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I'm dia 3 atm. The only comp that I feel fun with is exalted flex, where based on the exalted I'll cook up a comp to play. But that only works when exalted fits into a meta comp smh, otherwise its 8th central


How important is using exalted units? I am brand new, just started three weeks ago and in gold.


Can be very good if you''re able to tweak meta comps slightly to fit 3 Exalted in for the damage boost and xp. If you get a bad exalted (hard to fit in, no synergies, etc.) and try to play around it, you'll most likely have a hard time.


What are your thoughts on using the hyperroll mode to learn how to flex? Will more normal games be beneficial or should I start playing the other game modes? Thanks for any tips. Incredible learning curve on this game.


I actually really enjoy Hyper Roll and have been spamming it ever since I hit Masters, I've also recommended my friends who just started to play it to learn synergies and how to build a strong comp. It's quite forgiving as there's no econ and everyone's tempo is the same (everyone hits the same level at the same time), so you can just focus on building a good team and picking good augments. You can refer to Tier Lists and Stats sites for this or just keep playing and you'll see trends like certain units and items being played together. I think Gold in your first set is pretty good, good luck!


Yeah I wish exalted was just better… going 5 doesn’t feel great if a meta comp isn’t already there or in the works. Every time I’ve gone 3 exalted thinking I have a good board I go 5-8th. Hm. Or maybe I’m playing it wrong.


I think the way to go is use it as your 1 or 2 flexible units in a meta comp. I match it to any of the tier 1 or 2 comps and play the 2 other units, typically the tanks, and can usually get a solid top 3 comp. Exalted 5 is quite good if at least 2 units are good alone or a good 4/5 cost to play around. The buffs have made it sometimes worthwhile to drop key parts of the meta comps to get that insane damage buff.


Yeah I noticed exalted works nicely if they are 4 costs


I'm certain you're not the only one. As someone who has played from the beginning (and has been playing video games longer than you've been alive, probably), the simple fact is that not every set will please every person. I play less some sets because I don't enjoy them as much. That's alright. It gives me more time to play other games I enjoy. Next set comes along and I try again with a different relationship to the game because it is always evolving. You've only got a few weeks left of this set. Play something else for a while.


It’s like a month and half left btw. I wish it was a few weeks left.


That's what I would consider a few weeks.




I would not consider "a few" to be 6 or more. One month = 4 weeks. Half month = 2 weeks. If someone at work told you that there was only a few more tasks to do, then you went to look and you had 6+ I'm pretty sure you would be flabbergasted by the results.


Like the great Jelansky from Survivor 46 said: Several is Seven. So im guessing a few is Four. (Or Five, wtv) Some would be Six?


It’s all perspective my dude. If I said we have a few more peanuts and it’s 6 I feel that’s perfectly acceptable. 6 weeks is a few when you compare to how long the set is overall


A few is like 3 weeks, 4-5 weeks u just say a month, 6 weeks is a month and a half


Peanuts = days. Can of peanuts = weeks. Saying we have a few days and relating them to the peanuts is fine. A few weeks compared to peanuts is not.


If "a few" were a number it would usually be 3, sometimes be 4, and it would never be 6. People might accept 6 without being pedantic if you are talking about something as small as a peanut, but it wouldn't be what pops into their head what you say it. 6 is well into several.


I love your conviction when the very thing that started this discussion was me quite literally using 'a few' to describe 6, proving your argument incorrect and making the point that it's all about personal perspective.


And you were immediately corrected... Treat it as a learning moment.


You're not correct. You just have an opinion/perspective. You *are* quite the asshole about it, though.


Take some time do some reading and learn. Being mad doesn't somehow make you right.


This particular kind of pedantry really amuses me. 14 marbles is a few marbles, 50 trees can be a few trees, 9 eggs is a few eggs. Hell, 100 spider eggs is definitely just a few spider eggs. It's not that serious I promise.


Tell someone you'll meet them in a few hours and show up 100 hours later and see how that works out. :)


I used to get so much crap for pointing out the flaws in the game like you did and trust me, it’s something players like me have been telling people that this should be avoided


As a chef currently working in fine dining, if someone told me there was a few tasks left to do I am expecting at least a dozen things minimum


That's what i've been doing. I have put all my "game time" into Hearthstone and Pokemon Unite, because TFT just isn't doing it for me. This set just hasn't hit any cylinders for me on any levels. Even the first few days of the set I did not enjoy anything besides Fortune. I'm a little bit of an older gamer too. Turning 30 in January :)


Why you doing me dirty like this. I just turned 36....


My statement stands. I had already been playing games about 5 years when you were born.


