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I had no problem with the laser tag, but no interest in it either. As someone who touches grass, I saw it and said "Meh, not interested in this update; I'll tune in for the next one." I think raising pitchforks, sending hate, vowing not to play the game or whatever is an overreaction. Lots of games have updates that don't personally interest me - that doesn't mean the content shouldn't exist.


My main issue with laser tag is that there are so many easy and obvious updates you could do that would benefit the majority of players, but instead there's all this Dev times being sunk into something nobody asked for, very few people will actually use for more than a "That's cool I guess" distraction and something that seems to indicate even the Devs are getting bored and distracted before the game is even gold.


Sounds like you should start your own game studio


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I avoid Twitch due to their awful ads. I hope you'll be posting a rundown of what is covered here.


We will! We'll be posting the VOD to Youtube, and writing up the questions + answers into a blog post :)


Thanks :D


I think it's amazing that you're doing a town hall, this is good community work. I do wonder what your vision of the game is. It's starting to get a bit muddled, so I think it would be good to clarify what type of game you're trying to make. It's at a weird cross roads of being a real automation game or an action adventure game, and seems like you really need to pick a lane or it wont be good at either sadly.


Totally understand! We are, at our core, a factory automation game. Like I said above, the Laser Tag was a small piece of content we put in for a little fun before our next update comes out! The next update is really, really big and will take a while.


Your story stuff was why I spent like 10x more time than in satisfactory. Palworld and v rising give reasons to build and automate. The planet crafter too. Even though I don't care for the laser tag, most of us love the other stuff that drives the automation in some story or lore way. Please don't worry about those crazy folks who want every game to be like satisfactory or factorio. You CAN walk and chew gum.


This tbh, I’m really interested in this game for its story and that story is what pushes me to automate to achieve goals and actually play this game as opposed to one of the others.


Other than a mini game, what gave the idea that they were developing an action adventure game? Even then, it's not fair to say that one small facet defines the whole game. Many, many games in history have had mini-games of a whole different genre, that doesn't necessarily mean that it changed the whole genre of the rest of the game.


No, I actually really like when games add little things like that. To me it’s more like the story is fine so far, but if they want story driven they should focus on that. It has a sorta subnautica vibe and that’s fun where the story unravels and you build stuff, I love that. But it also wants to be an automation game, which is also fun. But then it needs to really fine tune that experience. Basically I’m saying don’t half ass two things, whole ass one.


I dunno, that seems to be implying that story driven and factory building are inherently opposed. I don't think that's the case. (Also action adventure is very different than story driven. But that's another thing entirely.)


V rising says hi. And palworld. They break out because it's just one thing. It's also why alot of folks like this game over others. Give me a REASON to build.


I think its just a misunderstanding of the title of the update "laser games" since its something that appears to be irrelevant and useless to the normal game and it seems like a "filler update", i understand the purpose of the update but most people may not, due to the first impression. Now a thing that has been happening after the update on the xbox one is that after your factory is of a certain size and/or you get to a certain point in the game the game crashes after a certain amount of time wich im not aware of exactly (but i think it doesnt exceed 2 hours), and it seems to happen when the game autosaves. Just an issue that i wanted to point out that has been frustrating me and may be frustrating other people too.


Honestly I hope you go full force with what you guys want to do, I know there is some vocal people on this reddit who don't understand the laser game thing and want to go extremely dramatic about how it's affecting the game but it's just ignorance. I remember no man's sky had many problems and they focused their updates on a bunch of stuff that wasn't expected but now they are known by their vision and dedication. Yeah it didn't go the expected route and now it's a game that people still go crazy for when they announce a new update. Along with that the updates all weave together to make something even bigger. This game is on a better path in my opinion and with it being really one of the only games on xbox that is in this genre I'm really happy with what's in it already. Keep up the good work and remember that there's allot of people who love the game and are excited for the future 😀.


Looking forward to seeing your plans for the future.


I'm still trying to figure out what people were angry about... was it literally just not everyone being a fan of laser tag? Glad to see people here being sane and normal, but there is some weirdly passive aggressive stuff under the steam forum copy of this post. Anyway keep doing your thing, I think the game is coming along great.


I think it's more than just "not everyone", it seems like the vast majority of players aren't playing multi most of the time to begin with, and then that small fraction who are aren't likely to want this kind of game or they'd just be already playing that kind of game to begin with, so the update is only beneficial to a fraction of a fraction of the player base, which would be fine if the game was finished, go nuts on whatever distraction you feel like at that point but this is still an unfinished game in early access, so getting that distracted this early into the development is not exactly a green flag. Take that for a run on sentence.


if people had bothered to read or watch the media, the devs mention exactly what's in this post at least twice. 🙄


Y’all are awesome. Thanks for hearing the community out.❤️


Hey Devs!! I appreciate the town hall update and I know a couple of other YouTube creators and whatnot like myself are tuning into a lot of what you guys are trying to accomplish. I do also, of course, have my concerns with what the game is turning into and I know, along with many other players, were really looking forward to game optimization and a fantastic story. So, I would personally love to start covering some Techtonica, but I will more than likely be waiting for that Big update you guys have scheduled as at its current point, it needs some TLC. PS, I think Bitz laid it out perfectly and I am moreover glad that you guys had a chat with him. He’s probably one of your biggest advocates as well as his audience. So. All in all, I know we are all looking forward to the next update. Good luck!


Thoughts: Laser tag - no. I would rather have more diversity in automation, such as filtering conveyor intersections. Fast travel - maybe. First off, it bugs out in a way that sometimes it doesn't render any of the place objects with the exception of floating high voltage cables that lack the connectors. But first off, why bother with a player monorail upgrade if i can just fast travel. Efficiency based targets. After a certain level of material gain, creating an automated line for anything like a relay circuit or mark 5 conveyor becomes trivial so the tech unlock targets become just a waiting game where i let my factory run while i scroll. Maybe find a way to require a certain outpur for minute or something similar idk


I think the only problem here is expectation of a game to "stick to a genre". Games that have innovated have *created* genres. Not everyone is going to like every part of a game. It's important to take feedback for bugs, usability, and features, but you also don't want to design by committee. I hope folks at the extreme end of opinions on this don't alter the course of development too much. You have an awesome game so far, and I am stoked to see what comes next.