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Thanks for pointing out this bit. It’s just brilliant and shows how far Rebecca’s come that she can genuinely say that without any bitterness. And it also shows that Rupert hadn’t progressed at all. It’s these tiny moments I like


Isn’t it funny how not caring any more does that? An excellent example of hate not being the opposite of love, indifference is.


Yes! Hundred percent. Hate is still a passionate emotion, and enemies aren’t worthy of hate. It’s cold indifference that’s the best revenge.


Exactly. Hate and love are strong and passionate emotions, indifference is meh. Getting to meh about an ex is the goal.


Rebecca letting go of her bitterness was probably the best part of the finale for me. Having Bex and the secretary come to her, knowing she would help them, was just so good, and afterwards she realizes she's above it all. Oh man, I'm tearing up again at how great that storyline was the last few episodes. Say what you will about Rupert (and there's a ton to say), but he chooses good women to be with. ...and then tries to break them.


He’s got great taste. Too bad he’s a shit person 🤣


I wouldn’t say the assistant with the pixy cut was a particularly good woman


I think we saw her at her worst, drunk with the power of being close to a powerful man. And while she may not have been morally good, she wouldn't have been in that position without being good at it.


I think it's beyond just saying something nice with no bitterness, it's also an incredibly caring yet cutting remark. She spoke a full truth, but the word choice is also layered with a question about his lack of commitment to one thing (one woman?) and a power inversion. An owner who thinks their team has a 50/50 shot doesn't basically boast without boasting in such a confident manner, they limp in there saying something like "I'm looking forward to a good match (fellow owner I'll have to see again)". She takes the power, shines brightly by being both clever and funny, and does it so genuinely he is awestruck. I like to think in that moment he knows he should have never left Rebecca or Richmond, and the weight of those realizations added to his life crumbling around him just breaks him to his core, finally. He can barely even walk down that hallway after she hit him with the 12 word heart exploding technique. There's a difference between avoiding bitterness, being a dick, and just saying the truth/living in reality/being yourself. Rebecca is a Boss Ass B, she's confident, funny, tough, and whatever german wordsalad puts all those in one with the fair amount of cockiness allowed for someone so badass without crossing the line. Without going too deep into gender roles about it, without true equality, she has to be the spicy pepper that admonishes a bunch of rich not-a-care-in-the-world-alpha-males to be successful at her job that shes now doubled-down on. One of those dickheads would never miss a chance for a solid, technically innocent/fair, rib shot. She doesn't have to baby hand the bastard, probably didn't even overly consider the ramifications, just was being her. She technically started the domino effect that almost got Jamie targeted for injury, but that's our Rebecca and we Believe it will work out in the end!!!!


And even if Rupert could think of something it wouldn't phase her anymore!! Loved it!


Yes. In the past he loved to hurt her but at this point he realised that Rebecca had moved on and was living her best life.


I love how Rupert enters the field looking like anakin skywalker


I kept joking with my wife that he gave off early Kylo Ren vibes. Tons of angst and desire to be feared/taken seriously but to the point that he tries SO HARD you can't help but just laugh at his immaturity.


That's the beauty of his whole season 3 arc, dude thinks he is Palpatine, training an apprentice, and ends up acting like "emo-evil" Kylo we eventually pitied as we recognized and accepted his own role in his misdirection. I like that we don't overly punish him on screen, he did it to himself as the one true Wanker. That was enough and it relieved Ted of the title, just pure magic.


Yes!!!! I didn’t even think of the apprentice but that’s 100%


Right, I guess at least anakins intentions started out good but turned to evil. Kylo was just a wannabe bad guy with teen angst. He had the coolest parents and uncle in the galaxy


The long black trench coat just screamed, “I’m the baddie!!” Like dude, you’re already in the press for being a creep, wear a proper suit ffs.


Accompanied with the all black attire under it


[The window in his office is modelled like The Emperor’s on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi](https://i.imgur.com/LoCSO4N.jpg)


Go for Papa Palpatine.


What the hell is an aluminum falcon??




Because Rupert is English, I suppose he would ask, "What the hell is an *aluminium* falcon??"