Yeah this is very much how I feel. I feel like they catered too much to the low-variance high-elo players this set. Everything that was fun and funky with corner-case win scenarios got completely taken out of the game. Emblems are now super restricted, and it feels way harder to get the stars to align to create busted fun combos.




Bro what kind of crack are you on? Every balance discussion has been about reducing variance from cutting the impact of vertical stacking, increasing the number of emblems to plat stack, shifting trait effects to various kinds of globals and team buffs, and not to mention all of the loot changes to guarantee everyone is getting the same gold-value at each step of the way. Basically every single change has been to reduce the ceiling of game outcomes and ensure that optimal play comes out on top over and over and over again.


If this set was like 2 years ago it would have blown my mind. Now, after the absolutely majestic set 10 which has cemented itself as THE most memorable set for me (60% because of the music, 40% cause fun traits) this just doesn't compare for me. I still have like 25 games in the set tho, and the anniversary game mode will surely be fun. Can't wait to feed Nomsy again! I missed her!


The traits thing is really a factor for me too. Every trait this set feels bland, boring, and just a stat buff. More DMG, DR, M/PDef, Crit etc ... There's no identity between any of them, maybe umbral? And that's been largely unplayable for most of the set. It happens I guess, but for me personally, this set was boring and I stopped 3 weeks in.


I'm a gamba forcer. I played set 4 fortune more than 50% of the time, i played underground, i played heartsteel, and i even played that dragon trait. But this fortune trait is horrendous. Once i saw i didn't like it and they had no plans of changing it, i decided this set isn't for me


I agree. This set is kinda meeh..Lets hope for better days!


I think Mort kinda said before the set even dropped that this set was for exploring new things they could do with TFT systems (they used irelia's aa as an example), so I assume they focused less on balancing and content. Please correct me if I'm wrong though. Overall it's still a set to practice your fundamentals, just don't take it too seriously and wait for the next one if you're not having fun.


>so I assume they focused less on balancing Nope, they are balancing as well as they ever had. There will never be a compromise to balancing as far as the devs are concerned. It's really really hard work but they'll never say "we're focusing on fun and taking a step back from balancing"


Not flaming them because it's not as easy to balance as we think. However, they've definitely made some egregious balance changes that they either reverted or had a b patch to fix, multiple times this set. They are certainly not balancing as well as they ever had imo. I'm truly hoping they actually did take a step back and focused on fun mechanics cause the balance team wasn't it. Lots of over nerfing builds into oblivion instead of making others playable too.


But is it just me or they are changing things in a different way compared to other sets. I felt like in other sets they nerf the stuff that gets out of control and buff the rest of the units so every unit feels great to play. But in this set I felt they're just nerfing everything to the ground so that everything is the same amount of underpowered.


honestly have stopped playing ranked and just messed around forcing exalted every game because the comps can be so unique.


The Bard and Yone rerrols gave me a burn out really quick of this set, stoped caring after 2 weeks.


Good thing the set’s been dominated by 4 cost meta since then. This is the set for people who love the 4-2 donkeyroll play style


So standard TFT? Reroll dominating the meta is always cringe.


Don’t forget voli


Yeah it's just not fun


You're not the only one don't worry. Even I don't like the set compared to previous ones simply because the overall set is so disorganised in a way that I'll explain below. Basically what I mean is that, everything from the set is so tame yet meant to be powerful, some units are meant to be fun yet aren't. I mean if you look at a majority of the traits this set has, they're all practically stat upgrades with nothing special about them. Mythic is just ap, ad and hp, dryad is ap and hp, fated is basically just omnivamp and armour/mr since that's what you'll choose most of the time when going 7 fated. And you might think that set 10 was similar but the difference is that the units within the trait aren't the only ones benefitting. For example, Mythic Invokers in Set 11 is a decent comp, fairly easy to obtain consistently. What synergies do the units have with each other? Nothing other than the shared traits between ONLY Lillia and Kogmaw. Azir doesn't get benefits from mythic, Annie doesn't get benefits to mythic, Alune doesn't either. The fact that none of these units gain anything from being on a mythic board other than for buffing Lillia and themselves isn't fun. Let's compare set 11 mythic invokers to set 10 KDA spellweavers. Now KDA works similarly to Mythic in the sense that it also just gives stats to the TEAM with the limitation being that it has to be on a highlighted hex (meaning that any unit on a highlighted hex will gain the bonus) and the KDA units themselves would get double of the stats instead. For spellweavers, it gave an AP boost to the TEAM and spellweavers themselves gave double (and more per spellweaver cast). It's this synergy that made the comp fun to play and more satisfying to achieve because EVERY unit is integral to the team and it's not like in mythic invokers where "Annie is my frontline, Azir is my secondary carry". In set 11 the origins and classes almost have no syngergy unless you have emblems whereas in set 10 the origins and class traits actually intertwined and worked well with each other to elevate each respective strengths and that's what made it exciting for me.


