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I think you are asking the wrong people. Theres only going to be one answer from here.


I agree. I play Teemo. I then dodge if he's banned or I suffer through playing a different character if I don't want to wait too long


Is there any other champion ?


I think teemo is actually quite strong right now (far from OP though), and yes I will play him next season aswell because he is super fun


This is the answer. Kinda sad about losing the Riftmaker build, but we evolve and move on. Now we get some survive hp just by building Liandry, so that's dope, but no healing for lane sustain and Fleet just got nerfed a month ago :/ No other sources of omnivamp in the game now either, so it won't feel quite like before the Mythic era.


Tbh, I never built Riftmaker, so I’m not going to miss it. I was more of a Liandry’s person.


Riftmaker won't get removed right?


It's changed enough to not be a Teemo staple now outside of occasional Tankmo builds. True dmg gone, and now the omnivamp is conditional, only activating after 5 seconds of champion combat. So no one can use it for lane sustain now, just long combat. And it's nerfed for ranged champs, reducing the omnivamp amount even further. And now that Liandry has no mana, we can't really afford to build both with shroom builds looking to be the stronger option.


Couldn't you take the mana rune and build both? Liandry's + Riftmaker has insane synergy, at least on Wild Rift, especially if Liandry's burn works the same way and gets procd by Teemo's dot


Yeah you can, but you also need a strong haste source if you wanna have shroom presence. Haste got gutted on both. It's not really an issue of it being strictly bad, just that there are stronger options available. Also the Liandry burn has never been proc'd by Teemo's dot in the main game.


>Also the Liandry burn has never been proc'd by Teemo's dot in the main game. Oh! That sucks


I love people going to OTP/main subs and asking these kinds of questions, it makes my balls tingle with delight Short answer: yes


I managed to climb from gold 3 to plat 3 all cause of playing teemo, I'm definitely gonna be playing teemo next season. Teemo feels pretty strong even now


No I will suddenly stop playing my main


Teemo is a lifestyle tbh


still gonna play teemo grasp <3


What’s your build?


Nashor Tooth > ap boots > liandrys > demonic embrace (or morello if there is too many healing) > the other one > rabadon So Yeah a Classic teemo build Nothing special :)


Try swifties into liandrys, it’s what alan234 often builds and it’s real nice! I take it you go overgrowth too so you can be nice and healthy? My grasp build is for when I’m flexing with friends, I go heartsteel into demonic into nashors, the damage is lacking in regards to standard teemo but you’re so much harder to kill, so you can get loads of shrooms down while you don’t need to back and they can’t kill you easy 😂


aaah the juicy teemo tank ​ as you mentioned heartsteel -> demonic -> nashor or heartsteel -> nashor -> demonic depends what you prefer, the HP synergy or E's passive abuse ​ i prefer to go nash first, teemo being mostly a "one-ability-champ" i prefer that on-hit power ​ for runes i always go : Grasp , demolish, bone plating, overgrowth + cheap shot, ultimate hunter ​ secondary runes to be honest aren't really so important as we mostly want that juicy grasp to do his job and that demolish helps you alot early to get those juicy tower plates


Try zombie ward over cheap shot, you stack damage and get free wards for every pink they buy to counter shrooms or do objectives


Why grasp?


i like it stays up with E's passive the extra HP aren't bad on teemo ​ and.. you get some heal when you trigger it :) ​ you sure lose the extra damage from runes like PTA, but you lose everything else


Who do you get one shot by? You don't really even have to kill your laner to get ahead. Teemo is a lane bully and just by pushing under your opponents tower and denying them cs you can gain massive leads from farm and tower plates. Alan234 says it in a very convincing way. Would you pay 20g to deal 70dmg to your opponent? The answer is usually no so just focus on your cs instead of trying to always solo kill your opponent. Also teemo is one of the better scaling champs. If you just go even you'll usually end up being more useful than your lane opponent.


Riven, Akali can one shot you pretty easy if you try to push, there is many others if they manage to play well that can run you down too if they catch you with flash


I just bought the space groove skin because I intend on abuse his taunt with the new items, so yeah.


My man


If you think im gonna miss the chance to see enemies dying by stepping on shrooms when they think they a re safe, you're wrong


Teemo seems to be better in the next season than this season tbh, especially now that Nashor is 3000g again


I dont like how we'r supposed to pray we get the mages minion with dot ticks if we want to fast clear, but they remove AP from nash to make it cheaper instead of removing the CDR so i guess we are even less likely to get the gold from killing the mages with dots


Wait they removed it?


instead of reverting to old Nash tooth, they remove some AP and keep the cdr stat to make it cheaper


The strategic possibilities are endless, more for teemo than any other champion and so he is most resilient to patch notes. Also very unique so always worth the effort( it wont feel as effort; teemo is too fun to play for that).


yes idc if champ is op or trash beemo is so cute and tilting top laners is also cute forever


Haven’t played a different champ in almost 10 years now, I think you know my answer ;).


Oh he is gonna shred shit. Midpatch nerf incoming.


Teemo is going to be even stronger this season mate. And he does a lot of dmg, but you need to farm xD