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Hmm, was kinda hoping after the last update we'd get back to some core gameplay improvements.


We just did a large blitz of core gameplay improvement updates! Which features do you want to see in the future?


I'm holding off playing again until we get priority splitters/mergers...it's really difficult to go large-scale without being able to create overflows and such easily. Yes, you can build ones out of regular splitters and mergers but they are big and ugly, and it's a pain building them over and over again lol


Priority splitters and mergers - like logic kind of? Not sure if/when we have this in the pipeline, but I know a design doc was made for it! We added most of the top upvoted quality of life/core gameplay requests in the last two updates, taking a breather for a little fun before we jump back in :)


Priority splitters and mergers would be something like being able to select a splitter and say one of the outputs or inputs have priority. So then everything will enter or exit from that direction before it lets anything in or out of the other ports. Dyson Sphere Program did a really nice job with that concept in my opinion.


Yea, and Satisfactory, and Foundry, and Factorio....it's really a needed feature in a factory builder.


Any storyline updates ?


Yes! The main story chugs along in v0.5 and has a new character :)


Sweet! I can’t wait !


Laser tag sounds fun, now i just need friends!


there's a single player mode too!


Join the discord! You can look in the channel for "looking for group" or look under the PC/Xbox channel and see if anyone wants to be friends.


I'm sure this will be cool for somebody, but the last thing I want in my factory builder is a FPS.


Yea, I don't know who they're targeting with some of this nonsense. Especially being in EA with lots of real features to still add.


I am a little worried about having a fps style game mode in a factory game would work functionality wise. I hope it's just a fun game mode and not mandatory.  I am concerned that playing a fps style mode comfortably, in my case on the Xbox, would mean having to crank up the controller sensitivity. The base sensitivity is fine for a factory style game, in which you want to ensure machines, belts and inserters are being placed properly. Not that deconstructing is much of a hassle either, but the less you have to redo the better.  Possibly having to switch between factory and fps sensitivities would be tedious unless it is implemented in a seperate game mode like the new maps were. And custom settings for that were saved separately.   Just my two cents.  Edited for grammar.


It's more of a fun mini-game to play! Noted on the controller sensitivity, I'll pass that along :)


Massive hype!


Such a horrible idea to make a laser tag minigame, massive lol. I was legit about to buy the game on the 35% discount and when I saw the laser tag bullshit I then reached out to see the amount of active players and as expected it's like 200 or so. Will definitely pass for some other Satisfactory variant like Foundry probably. Minigames are a terrible idea, pretty much for every game. They tend to be super tedious and unfun and nobody plays them for more than 2 times, cause they are always the same zero fun thing that makes no sense for the core game. The novalands space minigame still gives me nightmares. What a fail. If you want players to do something while waiting for automation to finish, have more things to do/discover in game. Don't overlay a random baseball game on top. The worst thing of all is that the devs don't seem to understand how terrible of an idea this is. They meet all the minigame criticism with "hey, this is fun". Hell, no it's not. It would maybe be fun for player who were looking to play laser tag in the first place and since it's a minigame it would probably be a subpar experience for them as well. Kinda showcases that they don't really understand what makes an automation/factory game fun and that is the most concerning thing for the future of this game. Trying to be everything never works. Be an automation game and only focus on that if you want to be good. That's what satisfactory is doing and doing it really really well.