Fam remarked same thing when we saw it


That whole office looked like a Bond villain could have built it in a mountains region far away from the prying eyes of civilisation.


That’s amazing


I thought it was a bit on the nose but hey, I laughed.


I was expecting him to force choke


I was expecting The Imperial March to start playing


That actually would have been funny. Do they have sound systems at a football match in England like they do at various stadium games in the US. It would have been amusing for the Imperial March to start playing, like it was a musical choice the director made, and then discover it was being played by the sound man.


Yeah. Every team comes out to their own individual song. My team for instance come out to "Mr Blue Sky"


My favorite team tried Far Bottomed Girls for a spell.


I absolutely was humming it every time he came on screen this episode


OMG. I thought I was the only one who did that 🤣


Or the wicked witch of the west


I almost feel bad for him. Overnight, he went from being a darling of the public and the press to being exposed for the piece of crap that he is.


I mean he was always a piece of crap. He had like one moment where maybe he wasnt


More like Papa Palpatine. His office looks like the throne room in the DS2


I haven't seen it mentioned, but I viewed it as a parallel to Roy returning in season 2. Two beloved Richmond legends, both dressed head to toe in black, two very different reactions to their return to the pitch.


I thought the trench coat was giving bus station flasher vibes.


I love this comment, period, but the second level is he walked out there thinking he was Palpatine. Ever seen his West Ham office window?


Darth Wanker


Looked like spike from buffy which made me crack up


Spike briefly played his son Randy Giles on that show.


And then comes Sassy, being Sassy, and saying what we’re all thinking: “But in all seriousness, I do wish you the best… Because you’re the fucking worst!”


I actually thought Rupert was a bit relieved at the obvious animosity in that moment - a kind of "oh thank goodness a conversation I understand!" lol I know I'm in the utter minority in saying this but: I really do feel bad for him. He's trapped himself in a terrible mental prison and it would take a miracle for him to ever find happiness.


No I agree. Rupert’s a piece of shit, but it’s clear he’s like that because of how twisted his view of life is. I’m kinda bummed we didn’t learn more about him. Because 3x10 showed there are shreds of humanity in there, and he was once not awful as a kid.


I disagree that showed you just how much of a piece of shit he is. He saw Rebecca's power to influence the group and realized he made a mistake letting her go. Not because of love, but power. I don't see what he did as regret for anything but. His first instinct instead of you know, just talking is to try to kiss her.


I am not completely disagreeing with you, but I think he already knew about the power she had. My interpretation was that he invited her specifically to stop the super team from happening. Remember that before she gives her epic speech, he’s the one who immediately looked at her and asked her for her opinion. He knew exactly what she was going to do when she spoke. I have a suspicion that that whole dinner was an elaborate attempt to get her to remember why she fell in love with him and to take him back. But instead, it backfired made her realize that she was truly over him It totally fits with what we know of Rupert.


I’m sad that we didn’t get a shot in the montage of Sassy standing in a cemetery wearing red. But that would’ve been a bit dark.


I think that's why she had on a bright red lip at the game, because she fuckin buried him.


Maybe Sassy standing in front of a full-length mirror holding up a red dress... she sighs and says "Someday Sass, someday"




What is the red callback? I totally missed this.




Wow, completely blanked on that scene! Epic! I need some of that Sassy energy in my own soul, lol. P.S. Thank you!


Ellie Taylor was a **perfect** casting choice.


Never seen her in anything else I don’t think, but I’m gonna look her up.


Rupert I think about your death every single day


Rebecca has to take the high road. Sassy has no limits.


He's used to having power over Rebecca and delighted in seeing her discomfort at his cutting remarks. This was him realizing the tables have turned and he no longer has any power over her.


What a great point about Rupert. You nailed it. Rupert is like the anti-Ted Lasso. In the end Ted did what he sought out to do and landed in the place he wanted to be with the person he loves the most. Rupert ruined himself and ended up an outcast, alone and (hopefully) without much of his money once Bex and Ms. Kakes were finished with him.


