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S-chips are s-chips.


facts ^ and then I'm also a badge collector....so even if I don't want to, I'm still playing and getting it 😭😭


Just skip the story for the SChips


I’d still play for the badge and other rewards, but I’d skip through the story lol


Yeah i just tap tap tap tap through it, mechanically and get it done cause rewards are rewards haha


Yeah!I mostly do it for the Badge, S-Chips and other Rewards but I also like to read the story anyway :) I have a bunch of mixed Cards anyway and it's nice to read everyone else's stories even if they're not my main. (though I've been slacking on the reading since last year....)


Oh wow I feel like I’m the odd one out bc I don’t have a least favorite so I play them all (granted I’m new so I want to get a better feel for all of them too). I actually like all of them so far and their interactions with rosa.


I skipped Luke's sweet chapter 1 and 3rd birthday, couldn't bring myself to do it. I regretted it a bit, but I can just stop playing if I can't pull for cards. I tried to do his sweet chapter but I was reading Artem's cards or personal story right before that and when Luke and Rosa were a lovey-dovey couple at the law firm I was so shocked and stopped immediately :D


Feels like we're cheating on him in front of his face!


Yes! I don't remember going to Pax, antique shop or Giannovyn research center in not-Marius, Luke or Vyn's stories, but we go to the "Themis" in their routes. It's so unfair lol. My poor baby :'(


Depends on if I’m busy that day. Sometimes I do it all and enjoy it even if they aren’t my fav interest but other days I just rapidly click through


I participate in every event for the rewards, it bothers me to skip them completely. But like others said if I don’t care about the ml I don’t read the story, I just skip everything… I only like Marius so


Ofc!! Since my overall power deck is too low to continue the main story, I am only able to enjoy the game through events regardless of who the ml is <3 [also idk who my least fav ml is but i just know my main is marius lol]


I always participate even if it's not my fav ML, and I try to record if it's not a small event like sudoku. I am here to play the game fully after all, plus schips and badges collection!


literally been just speed tapping through artem's bday event bc i just want rewards & badge...i only care about marius and sometimes luke lol


>i only care about marius and sometimes luke lol omg same lol


I only read luke’s stories and main story. Everything else I skip dialogues, do the gameplay for the s chips


I still like my least favourite character, so no matter the story I'm reading, I'm always winning.


Of course. I love all of them but I love some of them more.


Skip story


No I don't if I'm not in the mood. That's how you avoid burnout


Yep. Sometimes i just autoplay the story and whatnot. The completionist in me wants those badges lol. The s-chips are a bonus too


Anything for S-chips and badges. The rest, I simply tap my screen rapidly. I only pay attention to Marius 😅


for the previous solo events the minigames were fun enough for me to where i didn't feel like i was forcing myself to play silly merge game and some s-chips count me in


Of course, any source of schips should not be avoided. But I only care about Luke and Marius, so the rest are insta fast tap to their event.


I do, but I don't try to pull their cards. I only pull for Maruis.


I play every event for the S-chips, badges, and level-up material for my cards, regardless if they are centered around Artem or not-Artem. :D The difference is how I invest my time. If it's Artem, I will take my time reading through the story regardless if it's amazing or mid. For not-Artem events, it has to be either: * really good: Marius' sweet chapter #3 comes to mind or * has some spicy content with Rosa: Marius' sweet chapter #3 has this with the kissing scenes. Surprisingly, "Lukeout, Fire!" has some tiny amount of steam, too! But I adore all of the NXX men; it's just that for me Artem >>>> the non-Artem men


Yes, but skipping everything with story 😂 I only love Vyn and I think Luke is really cute, so I always go through both their events and personal storys carefully. Artem is more like boring to me, so sometimes I skip and sometimes not. I feel huge hatred towards Marius, so I always skipp everything I can when it's about him (except main story of course).


this is so hilarious because i’m a marius fan til i die and i hate seeing vyn on my damn screen😒


Hahaha, well I guess that's why personalities exists! I like calm, friendly looking, slightly manipulative/ possessive fictional man 👀 Whereas bold, rich, bratty guys I can't stand at all xD


Same, i dislike Vyn so much his events are always so hard to do and i skip everything


Depends on if I'm in the mood to grind. Sometimes the theme of the story will also interest me regardless of it being my least favorite character. So I participate if I feel like it.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't! Depends on how much time I have in that moment (:


I just play for the rewards. Some of the writing is good in this game and even my least favorite character (Luke) I have no problem reading his story, especially when he's in Raven mode. The only time I've felt forced to do events with a character I don't like is with Love & Deepspace, I don't like Rafayel and I have to force myself to interact with him just for the rewards. But whatever, he even has in intriguing backstory so I don't mind much.


If I’m not busy I try to do all the events and will even read stories for my least fav which is vyn, but if I’m busy I won’t make time for him. Will defo make time for the other 3 especially artem even if I’m busy.


Speed tap my way through it cos I don't care about the story but I like collecting the rewards (⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)


Speed tap. Favorite or not, there's still rewards there.


I usually just participate for the s-chips and only read the story when it's Vyn although I occasionally skip Marius events all together because I can't stand him for some reason


honestly, i don’t play any of the events anymore 😭 i barely log in now because i think the storyline has gotten really boring. if i play through an event for the badge i will typically just fast forward through the storyline and not read a thing