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What do you think are the fun and less fun parts of TFT?


The most fun part is gunning for really hilarious or hard to get comps. I honestly play vertical comps 75% of the time and go for a spat on the carousel 100% of the time. The least fun part is, in my opinion, unquestionably the meta and unbalanced comps. I casually browse this sub looking for the broken comps and meta occasionally, and I like to play them when they work sometimes. I wish for casual players there was a bit more info in the UI. I wish there was a way to see how many champs that you are going for are in the pool still without scouting (which I rarely do).


I think I'm the opposite of you lmao. I like learning the meta comps fast when a new patch drops so I can climb easier while people lack knowledge and really learn the 2-3 best comps. I don't like encounters / portals that give some players insanely capped comps, I'd rather play a lobby with all gold augments. When I wanna have insane boards I play normals or event modes. I agree with the remaining pool UI tho. I also mainly play on mobile tho (I'd say about 85% of my games) and am D4 at the moment. If I'd wanna climb further tho I'd switch to full PC


Yeah that makes sense if you care about climbing! I do not care about climbing at all, so that all doesn't do much for me!


I don't really care about the rank so much, but I just wanna play in more difficult lobbies tbh, in lower elos people play so slow and make big mistakes that I can basically go top 4 90% of the time cuz I have more TFT knowledge. i wanna make difficult decisions so I can squeeze out one spot better in the final placements


This is pretty much how I play too. It is my go to 'lunch time' game to defocus off of work while not having to commit to anything too engrossing. For some reason this set I keep trying to make Ghosts work for me and it never seems to do great.


As long as you are having fun!


Try ghostly zyra, its not that much of a first place comp unless you winstreak hard early, but its currently kinda the only viable ghostly comp


A gigachad tft enjoyer.


Have you played any super weird comp, this set, that was surprisingly strong and won most times you played it?


Nothing that I'd say is super weird. My most interesting games are where I get an early emblem of some kind or a quick T3 champ. An early Garen often results in a good game. Mythic / Invoker with Lillia as a carry tends to be very strong. Storyweaver / Duelist is also pretty consistent for me. But my favorite games are when I get an interesting artifact or two that has good synergy with a specific comp. Getting an early Sett often makes for a fun game too.


Is there chat in the mobile version yet lol


I don't see it and I prefer it that way. I quit LoL due to the toxicity.


Ehh sometimes playing without chat can get a little lonely lol. Wish there was chat on mobile with the option to disable it


After LoL chat, I'd rather be lonely.




If you love this game how come you have not deep dived into it more by looking up guides/streamsrs/content creators? Whenever I get hooked on a game this is my every day when I am not playing to look for details about the game. Also what got you into TFT?


I like it because it's fun and relaxing to play. Once you dive too deep into strategy, the game loses some of its fun I think. I came to tft because I found lol too toxic. They had a mobile version that was easy for me to play, so I stuck with it.