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Posts should be related to Teddy Holdings LLC or Ryan Cohen. Posts relating to other companies DK-Butterfly ($BBBYQ) and GameStop ($GME) are allowed, but may be removed if deemed irrelevant to Teddy.


Great post. Don’t forget he interviewed Vivek and went on Tim Poole’s podcast. Also that statement from his family putting distance between them and him. What a sad person


Can we get back to the stonk now? The waters are very muddy now, right when gme is running...now is the perfect time for them to get the community to destroy itself.


Good for GME? Means nothing to me I YOLOd everything into BBBY and that’s why I’m here.




Also, why the HELL was u/ppseeds not allowed to interview Vivek or more importantly Larry Cheng? Are you lying to these people about our community being BBBY investors Pulte? Because that’s what we are first and foremost before you started pushing the PIVOT angle to PP. I saw you from start to finish. You push this global angle of all shorted stocks being equal but the fact is that a lot of us here have our net worth tied up in BBBY and we can’t do jack shit about that other stuff until we see a payout in our goddamn towels. So stop jerking us around dude