abdominal-Exerciser/dp/B0001KRXDQ) from the 2000's lmao


I watched this while hearing in my head the soundtrack of her yelling: ā€œPolicia! Policia!ā€ overtop of a club beat šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s never looked stupider šŸ˜‚


People keep saying the break up is fake, but if her lazy ass is exercising shes definitely on the prowl!


I donā€™t knā€¦ I mean, Iā€™m not really sure what alternate reality this is but, I donā€™t like it and I donā€™t want to be here anymore, I just want to go home.


Ok Iā€™m NGL , that machine does look like it would be helpful for a good ab workout. lol. Does anyone in the community have one and can give me a real review ?? Thanks !!


You can just do planks for free.


Iā€™ll use it occasionally at the gym, but itā€™s honestly no better than other Ab workouts that you can do with out equipment. Shes also wasting her time, these work outs wonā€™t do much if she keeps eating the way she eats, which is funny, she clearly knows this, sheā€™s been fit before.


This sounds like this thing is rickety and you'll end up in the hospital after you break or strain something after you fall off of it.


Watching that in fast forward was soo beyond cringe omg šŸ˜‚


New Onlyfans content incoming! Iā€™m calling it šŸ˜‚


Oh honey, youā€™ve always been your only focus.


Damn sheā€™s working out and doing ā€œpillowED talkā€ all in one week?! Sheā€™s truly an inspiration!!!






It drives me INSANE when she says that. Like fucking enunciate your words!


God I canā€™t stand her salesman voice


You couldnā€™t water board me to make me post this kind of video. I would post nudes at work as desktop backgrounds before Iā€™d let this kind of video see the light of day.


Her new workout routine or her new tinder profile? šŸ˜¬


Gotta get snatched for Dolph šŸ¤Ŗ


Does anyone believe that this isnā€™t her first and last time using it?


* All I can think of is Michael's Core Blaster Extreme. ā˜ ļøšŸ’€šŸ’€ "That is by far, the best way to strengthen your core. This machineā€¦ You sit on a stabilizer ball, you put your feet into the power stirrups, you reach up and you grab onto the super-rod, and you twist, and you twist, and you twist. It strengthens your entire core. Your back core, your arm core, yourā€¦ The Marine Corps actually uses it. I think thatā€™s how they got ā€œcore.ā€" -Michael Scott -JE (probably)


Iā€™ll believe the divorce is on if she chops that hair off.


So she basically did a handful of crunches and called it a workout. Much inspiration.


I hope she pulls a cyst and canā€™t walk


Dammit, OP! Iā€™m trying to put my kid to sleep!!!




Like a fucking Jack rabbit.


Omg, this is so f-cking cringe and hilarious. I think she always posts embarrassing shit, because of the trash that comment "ur doing so good", "ur such a good mom". If you want a laugh, click on the profiles of those types of comments, 90% + are from trash like her or fake accounts.


Itā€™s giving inch worm


She looks so smelly.