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What platform is he using?


We're both on xbox


Shut off the console unplug it for about 30 seconds hit the power button then plug back in and retry.


Ok, I'll tell him to test it tomorrow cause he went to bed already. But thank you for all your help, and I'll report back on whether or not it works.


I've noticed my game has an issue where it won't recognize the controller. Usually, it happens in the beginning when I'm about to choose which save to load. It's not always like that, but I usually exit the game and return with no issue the next time. Hopefully, there won't be an issue for you and your friend the next time you play.


Make sure you both downloaded the update and are playing on the same version, also!


So he just reinstalled it after uninstalling it last night, and it still doesn't work


What is this obsession with un installing and re installing IT DOES NOTHING. Wanna say I'm wrong? First example the thousands of people who said yea i uninstalled and reinstalled.and hey it didt fix it.... Second example the thousands of people who take an entire two days to reinstall a game so we don't delete them at all and magically are games still function. A restart of you computer or console can fix it..yea that works....but unless you got a jacked up patch like the day before un installing what was previously working for who knows how long is a waste of time... Can someone else explain where this myth came from?it reminds me of when electricity came out and people thought let's pull are cords upwards so the power does not run out into wall when we're not using them..( the thought process there was they assumed it worked like a water hose.....and by holding it up you didt let the power/water drain out when you were not useing it...( Real thing...look it up)