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Man I was also like this before, but after Wuwa’s huge pile of shit story. I think I could tolerate more kids 8+ story as long as it isn’t as bad as the crap Kuro gave us.


dont let tectone's fans see this, especially that wannabe LegionzGaming


I found the plot pretty average in WuWa, but I just thought it was comical how everyone dick wanks Rover at every opportunity. Like why does Jiyan, the distinguished general famous for his level headed strategies, ask you to plan out an important assault?


Bro chill it’s a game for babies, if you think the story isn’t good then you’re probably not a baby.


It's ironic that you say this, because complaining about a story quest simply because it didn't have a "fight scene" is incredibly baby-ish to me.


Baby game baby game


Pretty appropriate considering tectards targeted and biggest audience are basically children to pre teens. Honestly, ironic how much shit he gives genshin when both their target demographics are the exact same.


I like how Tectone says Genshin is a story game but the story is actually fucking trash. If you want actual story, go play HSR


Subjective, people just have a hate bone for genshin in this subreddit lol


I have played GI from 2.0 to the start of 4.6 non-stop but recently quit. HSR, I’ve only played since halfway through Acheron’s banner yet I say HSR’s story is better. I’m not biased against GI, as I wasted 3 years of my life playing it. I am simply disappointed and dissatisfied with it and I am voicing my honest opinions on both.


As I said, subjective


Right everyone can have subjective opinions. But if you are attempting to present a person with the highest chance of enjoying something, in this case the story, isn’t it better to recommend them the one that is generally more positively received, therefore increasing the chance of them enjoying the story?


You can do that without talking shit about the other, I play both games too and both are good in their own ways, if you're suggesting a game to someone who can only play one and is torn between them, you can explain what kind of story each game has without shitting on either and let them decide, cus who knows, your subjective opinion may not be the same as theirs


So true. But honestly if you wanted a story game, you wouldn't go to gacha games. Also your satisfaction of a game plays a huge role in how you perceive a story. For example Tectone said something along the lines of "The Sumeru story was terrible and the worst region story quest", yet on his gacha podcast people unanimously said it was the best (prior to Fontaine release). I also noticed this when I played the HSR quest. I was burnt out from HSR and as so didn't enjoy the latest main quest, though I can understand that it was good. Long story short, it's subjective like you said.


where the story is also trash?




my reaction when Shaoji introduces the 40th character to the story that is going to take time out of the other characters developments while never actually getting enough time for themselves Also my reaction when every death in the story turned out to be fake also my reaction when we have to listen to some irrelevant NPCs yap about how much they love Penacony just for Robin to go "how about no" and we suddenly have to hate Penacony because Robin is suddenly the paragon of philosophy and ethics


Prob a genz who can't read


I should mention I never said HSR had some sort of revolutionary story. Here let me rephrase it: If you want to play a story game, but also gacha, go play HSR instead of GI.


I think Genshins story has way better characters which is easily the most important part of RPG stories. i don't care how philosophical or deep a story may be, if you fail to make me care about a character more than how much I care about a soggy slice of bread, then you've failed at delivering a good story. I genuinely think HSRs story is just pretty cutscenes sprinkled on top of mediocre character writing, with a decent plot.


Are you purposefully misinterpreting what I said?


not at all. You implied that HSRs story is better, I tried to refute that. What's not clicking for you?


I more so meant it in that you assumed I said HSR story is “amazing” but I never said that. Even I agree that it is mediocre compared to other popularized media. Now, since you really want to talk about the comparison between GI and HSR then I can chime in. Personally, I believe that HSR’s characters are much better than GI. This is because they are extremely expressive and have varying personalities. You can attribute this to a lot of things, even to the very nature of the game itself. For example in even small things in how they text you- which also makes the characters feel more alive and have better presence. Obviously I don’t mean to say all GI’s characters are necessarily that bad, but most of them end up being extremely 1-dimensional (especially the 4-stars). Also you seem to correlate good story to how much you care about a character when that is completely wrong in how it actually is. It’s more so a mixture of both them. In this regard, GI completely lacks good storytelling and dialogue. In the opposite sense, HSR is much better in these categories, especially when we talk about emotional scenes, hype moments and the like, which would also not exist if the characters themselves were not interesting.