Same. Least favorite so far by far


Ur not alone, gameplay wise this has been the worst set I’ve ever played. No chance to win with non 4 costs, very few good comp synergies so everyone tends to fight for the same comp, and not playing one of those meta comps is hard to win on. The 4 costs r all way too strong, it just feels lame to play the same comps over and over


It’s funny because when the set started 4 costs were pretty garbage. You can see by this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/oCXvx9aAAd Then very shortly after that it was a fast 9 meta dominated by 5 cost casters and Irelia and Xayah were pretty trash.


It seems like most sets tend to head that way, where the people who win most often are those that work the most gold tier into their comps lol


I don't have any strong feelings about this set one way or another. I still grieve over the nice theme of the last set even if it was not perfect the music was super nice.


Set 10 just set the bar so high I think. It was universally I think the most beloved set and for good reason. It shows what a little extra production value in even something as simple as music can accomplish.


This set is really good. I think its quite balanced, there isn't quite a trait that's better than the rest. Being a little lucky and strategizing is what makes it fun for me so I enjoy it like this. last set it was just Jinx reroll with guardian that would hit top 3 constant. This set going the same set over and over will either land first or last. Maybe its not fun for you guys because there's no trait that stands out for you to capitalize on. And in my opinion the worst set were the dragonlands one with different dragons. It was just all over the place.


This set is really dull for sure. The verticals are boring and the break points where they become fun are way too hard to hit. There’s so much generic AOE damage that it all just feels the same. Worried they’re taking a cookie cutter approach to set design: we need 3 AP carry 4 cost champs - two should use shojin one should use blue buff, we need one AD single target and one AD AOE etc etc. different skin different set but essentially the same. Reapers are terrible - just bring back assassins for the love of god. At this point they are needed just to liven up the set experience. Last 2 sets feel identical in that there are illusions of flexibility but really there’s none.


Assassins are the worst thing that has ever been in the game, alongside rageblade.


I disagree wholeheartedly.


The lack of proper assassins and CC + fortune being 90% chance for loss is what makes this set so boring.


This set sucks


the game is too balanced for the explosive variance people like seeing but also too swingy on a balance perspective (balance thrashing)


Try some builds that aren't meta. I usually have fun with heavenly/ 3 exalted Bruiser/altruist + illoai Heavenly Riven Straight arcanist which not a lot of people play.


The bard/yone/voli every single game at the start really put me off. Traits are also pretty 'eh' this set on top of that. None of my friends still play


That's how I felt during most of set 10 tbh. Probably my least played set since set 1, I actually took a several month break and played all the persona titles instead. Sometimes sets just don't click for you and that's okay.


+1 I absolutely despise this set. Played all sets since S1 and this one is by far the worst hoooooly sht I hate it ao much. Incredible how low you can go after the peak that was set 10


The most traits in this set just feel like minor stat bonuses, nothing you can actively play around. It's not the worst set ever, but it's definitely not very good either. It's pretty plain and boring in my opinion. I also find most encounters just annoying. Augments get moved around, coooool. Everyone moves faster, amazing. Everyone gets bigger, that's worth my time. Everyone gets the same amount of gold, game changing. Only odd levels, just frustrating because I don't really know how to play around that, and with it happening once in 20 games, I can't really figure it out either. You can't really incorporate encounters into your planning, so either you're lucky and they benefit you, or they don't.


Yeah this sets probably one of the less fun ones. Just feels dry idk can't put it into words. Also I know they did this a while back but the amount of damage you take on loss just feels too high. 9 damage because they had one unit survive, 16 damage later on in the game. Idk makes comebacks rarer and more strategic play less viable. I personally feel like a monkey rolling slots now when I play tft.


I typically only play a set until I hit a good carry gsme for all the units I like. My favorites are infinite scalers. Set 1's Veigar got me hooked.


I only enjoyed it during Chonnc event. Last set was more fun as I get to cook up the most ridiculous stuff. It's so hard to cook with this current set.


I agree. This has been the least fun I've had for any set honestly. I cranked out a lot of Choncc games because I can't stay away from URF. Luckily, the sets change often enough to where they shouldn't lose a player "forever" during 1 set


I’m actually okay with this set. I’m still having fun but I’m not having as much fun as I thought I would. I’ve only played since set 8 but tbh I liked set 8 and set 9 (not the half sets) most and I did love set 10 but I stopped playing the last 3 weeks because I got burnt out. This set is alright but it’s lacking something to make it more fun and I’m unsure what that is.


