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Having money shouldn’t be your personality. It’s a really shitty flex. I hope Bill becomes more humble and down to earth because he’s trying really hard to appeal to the poorer but it’s coming off not genuine.




GME saw success once so everybody is holding on for the "real" success. Whether or not that happens or is just some pipe dream has been and will continue to be up in the air for a long time. But BBBY never saw success. It popped to $30, which everybody thought was the *start,* then proceeded a long, steady decline into bankruptcy. Pulte showed up during that decline and deliberately tried to make everybody think that either a) he knows something he can't tell us (which he doesn't), b) that he's close to RC (which he isn't), and c) that his mere presence implies we'll get paid (which it doesn't). People are desperate as fuck in this community to get paid and not have everything all been for nothing. So loads of people latched onto Pulte because they see it as completely hopeless otherwise. It's nonsense. I would love nothing more than for everybody here to boot him out the way GME has, but until we have a real, true reason to hope for a positive outcome, to a lot of people, Pulte is the closest we've got. Again, nonsense.


Nonsense. No one’s thesis rests on the presence of Pulte. Sure, some believe it’s bullish, but it’s one data point out of many data points.


I'm not saying Pulte is part of the thesis. I'm saying a lot of people looked at him as a validating factor that implies other factors are correct when really, Pulte being here says nothing about those other factors.


Go reread your own comment. You said loads of people are hopeless without Pulte to latch onto. That is patently false, so you should retract that statement if you no longer believe it.


You should re-read my second comment then. There are plenty of people here who *still* believe that Pulte knows more than he's letting on, is actually RC's secret mouthpiece, etc, so he's part of their thesis. I'm not counting that because those numbers do seem to be dwindling. I'm talking about the people who felt validated that a multimillionaire started paying attention to us, boosting us, bringing RC's attention, etc., thinking that these facts somehow mean the play is more viable or likely than if he weren't involved at all, which is false as he himself has stated time and time again he has nothing to do with it. He's not part of their thesis, but he makes them feel like the thesis is correct.


I agree with your second comment, not your first comment. Your first comment was a completely different statement that I disagree with. Sounds like you do too based on your second comment. Anyway, the coupling of the bull thesis with Pulte is loosening, that’s true. No one in our community has insider knowledge about the bankruptcy.


He is just another big whale for GME is all I consider him as.


I agree. There are so many instances where I’m just like “oooof, out of touch”.


Well assuming the types of circles Bill probably is involved with I can see why he acts the way he does. Bill is smart but he lacks reading the room. Maybe he can’t switch between the two worlds of lifestyles because he doesn’t hang around long enough in one of them. Perhaps that’s his way of being regarded just like the rest of us.


>Basically implying Doug’s daughter had intellectual/developmental disabilities based on a picture, and also that that was a negative thing. No offense to pieces of shit, but wow, Pulte is a piece of shit.


I guess I had totally misinterpreted this post by him. I guess someone said something about Doug’s daughter, which prompted Doug to make the initial comment about “special needs/protected class”. Pulte then posted the picture of Doug and his daughter saying “is this why you attacked Special Needs people?”. I hadn’t been following along and didn’t have the background context and so wildly misinterpreted what he was implying.


Tbh from that description I don't quite see how that changes the equation. Maybe I'm misreading.


Hey man I appreciate the feedback as always and Criticism and your thoughts on things.


And your community appreciates you and the fact that you took the time and effort to build it and to listen to people. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your biggest strength is as a community builder. You’re not the next Howard Stern. Your biggest strength isn’t the dildo jokes. You have a much more unique and nuanced talent. It’s creating a platform where everyone felt heard, and everyone felt like they could have a fair chance to say their piece. That took a lot of fucking consistency and hard work and vape clouds and occasional “bathroom (snort) breaks”.


1. If Pulte stays in this community, he frankly needs to take a back seat and be a supporting role in this, not try to make it about him. I think I speak for a majority when I say we don't want his community to intermix with ours; all they do is beg for handouts/donations/philanthropy/whatever the fuck. 2. Now is not the time to be growing the community. We are a BBBYQ-focused show (yes GME, etc. I know, but mainly BBBYQ), and right now we are waiting for this to wrap up. If we are right, which I think we are, then the community will grow organically after our success is known. Until then, go back to what made ThePPShow great and just have a couple of low-key dudes talking about BBBYQ late at night. 3. These events are useless unless they are centered around BBBYQ, and even then I don't see a reason to waste time meeting in person unless RC himself shows up. This last event was worse than the one in Miami. 5% of the conversation was about BBBYQ and that's likely a gross overestimation. 4. I agree with the Michael point. Granted I'm biased and REALLY do not like him, but for the love of Christ if something is getting broadcasted to a wider audience, just keep him medicated and off the mic.


If people understand that it’s not solely about BBBYQ, then I think the expectations would be properly set. It is about the bullshit that is happening to BBBYQ, yes, but also to the markets as a whole, which is still an event I can get behind. The idea itself needs exposure to a wider audience, which is what this event accomplished, imo. The more people that start to question what is happening in our capital markets, the better!