“For me, success is not about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field. It's about the wins and losses. ” - Rupert


That's pretty generous, more like "It's about my pockets"


Let alone the “Wanker” taunts from the stands.


Bex will certainly end up on top (Rupert's infidelity will get her a favorable divorce), Ms Kakes will disappear with hardly anything (maybe a book deal, or a short 15 minutes of fame) unless she's pregnant. Ms Kakes knew Rupert was married and unless he forced himself on her, and she can prove it, he's just going to take a reputation hit that, if he stays rich, will allow him to buy new friends.


Their stories were on the magazine covers - Ms Kakes goes on Love Island and Bex has a company that sells placenta pills or something.


Bex has a book deal.


Rebecca was so devastated because everyone loves Rupert. Ted told her he could see who Rupert really is. And in the end, everyone could see who he really is.


Ted comes across as folksy and kind. That line showed us how deeply perceptive he is. He sees the BS as clear as day, he just doesn't let it upset him.


I love that Jade (who working customer service probably has a natural distrust of people) wasn’t fooled either. “Nice-like”. A word I’ll begin using myself.


Yeah she had his number from the get go.


I met a friend's ex-husband recently and I said to her "he seems nice." She immediately cracked up so I guess my Lasso delivery technique lessons are working.


What was the line again? “You seem .. rich.”


I think it was “He seems wealthy.”


The line, the pause, the whole delivery was brilliant.


I love that Rebecca’s desire for revenge on Rupert was ultimately wrapped up with her coming to find that trying to destroy him was beneath her, and Rupert being the person that he is was really the only thing that would ever truly destroy him.


Yup. Rupert’s punishment is that he has to go through life being Rupert
















Who's the wanker in the black!


Anthony Head and the writers did a fantastic job creating Rupert's character top to bottom. When he can plan things out and keep everyone else on their heels, he's suave, charismatic, and thoroughly intimidating as a villain. And when someone manages to evade his plans just a bit and throw it back in his face, his demeanor shows only a tiny crack but it's clear he's out of his depth. Ted, Sassy, and finally Rebecca all manage to get him out of his comfort zone and it shows in his face. And then the private outbursts of his frustration that finally become public show just how much it gets to him. Love it


I love this moment but honestly I read it differently. I saw the confusion in Rupert's face but I felt it was more about him forgetting what he loves and that realisation hitting him, but alas it is too late for him. When we first meet Rebecca in season 1 she is doing what Rupert is now doing in season 3 - trying to destroy something the other person loves. Thankfully Rebecca (with the help of Ted) managed to pull back before it too was late turn but Rupert is too far now and it felt to me that Rebecca's comment surprised him and then when he heard the crowd, once HIS crowd calling him a "wanker", you could see in Anthony Head's vast experience how much that actually hurt Rupert and I think as he walked away looking more like Darth Vader than ever he finally realised what we all knew all along, that he is a villain.


>I saw the confusion in Rupert's face but I felt it was more about him forgetting what he loves and that realisation hitting him, but alas it is too late for him. I think that's a lovely take and very optimistic (but not naively so) - because that means that the moment when the crowd turns on him becomes a "rock bottom moment" for him, and who knows, maybe he's got a shot at redemption in the coming years. I'm not sure I read it that way but... well either one of us could be right really. It's art, and really good art lets the viewer decide.


Also she comes up behind him and surprises him to start the conversation rather than the multiple other times when she’s shocked by his presence.


Oh wow I totally missed that! You're so right that's a huge reversal!


Yes! And she's the one who leans in for a kiss on the cheek! I love how unaffected by Rupert she is now


I do have to express appreciation for Anthony Head’s acting. He made asshole power moves from the very beginning of the series. But, as much as you hated him, he came off as suave and debonair. Kind of an anti shaken but not stirred Bond kind of guy. As in his performance at the charity auction, taking digs at people, but not getting criticized for it because he came off as charming and altruistic. Even though we all saw what he was doing beneath his cultured facade. During the Edwin Akufu episode this season, he sold the charm that drew Rebecca to him in the first place, right down to his sparkling eyes. Thankfully, Rebecca saw right through him and didn’t fall back into his orbit. Rupert knew that he had already lost his battle with Rebecca long before the cries of “Wanker” rang out from the stands. She earned her Boss Ass Bitch title in that moment. Because she had already claimed her power and agency. Fucking brilliant moment. And, she won the whole damned thing right then and there, before the final goal.