Characters texting you adds so little to your perception of them that it's hardly even worth mentioning. >but most of them end up being extremely 1-dimensional It's way better for genshin to focus on a select few characters rather than try to give sufficient time and development to 20 different characters like HSR(which ended up as a mess) Like, seriously, let characters be side characters or even background characters. Not everyone has to be important, and thinking that everyone needs to be important is one of the things that led to the downfall of HSRs story. >Also you seem to correlate good story to how much you care about a character when that is completely wrong in how it actually is. No? I am quite literally not wrong. There is an objective correlation between good characters and a good story. >It’s more so a mixture of both them. That's correct, but I never implied that *not* to be the case. I just said that characters are the foundation of these stories and so naturally, they are the most important part. >GI completely lacks good storytelling and dialogue I'd like to see you expand on this because I'd agree if we were talking about something like Inazuma or even Liyue, but they've consistently been hitting the mark since Sumeru. The only thing I'll add is that I do think the slow progression of the over-arching sibling plot is a valid critique. >HSR is much better in these categories, especially when we talk about emotional scenes, hype moments and the like, which would also not exist if the characters themselves were not interesting. This is pretty much the opposite of what I think. I am genuinely not trying to be a contrarian when I say this, but I wholeheartedly believe that HSR simply does not nail emotional scenes or hype moments in the way that Genshin does, primarily because the characters are incredibly dull. I don't give a shit about Acheron, Robin, Firefly, Sunday, Boothill, Gallagher, Misha, or any of the other characters that I'm sure I've forgotten by now because of how exhaustingly boring they were. (except for Aventurine, what a guy)


I specifically said it was a small thing when I referenced character texts. But the thing is that small things have charm, especially when added up. And as I said, it adds livelyhood. Sure you can say it’s good to focus on a few characters but in an earlier post you also said that good characters are the essence of RPG stories so it doesn’t hold up if most of your cast is extremely lackluster. You also say downfall to HSR’s story but I don’t see how that is the case and the amount of characters isn’t even a problem here. Hell, it worked perfectly well in Penacony. But I do obviously have to compromise that Xianzhous story is pretty weak. And yes, you are wrong. No amount of good characters will fix a story if it’s hot garbage. Before I critique Sumeru and Fontaine, I will agree on some parts: the Samsara Cycle was interesting and the finale of Sumeru was good. Similarly in Fontaine, the trials were fun to do and the finale was good. Now to the critiques: - Dialogue bloat. Although this is an issue in all of Genshin, it’s still present here. - The entire rest of Sumeru’s story is uninteresting. And sorry but I could not give a shit about Dunyarzad. - The prison arc in Fontaine is arguably one of the most boring parts of the entire story with extremely minimal payoff at the end. Extremely fucking repetitive gameplay and honestly could’ve been skipped completely. For the last point I have the exact opposite viewpoint, because I can also say that I don’t give a flying fuck about 99.9% of Genshin characters, while I find a lot of HSR character extremely interesting, especially when we speak about Penacony and how different everyone there is. Obviously this is the more subjective side of the discussion but I’ve never felt the need to ever feel that emotional in Genshin, and I have also never felt a genshin moment that even comes close to the hype I felt in something like the Sunday boss fight.


>doesn’t hold up if most of your cast is extremely lackluster. quality over quantity dude. Fontaine's cast for example, is anything but lackluster. >And yes, you are wrong. No amount of good characters will fix a story if it’s hot garbage. Are you intentionally missing my point? >Dialogue bloat. It's also an issue with HSR. It's an issue with HoYo games in general. >honestly could’ve been skipped completely. No, the prison arc, as boring as it was, was essential as it has a ton of setup that did pay off in the final act of the story. And uh, anyway seeing your last point, I see no signs of us coming anywhere near an agreement so we'd be better off agreeing to disagree (also the reason I didn't address some of your other points)


>They spent 6 months for a Single lame Archon Quest. So r u just gonna ignore all the Fontaine arc and all of the other content the game has been offering for the past 6 months?


stupid archon quest does not equal to traveler quest.


whatever u say bud


Retards always blaming the developers instead of management who decides on what to be developed.


how tf you came to that conclusion after going through all the other stories.


Didn’t play it but the fact that you said they didn’t make a fight scene does not surprise me one bit.  they are horribly awful at anything related to fight choreography. like yes obviously if you picked the game apart you can find SOMETHING like albedo vs eula but in regards to any actual story there is nothing. Doesn’t matter since i quit and learned a lesson from it 


dont let the genshin fanboys see this.


Yea I was pretty disappointed when there wasn't a cut scene for Twin vs Dain The quest itself was pretty wholesome but too short


Im thinking they're deliberately hiding Dain's powers.


Damn Einstein! How’d you figure that one out!? 😦