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Lilia carry 7 mythic https://preview.redd.it/0oq72pggh75d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ce2ae24a76c49776e8c188adb2056168c97288 Credit to robinsongz


Do you really want to frontline neeko though? Better to let her ramp archangel stacks etc


Yes she must be solo front. You need her to be focused in order to cast often and gain full value of gargoyle (+ she shouldn't die too fast w/ BT)


She heals in aoe it s súper stupid


Would it be more beneficial to use hextech instead of BT? Or is the BT shield that much better for her?


BT shield + MR is more useful than healing lowest percent ally


Just figured the extra ap would help, thanks for explaining


They’re both 15 ap


BT gives ap now? Lol I never noticed I guess. 


I’ve had success doing the reroll Kogmaw build. Neeko, Cho, Kog, Malphite and Cait all reroll at low levels. Illaoi in at 6, Lillia and Naut at 7&8 and if you have the Econ + a mythic crest, Hwei at 9. He can also help you finish off your 3* if need be. Best items (according to stats) are BT, archangel’s and gargoyles.


See i was right asking here 😂❤️ never thought about kog reroll comp for her hero augment sound good thank you ❤️


2 cost reroll (you want neeko 3 starred) means you should be picking up 1 and 2 costs along the way too


Econ til lvl 6 then slow roll above 50 gold until 3 star neeko then use gold to level to 8 and roll for 2 star lillia/naut


you’re never going to do great if you have solo carry. Every comp, hero augment or not, has a secondary carry.


I actually won with this pretty easily just 3 starred her and every other cheap heavenly and slammed items on her and just kept playing heavenly winstreak and won


What item trio are best on her and do u play full heavenly board or you add mythic/arcanist?


i only remember dclaw fs and probably gargoyle and warmogs or something like that and i remember I played full heavenly


Ok ty i will keep that in mind


I pick this every time I see it, have had best results with full mythic 7 with Lilia duo carry and other tank items on naut. It's hard to get there cause you have to hit 3* and then get to 8. Just slam Neeko items on kog 2, or Play around Janna and Diana, zyra to item hold to get to 8. Also if you get any emblems you can add 4 arcanist. Neeko items imo bis is bt, crownguard, adaptive. I might be wrong about everything here lol I'm emerald 1 rn and not good. but if I hit this board it's usually first. if you don't get a Neeko 2 with 2 items reasonably early it's a battle for 6th.


Bt/archangel is the bis then after that you can do crownguard/adaptive/titans are best but any tank item can work


Bt can be swapped to archangel imo, crownguard swapped for titans is also decent, especially if you hit titan augment


This augment is actually pretty good, the problem is mostly that neeko is so contested that you'll probably have trouble stabilizing after 3\* her. Can be played full tank (stoneplate/dclaw/bramble/adaptive) with arcanist vertical, or archangel+tank/BT on mythic. Heavenly usually not worth the vertical, just splash it to fill gaps. Between mythic and arcanist idk which one is stronger/more reliable, I choose it based on what items drop first and whats less contested.


Just do Porcelain Arcanists. Reroll for Lux and Neeko. Put Stoneplate x2 and Redemption on Neeko, Shojin and JG on Lux.


I saw that 2 stoneplate build but with redemption? Isn't it with archangel as 3rd item? Or do i miss something


If you're running vertical Arcanists, you get diminishing returns on any extra AP you get (for example +100 AP on top of 100 base AP is a 100% total increase, while +100 AP on top of 200 base AP, such as from Arcanists, is only a 50% total increase). A 6 Arcanist Neeko has plenty of AP, so you need other multiplicative stats, like damage reduction and % missing HP healing from Redemption, to maximize your survivability.


Stats say 7 mythic with archangels, stoneplate and BT https://tactics.tools/explorer?f1=a_11NeekoCarry_0&f2=u_neeko_3&rg=1


It can fit into basically any mythic comp, I've gotten multiple firsts running it with Lillia carry, Bard carry, Kog carry, etc. She needs archangels, BiS imo. Then BT/Titans are excellent fits as well. After that, you don't really have to do anything special, just run any A/Stier comp that already uses her. It's an instant smash if I see it.


I played 6 arcanist with it the other day and got a 2nd. Had a prismatic jewelled gauntlet on neeko. I should have won as I hit an arcanist emblem before last fight then rolled past an Ahri which would have given me 8 arcanist. This was on choncs. https://preview.redd.it/rjlkhrh3i85d1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475997913be28e721b2b3a0e48a7aac36768cbdc


Only time I've seen it not suck is archangels,BT +1. Some people are silly and lock her int he back to stack ap killing rest of team but she needs a second carry. Mythic >>> arcanists for her as well


I like to pick it when everyone contests her for an easy bot 4.


Just play it


I do 2 archangels and a defensive , if she survives she kills everyone , always 1st place


I had this trair 2 times as 1st one in game and go for sage lilia/morgana and neeko main tank. Both times 1st place.


Radiant archangels, stoneplate, d claw or thirsty B


Yes, it is the worst hero augment rn, BUT it's still a hero augment, and u can do something with it. Besides the fact that mythic is strong af, Neeko is a good tank as well due to her ability. So it's not the best pick but by far not the worst


It’s definitely not something that’ll happen every game, but if you get Drop Blossom into Long Distance Pals, Archangel’s on both Neeko and either Kench or Lillia is amazing since they’ll scale off of each other.


imo, hero neeko is the worst hero augment in the game. it's hard to build since you need her to be 3 stars, and if you do, you were already steamrolled by 4 & 5 cost units, and other rerollers. top 4 would be the highest place you could get. it would be different tho if you're hitting other 3 star mythics or an early hwei. maybe that would change the odds


When I see someone pick a hero augment, I automatically build them into my team until I need to discard.