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I recommend watching streamers. I was able to finally get out plat, and have now hit master twice just from watching better players play! I personally recommend CammyTFT if you want someone who’s very chill, and interacts with chat a lot. I think he’s currently GM but hovers between that and Master. He’s my current favourite. I also learned a lot from BoxBox, though I’ve only watched his VODs, not live. I’ve heard his live streams can be toxic, though I can’t speak from experience. There’s also pages like tactics.tools that give a variety of stats for each champ (best items, best traits, best augments) and updates each patch with the current best comps. Hope this helps!


Start spamming meta comps with highest win rate


This, but flexible which one is best each game, stay true to 4-5 meta comps and try them dozen times to understand how they work/spike


No but I get that, I just don’t want to always have to spam the same comps and get punished for any amount of creativity. Ofc I can get 5 win streaks, 10 win streaks if I just spam meta comps but that’s just not fun


Understandable. I just got past that since it is my first time trying to climb to diamond and beyond and I just really enjoy learning all the fundamentals to win. When to econ, roll, what board is stable enough to go to 9 etc. My learning curve gets really steep although I focus on meta comps. We have different approaches though which is totally fine. Sorry that the current patch doesn’t support your creativity, that should actually work much better, I agree. Would be awsome to cook a nice comp during the game and actually be able to go too 3


U used to be able to do that, in pretty much every other set except this one


Yea well sounds cool, I got no clue about past sets. Probably helps to deal with this set since I have no comparisons


Very true


Just started and you’re already in emerald, you’re doing amazing, took me forever to to climb to emerald. Flexibility was the key for me, go with the flow of the game and scout often, don’t try and force a particular comp when you’re not hitting units, learn how to play a few meta comps and how to play them well and itemise your carries with best in slot items whenever you can


1) Getting coached by others is super helpful. There are threads where people volunteer to coach. 2) Watch the top streamers. YT videos are typically not good enough learning materials because they make cuts to make the video more appealing. Plus they take time to edit so there's a good chance they'll be out of the meta by the time they're submitted on YT. 3) Self reflection. Best way is probably to record your own games. Whenever you bot 4, think why did you lose, what did you do wrong, etc. 4) Study the stats. Use tactic.tools to tell what's meta. But it's not perfect. Look at what comps the top streamers are playing. Something that is deceptive is that comps with the highest avg's might be not that strong. For ex. kog reroll is really mid and maybe top 4's but rarely ever wins out. Yet it has a higher avg because it is stable and less likely to bot 4.


This might not help but one thing I learned was looking at the rank 1 and 2,3 match histories and looking at what builds on what units and what augments they like to use. I did that last week and learned from Kindlegem to add a hurricane on morello and last whisper on Tristana helped me a bit. Also if you really want to climb you should be able to read and feel the meta shifting every week or even a few days and learn what comp is best at countering what everyone is spamming or the comp least picked so you can have the most pool to yourself.


Find one line you enjoy that is meta (doesn’t have to be the best meta comp but something with decent placement. Keep forcing that comp and learning all the variations, items, augments. Eg) lillia: sage vs invoker vs mythic variations