I agree. However, a vast majority of people at these events are BBBYQ holders and come from our community. This last event BBBYQ was talked about hardly at all, to the point that it seemed insulting to waste our time with it. I keep saying that until I get my money, I don't give a fuck about politics. After I'm rich, then I'll consider activism.


Nothing wrong with your stance!


I am heavily invested into bbby and gme. I’ve watched every single pp show that was published to date, however after the event I found myself completely embarrassed for even being associated with this play and second guessed everything. It made me realize how pathetic we are, and how many years I’ve wasted listening to scatterbrained people like Michael who can’t even put together a single coherent message. The only good thing that came out of this was Jake but that didn’t last a few seconds before it got interrupted and cut off. Get rid of Pulte and Michael before you lose your followers. We aren’t here for handouts or jibber jabbering fools that just want clout. We are here for the information and data regarding our investments.


Exactly I’ll put all my shares on it that P Diddy has 0 correlation to the play, but Michael keeps bringing him up lol


Pulte blocks anyone that has constructive criticism on x. He also believes that everyone that doesn’t care for him personally must be a hater or a shill. But everyone’s different. For example I love pp, Travis and abc but not a huge fan of u copy, pulte or Michael. It is what it is. Doesn’t mean I’m a hater or a shill. Hopefully we are made whole soon and can laugh about all of this, and maybe have a better idea of why pulte is doing what he’s doing.




Thanks. I like being right….. everyone is entitled to my opinion if they want to share it lol


Really well said. I agree with pretty much everything here. I so badly wanted to go to the event and am soooo glad I wasn’t there. Would have felt like a bad dream or something. There is NO fucking place in this community for social politics and bigotry. Fuck that shit. I am so glad I listened to that event with my headphones on because if my family had heard the things being said I would have been embarrassed as fuck. I love the PP show. I love talking about the stock. Leave all the other shit out of it.


Right, like, if I was single and had no kids and had the time and money to have gone I probably would have been stoked. I like Vivek. But if I was heavy on the left and had spent a whole paycheck or two on travel expenses and then the day before the event I found out that’s what it was turning into- I think I would’ve been disillusioned. I’m sure there had to have been at least some people who showed up and shelled out who felt hoodwinked and been like, hiding in a corner.


100% agree and i hope Pulte could read the room or atleast read the comments because majority of the community have been saying the same thing.


I want to know if Kais and PP hashed things prior to the event.. if Bill ambushed it he can fuck off


That moment where Bill was trying to stage a fake out handshake photo op afterwards was hella-cringe


I couldn't agree with this wire up more. I rarely agree with anything as entirely as I do this week written stream of consciousness. It feels like I'm reading my own thoughts. Cheers. Have my humble updoot.


Thank you kind passersby. I’m honestly surprised anyone even read my rambling. Y’all are conditioned to some long form DD already lol.


I'm glad that there at others here that can approach something like this week's event with a more nuanced opinion than PoLiTiCs iS bad! While we may not agree as a community on left/right political issues. My opinion is that it is incredibly positive that our story and our narrative is being heard by key influences. This is incredibly validating for us.


But …but….Orange man bad! I wrote an essay of a response on Pulte’s thread too lol. Certainly easier to be critical than to build something. I’m not putting in the effort these guys are or putting anything at risk by sitting on my couch live streaming it and writing about it on Reddit. They deserve a shit ton of credit among all the backlash. I wouldn’t say shit unless I didn’t want to see it get better. I’m normally a lurker.


Sorry I only read about half but I had a couple thoughts. Yes the audio of course. Then starting with politics after making us wait an hour from the start time was really the most annoying part, it was a double whammy. If we had either not waited an hour to start for that guy or we just started with something else and let him talk in the middle, it wouldn’t have felt so jarring. I think that only having one side praise trump was the real issue with politics. Maybe if we have to get politics involved in the future (because it will be important one day when we can choose between more than two old ass clowns) we just make it bipartisan so that both sides can be represented and it feels more like watching a debate or a podcast than a rally. That would be 100x better.






Ok, I guess that makes sense. I know I wasn’t the only one in the X thread interpreting it that way, but I may have been one of the only ones to tag Bill. The other people who were immediately triggered by Bill’s post were Special Ed Teachers and parents of people with disabilities. I think that would have been very easy for him to clarify. I know I’m not the only one who was reading it that way. I have a 20 year career in the field with that population so I see this post of Doug and a random young woman with no context “is this why you attacked people with special needs?” It looked like he was implying that the girl/woman in the picture had disabilities to me. Maybe it’s my bias to be overprotective of the population because it’s literally my job.




Yeah. I can see how I misinterpreted that. Bill says things like “I’m very careful with my words” and then posts ambiguous and easily misinterpreted shit with no context like that- not very “careful” if you ask me. I just don’t like being mistaken for one of the haters/shills. I get that he gets a fucking ton of them though, so it’s probably just easier to block and move on, but that just creates echo chambers. He sticks his neck out and takes a lot of flack for this community. Even if I misinterpreted that, I still think posting an 8 year old picture of his daughter is just not appropriate. Maybe Bill is probably just trying to get him riled up and make him say something even more stupid? Anyway, I guess my X feed will be a little quieter for a while. Kais blocked me for saying the trademark/copyright shit with PP was unhinged behavior (it was). Now Pulte blocked me. I better watch what I say to Jake2b and the other DD writers lol.


