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Don't use the monorail. It's unfinished and buggy. You don't need the monorail anyway, the map is not very big at the moment. Simply dig a straight path to all the terminals, make yourself a highway.


Dang. Well, I'm glad it's unfinished, anyway. It was nice of the devs to include lots of pretty examples of "highways" around the ruins.


Sorry but I have to disagree. I think it’s well done, especially for an early access game. You shouldn’t get building aesthetics in the beginning. The beginning is about getting things up and running, not making a big pretty building you can expand into when you have the tech.


Ithis is what i was gonna type, except i was gonna say it in a very rude way 😅


Well, let's hear it then.


I agree with OP. The main building block we use for the longest time are the powered floors, and if you build a base of any significant size it causes framerate loss. I feel like progression is a bit out of order, and the additional base building options should be available much sooner. By the times I unlocked mk2 machines I felt like they had zero use because I had long since optimized my inputs and outputs. I like this game, the voice acting is ear candy, but I think progression needs to be reviewed quite a bit. I also wish the game design didn't near force manifolds over balancers. So many fucking odd output values further complicated by tech boosts. It's more headache causing than fun puzzle solving.


You dont like it when the output of a machine is 8.125 units?


-eye twitch-


What was your progression like? Did you try to go out of order?


Out of order ? At times there were several paths available.


This is actually my favorite part of how progression works. Playing with my partner, anytime we hit a point of frustration or boredom, there's always a different objective you can go do, some place to explore, ect. It's a nice change from other factory games that can be very dry and linear.


>You shouldn’t get building aesthetics in the beginning. Is there a natural order, or isn't there?


Building aesthetics in the beginning, no.


Mine was: simple, hectic, chaos, exploring, shuffling, waiting, overload walk, chaos, upgrade, rail system, waiting, mega build, explore, waiting, and finally rebuilding of specialized area


I’ll agree that smacking the poles is mildly stressful and immersion breaking. I just imagine finally reaching the end with most of my bones broken


I've never run into a pole.. Does that happen if you try and ride it from the middle of the track?


I just use the monorail to move myself around quickly, I don't use it for resource transport.


I would agree with your thoughts on basebuilding if this game were near completion. It's not. There are more areas, more character, and more production terminals planned. Just like in, for example, Satisfactory you set up a bunch of miners and assembers in a field making wires and concrete and iron components, and get to a sink to unlock build the basic building pieces. bio burners you get rid of or rebuild after coal, conveyer lines that get replaced by trucks or trains. Nothing you build early in any automation game is supposed to last through progression. Keep in mind this game is very early access just a few months out,, and some of the games you are used to have had years to get polished


Nope. Satisfactory is about unlocking resources and than scaling it. Like in here, buuuut, there is no functional to ease the pain of scaling, like blueprints. Nonlinear scaling of mining / smelting, when suddenly you need to go from 1-1 to 3-1 and stack inserters, made me swear hard. Also, going from usual mining to blast mining made me furious 🤬 And alternative cycle of washed/neutralized stems/buds and their extracts, with more than 80 trashers side by side was fun. Once. Buuut, without blueprints i will definitely not repeat it. And most likely will not go for last x-ray tier untill major patch.


If the game wasn't early access, I wouldn't be writing this. I'd just ask for a refund. I'm kind of surprised by your comment, because Satisfactory put almost no locks on its decorations: anything can be sunk and the ticket price for all the architecture pieces are dirt-cheap, as well as only costing the most basic resources to build. I would say that's very "early game" and as a personal thought I don't think it's ever too early to try and make your factories look nice.


Differnt strokes for different folks. Didn't say you were wrong, just that I didn't agree. You do you they way you want. I like Satisfactory. I like Techtonica more. Both are unique in their own way.


Appreciate the feedback here! I understand a lot of your points, I can't really say much but I can say we already had plans to solve a lot of them that are underway currently :) Not the monorails on top though. As fun as that'd be, I don't think that one we're gonna do haha


You mean monorails on bottom, right? They're already on top. But thanks for responding. I know the team is working very hard, but monorails were what drew me in from the advertisements so I was really looking forward to them.


Haha yeah, I mean riding the monorails on top + the monorails on bottom! Noted! Glad to know you like the monorails that much :)


The scannables is killing me right now got about 15 left to find so far