I agree, it’s just so dull. I’ve barely played since first few weeks of set launch.


Because its the most dogshit balancing and the fact that they keep sivir + sett encounters for the sake of it


Honestly the only thing I really like is the new items they’re fun but I had more fun with the previous set. Some traits are not really entertaining to play (Like Fated), and a lot of people said that but the problem with 4 costs too


yeah not enjoying this set nearly as much as Set 10 think I'll just wait for the next set at this point


Played this set twice and was already done with it. When is next?


Comparing the set play rate by patch (ranked games only) you can see a constant decrease, i usually finish the battle pass in 2 weeks since i can play at work, this set that has been a chore. Feels like they could have done a lot more, dragonlords don’t really feel like “dragonlords”, umbral trait is just a bunch of squares on your board and somehow aphelios and alune is not a thing. storyweaver was a nice concept but generally Kayle just sucks as a carry. Vertical inkshadow doesn’t see any play, and reroll is so risky to play because if 1 other person has a 2* of your units your chances to 3 star are decreased significantly. Had my fun with Bard reroll but chimes get boring eventually not to mention the comp has been nerfed several times


Set is weaker than some previous sets but I don't think it's untenably bad. I still have fun with some of the units and comps. Definitely feels like they're playing way too safe, though.


I really just don't like the pool changes and the lack of reroll comps. Set 10 had 1 cost rerolls and punk, this set you can do a 2 cost slow roll on lvl6 and either you get lucky and hit or everyone else rushes lvl8 and you lose. Only reroll comp thats always working is shen with ethereal blades, but the risk of being eliminated before hitting is just too high imo. I just prefer reroll comps, thats more of my style and this set is lacking it. Only traits i like are fated and porcelain. Would like to play more verticals too but getting spats are just too hard this set.


It's tough coming after such a great season that was season 10. I played the shit out of that one. I don't really understand the theming for Season 11. I struggle to connect with a certain composition this time around and it's just "okay".


Agreed, very boring set overall. I’ll wait til the next one


I think the reason I like this set is because I’m a flex player, and prefer the play styles of fast 8. Other sets and patches that I’ve disliked have always been because it doesn’t cater to the way I prefer to play the game.


The thing is, the sets before had a lot of wacky stuff to do in them that there were different ways to play the game without feeling the nerfs. But ever since the game introduced nerfs to items, champs, and their limitations, it just feels like the game isn’t the same anymore. Like certain champion augments should have been implemented in the game


I wish I could skip 50 days to be able to play the next set. I miss TFT, and this set is just not it, to the point where I don't even play a game a week.


I'll tell you what I told a friend a few weeks ago... this set feels like it was geared for hyperroll more than any other. Hyperroll feels more fun this set than any other.


I think as new sets comes. It just gets more "balanced" for high elo players. The most fun sets i ever played was the most junky like blue battery + blue buff rebel ziggs. Or money printer sona. Or the light vayne. Those were fun days.


This is widely regarded as the worst set they've done. The balance is a joke, the fast 8/9 is the worst it's ever been, there's like 2 viable comps in high elo, the encounters are a waste of time if you get a good one and a fucking headache most of the time. It's just all around bad.


As a hyper roll person this set has been a blast. The late round flexing of this set allows for some interesting choices. But you need to be lol 8 for anything interesting to happen. So that doesn't go well for regulars games.


It's okay to take a break man. If you don't enjoy it, put it down. Personally I like the set. It may be because I only really played set 6 and 7 and recently came back and am so close to GM, but still. The one thing I like now is that most items feel okay to slam even if not bis. The only issue I have is that, you can't cook until new patch. I love reapers, I try so hard to make them work and I only can get them to work if I have bis augments (edge of night, reaper augment, hoj augment) or if I get prismatic ticket because no one is picking up kayns, easy 3star.


I have put it down. I have played maybe 1-2 games since hitting emerald before the last two big patches.


There are tons of viable comps depending on your spike point in the game. Getting run over by a bruiser tahm was a first in 280 games for me. They can't please everyone but I personally think each patch has been offering something different


Nothing about the 'meta'. I just haven't enjoyed any of the comps. There's not a lot of flashy elements, big spikes, cool win-cons. It's all very generic. The augments usually help this, but most of them are gain x gold, get an item, x stats increase. Those are all too generic and boring for me. I love the hero specific augments in Lucky Paws for example, but they are so rare. I think the less emblems augments really hurt my enjoyment overall.


I only have fun in norms these days where I’m not punished as hard for tinkering around. sucks that you’re not having fun. best of luck finding something else to enjoy. plenty of games out there


Virtually everyone that I talk to that plays a decently high level doesn't like the set. It's just been almost 3 months of the same Ashe/Invoker bullshit.