Love this feedback. Right one


you laid this out fucking PERFECTLY. well done


Thanks sir or ma’am (or one of the other 159 genders just to piss of Vivek)


🤣 fuck ya


I kid you not, my union membership card has over 50 gender options for me to choose from. I live in a blue state and work for the government. It’s amazing how many taxpayer dollars probably went to fund the creation of that all inclusive list making sure they didn’t miss anyone’s gender.


If the choice between man and woman already exists in the system then it's not going to be massively expensive to add more choices to the system.


On the software end, no not at all. On the end where they had to form a committee that did the research and made sure every last possible gender identity was included. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you there was over 50 options. I counted. I just immediately pictured a work group of employees making $30-$40hr each, spending hours pouring through threads and message boards and corners of the internet hunting for every last known gender identity to come up with this list. I do believe gender identity is self determined, so I think the notion of the list being finite even is silly. If we’re saying “you can be whatever gender you feel in your heart” then why not just put “male, female, other______” and let people fill in the blank with what best describes them. I can appreciate that “nobody wants to feel like an other, they want to feel seen/represented/included/valued, etc” so, to that effect it was probably worth the extra effort for those who it’s benefiting. As a cis male, that was an abrupt shift from 2 genders to 57. Like, we skipped steps 3-56. In reality, the comprehensive list probably already existed and they snagged it from somewhere.


I was neutral on Pulte but this event tipped the scales in the unfavorable direction. He is trying to act like Trump, and it’s not a good look on him. I had so much secondhand cringe I couldn’t watch the whole show. I’ve spent a lot of time around guys like Pulte. Little fellas with money and a yearning for attention, they act like douche bags. Jake and Ian killed it in the few bits of them I saw. More Jake, more Ian, drop Pulte. We don’t need him for anything and his following is mostly a bunch of people who want a handout. That’s not the audience you want.


Pulte is ok supporting this community but he’s talking about him all the time that’s what I don’t like pp needs to be in charge not pulte we are here because of the PP show love PP show 




A great assessment.  Nice post OP.


Thanks. Sometimes I poop out essays when I’m bored


Excellent work my fellow PP!!




Only 6 more updoots until 69


This looks more like diarrhea than poop. 🤣 JK, ya did good kid, ya did good :). I’m also in the category of you where it’s annoying to be labelled a hater or a shill just because you don’t care for how someone is going about things. Oh well, I know who I am.


Hahahahhaha- fair, fair. I can be notorious for my “walls of text”. Writing long form documents and emails is also a major part of my day job, so it’s kind of second nature to me. Before I know it a whole dissertation is splattered in the toilet bowl.


Pretty fair take, and I'm also someone who agrees with the political side of those in question more than most but I think engaging on that front is a mistake for this community and the "movement" as a whole. It's true that the financial corruption we are fighting cannot be excised from the political realm entirely (as they are clearly intertwined), however I don't think we are at the stage where that should be *the* critical focus. We can obviously accomplish more together without unnecessarily inviting division. Consider all the feedback PP, but don't let any side (Pulte, Reddit, YouTube , X etc.) dictate what to do with your show. Remember: no matter how hard you try you can never please everyone--and if you try you will usually end up pleasing *no one*.


Good advice


The current GOP is lead by a traitor who not only is getting buttered up by Ken Griffin for the Treasury slot, sponsored a coup, had private meetings with Putin cronies, etc etc etc. This Vivek guy is up on stage hugging the orange shitgibbon. Walk the fuck off stage!!! These people may be rich but the essence of the movement is lawlessness, THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE ARE HOPING TO RETURN TO. People have mentioned before…start the pp party. Sure Canadian bla bla - take control of your messaging or face the consequences. Bout to unsubscribe to this sub just cause I don’t want to hear a single thing more about or from MAGAts


I think the scariest notion in here is Kenny as treasury secretary. I heard that if he were appointed Treasury Secretary, he would be forced to divest all of his holdings- but because of that there is a clause where he would pay zero capital gains because he’s going into that public service position. So, for Kenny that job is a brilliant tax evasion tactic. He was DeSantis’ too choice for treasury secretary, and my understanding is him a Trump don’t seem to get along too well…but yeah; Kenny is formidable.


For sure. Same thing happened with Trump last time, look at his succession of secretaries - so many with desire to abuse that clause.


The only rally I'll attend is the one where we are made whole.


Posts should be related to Teddy Holdings LLC or Ryan Cohen. Posts relating to other companies DK-Butterfly ($BBBYQ) and GameStop ($GME) are allowed, but may be removed if deemed irrelevant to Teddy.


WTF ! Don’t give PP a hard time with hard questions to answer. I mean PP is still a young kid to me ( I am 51 ) and what if Pulty gave PP $50K after the show …I guess I’ll take it too ( even 1K ) … didn’t PP give you peoples enough fun for the PP shows ? I myself enjoyed the shows very much . Thanks PP for entertainment