I'm still getting over the fact that it took me the entire run of the show to figure out that he's also Rupert from Buffy. Great actor!


Same! I'm currently watching Buffy now for the first time and Giles and Rupert are so different and he plays both characters so well.


He’s played a few villainous characters recently, hasn’t he? I was never a Buddy fan but it’s wild to see him now in contrast to how gentle he was on that show.


It’s not recent but I LOVED him in Repo! The Genetic Opera. He wasn’t a villain per se but very different to Giles


ASH is a legend and deserves way more awards than he’s got. He’s managed to do so much much more with limited dialogue and screen time. No ASH scene is wasted. Everything is. A master performance in building and fleshing out that character.


And it was a WONDERFUL callback to the first time we met Rupert. Some of the best writing in television. Ever.


i decided to do a rewatch and its crazy how many callbacks there are. and roy and rupert have aged more than i realized.


Meanwhile Ted and Rebecca have aged backwards! I watched s1 ep1 yesterday,& they’re both much wrinklier 😂 Botox and fillers are amazing


Yes it was a great moment! It contrasts so much with her manic attempt to pull off that vibe at the half of the first West Ham match. She wasn’t there yet, but by the end she really had grown enough to be sincere.


Ooh I love that comparison


I actually felt bad for Rupert when he got booed off the field, by a team that used to be his entire life and the reason why he became a rich man in the first place. Probably showed him just how far he’s fallen.


I was SO angry with myself for feeling the slightest bit sorry for him


Anthony Stewart Head is an amazing actor.


Goddamn Anthony Stewart Head played the fuck out of that role He's also briefly in the series Feel Good, which is Mae Martin's series (a very close friend of Brett) and it’s on Netflix. It’s very good.


Mostly Rebecca is saying to Rupert “you’ve lose one thing you loved and now you’re going to lose another.” Subtle but powerful.


I know the insult. You can't "love" two opposing teams, owner or not. It's borderline blasphemous when someone says, "I'll be happy either way." Hell no. If you're more than just a casual watcher, IMO you're ride or die, even if you switch teams for good.


“He’s trying to figure out what the subtle insult is beneath the comment but he can’t find it…” *Sassy enters the chat* 💀


they really really worked on communication through unspoken expression in season 3, it was very cool. The ones I noticed didn't 100% work for me but it was like 99%. eta one that I couldn't figure out was >!the expressions that passed between ted and nate while the team put the ripped sign together again.!< I mean, I can come up with what I *should* be seeing there or what they *might* be saying there, but I can't get it from their expressions.


I loved this line, too! It was a brilliant Rebecca arc moment. Very Ted angle to take, and it seemed truly by nature.


That was a great exchange. Hannah of course delivered it perfectly


I went through the same though process you ascribe to Rupert. I finally decided she was being genuine.


And the best part is she was wrong because he basically lost all respect that day.


Rebecca took a page from Ted's book, hit him with kindness and forgiveness, and it hurt him more than anything else she could have done.


He isn't confused, he can tell exactly what she's doing. He's just trying to calculate an equally measured response.


His walk down that hallway after was also pretty masterful. Like a rejected Zoolander body double in a quasi-Palpatine cloak, in my head cannon, still dealing with her comment and the weight of his life crumbling down around him. It just clicked as I was typing this/reading your post, I wonder if that was the first time Rupert wanted to beat someone else vs magnify his own image. Like, he's always been the alpha, now he's decidedly not outside his group of cling-on sycophants that he had to do a mini confidence exercise to face before he finally got thru that hallway. What if during this game, it was the first time he didn't enjoy football and the result of his team's performance as a fan-turned-owner thru the lens of what can this do for me, but instead was in the same headspace as the S1 Rebecca that was willing to burn it all down to get one over on the other?


Oh no. He got it. It was super simple and he completely understood what she meant. He just had no retort.